Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 29

Asuka and Jackie found themselves strolling through the glossy, high-end streets of City Center—the beating corporate heart of Night City. Asuka had insisted on making the trip, her eyes set on finding some new, expensive clothes to add to her collection. Specifically, pink clothes, because nothing said luxury in her book quite like splurging on something flashy that fit her personal aesthetic perfectly.

“C’mon, Jack, I promise it’ll be quick,” she had said earlier with a grin, dragging Jackie through the streets. He’d groaned, but followed her, unable to deny her enthusiasm. They passed by sleek storefronts and neon-lit displays, each one boasting the latest in high fashion—elegant cuts, expensive fabrics, and enough glitter and neon to remind anyone they were still in Night City.

As they made their way towards a boutique that Asuka had her eye on, something caught her attention, something that made her stop in her tracks. She turned her head, her Kiroshi optics focusing in on a sight that was becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

Arasaka personnel. They weren’t exactly trying to hide. Black tactical gear, the infamous Arasaka logo emblazoned on their sleeves—moving in formation, a small group patrolling just beyond the street, keeping their heads on a swivel. It wasn’t just a couple of bodyguards hanging around Konpeki Plaza either. No, this looked different. There were multiple groups, moving in sync, seemingly scanning the area, and their presence was certainly noticeable.

“Hey, Jack, you seeing this?” Asuka nudged Jackie, her tone suddenly dropping to something more serious.

Jackie, who had been admiring the sleek curves of a particularly nice Rayfield parked nearby, glanced over. His eyes narrowed, and his expression changed to something more wary as he took in the scene. “Oh, I see it,” he muttered, his tone a mix of caution and curiosity. “That's Arasaka, chica. And they're out in the open like they own the place.”

Asuka nodded, her eyes tracking the movement of the Arasaka troops. It was unusual. The whole point of Night City's deal with Arasaka was to limit their presence. After the Fourth Corporate War, Arasaka had only been allowed access to Konpeki Plaza, that tower of corporate luxury that symbolized the Arasaka power, but nothing more. They weren’t supposed to have any real foothold here—no military presence, no overt patrols like this.

“Yeah, I don’t like it,” Asuka said, her eyes narrowing. “They’re not supposed to be out here like this. They’ve been keeping a low profile since the war, but now? This is something else.”

Jackie crossed his arms, his gaze sweeping across the City Center as he spotted another group of Arasaka soldiers further up the street. His jaw tightened, his eyes meeting Asuka’s with that familiar hint of concern. “You think it’s related to what we were talking about yesterday? That tension? Feels like corpos are gearing up for something big. They’re all moving like they know something we don’t.”

Asuka frowned, her mind replaying the conversation they had at Joe’s Diner—the NUSA pushing on the Free States, the whispers of war. If Arasaka was stepping up its presence, then it meant that they were preparing for something.

“Maybe. Or maybe they’re just flexing, trying to remind everyone they’re still in the game,” Asuka said, her voice laced with uncertainty. “Whatever it is, it's not good news for us. When Arasaka starts making moves, people get hurt.” She looked back at Jackie, her lips forming a thin line. “We need to keep an eye on this. Last thing we need is to get blindsided by a full-on corpo conflict.”

Jackie nodded, glancing back at the boutique Asuka had been headed towards. The fun, carefree shopping spree suddenly seemed a lot less important. “Yeah, I hear ya. Maybe we should get what you want and head out of here quick. City Center might be prime real estate for the corpos, but it's got nothing good for us if things go south.”

Asuka gave him a nod, but before she could say anything more, a flicker of movement caught her eye—another Arasaka AV swooping in above, the sleek craft casting a shadow over the street as it hovered for a moment before gliding towards Konpeki Plaza. Whatever this was, it wasn't just a show of power. It was an occupation.

She let out a sigh, forcing herself to loosen up a bit, her usual grin creeping back onto her face, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Yeah, you’re right, Jack. Let’s grab some preem stuff and bounce. Keep our heads down for a while, see what shakes out.”

Jackie gave her a small smile, the tension still there beneath the surface. “Lead the way, chica. Just make sure it’s quick—we don’t need any more attention.”

After finishing their quick shopping spree, Jackie decided to call it a day, giving Asuka a grin and a hug before heading back to Heywood. With Jackie gone, Asuka figured it was the perfect opportunity to do something else, she set her sights on Judy.

Making her way across the city, Asuka felt the familiar thrill of speeding through Night City—the towering skyscrapers and neon signs blurring into a colorful haze as her Yaiba roared across the streets. Soon enough, she reached the scrapyard where Judy was working on the fire truck.

She parked the bike at the edge of the yard, her chrome legs clinking slightly as she hopped off and walked over to where Judy was crouched under the hood of the old fire truck. The once-rusted, decaying vehicle was now starting to look like something formidable again—most of the parts had been replaced, the engine was finally purring, and the body had been patched up and polished.

Asuka leaned against the side, her voice a mix of enthusiasm and curiosity. "So, how’s my favorite techie doing today? Almost got this beast ready to roll or what?"

