Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 22

After leaving the clinic, Asuka’s Kiroshi optics blinked with a new notification—a message from Wakako. She opened it, her eyes scanning the contents. The message detailed how her target liked to pick dolls from a specific, shady site—one where dolls could register simply by providing photos, proof of a doll chip, and some personal information. Wakako’s people would make sure Asuka’s profile would get into the target's list of recommendations, ensuring he’d come across her soon.

Asuka sighed, her mind already running through the logistics. She needed the right photos to fit in with the other dolls—something suggestive, something that would get the target’s attention.

She made her way to a professional photographer she knew, someone who was used to taking less-than-standard shots for less-than-standard clientele. The studio was tucked away in a forgotten corner of Heywood, dark and relatively quiet, but known for its discretion. Asuka explained what she needed, and the photographer nodded, setting up the lights, camera, and backdrop with the kind of quiet efficiency she appreciated.

Asuka slipped into something fitting the role—revealing pink clothes, the kind that accentuated her figure, tight enough to highlight her curves while leaving just enough to the imagination. She wore her signature color with confidence, leaning into the aesthetic she knew would be effective. The photographer directed her into a few poses, some more seductive than others—angled to show off the right parts, her pink chrome arms catching the light in just the right way. She put on her best smoldering look, letting her playful confidence shine through with each click of the camera.

After a short but thorough shoot, the photographer handed over the photos, and Asuka thanked him, quickly heading back to Vik's apartment. Sasha was there, waiting with a setup ready—laptop open, screens glowing, ready for the next step. Sasha looked up as Asuka entered, raising an eyebrow at the envelope of prints.

“So, those the shots?” Sasha asked, her voice casual, though her eyes held a hint of curiosity.

Asuka grinned, tossing the envelope on the counter. “Oh yeah. Got all dolled up just for this, and I think they came out pretty nice.”

Sasha picked up the envelope, flipping through the photos with an appraising eye. “Not bad, Asuka. You definitely fit the part.” She smirked, placing the photos down beside her computer. “Alright, let’s get this set up.”

Asuka moved to sit beside Sasha, watching as she worked, fingers flying over the keys. “So, Wakako said they need a profile on some shady site, right?” she asked, glancing at the various windows Sasha had pulled up on her screens.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Sasha replied, not taking her eyes off her work. “They use this network to pick out dolls. Pretty standard sleaze. We upload these pics, some basic info, show the doll chip scan—” she gestured toward a scanner next to her laptop, “—and Wakako’s netrunners will push the profile right into his recommendation list.”

Asuka nodded, her grin widening. “Perfect. Make sure we get the name right—call it Pink Doll.”

Sasha paused, turning to give Asuka a questioning look. “Pink Doll? Really? You want to lean into the whole pink thing even more?”

Asuka leaned back, her smirk confident. “You know it. If this guy's gonna choose me, he’s gotta know he’s getting something with style. Besides, the name fits, don’t you think?”

Sasha shook her head, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “Alright, Pink Doll it is. Let’s get this set up.”

With that, Sasha continued typing, filling in the required fields—profile name, preferences, general measurements. Asuka watched as the photos were uploaded, her likeness now appearing on a platform that catered to clients looking for dolls. The name Pink Doll flashed across the screen, the photos showing her posing with her pink chrome arms and legs in scanty clothing with a playful smile. The doll chip verification was uploaded as well—a simple data scan proving that she had the necessary implant.

After a few moments, Sasha leaned back, her eyes still on the screen as she tapped one last key. “And... there. Profile’s live. Now we just wait for Wakako’s people to do their thing and get your profile in front of this guy.”

Asuka exhaled, feeling the tension ease out of her shoulders. “Great. Thanks, Sasha. I know this isn’t exactly your ideal gig.”

Sasha shrugged, leaning back in her chair. “Hey, it’s not my favorite, but we’re in this together, right? Just... be careful, alright? I know you’ve got control of that chip, but things can get real messed up real quick in this kind of situation.”

Asuka nodded, her smile turning softer. “I got it, Sasha. I promise I’ll be careful. Besides, I’ve got you and Jackie watching my back. What could go wrong?”

Sasha smirked, shaking her head slightly. “You say that, but in Night City, that’s just tempting fate.”

