Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 35

Asuka was riding through Heywood, her Yaiba Kusanagi purring as it cut smoothly down the familiar streets. The sky was dim, the evening lights just starting to flicker on, casting long shadows over the old buildings and alleys. Riding behind her was Misty, holding onto her waist as they made their way back to Misty's apartment. They had spent the day hanging out, shopping, and doing some yoga—Misty's way of keeping balance amidst the chaos of Night City.

They pulled up to Misty’s apartment building, and Asuka killed the engine, leaning back slightly. Misty dismounted, her light and easy demeanor comforting after all the stress of the past few days. “Thanks for the ride, Asuka,” she said with a warm smile. “You sure you don’t want to come up for tea? I have that new blend—good for clearing the mind.”

Asuka smiled, shaking her head slightly. “Nah, chica. I think I’m good. But I'll take you up on that another day,” she said. Just as she spoke, her eyes caught sight of something strange—a guy stumbling along the sidewalk just a bit down the street. He was moving erratically, his eyes wild, hands twitching.

Asuka's smile faded instantly, her gaze narrowing. Something was wrong. The guy was tweaking hard, his cyberware shimmering under the streetlights in a way that set off alarm bells in her head. It was subtle, but Asuka knew the signs—this was not just a drunk. This guy looked like he was on the edge of Cyberpsychosis.

She glanced at Misty, her voice lowering, urgent. “Misty, get inside. Right now.”

Misty followed her gaze, her own eyes widening as she saw the strange man. She nodded quickly, her expression shifting into one of concern. “Be careful, Asuka,” she said, and without further hesitation, she turned and hurried into the apartment building, the door locking behind her with a secure click.

Asuka kept her eyes on the man, reaching up to her Kiroshi optics HUD and starting to call the NCPD. This was not something she wanted to get involved with—not without knowing exactly what was happening. If the guy was slipping into Cyberpsychosis, it could get ugly real fast.

But before she could complete the call, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head just in time to see something flying through the air towards her—a small, metallic projectile, moving fast.

Her heart jumped, adrenaline spiking, and she activated her Sandevistan, time slowing around her as she dodged to the side, the projectile whizzing past her and exploding against the wall behind, sending chunks of concrete and debris flying. She felt the force of the blast at her back, her Kiroshi HUD flashing warnings, her ears ringing as she tried to get her bearings.

“Shit!” she hissed, turning her gaze towards the man, now realizing the danger in full. His arm was up, the projectile launch system embedded in it glinting under the streetlights. He was grinning—an unhinged smile that showed he was completely gone.

Before she could react, he fired again, another projectile coming her way. Darting between the projectiles, her Mantis Blades ejecting with a sharp, metallic click. Her aim was to close the gap, to put an end to this before he fired another shot.

But just as she was about to strike, the guy moved, fast—faster than she'd expected. He activated his revulsor, his movements enhanced, his speed matching hers for a brief moment. It was almost as if time was still in slow motion for both of them, their enhanced reflexes making them look like blurs against the dark backdrop of the Heywood street.

She managed to stab him with her Mantis Blades, piercing through his side, but before she could finish the attack, he pulled out a power shotgun from his other hand, pressing it against her abdomen and firing.

The impact was brutal. The blast hit her hard, the slugs tearing into her armor, her subdermal plating doing its best but failing to stop the power behind the point-blank shot. Pain exploded through her midsection, her Kiroshi HUD flashing with critical alerts, her cyberware readings fluctuating as the pain nearly took her off her feet.

Still, Asuka gritted her teeth, her body moving almost on instinct. She twisted her Mantis Blades, pulling them out with all her strength, slashing through the man with one final movement, watching as he crumpled to the ground, the light fading from his eyes.

She stumbled backward, her vision blurring, her breath hitching as she pressed a hand to her abdomen, feeling the warmth of blood mixed with the coolness of chrome. Her legs gave out, and she fell to her knees, the pain too much for even her cyberware to dull.

She barely heard the door to the apartment building swing open behind her, Misty's voice cutting through the haze, full of panic. “Asuka! Asuka, hold on! I’m calling Vik!”

Asuka tried to smile, but her vision was already dimming, her body slumping to the side, her head hitting the pavement. The last thing she heard was Misty's frantic voice, calling her father, before everything went black.

Asuka woke up in a familiar place—the sterile, quiet environment of Viktor Vektor’s clinic. Her head felt heavy, her vision slightly blurry, but she recognized the dim lights, the soft hum of the machinery, and the scent of disinfectant. She tried to move, groaning as pain flared up in her abdomen, the weight of her body pulling at the wound.

“Easy, easy there, kid,” came her father's familiar voice, his silhouette coming into focus beside her bed. Vik leaned over, his face a mixture of worry and relief. “You took a hell of a hit, Asuka.”

She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the low light. She looked down, seeing the heavy bandages wrapped around her midsection, her cyberware patched up with temporary braces and supports. “W-What... happened?” she croaked, her throat dry, her voice weak.

Vik sighed, pulling up a stool and sitting beside her. “You got yourself in a fight with a Cyberpsycho in Heywood, that’s what. Misty called me, and we got you out of there just in time. You were bleeding out when we got here.” His voice was even, but she could hear the edge of emotion behind it. “What were you thinking, taking on a guy like that alone?”

Asuka tried to shrug, then winced at the pain. “Didn’t really have a choice, Dad. He was tweaking, dangerous. Couldn’t just let him roam around.”

