Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 20

As night descended over Night City, the trio—Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha—made their way to a gathering spot in one of the city's numerous open-air parking lots. It was a party exclusively for mercs, a place where the rides mattered almost as much as the rep. The air buzzed with the electric hum of various bikes and cars, neon lights reflecting off the rides. The steady pulse of synthwave beats echoed from portable speakers, and the smell of street food and synth-booze mingled in the cool night air.

Jackie and Asuka were practically glowing with excitement. Jackie, proudly on his newly acquired ARCH Nazaré, looked every bit the Valentino—a mix of flashy gold, elegant black, and touches of crimson that made the bike stand out in the sea of rides. Beside him, Asuka’s pink Yaiba Kusanagi drew plenty of eyes, its glowing chrome almost pulsing under the lights of the lot.

Sasha, on her own more understated bike, followed the two with a bit less enthusiasm. It wasn’t that she minded parties, but the idea of being dragged out to show off rides wasn’t exactly her idea of a fun night. Still, she had come along because Jackie and Asuka insisted. She had to admit, there was something endearing about the two of them—when they had their minds set on something, it was hard to say no.

As they rolled in, it didn’t take long for people to notice. A small crowd gathered around their bikes, whistling and admiring the work. Jackie got off his ARCH with a proud grin, giving the curious onlookers a boastful, “Yeah, that’s right! Brand new and shiny, Valentino-style, custom made for the streets of Night City!”

Asuka struck a pose beside her Yaiba, her usual playful grin in place. “And this pink beauty right here? She’s got more bite than any of you can handle.”

The three of them parked their bikes, stepping away as the crowd slowly dispersed back into the party. The parking lot was alive with music, the sounds of laughter, engines revving, and mercs shouting over each other in excitement. It was a place to forget the risks of tomorrow’s gig and live in the moment, however brief.

Near one of the larger clusters of people, Maine’s crew was hanging out, their presence unmistakable. Maine’s massive frame loomed over most of the others, and Dorio stood beside him—solid and calm, a steady counterpart to Maine’s commanding aura. Pilar was there too, hunched over and clearly agitated, his gaze darting around the lot with a look of mild irritation. Rebecca, his younger sister, was off to the side, her small stature giving her a distinctive contrast to the bulk of her older brother.

Pilar, catching sight of Jackie pulling in with Asuka and Sasha—both striking in their own ways—let out a long whine. He waved a dismissive hand in their direction. “Look at this gonk. Jackie, rolling in with not just one but two beautiful chicas. While I gotta hang around with two gorillas—” He gestured toward Maine and Dorio—“my gremlin sister, an old-timer like Falco, and this scrawny netrunner,” he added, pointing at a guy, who was leaning against a car, lost in his own thoughts.

Rebecca’s head snapped up, her face already twisted into a scowl. “Hey, lay off, Pilar. You’re lucky anyone even lets you hang around, the way you whine all the damn time.”

Pilar turned to her, a smirk spreading across his face. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, Becca. Not like you’re gonna get anywhere with anyone either. All you do is get drunk and start fights.”

Rebecca balled her fists, ready to lunge at her brother, but Dorio intercepted, her large hand landing firmly on Rebecca’s shoulder. “Cool it, Becca. Not tonight.”

Maine, having noticed Jackie and Asuka, let out a booming laugh, cutting through the tension. “Hey, look who it is! Jackie-boy and Pink Terror with their netrunner. Finally got that ride, eh, Jackie?”

Jackie gave a thumbs-up, striding over to greet Maine and the others. “You know it, Maine! Took a bit of eddies and, alright, a small loan, but damn, is it worth it.”

Maine clapped Jackie on the back, nearly knocking him forward. “Good on ya, choom. Finally, you won’t look like some lost kid riding on the back of Asuka’s Yaiba.”

Asuka walked up beside them, rolling her eyes dramatically. “Hey, he wasn’t lost—just along for the ride. But now we both got our beasts.” She gestured at Sasha, who was hanging back slightly, clearly still adjusting to the crowd. “And we even brought along our secret weapon.”