Asuka laughed, getting up from the chair, patting Sasha on the shoulder. “I’ll be fine. Now, let’s just get ready. If this guy takes the bait, we gotta be ready to move.”

A few days had passed since they uploaded Asuka's profile, and the waiting game was finally over. She was sitting on the couch in her apartment, Sasha next to her, the TV playing something in the background that neither of them were really paying attention to. Suddenly, Asuka's Kiroshi optics flashed with a notification. She opened it immediately, her heart quickening slightly as she read the message.

Selected: Pink Doll.

Sasha leaned over, her eyes flicking to Asuka's face, noticing her sudden focused expression. "Did we get him?" she asked, a hint of anticipation in her voice.

Asuka nodded slowly, her eyes scanning the details that came with the notification. "Yup. He picked me," she said, her voice almost casual, though the undercurrent of excitement was evident. She scrolled through the rest of the message. It included an address—an apartment in City Center—and specific instructions from the target.

"He wants me to enter through the back," Asuka continued, raising an eyebrow. "Says he wants to keep it discreet so that his wife doesn't find out he's hired a doll." She let out a short laugh, shaking her head. "Typical corpo scumbag. Hiding his dirt like no one’s gonna know."

Sasha’s eyes narrowed slightly, her expression sharpening. “City Center, huh? Pretty upscale. Makes sense he wouldn’t want anyone knowing he’s got a doll coming by.” She paused, studying Asuka. “Are you good with this? You know, once you’re in there, it’s just you.”

Asuka gave her a reassuring smile, trying to ease her friend’s obvious concern. “I got this, Sasha. He won’t even know what hit him. Besides, with this custom chip, I’ll be in control the whole time. Just gotta play the part until I get close enough.”

Sasha nodded, her concern not entirely gone, but she trusted Asuka’s judgment. “Alright. Just remember—no matter what, you can bail if things get too hot. Don’t push it.”

Asuka gave her a wink, standing up and adjusting her jacket. “You know me, Sasha. I’m always careful. Now, let’s go over the plan one last time before I head out.”

Later that evening, Asuka stood outside the building in City Center, her eyes carefully scanning the entrance. The building was sleek, modern, and evidently catered to the corporate elite—an impenetrable fortress dressed in glass and steel. The front of the high-rise was heavily guarded, with drones buzzing lazily overhead, scanning each person who approached. There were security guards stationed at the main entrance, their attention unwavering, and a fortified checkpoint was set up to ensure no one got through unnoticed.

The instructions had been crystal clear—use the back entrance. Asuka wasn’t going to be taking any risks that would get her on the wrong end of an AR-equipped guard. She made her way around the side of the building, her footsteps almost silent as she moved through a narrow alleyway that separated the structure from its neighboring tower.

The alley was remarkably clean, devoid of the usual trash or broken crates one might find elsewhere. The City Center didn't have room for mess—everything was meant to be spotless, immaculate. Asuka found the back door, a nondescript but heavy piece of security-grade material. She took a deep breath, mentally activating the doll chip. The effect was immediate—a strange, almost ethereal sensation washed over her, as if her consciousness had split into two parts. One part was still sharp, calculating every detail of her surroundings, while the other took on the demure persona of a doll—obedient, inviting, and pleasant. She still had control, though, thanks to the custom chip.

She approached the door, which opened smoothly at her presence. Her Kiroshi optics switched to a different mode, scanning the hallway beyond for movement or heat signatures. Two guards were stationed just inside, their visors lighting up as they recognized her credentials. They gave her a once-over, and one of them gave a nod of approval. They both stepped aside, allowing her access without a word. Their stance and lack of eye contact told her everything—dolls were routine in this place, just another transaction to look the other way for.

The building was a maze of quiet luxury, and as Asuka made her way through, she noted how the security presence thickened the closer she got to her destination. The guards, outfitted with high-end tactical gear, stood in small groups near each major entrance, their eyes hidden behind the visors of their helmets. Drones occasionally hummed past her, scanning her briefly before moving on, accepting her presence as part of the evening’s routine, thanks to the chip feeding false data.

