Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 26

The next morning, Asuka stirred, blinking against the morning light that filtered in through the suite’s tall windows. She shifted slightly, feeling a weight against her chest. Looking down, she saw the beautiful Japanese woman, her head resting against Asuka’s breasts, her eyes closed, her expression relaxed and peaceful. Asuka couldn’t help but smile at the sight—there was something about moments like this that felt almost unreal, especially in a city like Night City.

The woman began to stir, and soon she was sitting up, her movements deliberate, composed, as though she had never let her guard down even for a moment. She adjusted her clothes, rising to her feet with a grace that was almost ethereal. Asuka watched her, her head still resting against the pillow, her curiosity piqued.

“Leaving so soon?” Asuka asked, her voice still husky with sleep, a grin tugging at her lips.

The woman glanced over her shoulder, her expression softening just slightly. “Yes, I have obligations to attend to,” she said, her voice still calm, still poised.

As she moved toward the door, Asuka called out to her, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Wait—at least tell me your name before you go. Can’t let a night like that end without knowing, right?”

The woman paused for a moment, her gaze turning back to meet Asuka’s. There was a small, enigmatic smile on her lips. “Hanako,” she said simply, her voice barely above a whisper, before she turned and left, the door closing softly behind her.

Asuka lay back, staring up at the ceiling, repeating the name in her head. “Hanako, huh...” She smiled, a spark of excitement still buzzing in her chest. There was something about that woman—something that felt like a mystery she wouldn’t mind unraveling.

As Asuka lay back in bed, the warm sunlight streaming through the curtains of the luxury Konpeki Plaza suite, she decided to switch on the TV. The screen flickered to life, and the news channel was already in the middle of a segment. The familiar sights and sounds of NCNN filled the room, the anchor speaking in that rehearsed, polished tone that screamed corporate.

"—In breaking news, Hanako Arasaka, daughter of Saburo Arasaka, was spotted in Night City yesterday evening. Sources say she was dining at the prestigious Embers, accompanied by her usual entourage. This marks a significant moment, as the Arasaka princess is known for her reclusive nature, rarely venturing out publicly—"

Asuka’s eyes widened as she stared at the screen, her mind replaying the name she’d just heard: Hanako Arasaka. She blinked, looking at the TV in disbelief as the news continued. Footage played of Hanako, calm and composed as she entered Embers, surrounded by bodyguards, slipping out of the AV—the very same AV Asuka had ridden in.

Slowly, the realization began to sink in, like a glitch running through her mind until the data aligned.

She had just slept with Hanako Arasaka.

The daughter of Saburo Arasaka—the man whose name practically defined corporate power. The heir to the Arasaka empire, and essentially royalty within the world of Night City's most powerful megacorporation. Asuka let out a stunned laugh, a mixture of disbelief and amusement bubbling up inside her. It wasn’t every day you picked up someone at a high-end restaurant only to find out they were the princess of one of the world’s most powerful corporations.

“Oh... fuck,” Asuka muttered to herself, running a hand through her hair. She stared up at the ceiling, her heart pounding, a mix of excitement, shock, and a little bit of fear creeping in. “I just hooked up with Hanako Arasaka. Hanako freaking Arasaka.” She let out another incredulous laugh.

And then, almost as if on cue, another thought struck her—Hanako Arasaka was 69 years old. Asuka’s jaw dropped, and she stared blankly at the TV, which was now showing more coverage of Arasaka Corporation, shifting to some kind of security event.

“She’s... a grandma?” Asuka said aloud, still processing everything. She looked at herself, sprawled in the luxurious bed, her pink chrome glinting against the soft satin sheets, and then remembered the elegance and beauty of Hanako. She had seemed so youthful, so perfectly poised, and yet the truth was staring her in the face—Hanako Arasaka was decades older than she had appeared.

