Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 21

It was a bright, sunny day in Night City—a rare break from the usual smog and rain that seemed to blanket the urban sprawl. Asuka and Jackie were tearing through the streets, their bikes a blur of pink, gold, and chrome. The roar of the engines echoed in their ears, the rush of wind through their hair only adding to the thrill.

Asuka twisted her throttle, pushing her Yaiba Kusanagi even harder as she glanced back at Jackie on his ARCH Nazaré. “You better keep up, big guy!” she yelled, her voice carrying over the rumble of the engines.

Jackie grinned, leaning forward on his bike. “Just wait till I get ahead, chica—you’ll be eating my dust!”

But just then, as they rounded a corner, a notification flashed across Asuka’s HUD—a call coming in. She groaned a little but flicked her eyes to the call indicator, immediately recognizing the name: Wakako Okada. Asuka pulled back slightly on the throttle, giving Jackie a wave as she slowed her bike. He glanced back at her questioningly, and she gestured for him to give her a second.

Jackie gave her a thumbs-up, slowing down a bit as Asuka mentally accepted the call, the image of Wakako’s face appearing in the corner of her vision.

“Ah, Asuka, darling,” Wakako said, her voice smooth and businesslike, but with that edge that suggested this wasn’t a casual call. “I have a little job for you—one that might require your particular talents.”

Asuka shifted her bike into a slower speed, focusing her attention on Wakako’s words. “Wakako, you know you always call with the interesting ones. What’s the deal?”

Wakako smiled, her lips curling into a slight smirk. “I need you to take out a man. He’s a problem—a corpo type who has crossed the wrong people. He tends to call dolls for, let’s say, private entertainment. I need someone who can get close enough without raising suspicion.”

Asuka’s eyebrows raised, already having an idea of where this was going. “And you’re saying I need to go in as a doll?”

“Correct. But not to worry,” Wakako said, her tone reassuring. “I’m sending you a custom doll chip. It’s been modified specifically for you, and only you can control it—no risks of losing yourself in there. Think of it as just another upgrade, and one that will pay very, very well.”

Asuka let out a low whistle, her eyes glinting with curiosity. “Sounds risky, but if you’re saying the pay’s high… How high are we talking?”

Wakako chuckled softly. “Enough that you might finally decide to invest in that Sandevistan we talked about, perhaps. Or more. You will be well-compensated, I assure you.”

Asuka thought for a moment, her mind racing through the details. “Alright, I’m in. But this chip—where am I supposed to get it?”

“Already taken care of, darling,” Wakako replied. “I’ve sent it to Viktor. He’ll handle the installation. Just head to him when you’re ready, and you’ll be all set.”

Asuka gave a small nod, a grin slowly spreading across her face. “Alright, Wakako. Sounds like a deal. I’ll get it done.”

“Excellent,” Wakako purred, the smile in her voice evident. “I knew you’d be perfect for this. I’ll be expecting good news soon. Stay safe, dear.”

With that, the call ended, and Asuka let out a breath, her mind processing everything Wakako had said. A doll gig, huh? It wasn’t exactly her usual style, but the payout sounded like it could be worth it. And with the chip customized so that she kept control, it meant she wouldn’t lose herself in the process—still risky, but maybe not as crazy as it first seemed.

Jackie pulled up beside her, his bike idling as he looked at her curiously. “Everything good, chica? You slowed down like someone just slapped a bounty on your head.”

Asuka looked at him, a grin spreading across her face. “Better than good, Jack. Just got a gig from Wakako—a big one. Gonna need to head to Vik's, though. She sent something over for me.”

Jackie’s eyes widened slightly, a curious smirk appearing. “Wakako, huh? Those gigs are always a bit of a gamble. What’s the deal this time?”

Asuka leaned back on her bike, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. “I need to register as a doll to get close to some corpo gonk she wants gone. The payout’s huge, apparently.”

Jackie let out a low whistle. “Damn, chica. You’re really diving in the deep end with this one, huh?”

Asuka laughed, shrugging. “You know me, Jack. It’s all or nothing. Besides, it sounds like it could be a real payday. Enough for us both to start thinking about more upgrades.”

Jackie grinned, shaking his head. “Alright, then. Guess we’re headed to Vik’s?”

Asuka nodded, revving her engine again. “Let’s hit it. I wanna see what this custom chip’s all about.”

Asuka pulled her Yaiba Kusanagi to a stop outside Viktor’s clinic, the familiar sight of the building giving her a sense of ease. The neon lights above cast a pinkish glow over the entry, and she could see Misty sitting outside her shop, her head turned slightly as if she’d been expecting them. Jackie pulled up beside her, and they both hopped off their bikes, making their way toward the entrance.

Misty smiled warmly when she saw them. “Hey there, Asuka. Jackie,” she greeted, her voice soft as always. “Back again so soon?”

Asuka grinned, giving Misty a wave. “Yeah, got a new toy to chip in, Misty. Gotta see the old man.”