Judy peeked up from under the hood, her face smeared with a little grease, her hair tied up in a ponytail. She gave Asuka a smile, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her. "Almost there! Just a few more tweaks and she'll be running like new. Might be ugly, but she'll run."

Asuka laughed, nodding as she gave the truck an appraising look. "Ugly, huh? You know, I was thinking... it could look real preem in pink." She waggled her eyebrows at Judy, her voice taking on a playful tone. "Imagine it—pink fire truck. Totally badass, right?"

Judy snorted, rolling her eyes as she went back to adjusting something in the engine. “Yeah, I don’t think so, Asuka. I mean, pink’s your thing and all, but this baby’s got her own vibe. I was thinking maybe just a classic red, y'know, keep it true to its roots.”

Asuka let out an exaggerated sigh, feigning disappointment. “Alright, alright. You win this time. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” She grinned, giving the fire truck a soft pat, her chrome fingers glinting under the sun.

After a couple of hours of helping Judy—lifting heavy parts with her cyberarms, holding things steady while Judy made her tweaks, and generally providing moral support—the two finally called it a day. The fire truck was so close to being ready.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the scrapyard, Asuka offered to give Judy a ride back home. Judy smiled, nodding as she grabbed her things and hopped onto the back of Asuka’s Yaiba. She wrapped her arms around Asuka's waist, holding on tight as they sped off, the roar of the engine drowning out the rest of the world.

They weaved through traffic, the wind whipping through their hair, and in what felt like no time at all, they arrived at Judy’s apartment complex. Asuka slowed the bike, coming to a stop at the front entrance. Judy slid off the bike as she looked at Asuka, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

“Thanks for the ride,” Judy said, her eyes meeting Asuka’s. There was a brief pause, almost like she was thinking about something. Finally, she added, almost casually, "Oh, by the way... my birthday's in about two weeks. Thought you should know."

Asuka blinked, a grin spreading across her face. “Two weeks, huh?” she said, her tone immediately playful, but with a genuine warmth behind it. “Well, you know I’m gonna have to make sure it’s something special then. Can’t just let your birthday go by without a little chaos and a lot of fun.”

Judy blushed slightly, ducking her head with a shy smile. “I’m not expecting anything crazy, y'know. Just thought you’d wanna hang out or something.”

Asuka’s grin softened into something more genuine, and she reached out, giving Judy’s shoulder a light squeeze. “Of course, Judes. It’s gonna be a good one, I promise.” She paused, her voice dropping to a teasing tone. “Just don’t be surprised if some of it comes in pink.”

Judy laughed, rolling her eyes but looking genuinely touched. “I wouldn’t expect anything else.” She gave Asuka a quick wave before turning to head into her building. Asuka watched her go, her grin lingering as she revved her bike, waiting until Judy was inside before speeding off into the night.

Asuka was cruising through the darkening streets of Night City, the wind whipping around her, neon lights reflecting off her chrome limbs. It was that sweet spot in the evening when the chaos hadn’t quite reached its peak but was definitely on its way there. She leaned into her Yaiba Kusanagi, feeling the hum of the engine beneath her, when suddenly her HUD pinged, indicating an incoming call.

She answered, and her father’s voice came through, familiar and grounding in the tumult of the city.

“Hey, kid. You on the road?” Vik’s voice was gruff but carried its usual warmth.

Asuka grinned, her eyes scanning the road as she weaved through traffic. “Hey, Dad. Yeah, just heading back after dropping off Judy. What’s up?”

Vik’s tone shifted slightly, turning more business-like. “Got something for ya. Managed to dig up a couple of good upgrades. Not quite up to the level of that fancy chrome you got from Hanako, but still solid stuff. Militech Falcon Sandevistan and a Militech Berserk module. Good tech, reliable. You interested?”

Asuka’s eyes widened, her grin growing as she took a sharp turn down a quieter side street. “You kidding me, old man? Hell yes, I’m interested!” She laughed, the excitement obvious in her voice. “You really think they'd fit me well? Not quite top-tier, but, hey, a Sandevistan sounds like exactly what I need.”

She could hear Vik chuckling through the line. “Figured you’d say that. Yeah, they’re solid. The Militech Falcon Sandevistan—it won’t be quite as seamless as your reinforced legs and your Leeroy Ligament System, but it’ll give you that extra edge when you need to slow things down. And the Berserk module? Well, it’s not gonna turn you into a tank like your buddy Jackie, but it’ll definitely let you hit harder and take a few more hits when you need it.”

Asuka let out a long whistle, clearly impressed. “Damn, sounds like you’ve been busy, Vik. I can’t believe you actually got your hands on both.”

“Wasn’t easy, kid,” Vik admitted, his voice betraying just a hint of pride. “But, y’know, it’s for my favorite daughter, right?” He paused, and she could almost hear his smirk through the call. “And I know you’re always looking for that next upgrade.”

“Damn right, I am,” Asuka said, her grin returning. “Alright, I’m on my way back now. Got some new clothes to show you too—think you’re gonna like ‘em.”

Vik’s laugh was warm and genuine, his voice softer now. “Alright, I’ll be here. Just get here safe, alright? No need to push it.”

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