“Holy shit,” Asuka whispered, a grin slowly spreading across her face. “I just spent the night with a seventy-eight-year-old Arasaka princess. Damn, that’s... something.” She couldn’t help but laugh again, her mind buzzing with a mix of pride and amazement. Who else in Night City could say they had done what she just did?

She took a moment to let it all sink in, her grin not fading. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that last night was going to be one hell of a story—one she probably couldn’t tell anyone, at least not fully.

The risk was high. If Hanako’s identity wasn’t protected, there could be consequences. But there was a strange thrill to it—knowing she had gotten close to someone so untouchable, someone whose very name could make even the toughest mercs go pale.

“Night City, you never disappoint,” Asuka said to herself. She took a moment, just lying there, replaying the events of the night in her head.

After spending a bit more time lounging in the luxurious suite, Asuka finally decided it was time to leave. She slipped back into her usual attire, adjusting her pink jacket as she took one last look around the lavish room before stepping out. The door clicked shut behind her, and she made her way down the pristine hallways of Konpeki Plaza, the elegance and opulence of the place still feeling almost surreal.

She entered the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor, her gaze drifting to the reflective surfaces, where she caught her own reflection. The events of last night played in her mind again—Hanako Arasaka, the princess of Arasaka. Asuka shook her head, a grin forming as she leaned back against the elevator wall. "Only in Night City," she muttered.

As the elevator doors opened with a soft chime, she stepped out into the lobby, ready to leave and get back to her usual haunts. But as she made her way to the exit, she noticed one of Hanako's bodyguards approaching her, a small box in his hands. The man, tall and dressed in a dark, perfectly tailored suit, walked directly up to her, his face serious.

"Miss Vektor," the bodyguard began, his tone polite but formal, "Lady Hanako asked that I give this to you." He held out the box, and Asuka took it, her curiosity piqued. Before she could ask, the bodyguard continued, his eyes meeting hers. "She also wished to let you know that she was very pleased. If, in the future, you manage to... please her better, there will be more—and better—gifts awaiting you."

Asuka blinked, then let out a small, surprised laugh, a smirk playing on her lips. "That so?" she said, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the box in her hands.

The bodyguard gave a brief nod. "And, Miss Vektor, the remainder of her gift has already been delivered to your father."

Asuka's eyes widened slightly at that. Vik's clinic? The thought of Hanako knowing her connection to Vik made her heartbeat quicken. It seemed Hanako knew much more about her than she realized. Before she could ask anything else, the bodyguard gave her a slight bow and then turned, walking away without another word.

Asuka looked down at the box, turning it over in her hands for a moment, her curiosity only growing. But before she opened it, her HUD pinged with a notification. She brought it up mentally, her Kiroshi optics displaying the new information—a new contact, simply named Hanako.

Asuka let out a breath, shaking her head, a grin forming on her lips. "Lady Arasaka, huh? Guess this might be more than a one-night deal." She swiped away the notification and stepped out of the building, her bike waiting for her at the front.

She swung her leg over the Yaiba Kusanagi, the roar of the engine springing to life beneath her. The box rested in her lap, her mind buzzing with the possibilities of what could be inside. With a quick glance around to make sure no prying eyes were on her, she flipped the lid open.

Inside was a delicate, ornate necklace, clearly something expensive, with a sleek silver chain and a pendant that glimmered under the light. There was something old-world about it—traditional, elegant, much like Hanako herself. Asuka lifted it carefully, running her thumb over the surface of the pendant. It was subtle but undeniably luxurious, not the kind of thing she’d normally wear, but she could appreciate its beauty.

Asuka reached Vik’s clinic not long after leaving Konpeki Plaza, the thrill of the previous night still buzzing through her veins. As she parked her Yaiba Kusanagi and made her way down the narrow stairs into the familiar basement, she noticed Vik standing there, his arms crossed, looking down at a large box sitting right in the middle of the clinic. There was an odd expression on his face, somewhere between confusion and exasperation.

“Hey, Dad, what’s with the box?” Asuka called out, making her way over to him. She tilted her head, noting the unusual size and the sleek, polished look of the packaging.