Misty nodded, her gaze shifting to Jackie. “Try not to give Vik too much trouble, okay?”

Jackie gave her a mock salute, a playful grin on his face. “No promises, Misty.”

With that, Asuka made her way down the narrow steps to the basement clinic, her pink legs hitting against the metal. She pushed the door open, immediately catching sight of Viktor—her dad—leaning over one of his workbenches. Beside him, Sasha stood, arms crossed, looking at something on the bench with a mixture of interest and suspicion. They both looked up as Asuka entered.

“Hey, Dad. Sasha. What’s going on?” Asuka called out, her tone casual but with a hint of curiosity.

Viktor straightened up, turning to face her, his mechanical arm making a small whirr. He held up a small doll chip, its surface shining under the clinic’s dim lights. “Got something from Wakako here,” he said, gesturing at the equipment scattered around the bench. “Sent it for you. Said it was a custom piece. I’ve been checking it out with Sasha here, making sure it’s what Wakako claimed.”

Sasha nodded, her eyes narrowing at the chip as she glanced between Asuka and Vik. “Yeah, I’ve been running scans on this thing. It looks like your standard doll chip on the surface—all the hardware, the interface, everything’s like a typical doll setup. But...” She paused, looking at Vik, who nodded for her to continue. “It’s got some other functionality built in.”

Vik held up the chip, his eyes meeting Asuka’s. “This thing’s got self-ICE—some serious security tech to protect you from hacks. More importantly, it’s designed to keep you awake when the doll function’s active. Means you’re in control the whole time, and you can retake full control of your body whenever you need to and your mind doesn't get wiped. Wakako wasn’t lying about that.”

Asuka stepped closer, her eyes scanning the chip, a grin slowly spreading across her face. “So, it’s not just a doll chip—it’s got some extra kick. I can still think, still see everything, and shut it off if I need to?”

Viktor nodded. “Exactly. You’ll be using the doll interface, but the moment you need to cut the performance, you can. And, that ICE? It means no one’s gonna be able to mess with your head and protect you from net attacks. It’s a unique piece of work—definitely not your run-of-the-mill doll hardware.”

Sasha crossed her arms tighter, looking at Asuka with a cautious expression. “It’s definitely an edge, but it’s still a risk, Asuka. The kind of gigs Wakako pulls—this is probably meant for something high stakes. You sure you’re good with this?”

Asuka met Sasha’s gaze, her smile softening slightly. “Yeah, I’m sure. Wakako’s got a big payday lined up for this one, and she’s never let me down before. Besides, with this kind of setup, I think I can manage.”

Vik sighed, running a hand over his head, clearly reluctant. “Alright, kiddo. Just know, this isn’t like your other chrome. This is... different. You’re opening yourself up, even with the safeguards.”

Asuka nodded, her eyes meeting his, filled with determination. “I get it, Dad. But I’m in. I’ve done gigs like this before—getting close, playing a part. This is just another layer. And the payout’s enough to make it worthwhile.”

Vik looked at her for a long moment, then finally nodded, gesturing toward the chair in the middle of the clinic. “Alright, get comfortable. I’ll chip it in.”

Asuka took a deep breath, giving a reassuring smile to both Vik and Sasha. “Let’s do it.”

She settled into the chair, the leather cool against her back, her gaze following Viktor as he grabbed his tools, the doll chip held delicately between his mechanical fingers. Sasha moved closer, watching carefully, her eyes studying every move Vik made as he prepared for the installation.

Viktor leaned over her, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and love. “You ready, kiddo?” he asked, his voice softer than usual.

Asuka nodded, her smile unwavering. “Always ready, Dad.”

With that, Vik began the procedure, his precise hands moving with the expertise that only someone with his years of experience could have. The familiar sensation of the chrome installing into her neck spread through Asuka, the feeling a mix of pressure and cold. She took a deep breath, focusing on staying calm as the connection was established, feeling the presence of the chip integrate with her system.

After a moment, Vik pulled back, his tools retreating as he gave her a nod. “All done, kiddo. How’s it feel?”

Asuka blinked, her vision adjusting, a new HUD overlay appearing, and she could feel the dormant doll chip. She gave a small smile. “Feels... different. Like something’s there, but not overwhelming.”

Sasha watched her closely, her eyes narrowing. “Just be careful, Asuka. You might be in control, but anything that messes with your head can still be a risk.”

Asuka looked at Sasha, her smile broadening. “I know, Sasha. I’ll keep my head on straight.”

Vik sighed, stepping back, giving her shoulder a light pat. “Alright. You know the drill—come to me the second anything feels off. No messing around with this stuff.”

Asuka nodded, standing up from the chair, rolling her shoulders to adjust to the new feeling. “Got it, Dad. Thanks for always having my back.”

She looked over at Sasha, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thanks for the help too, Sasha. I’ll make sure this gig’s worth it.”

Sasha shrugged, but there was a small smile on her lips. “Just don’t do anything reckless, alright?”

Asuka grinned, already making her way to the door. “Reckless? Me? Never.”

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