Sasha smirked, giving them all a slight wave. She wasn’t a fan of big crowds, but for now, she was with her crew, and that made it more tolerable. She approached as Maine gave her an approving nod. “So you’re the new netrunner, huh? Good to meet ya, Sasha. You got some guts, running with these two.”

“More than you’d think,” Sasha replied, her voice dry, her eyes flicking to Asuka and Jackie. “They’re a lot to handle.”

Pilar rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath. “Yeah, well, some people get all the luck.”

Rebecca, never one to let a snide comment slide, looked over at Asuka and her bike, then at Sasha, a crooked smile forming on her lips. “Lucky or not, looks like they know how to have a good time, minus big tits”

Rebecca, never one to let a snide comment slide, looked over at Asuka and her bike, then shifted her gaze to Sasha, a crooked smile spreading across her face. “Lucky or not, looks like they know how to have a good time… minus big boobs over here,” she added, pointing her thumb in Asuka's direction, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Asuka paused for a beat, her smile freezing before turning into a sly smirk. She put a hand on her hip, her gaze narrowing as she looked at Rebecca. "Big boobs, huh?" she said, then gave Rebecca a once-over, shaking her head with exaggerated pity. “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask... do they let kindergarteners stay up this late?”

Rebecca's eyes widened, and for a split second, her mouth opened as if she was about to shoot back. Then she let out a snort, her face twisting into a grin. “Kindergartener? Yeah, whatever, Big boobs. Just ‘cause I ain't packing doesn’t mean I can’t knock your chrome ass out.”

Asuka laughed, leaning in closer, her tone playful. “Oh yeah? Big talk for someone who’s about the same height as my bike’s handlebars.”

Rebecca huffed, stepping closer, her eyes flashing with challenge, a crooked grin still on her lips. “You wanna test that, princess? I’ll show you exactly what these little fists can do.”

Before things could escalate, Jackie stepped in, putting himself between the two of them, his hands held out to keep some space. “Alright, alright, let’s not turn this into a brawl, chicas. We’re here to party, not to scrap over who’s got bigger… whatever,” he said, his voice filled with exasperated amusement.

Maine and Dorio watched from nearby, both chuckling. Maine shook his head, looking at Jackie. “Good luck keeping those two apart. They both got tempers like wildfire.”

Dorio nodded in agreement. “Better to just let ‘em get it out of their system, or you’ll end up in the middle of it, Jackie.”

Sasha, who had been watching with raised eyebrows and a half-smile, finally spoke up, her voice dry. “Honestly, I’m here for it. Go ahead, let’s see who comes out on top.” She folded her arms, clearly amused.

Jackie turned his head to give Sasha an exaggerated look of betrayal. “Et tu, Sasha? You’re supposed to be the reasonable one here.”

Sasha shrugged, her smile growing. “I’m reasonable enough to know better than to get between Asuka and someone throwing shade.”

Rebecca finally stepped back, still grinning as she punched Jackie lightly in the arm. “Fine, fine, I’m done… for now. But if big boobs here wants a real challenge, I’m ready any day.”

Asuka shook her head, a laugh bubbling up from her chest as the tension dissipated. “You know what, kid, I like you. You’ve got spirit, I’ll give you that. Maybe next time I’ll let you ride on my bike, if you can reach the seat.”

Rebecca just rolled her eyes, her grin never fading. “Keep talking, Big boobs. One of these days, I’ll show you what a real merc is made of.”

Jackie sighed in relief, the smile on his face betraying how much he enjoyed the banter. “Alright, now that we’ve got that settled, how about we get some drinks, huh? I’m buying.”

Maine gave Jackie a pat on the shoulder that nearly knocked him over. “Now that’s the spirit, Jackie-boy. Let’s get some rounds and keep this night going.”