Vik looked up at her, and immediately his eyebrows shot up, his expression half-amused, half-irritated. “You wanna tell me what kind of trouble you’ve been getting into, kid?” he said, a sigh escaping him. “Some Arasaka ninjas just waltzed in here, dropped this thing down, and then disappeared like a damn ghost. No explanation, no words—just left it here for you.”

Asuka blinked, her eyes widening a little. “Arasaka ninjas?” she repeated, looking between Vik and the box. A sense of excitement mixed with a bit of worry danced in her chest. “They just... dropped it here? For me?”

Vik nodded, waving a hand at the box. “Yep. Had your name on it, figuratively speaking. They didn’t tell me what was in it, so I figured you’d better come open it yourself.”

Asuka approached the box, her fingers brushing over the polished surface for a moment before she found the latch and flipped it open. The lid lifted easily, and inside was something that took her breath away—a set of cyberarms and cyberlegs, the same pink chrome color scheme as her current ones, but somehow even more beautiful. The plating was sleeker, the lines more refined, giving them a truly elegant look that screamed high-end craftsmanship.

“Holy shit,” Asuka muttered under her breath, her eyes wide as she took in the sight. “These are... gorgeous.”

Vik leaned over, peering inside with her, his professional curiosity piqued. He reached in, picking up one of the cyberarms carefully, examining it under the light. “Well, they’re not just for show,” he said, his voice carrying a mix of awe and respect. He turned the arm slightly, the polished chrome reflecting the lights of the clinic. “Top-shelf gear that only corpos can get their hand on, Asuka. Way better than what you’re running now.”

He placed the arm back and picked up one of the cyberlegs, turning it over as he continued his examination. “Look at this—these legs here have reinforced tendons for a double jump. And they’ve got a Leeroy Ligament System, which means you’re gonna be able to move a lot faster, get that extra speed when you need it. No more mantis blades in the legs, though,” he added, glancing up at her.

Asuka nodded, her eyes still locked on the gleaming cyberware. She reached in, her fingers brushing over the new mantis blades embedded in the arms. They looked sleek and dangerous, the blade housing almost seamless. “And these?” she asked, her tone filled with wonder.

Vik gave a small chuckle. “These blades are the real deal. Probably the best I’ve seen. They could cut through your current mantis blades like they were made of butter. The material, the design—whoever made these wasn’t just looking for flashy. They wanted effective, deadly, and elegant.” He set the cyberleg back in the box, taking a step back, his eyes on her. “This is serious gear, Asuka. Whoever sent you this wanted to make sure you’re top of the line. But I gotta ask—are you sure about this? It’s not just any upgrade.”

Asuka looked at the cyberware, a smile spreading across her face. She couldn’t help the thrill running through her—this was a gift from Hanako Arasaka, a sign that whatever happened last night, it had left an impression. And if she was getting upgrades like these, that meant something. It meant she was being taken seriously. She nodded at Vik, determination in her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m sure, dad. Let’s do it,” she said, her voice steady.

Vik sighed, shaking his head, though there was a small smile on his face. “Alright, alright. Guess I don’t need to tell you how this might come with strings, but I’ll get you set up. Just... keep your head about you, alright, kid? Even with top-shelf chrome, you gotta remember it’s about how you use it.”

Asuka nodded, giving him a confident grin. “You know it, old man. I’m ready.”

Vik gestured to the operating chair, his demeanor shifting into the professional, caring ripperdoc that Asuka trusted completely. “Alright, then. Let’s get you set up with some of the best chrome this city’s ever seen.”

As Asuka settled into the chair, she took one last glance at the box, the sleek cyberarms and legs gleaming up at her.

As Vik prepared the tools and got everything ready for the installation, he paused for a moment, looking back at Asuka, his brow furrowed in concern. He gestured to the sleek, polished cyberlimbs sitting in the box beside them.

