Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 25

The next day, Jackie and Asuka found themselves in Jackie's garage, one of their usual hangout spots when there wasn’t much else going on. It was a space filled with parts, tools, and the occasional half-built bike, and it always smelled faintly of motor oil and exhaust—a place where Jackie felt right at home. Jackie was tinkering with his ARCH, adjusting something on the exhaust pipe, while Asuka leaned back against the garage wall, clearly in a mood.

Jackie could hear the repetitive tapping—the sound of Asuka's cyberleg clinking against the concrete floor, over and over. She was tapping so intensely that it was impossible to ignore. He glanced up from his bike, raising an eyebrow.

"Alright, chica," he said, putting his wrench down and wiping his hands with a rag, "you’re tappin’ the hell outta that leg. What’s going on with you? Why the long face?"

Asuka huffed, her expression a mix of frustration and something close to pouting. “It’s... nothing,” she said at first, but the tapping didn’t stop, and Jackie knew better than to let it go.

“C’mon, Asuka, I know you better than that,” he said, standing up and crossing his arms, looking at her with a smile. “What’s eatin’ ya? I’ve never seen you this worked up.”

Asuka sighed dramatically, her shoulders slumping a little. “Alright, fine,” she admitted, “it’s just... Judy.”

Jackie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he leaned in, clearly interested. “Judy? What about her?”

Asuka took a breath, her face flushing slightly in embarrassment. “She grew taller, Jack. She’s 163 centimeters now. And I’m still stuck at 162,” she groaned, her frustration clear. “Look at you—you’re what, 190? And even Vik’s taller, he’s like 184. Sasha’s 165 now, Maine’s practically a giant at almost 2 meters, Dorio’s 183, Pilar’s 178. Hell, the only person smaller than me is that gremlin Rebecca at 150.”

Jackie blinked, taking it all in, and then he couldn’t help it—a laugh burst out of him. Asuka glared at him, her eyes narrowing, and Jackie quickly held up his hands in defense, trying to stifle his laughter.

“Hey, hey, I’m not laughing at you, chica, I swear,” he said, though his grin was still wide. “I’m just... c’mon, is that really what’s got you down?”

Asuka crossed her arms, her face still looking a bit sour. “It’s not fair, Jack. I mean, I’ve got all this badass chrome, I can take out corpos, I’ve got the ride, the look, but I’m still the short one in the group. I just—sometimes it feels like everyone’s towering over me, y’know?”

Jackie shook his head, stepping closer to her and putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Listen, Asuka, you’re the toughest chica I know, and it ain’t about height. You got more guts, more fire in you than anyone else out there. It don’t matter if Judy’s an inch taller—you’ve still got everything else.”

Asuka looked up at him, her pout slowly fading, and Jackie grinned at her, giving her a playful wink. “And besides, chica, height ain’t everything. You’re still the cutest, the baddest, and honestly? You’ve got the biggest heart—and I mean that in more ways than one,” he added, laughing as he pointed down.

Asuka looked down at herself, and then back up at Jackie, a reluctant smile finally breaking across her face. “You’re right, Jack,” she said, her voice regaining some of its usual confidence. “Who cares if I’m short? I’m still cute, beautiful, and let’s be real here—I’ve got the best ass and the most preem boobs in all of Night City.”

Jackie burst out laughing, shaking his head. “Now that’s the Asuka I know. Don’t let something like an inch get ya down, alright? You’re more than enough to handle anything this city’s got.”

Asuka grinned, her spirits clearly lifted. She playfully punched Jackie in the arm. “You always know just how to cheer me up, Jack. Thanks.”

Jackie gave her a wide smile, his eyes twinkling. “Anytime, chica. Now, how ‘bout we get back to what we’re good at—fixing up these rides and making sure the next time we hit the streets, everyone’s too busy being jealous of us to notice an inch here or there?”

After finishing their conversation, Asuka was just about to grab another tool when the sound of the garage door sliding open made both her and Jackie look up. A familiar figure stepped inside—Camilla, Jackie's girlfriend. Her hair was pulled back, and her expression was already set in that "I'm here for business" look that Jackie knew all too well.

