Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 30

The next day, the basement clinic of Vik had a certain kind of buzz—one of anticipation mixed with a sense of excitement. Asuka and Jackie were there, each looking at their respective new pieces of chrome, the gear laid out neatly on the surgical table under the clinic's harsh lights. Vik was prepping his tools, his movements careful, methodical, but there was a sense of pride about him that was unmistakable.

Asuka stood beside the table, holding the small white cyberware with a yellow cable in her hand, her eyes wide with excitement. The Sandevistan was sleek, and even in its uninstalled state, it seemed to hum with potential energy. She looked down at the table where her other new piece of chrome lay—a pink robotic spine with silver accents that matched her cyberlimbs. The spine had a sort of cold elegance to it, a carefully constructed piece of art that was also a functional, powerful component—a neural processor, essential for getting the most out of the Sandevistan.

Jackie was across the table, holding the Berserk module, his fingers turning it over carefully, his eyes focused. It was a solid piece of hardware, fitting Jackie’s combat style perfectly. He’d seen a lot of chrome, but the Militech Berserk was something else—high grade, capable of delivering bursts of strength and durability, turning him into a bulldozer when things got rough.

“Looks preem, huh, Jack?” Asuka said, her voice a mix of excitement and curiosity, her eyes flicking from the Sandy in her hand to the Berserk module Jackie was holding.

Jackie grinned, his eyes finally meeting Asuka’s. “You know it, chica. I’m gonna be hittin’ like a damn Militech tank with this.” He held the Berserk up, giving it an admiring look. “But I gotta say, I think you’re getting the really good stuff here, Asuka. That Sandy... you’re gonna be a blur, I bet. Faster than you already are.”

Asuka smirked. “That’s the idea, Jack. I’m already quick, but with this? It’s gonna be next-level. I’m talkin’ corpo ninja vibes.” She looked down at the pink spine, her smile softening slightly. “And the spinal upgrade’s just gonna make it all run smoother, you know?”

Vik cleared his throat, stepping over to the table, his eyes moving between the two. “Alright, you two,” he said, his tone gentle but firm, the kind that meant he was slipping into ripperdoc mode. “Time to get serious for a moment. These are both big upgrades—no small chips, no quick installs. You need to know the risks before we move forward.”

He turned his eyes to Jackie first, nodding towards the Berserk module. “Jackie, this Berserk—it's gonna give you a lot of power, but you need to know how to use it. It’s gonna change the way you fight, push you to hit harder, and take more punishment. But it’s also gonna push your body to the limit. You gotta listen to your own signals, know when to let it rest. Otherwise, you’re gonna end up flatlined because you couldn’t let off the throttle.”

Jackie nodded, his expression serious, his gaze meeting Vik’s. “I hear ya, Vik. I’ll make it count, don’t worry.”

Vik gave a slight smile, a nod of approval, then turned to Asuka. His eyes softened, the fatherly concern more evident as he looked at his daughter. He gestured towards the spinal upgrade and the Sandevistan she held. “And you, kid... this Sandy is high-tech. You’re gonna be moving faster than your mind can sometimes keep up with, which means you need to stay focused. The spinal neural processors gonna help handle the load, but there’s always a risk with speed—you don’t see a bullet coming, you don’t see someone else making a move.” He paused, his eyes locking on hers. “You gotta promise me you won’t let it go to your head, alright? This isn’t about showing off.”

Asuka looked at him, her grin fading slightly into something more genuine, more appreciative. She set the Sandevistan down on the table, her chrome fingers tapping it lightly. “I gotcha, Vik. I promise. I know how much you worry. I’ll make sure it counts, only use it when I gotta. Just like all the other chrome.”

Vik gave her a long look, then nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Alright, then. Let’s get to work.” He gestured for Jackie to step over to the operating chair first. “Jack, you’re up. Once we get the Berserk in, you’ll need a few minutes to recalibrate before we move on to Asuka’s install.”

Jackie gave Asuka a nod, then stepped over to the chair, handing the Berserk module to Vik. He settled into the seat, giving Asuka a thumbs-up. “Don’t go anywhere, chica. I wanna see you zooming around with that fancy new Sandy once this is all done.”

Asuka grinned, crossing her arms as she watched Vik begin the procedure, his tools at the ready. “You got it, Jack. I’ll be right here.”

She watched as Vik worked with precise movements, installing the Berserk module into Jackie, each step deliberate and practiced. It reminded her of all the times she’d watched her father work, helping him in the clinic, learning how to steady her own hands when assisting on surgeries. Watching Vik was like seeing a master at work—always confident, always careful.

After what felt like hours but was really only a little over half an hour, Jackie stood from the operating chair, rolling his shoulders and clenching his fists. His grin was back in full force, his eyes meeting Asuka’s as he flexed. “Feeling preem,” he said, his voice full of energy. “Your turn, chica.”