Her target's apartment was on the 25th floor, and Asuka took the private elevator up, the door closing with a muted sound, the floor numbers lighting up one by one as she ascended. The music that played was soft, soothing—an awkward, almost eerie juxtaposition to the tension she felt. She flicked her optics to her internal HUD, the notification from the target flashing as she approached the destination.

As the elevator doors slid open, Asuka was greeted by another pair of guards stationed at the end of the hallway. They nodded, recognizing her as the expected "guest," and allowed her to pass without question. The door to the apartment was slightly ajar—a sign for her to enter discreetly. She took a deep breath, adjusting her posture, her face shifting to a calm, pleasant expression, the persona of Pink Doll sliding seamlessly into place.

The apartment was spacious, exuding a sense of understated luxury with muted grays, blacks, and tasteful chrome accents. There was no one in the immediate living space—just silence, and the low hum of an automated ventilation system. She could hear his voice before she saw him, coming from deeper within the suite.

“You’re here,” came his voice—smooth but with a nervous undertone that betrayed the thrill of secrecy. It was like he enjoyed the risk, the deception, almost as much as the act itself.

Asuka moved into view, her body language soft and inviting, every step carefully calculated to match what he wanted to see. She flashed a polite, empty smile as the man finally stepped into view. He was exactly the type she expected—early forties, perfectly groomed, wearing a designer shirt that screamed wealth and privilege. His eyes roamed over her, his gaze lingering on her pink chrome limbs, his lips curling into a pleased smirk.

“Pink Doll, right?” he asked, his tone dripping with self-satisfaction.

Asuka bowed her head slightly, her smile widening, her voice smooth and sweet. “Of course, sir. Just as you requested.”

He walked closer, his demeanor a mix of arrogance and excitement. This was a man used to getting what he wanted without question, with enough money and influence to make the world bend to his whims. “Come,” he said, gesturing toward the couch. “Make yourself comfortable. We have the place to ourselves tonight. No one’s going to bother us.”

She could see the whiskey already poured—two glasses waiting on a table beside the plush sofa. He moved to sit beside her, his eyes still roaming, as if taking in every inch of the scene he had orchestrated. Asuka’s doll persona stayed in control, her movements deliberate, graceful, and devoid of any threat.

She sat down, allowing him to settle beside her, and reached for the glass of whiskey, her smile never faltering. The back of her mind was sharp, processing the layout of the room, noting his proximity, scanning for any other unexpected threats that might appear. Her body was playing the part, but her mind was calculating, preparing for the right moment.

The man reached out, his fingers brushing against her arm, lingering on the chrome of her limb. Asuka leaned closer, her voice dropping to a soft whisper, her doll tone perfect. “Shall we begin?”

He nodded, leaning in even closer, his eyes filled with desire, completely unaware of the true danger sitting right next to him. The moment his guard dropped, Asuka’s focus shifted—from the doll persona to the assassin beneath. Her mind sharpened, everything around her zeroing in on the task she needed to complete.

Her right hand reached out, seemingly to caress his neck—but with a flicker of intent, the Mantis Blades in her arm deployed silently, the edge glinting in the low apartment light. He had no time to react, his eyes widening for a split second before the blade plunged forward, silencing him instantly.

She moved fast, her blades retracting, and she let his body slump forward, catching him to ensure there was no sound that might alert anyone outside. The dull thud of the whiskey glass rolling across the carpet was the only noise that filled the apartment, blending with the soft hum of the ventilation system. Her optics scanned him quickly—vitals flatlined, no movement. Target eliminated.

The smile on her lips faded, replaced by a hard edge. Asuka knew she had only a few moments to slip out before anyone noticed something was wrong. She moved back to the door, her footsteps silent as she retraced her steps. The guards outside wouldn’t be expecting her to linger, and with her doll persona still intact, she simply needed to slip back into the elevator, head down, her face calm and pleasant.

As she made her way back through the building after some time, passing by the security checkpoints and ignoring the buzzing of the occasional drone, she couldn't help but think how ridiculous it all was. The target, the secrecy, the money he had spent trying to keep his little games from coming to light. None of it mattered now. In the end, all it took was a doll with claws, and the corpo’s games came to a swift, unceremonious end.