Camilla's eyes narrowed the moment she saw Asuka, her lips pressing into a thin line as she approached. She didn’t say anything to Asuka, but the sharp glare she shot her way was enough to make her feelings clear. Asuka caught that look, and she quickly realized the atmosphere had changed from easy-going to something a little more tense.

"Jackie!" Camilla called out, her voice carrying that familiar nagging tone, though Asuka could tell there was more to it this time—a kind of possessiveness, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Jackie gave Camilla a wide, slightly nervous grin, wiping his hands on the rag as she walked up. “Hey, Camilla. What’s up, babe?” His voice was warm, but it was easy to see he was trying to navigate what he knew was coming.

Camilla walked right up to Jackie, her eyes briefly flicking over to Asuka, who still stood by the workbench, her hands on her hips. “What’s up?” Camilla repeated, her voice sharp. “What’s up is that you were supposed to meet me an hour ago, Jackie. And here you are, just hanging out in the garage. With her,” she added, her gaze turning back to Asuka.

Asuka gave an awkward smile, but it was clear that this was a situation she didn’t need to be in the middle of. She knew better than to hang around when Jackie’s output was in this kind of mood.

“Uh, yeah, hey, I should probably head out,” Asuka said, her voice trying to stay light. She looked at Jackie, giving him a little shrug and mouthing the words “good luck,” before turning toward the door.

Jackie gave her a quick nod, his expression a mix of apology and resignation. “Thanks, Asuka. I’ll catch up with you later, alright?”

“Yeah, sure thing,” Asuka said, already making her way out. As she passed Camilla, she caught another glare from her—the kind that was laced with jealousy and the clear message that Asuka wasn't welcome right now.

Not wanting to stir the pot any more than it already was, Asuka just kept her head down, slipping out of the garage and closing the door behind her. She sighed once she was outside, shaking her head slightly as she made her way to her bike.

“Choom’s got his hands full with that one,” she muttered to herself, swinging her leg over the Yaiba Kusanagi. She liked Jackie—he was like a brother to her, and she never wanted to be the cause of any problems between him and Camilla. It was best to just give them some space.

After leaving the awkward situation at Jackie’s garage, Asuka decided she needed to find something to occupy herself and shake off the uncomfortable vibe. She pulled her Yaiba Kusanagi over to a quiet spot and flipped open her comms, scrolling through her contacts. She called Sasha first, hoping they could hang out.

The line connected, and Sasha’s face appeared, but she looked preoccupied, her background full of screens and data streams. "Hey, Asuka. Can’t do it right now, I’m in the middle of some deep net dives. Gotta keep focused or I might end up fried," Sasha said, giving a small apologetic smile.

“Yeah, no problem, chica,” Asuka replied. She knew better than to interrupt a netrunner in their element. “Catch you later.”

Next, she tried Misty—she could use some calm energy, maybe do some more of that weird yoga. But Misty answered her call with a gentle shake of her head, her shop bustling in the background. “Sorry, Asuka. Got a bunch of clients right now. You know how it is—everyone needs their fortunes read in this crazy city.”

“Alright, Misty. I get it. Take care,” Asuka sighed and hung up. She tapped her fingers on the bike handle, feeling that familiar itch of boredom growing stronger. As a last-ditch attempt, she tried Judy—only to remember almost immediately that Judy had school today. No luck there either.

After a moment of thought, Asuka decided she’d try something a bit different, something she usually didn’t indulge in. She pulled up to Embers, a high-end restaurant in Night City she’d always been curious about. Expensive, upscale—definitely not the usual dive bars or street food she loved, but maybe it was time to taste what the rich were always bragging about.

She strolled in, her pink chrome glinting under the dim, ambient lighting. The place was filled with the wealthy and corporate types, a mix of different languages and a polished aesthetic that made Asuka feel like she stood out more than usual. But in typical Asuka style, she didn’t care. She took a seat and ordered something off the menu that she couldn’t even pronounce, a grin on her face as she decided to experience the “luxury” side of Night City for once.