Vik gave her a small smile, shaking his head. “You’ve always had that stubborn streak. Got it from your mother.” He reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “You’re gonna be okay. You’re tough, tougher than most. But you need to rest. Let your body heal. No more gigs for a while, alright?”

Asuka nodded slowly, her eyes closing again as the exhaustion pulled at her. “Yeah... okay, Dad. Just a little rest,” she mumbled, the darkness of sleep tugging at her once more.

Two weeks had passed since the incident in Heywood. Asuka had spent most of that time in Viktor Vektor’s clinic, recovering from the wounds she'd sustained during the fight with the Cyberpsycho. The shot from the power shotgun had been brutal—not only had it shattered part of her subdermal armor, but it had also destroyed her original kidneys, forcing Vik to implant cyber kidneys just to keep her alive.

She was lucky, though—lucky to have Vik as her father. The installation had been done without question, with all the care that only someone who genuinely cared about her well-being could provide. And now, after those grueling two weeks of recovery, she was feeling better, stronger, and had even upgraded her subdermal armor to a better version—one that had cost a good number of eddies, but it was worth it. She’d taken enough risks; she wasn’t about to let her chrome be a weak point again.

Today, she was somewhere completely different: Konpeki Plaza.

Hanako Arasaka had sent her a message to come by, specifying the day and the time, and Asuka wasn't one to ignore such a request—especially when it came from someone like Hanako. So here she was, walking through the opulent halls of Konpeki, her eyes taking in the shining marble floors, the sleek, expensive decor, and the air of corporate authority that hung over the entire place.

As soon as she entered the lobby, a Konpeki employee approached her, their demeanor polite but formal, their eyes betraying a hint of curiosity as they scanned her pink chrome limbs and distinctive, eye-catching style. “Miss Vektor, right?” the employee asked.

Asuka nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly in a mix of curiosity and confidence. “Yeah, that’s me,” she replied.

The employee bowed slightly, extending a hand towards the elevator. “Lady Hanako is expecting you. She has requested that you go to the suite on the top floor. Please prepare yourself with the attire provided there, and wait for her arrival.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, a smirk touching her lips. Hanako always knew how to make an entrance—and to make things interesting. “Alright, lead the way,” Asuka said, her curiosity piqued.

The elevator ride to the top floor was smooth, the soft music playing in the background doing little to calm her growing anticipation. When the doors opened, Asuka stepped into the expansive suite. The space was as lavish as she’d imagined—luxurious decor, soft ambient lighting, and a breathtaking view of Night City from the large windows that took up an entire wall.

But her eyes were immediately drawn to the other side of the room—to the clothes laid out on the massive bed. She walked over, her gaze scanning the selection, her eyes widening as she realized what kind of attire Hanako had prepared for her.

Kinky barely began to describe it. There were tight leather corsets, fishnet stocking and an assortment of clothing that left little to the imagination. It was all in her usual pink and silver color scheme, clearly chosen specifically for her. Asuka let out a small laugh, her lips curving into an amused grin.

"Guess we're going all out tonight," she muttered to herself, her eyes lingering over the pieces. There were even accessories—collars, chains, lace gloves. It was clear Hanako had a very particular vision in mind.

Asuka wasn’t exactly shy, and she certainly wasn’t the type to get flustered easily, but this was... a lot. Even for her.

She took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, her grin widening. “Alright, Hanako,” she said under her breath, shaking her head. “If this is what you want...”

She moved towards the bed, her fingers brushing over the various garments, deciding on what to wear. She chose a pink leather corset that hugged her figure perfectly, paired with fishnet stockings, that attached to a garter belt. She slipped into a pair of lace gloves, her eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and anticipation as she looked at herself in the large mirror across the room.

She adjusted her hime-cut hair, making sure her eyes were showing just enough glow to be enticing. She looked at her reflection, her cybernetic arms and legs glinting in the dim light, the pink chrome reflecting the soft glow of the room.

She struck a pose, smirking at herself. "Damn, Hanako, hope you're ready for this," she whispered, before turning back to the room, taking a seat on the plush couch, crossing her legs as she waited, her heart pounding with anticipation.

The suite was quiet, the only sound being the gentle hum of the air conditioning. Asuka leaned back, her fingers tapping against her thigh, her mind racing with questions—why had Hanako called her here? What was this all about?

She didn’t have to wait long. There was a soft knock at the door, and then it opened. Hanako Arasaka entered the room, her presence commanding as always, her long, flowing dress giving her an almost ethereal appearance. Her eyes locked onto Asuka, her expression unreadable for a moment, before a small smile tugged at her lips.

“Asuka,” Hanako said, her voice soft but carrying an undeniable weight. She stepped forward, her eyes scanning Asuka's chosen outfit, clearly pleased. “You look... perfect.”

Asuka stood, her grin widening as she struck a slightly dramatic pose, her hands on her hips. “I aim to please, Lady Hanako,” she said, her tone light but with an edge of flirtation.

Hanako's smile widened just a bit, her eyes meeting Asuka's, a hint of something more behind the usual calm exterior. “Tonight, I need you... to entertain me,” she said, her voice dropping to a whisper, her eyes glinting.

Asuka felt her heart skip a beat, her grin turning into a smirk. "Well, I think I can manage that," she said, her voice softening as she took a step closer to Hanako. She reached out, her fingers brushing against Hanako's arm, feeling the warmth of her skin.

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