"Look, before we get these installed, kid, I’ve gotta ask—are you absolutely sure the source for these is safe?" Vik’s voice was serious, almost a little stern, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I mean, I don't wanna be that guy, but you know how it is in Night City. It’d be smart to do a fast check on these, just in case there's something hidden—trackers, or worse. You sure we can trust where these came from?"

Asuka gave him a confident smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “I’m sure, dad. No need to worry. My new sugar mama wouldn’t hurt me.”

Vik paused mid-step, blinking at her as if he’d misheard. “Wait, what?” He set down the instrument he was holding, his face shifting from concern to a mix of shock and confusion. “Sugar mama? Did you just say sugar mama?”

Asuka tried to stifle a laugh but failed, a grin spreading wide across her face. “Yeah, old man, you heard me. I mean, last night was a little wild, and let's just say... I made a good impression on a very powerful woman. She's the one who sent me these gifts,” she said, her tone half-joking but with a hint of pride.

Vik looked at her, his mouth slightly agape, clearly trying to wrap his head around what she was saying. “You... you're telling me these came from some corpo you hooked up with?” His eyes widened further as realization started to dawn on him. “Wait... who are we talking about here?”

Asuka leaned back in the operating chair, a playful glint in her eyes. “Hanako Arasaka. You know, the princess of Arasaka. I ran into her at Embers, and well... one thing led to another.”

Vik let out a breath, rubbing a hand over his face as if trying to ground himself. “Jesus, Asuka. You hooked up with Hanako Arasaka?” He shook his head in disbelief, his voice tinged with something between admiration and sheer shock. “And now she’s sending you high-end chrome as a ‘thank you’? Kid, do you have any idea what kind of game you’re playing here?”

Asuka grinned, her excitement undeniable. “Yeah, I know, dad. But it’s all good, I promise. I think she likes me. She even put herself in my contacts, left me a gift at Konpeki, and apparently sent this stuff here too. It’s like... I dunno, it feels preem, like I’m stepping into some real high-level stuff, y’know?”

Vik sighed deeply, looking at her with a mix of fatherly concern and reluctant acceptance. “Yeah, and with high-level stuff comes high-level risk, Asuka. You know the Arasaka name isn’t just a game. These people are dangerous—no, they’re beyond dangerous. They control things on a level most of us can’t even begin to understand.”

Asuka nodded, her grin softening but not fading. “I know, dad. I get it. But look, I trust her... at least enough for this. And besides,” she added with a wink, “I’ve got you looking out for me. I know you’ll make sure it’s all legit, no sneaky corpo crap.”

Vik gave her a long, scrutinizing look before finally shaking his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Alright, alright, kid. But I’m still running a quick check. I don’t care how much you trust this ‘sugar mama’ of yours—I’m not letting anything sketchy get into your system. Not while I’m the one putting it in.”

Asuka laughed, nodding. “Deal, dad. Do your thing.”

Vik nodded, turning back to the box, taking one of the cyberarms in his hands, examining it with his tools, his scanners whirring softly. He worked quickly, his hands moving with practiced precision. After a few minutes of silence, he looked back at Asuka, giving her a thumbs-up.

“Alright, kid. Looks like they’re clean. No trackers, no nasty surprises. Just top-of-the-line tech, pure and simple.” He set the arm down and picked up another, giving it a once-over before turning to Asuka again. “But still, be careful. Arasaka isn’t known for giving out gifts for nothing. Whatever this is, it’s not just about the night you spent together.”

Asuka nodded, her eyes serious as she met Vik’s gaze. “I know, old man. But right now? I’m gonna take what I can get. Let’s get these bad boys installed.”

Vik let out another sigh, but there was a small smile on his face. “Alright then, let’s do it. Just promise me you won’t get in over your head.”

Asuka grinned, her confidence shining through. “No promises, old man. But I’ll always make it back here—so you can keep patching me up.”

With that, Vik began the process, carefully and expertly starting the installation.

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