While eating, Asuka glanced over at the elegant Japanese woman, she couldn’t help but notice the private table she was sitting at, surrounded by men who were obviously bodyguards. Their stance was rigid, their eyes constantly scanning the restaurant, keeping watch for anything or anyone suspicious. It wasn’t the kind of attention Asuka usually went for—bodyguards meant someone important, maybe dangerous—but something about the woman’s composed elegance drew her in regardless.

The woman caught Asuka looking, and their eyes locked. Asuka didn’t turn away; instead, she smiled, that playful grin of hers that was equal parts daring and charming. To her surprise, the woman raised her hand slightly, making a small gesture to her bodyguards. They immediately parted, stepping back just enough to allow Asuka to approach. It was an invitation—one Asuka wasn’t about to ignore.

Feeling emboldened, Asuka rose from her seat and walked over to the woman’s table, her pink chrome glinting in the dim light, each step calculated but confident. As she approached, she could feel the watchful eyes of the bodyguards following her, their stance still tense but no longer actively blocking her way.

“Hey there,” she began, her voice soft but playful as she leaned in just enough to be heard over the ambient noise of the restaurant. “I don’t usually do fancy places like this, but... seeing you here makes me think maybe it’s worth the trip.”

The woman looked up, her eyes assessing Asuka with a calm curiosity, her expression revealing nothing at first. There was a long pause, a silence that stretched out just enough to be noticeable. Asuka was almost starting to think maybe she’d misread the situation when, finally, the woman smiled—a small, almost delicate curve of her lips. There was a hint of warmth there, mixed with curiosity.

For Asuka, things progressed more smoothly than she had anticipated. The woman, whose aura radiated traditional grace mixed with an unspoken authority, was surprisingly open. There was something in her gaze—a curiosity, perhaps even a hint of fascination—that made things easier than Asuka had expected.

After some small talk, an exchange of charm and curiosity, the woman stood, her movement graceful and deliberate. She looked to her bodyguards, and with a small nod, signaled them to follow. Turning to Asuka, she gestured towards the door.

"Shall we?" she said, her voice soft, yet commanding.

Asuka raised an eyebrow, a grin spreading across her face. She wasn’t quite sure what she’d gotten herself into, but she sure as hell wasn’t about to back down now. “Lead the way,” she replied, her voice full of confidence.

They left Embers together, the bodyguards in tow, and as they stepped outside, Asuka’s eyes widened slightly. There was an AV—an obviously expensive one—waiting just outside, the kind that screamed power and wealth, with polished chrome and tinted windows. The bodyguards moved ahead, opening the door for them, and the woman turned to Asuka, her eyes glinting with a hint of something unreadable.

Asuka followed her into the AV, settling into the plush interior as the door closed behind them. She could feel the hum of the engines as they took off, the city lights blurring past the tinted windows. The woman was composed, almost serene, and as the AV ascended, Asuka couldn’t help but look over at her, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

“Not gonna lie, this is a little more... upscale than what I’m used to,” Asuka admitted, her grin playful as she looked at the luxurious surroundings.

The woman smiled faintly, her eyes meeting Asuka’s. “You seem like someone who is not easily intimidated by change. I thought you might appreciate a different perspective,” she said, her voice smooth, her accent giving her words a particular elegance.

The AV continued its ascent, and soon, Asuka saw where they were headed—Konpeki Plaza, the high-end luxury hotel that catered to the city’s elite. It was the kind of place that most people only ever saw from a distance, a symbol of wealth that was unattainable for most of Night City’s residents.

They landed on a private pad, and the bodyguards exited first, taking their positions before the woman and Asuka were escorted out. The lavish entrance of Konpeki Plaza was even more impressive up close, with its high glass walls and soft lighting. The woman led the way, her steps confident, and Asuka followed, her curiosity growing by the second.

Inside, they made their way to an elevator, which took them up to one of the highest floors, and as the doors opened, Asuka was greeted with the sight of an exquisite suite—modern, elegant, and filled with luxury that made her usual hangouts seem a world away. The bodyguards stayed outside as the woman led Asuka inside, finally allowing them to be alone.

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