Asuka stepped out of the building, the night air cool against her skin, the bright lights of City Center reflecting off her chrome limbs. She made her way toward her pink Yaiba Kusanagi, the feeling of a job well done giving her a sense of accomplishment. She was about to mount the bike, ready to peel out of there, when a sudden incoming call notification blinked on her HUD.

It was Sasha.

She mentally accepted the call, and Sasha’s voice immediately came through, the tension in her tone unmistakable. “Asuka, you need to get out of City Center—now. They’re closing the whole place down.”

Asuka’s eyes widened slightly, her body tensing. “Wait, what? Closing it down? What do you mean?”

“The guy you took out? Turns out he’s a really high-ranking corpo rat,” Sasha said, her voice urgent. “The whole district’s about to go into full lockdown. Police, drones, the whole thing. Wakako’s men already deleted your doll profile, but you need to move fast, chica. Get out before they lock you in.”

Asuka’s heart pounded as she swung her leg over her bike, her mind switching gears from post-gig relief to immediate escape. She looked around, her Kiroshi optics automatically scanning for potential exit routes. And that’s when she caught sight of a flash of gold and black—a familiar figure on a bike riding past the alley.

It was Jackie.

He must have been keeping watch from a bar nearby, ready to back her up if things went south. The fact that he was already riding away could only mean one thing—things were already starting to fall apart.

Without hesitation, Asuka twisted the throttle, her bike roaring to life as she tore out of the alley, her eyes locked onto Jackie’s form just ahead. She could see the blue and red flashes of police lights beginning to pop up along the perimeter of the district, her optics picking up the movement of drones circling overhead. They were setting up blockades fast. If they didn’t move now, they were going to get boxed in, and Asuka had no intention of getting caught in a City Center lockdown.

She pushed her bike harder, weaving through the sparse traffic of the late-night streets. Up ahead, Jackie’s ARCH Nazaré gleamed under the streetlights, and she could hear the roar of his engine as he gunned it. He glanced back, catching sight of her, and gave her a quick nod—no time for anything else, just pure focus on getting out.

"Keep up, Asuka!" Jackie called out through the comms, his voice steady, but she could hear the underlying urgency.

“On your six, Jack. Let’s get out of here!” she replied, her eyes narrowing as they approached one of the main roads leading out of City Center. The bridge that connected Heywood to the City Center district loomed ahead, a vital artery that was already showing signs of being blocked off by NCPD units.

Blue lights flashed, and she could see police AVs hovering nearby, spotlights scanning the streets as sirens blared. Roadblocks were starting to be set up, uniformed officers pulling out barriers, and drones circling overhead, scanning for any unauthorized movement. There was a gap, though—a small window of opportunity before the bridge was completely blocked. They just needed to make it through, and it was closing fast.

Jackie sped up, his ARCH roaring as he leaned into the bike, the acceleration pushing him toward the narrowing gap between the roadblocks. Asuka was right behind him, her Yaiba humming beneath her as she swerved to dodge an approaching drone, the wind rushing past her face. The sirens blared louder, the police attempting to lock down the area, but Jackie was already making his move.

“Hold on, Jackie!” Asuka yelled, her grip tightening on the handles, her eyes locking on the small gap that was about to disappear. She twisted the throttle, her Yaiba screaming as she pushed it to the limit, the bike practically flying over the pavement.

Jackie shot through the gap first, his ARCH just barely clearing the barricade as he swerved to avoid an incoming NCPD cruiser. Asuka was only a second behind, her eyes narrowed as the gap started to close. She leaned into her bike, her reflexes firing on all cylinders. For a moment, everything seemed to slow—her focus sharpened, the thrill of adrenaline kicking in. She saw the closing barricades, the flashing lights, the blur of movement from the officers.

And then, she was through. Her Yaiba roared as it cleared the closing gap, the back tire just skimming the edge of a police barrier. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, her heart pounding in her chest as the flashing lights of City Center receded behind them.

Jackie glanced over at her, a grin breaking across his face as they sped across the bridge, the lights of Heywood coming into view ahead. “See, chica? I knew you’d make it!” he shouted over the noise of their bikes, his voice filled with relief.

Asuka couldn’t help but laugh, the rush of the escape still buzzing through her veins. “Wouldn’t let you have all the fun, Jack. Let’s get the hell outta here before they change their minds.”