Asuka stepped forward, giving Jackie a playful nudge before settling herself into the chair. She glanced at Vik, her father’s concerned eyes meeting hers. She gave him a reassuring nod, her voice softer now. “I’m ready, Dad. Let’s do this.”

Vik took a deep breath, then smiled, his hand giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Alright, kid. Let’s make you faster than anyone else in this damn city.”

And with that, the procedure began, the sounds of the clinic filling the air—the soft hum of machines, the faint click of chrome parts being installed, and the steady, calming presence of Vik Vektor, making sure everything was just as it should be.

The installation of the Sandevistan and the spinal upgrade had taken time, but Vik was nothing if not a perfectionist. The procedure was smooth—calculated movements, precise wiring, and all the while, he kept an eye on Asuka, looking for any signs of discomfort or complications. The clinic was quiet except for the soft hum of machines, the steady beep of the vitals monitor, and the occasional sound of Vik’s tools.

Asuka had felt a weird sort of tingling as the Sandevistan connected to her nervous system, the cold touch of metal against her spine giving way to a warmth as the integration process began. There was some pain, but not as much as she’d expected—Vik had made sure of that, giving her a dose of painkillers strong enough to dull the worst of it. When the final connections were made, Asuka exhaled deeply, opening her eyes slowly, adjusting to the sensation.

When it was over, Vik helped her sit up, his hand resting lightly on her shoulder as she got her bearings. He watched her carefully, noting the way she moved—fluid, confident, no signs of hesitation or difficulty.

Jackie stood nearby, leaning against the counter, watching with that eager expression of his. "How you feeling, chica?" he asked, his tone full of that familiar excitement, his eyes alight with curiosity.

Asuka pushed herself off the operating chair, her legs steady beneath her, and moved to the mirror across the room. She turned her back to it, adjusting her clothing slightly so she could get a good look at her new spinal upgrade. The sleek, pink chrome gleamed under the clinic’s bright lights, the silver accents catching the reflections, making the spinal hardware look almost artistic against her skin.

She traced her fingers along the spine, feeling the seamless connection between the metal and her flesh, a smile spreading across her face. "I feel..." She paused, searching for the right words as she turned to look at Vik and Jackie. "Better than ever. Like this was always supposed to be a part of me, y'know?"

Jackie let out a cheer, giving her a thumbs-up. "That's what I’m talking about! You’re gonna be unstoppable now, Asuka. I can already see those gonks running scared."

Vik watched his daughter, his expression calm, a smile on his face. But behind his eyes, there was something deeper—something more guarded. Asuka’s words echoed in his mind, and he couldn’t help but think about what they meant. She had always been able to handle cyberware better than anyone else he’d ever known. Every implant, every upgrade—it all seemed to mesh with her in a way that went beyond compatibility. It was like she was built for this, like the metal and chrome were just as much a part of her as her skin and bones.

And there was something else. The way she moved, the way she adjusted so quickly to every new piece of cyberware—it was almost too perfect. Most people needed time to adapt, to learn to deal with the strange sensations, the new inputs. But Asuka? She took it all in stride. It wasn’t just that she was tough; it was something else entirely, something he couldn’t ignore.

He realized, deep down, that Asuka was a lot like Adam Smasher—one of those rare people who could pile on chrome without losing their minds, without succumbing to cyberpsychosis. Except she wasn’t just stable; she thrived on it. She didn’t need the meds, didn’t have the symptoms. If anything, she was more herself with each new piece of metal, as if the cyberware made her feel more complete.

Vik kept the smile on his face as he nodded, his hand resting on Asuka's shoulder. "That's good to hear, kid. Just remember, though—you’re still my daughter, not a machine. Take it easy, alright?" His tone was light, but there was a seriousness to it, a weight that only he understood.

Asuka grinned, nodding, clearly oblivious to the deeper thoughts running through her father’s mind. "C'mon, dad. You know me. I’m just gonna take it out for a spin, see what it can do. Besides, I got Jackie here to keep me outta trouble, right?" She glanced over at Jackie, who laughed and gave her an exaggerated salute.

"Right, right. I got you covered, chica."

Vik gave a small chuckle, shaking his head. “Alright, you two. Get outta here. Go show that chrome off, but don’t go picking any fights you don’t need to.”

Asuka winked at Vik, turning to Jackie with her grin back in full force. "You heard the man, Jack. Time to see what this Sandevistan can do."

Jackie pushed off the counter, heading for the exit with Asuka beside him. "You thinking a race? Or maybe just a nice run across town, get a feel for it?"

Asuka smirked, her excitement evident. "Oh, you know me, Jack. Let’s see if we can’t find some trouble along the way."

As the two of them left, Vik watched, his smile fading slightly as they disappeared up the stairs. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, his thoughts heavy. His daughter was special—that much was clear. But that kind of uniqueness came with its own dangers, its own risks. If anyone found out about Asuka’s ability to handle so much chrome without a hint of cyberpsychosis, they’d come for her. The corpos, the government, hell, even other rippers—everyone would want to know her secret.

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