The next day, Asuka and Jackie sat at Joe’s Diner, one of their usual spots for a post-gig meal. The place had that classic, run-down charm that made it feel oddly comforting despite its worn decors,tables with years of wear, and a counter where Joe himself would sometimes grunt at customers. The scent of synthetic grease and coffee lingered in the air, and the muted hum of a radio played an old synthwave tune in the background.

Asuka leaned back in her seat, picking at her fries while Jackie shoveled down a massive stack of pancakes in front of him, both of them looking like they’d had a rough night at the mercs' party. Despite that, their conversation carried an intensity that hinted at something exciting.

“So, seriously, Jack, what do you think?” Asuka asked, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. “You think I should chip in a Sandevistan?”

Jackie paused, setting down his fork and giving her a long look. “Sandevistan, huh? You’re really thinkin’ about that?” He wiped his mouth, considering her with a mix of curiosity and concern. “Chica, you know that’s some heavy-duty chrome, right? It ain’t like the Mantis Blades or your new lungs—it’s a whole different kind of kick.”

Asuka shrugged, her eyes lighting up a bit as she spoke. “Yeah, but think about it, Jack. That kind of speed—being able to move faster than the rest of these gonks in a fight? I mean, it could be a real game-changer. I’ve already got the bones for it, plus the titanium upgrade. I feel like I could handle it.”

Jackie leaned back, crossing his arms. “I mean, sure, chica, the idea of you zippin’ around, outpacing everyone else? Sounds preem. But you know what that’s gonna do to your nervous system, right? The strain isn’t small. It’s like pushing your body beyond limits—burning hotter, faster. You could end up with fried nerves if it goes south.”

Asuka let out a sigh, leaning forward, resting her elbows on the table. “I know, I know. But then I look at the other options, and nothing really compares, y’know? I mean, I’ve got Mantis Blades, and I’m good in a fight—but with a Sandevistan, I’d be unstoppable. Besides, Vik could probably help me make it work.”

Jackie nodded slowly, though he still looked uncertain. “Yeah, Vik could help, no doubt. But you gotta think about it carefully. That kinda speed, the way it changes how you react to everything—it’s not something you just do for fun. You’re committed once you get in.”

Asuka shrugged, picking up another fry, then pointed it at him with a grin. “And what about you, huh? You keep talking about getting a Berserker chip. You think that’s gonna be a walk in the park? That’s straight-up chrome rage, Jack. I don’t know if I’m ready to deal with ‘Jackie Smash’ every time we’re out on a job.”

Jackie chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, I’m just sayin’, chica, Berserker’s a different deal altogether. It ain’t speed, it’s power. All that strength, all that fury—all focused for a few minutes. You saw how Maine is when he’s running on his. Could plow through a whole squad of gonks without even feelin’ it.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. “Yeah, and you also saw how it messes with his head afterward. That guy goes from zero to a hundred, and I don’t know if I wanna see you in the same state. You’ve already got enough muscles—maybe you don’t need extra rage on top of that.”

Jackie chuckled, shaking his head as he took another bite of his pancakes. “Maybe, maybe. But imagine it, though—me with a Berserker, you with a Sandevistan. We’d be the fastest, strongest duo this side of Night City. No one would mess with us, not even those gangoons from Six Street, Tiger Claws or even those Maelstorm borgs.”

Asuka laughed, the idea amusing her as much as it concerned her. “Yeah, no one would mess with us because they’d think we were both chromed-out gonks on the edge of cyberpsychosis.”

Jackie grinned, raising his glass of synth-juice in a toast. “To being chromed-out gonks, then! If we’re gonna do this, we do it together, right?”


  • Asuka is 18 years old.
  • Jackie is 21.
  • Viktor is around 60.
  • Judy is almost 16.
  • Sasha is 18.
  • Maine and Dorio are around 30.
  • Pilar is in his mid-twenties.
  • Rebecca is 18.
  • Falco is around 50.


Asuka looks like Asuka Koukawa from Taimanin.

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