Together, they sped across the bridge, leaving the chaos of City Center behind them. The roar of their bikes echoed over the water, the city lights blurring into neon trails as they pushed their engines to their limits. They were back in Heywood now, the familiar streets and alleyways offering a sense of safety compared to the rigid, security-heavy City Center.

As they finally slowed, taking a moment to catch their breath, Jackie pulled up alongside her, giving her a look that was equal parts impressed and amused. “You really do love cutting it close, don’t you, Asuka?”

She grinned, her eyes still sharp, her heart finally starting to calm. “You know it, Jack. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He laughed, shaking his head as they turned down a quieter street, the adrenaline slowly fading. “Well, let’s hope Wakako makes this worth it. That was one hell of a gig.”

Asuka nodded, the thought of the upcoming payday already making her feel better. “She will. And besides, a little extra excitement never hurt anyone, right?”

As they slowed down, making their way through the winding streets of Heywood, Asuka’s Kiroshi optics blinked with another incoming call—this time from Wakako Okada. She exchanged a quick glance with Jackie, who looked over at her, his eyebrows raised. Asuka mentally accepted the call, Wakako’s composed, almost icy voice filling her ear.

"Ah, Asuka, darling. It seems you've had quite an eventful evening," Wakako began, her tone smooth but carrying that familiar edge of knowing authority.

Asuka took a deep breath, keeping her eyes on the road. “You could say that. City Center is hot right now, Wakako. What’s the situation?”

Wakako let out a short, humorless laugh. "Your target was... a more prominent figure than the client initially anticipated. He wasn't just any corpo; he had significant influence. The entire City Center is now in lockdown, and, as I expect, there will be a city-wide search. They will be scouring for anyone linked to tonight's events."

Asuka frowned, her jaw tightening slightly. “That means they’re looking for us.”

“Precisely,” Wakako continued. “Though my men have covered your tracks as best as they could, I suggest you do not underestimate a desperate corporation. They will stop at nothing to make a show of control.”

Jackie, listening in on the conversation, gave Asuka a questioning look. She nodded, signaling him to keep riding as she spoke with Wakako.

“So what are you suggesting, Wakako?” Asuka asked, her tone cautious.

Wakako paused for a moment, then her voice lowered, almost as if in a conspiratorial whisper. "You and your friend should leave the city for a while. Lay low until things settle down. I suggest heading out to the Badlands—quiet, out of sight, and far enough from corporate influence that you'll be safe. I have some contacts there who can make your stay... comfortable."

Asuka’s frown deepened. “The Badlands, huh? You think it’s that bad?”

Wakako’s voice was blunt, lacking the usual warmth she sometimes used to mask her demands. “I know it’s that bad, darling. The NCPD is already setting up checkpoints, and I have it on good authority that private corpo security will begin their own search operations. Trust me, you need to be gone by morning.”

Jackie finally spoke up, his voice coming through the comms. “Badlands, huh? Didn’t really plan on going off-roadin’ so soon, but if Wakako says it’s smart, I guess we should listen.”

Wakako let out a sigh, her tone returning to that carefully balanced composure. "It is not about what is smart, Mr. Welles. It is about survival. I would like my favorite dolls and my favorite solos to remain useful to me, after all."

Asuka couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Alright, Wakako. We’ll head to the Badlands. But you better make this worth our while when we come back.”

“Of course, dear,” Wakako replied, the smirk almost audible in her voice. “The payment will be waiting, and the client will ensure you and I are well compensated for any inconvenience this little retreat may cause. Now, hurry. The Badlands are your best chance.”

With that, the call ended, and Asuka looked over at Jackie, who had already started to turn his ARCH in a new direction, away from the usual roads they took. He gave her a reassuring grin. “Guess it’s time to get some dust on these chrome beauties, huh, chica?”

Asuka nodded, a small smile playing on her lips, though there was a seriousness in her eyes. “Yeah. It’s not exactly the ride I planned for tonight, but I’d rather be free in the dust than a bullet in the head.”

Jackie laughed, his voice full of bravado, though there was a hint of anxiety underneath. “Amen to that. Let’s burn rubber before they decide to check this side of town.”

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