Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 36

The next morning found Asuka lying on the lavish bed in the Konpeki Plaza suite, her head resting comfortably on a pillow, a slight smile tugging at her lips as she felt the warmth of Hanako still pressed against her. The sunlight filtered in through the massive windows, casting a soft, golden glow over the room. Hanako had her head on Asuka’s chest, her breathing slow and even, almost peaceful—a rare sight for someone as high up in the corporate chain as she was.

Eventually, Hanako stirred, slowly rising from her spot, her movements graceful even as she shifted to stand, her long hair cascading down her back. Asuka watched her, her eyes half-lidded, a lazy grin on her lips. Her gaze wandered around the room—kinky clothes scattered across the floor, various toys strewn about, remnants of the indulgent night they’d had.

“Man…” Asuka sighed, her voice still hoarse from the night before. She smirked as she looked at Hanako, who was already starting to gather herself, moving towards a small vanity to prepare for her day. “For a sixty-nine-year-old princess, you’re really... damn kinky,” she said, unable to help the teasing tone in her voice.

Hanako paused, turning slightly, her eyes meeting Asuka’s through the reflection in the mirror. Her lips curved into a small, almost knowing smile. “Perhaps,” she said, her voice as composed as always, though there was a hint of mischief there. “But what would you expect? When you spend most of your youth in a corporate compound, isolated, with only the Net to offer a glimpse of the outside world... well, you end up with rather unconventional... interests.”

Asuka blinked, her grin faltering slightly. She pushed herself up on her elbows, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. “Wait, you’re telling me that... all this is from being locked up? What kind of interests are we talking about here?”

Hanako turned, her expression calm, her gaze locking onto Asuka. There was a pause, and then, as if to answer her question, Hanako tilted her head, her eyes narrowing just slightly, a subtle hint of amusement glinting in them. “I remember the drawings I used to find... things that caught my attention. They called them hentais, I believe.” She paused, her smile widening just a touch. “And you, Asuka, remind me of the women in them—beautiful, with curves that seem almost exaggerated. Big, beautiful... and, well, a bit of a slut.”

Asuka's eyes widened, her mouth opening slightly in shock. For a moment, she was at a complete loss for words—something that almost never happened to her. “I—wait—what?” she stammered, her face heating up, though she wasn't sure if it was embarrassment or something else. She laughed, her eyes still wide. “How can you be so damn elegant and graceful while casually admitting you were a shut-in who gooned at hentai and then just... call me a slut?”

Hanako looked at her, her expression unchanging, her gaze steady as she approached the bed. She reached out, brushing a lock of Asuka's hair away from her face, her fingers soft but commanding. “Perhaps because I am both,” she said, her voice dropping to a near whisper, her eyes holding Asuka's with an intensity that was almost unnerving. “A princess, a woman of grace and composure. And, at the same time, a curious soul, one that has always craved more than the confines of her father's compound. You remind me of freedom, Asuka. The kind of freedom I’ve always desired but could never fully grasp.”

She paused, her gaze drifting down to the various remnants of the previous night before meeting Asuka's eyes again. “And I enjoy seeing you like this, indulging with me, exploring that freedom together.”

Asuka swallowed, her playful demeanor softening as she looked at Hanako. There was something raw in her words—something honest, vulnerable. For all her elegance, her grace, Hanako was just as hungry for something real, something untamed, as Asuka herself was. She smiled, her grin turning warm, genuine. “You really are something else, Hanako. I think... I think I get it.”

Hanako nodded, her composure returning, her lips curving into that ever-so-small smile again. “Good. Because this... is just the beginning.” She turned back towards the vanity, her fingers brushing over the makeup and perfumes arranged there. “And, as for you...” She paused, glancing at Asuka through the mirror, her eyes glinting. “Your next gift is already waiting for you at your father's clinic.”

Asuka blinked, her eyes widening again. “Another gift?” She let out a small laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. “You really know how to spoil a girl, don’t you?”

Hanako turned, her expression unreadable but her eyes holding a hint of something deeper. “Spoil, perhaps. Or maybe I simply wish to see how far we can go, together.” She paused, her gaze softening just slightly. “But now, I must prepare for the day. And you, Asuka... you have a life to live outside these walls, no?”

Asuka nodded, swinging her legs off the bed, her eyes still on Hanako. “Yeah... guess I do.” She stood, stretching slightly, her body aching but in a good way—a reminder of the night they’d shared. She looked around at the scattered clothes, the remnants of their time together.

She picked up her clothes from the floor, beginning to dress, her gaze drifting back to Hanako, who was now focused on her own preparations. There was a strange warmth in the room.

“See you around, Hanako,” Asuka said, her voice softening as she finished dressing.

Hanako didn’t turn, but her reflection in the mirror smiled, her eyes flicking up to meet Asuka’s gaze one last time. “Until next time, Asuka.”

Arriving at her father’s clinic, Asuka parked her Yaiba Kusanagi in its usual spot just outside the basement entrance. She could hear the muffled sounds of the city—cars whizzing by, people shouting, the distant thrum of life in Night City—as she made her way inside. It was familiar, comforting almost, especially after the bizarre yet strangely exhilarating time she’d spent with Hanako.

Pushing open the door to Vik's clinic, she was met with the usual scent of antiseptic mixed with the earthy incense that Misty liked to burn from time to time. Inside, she found Vik sitting by his small workbench, his eyes glued to the small TV mounted on the wall. A boxing match was playing—two fighters in the ring, exchanging punches, sweat flying with each impact.

“Hey, Dad,” Asuka called out, drawing his attention away from the screen.

Vik turned to her, his face lighting up momentarily as he saw her, but then his expression settled back into one of familiarity, a bit of a bored tone coloring his words. "You know, you got some real weird connections these days, kiddo. The Arasaka ninja were here again. Dropped off a box and told me it was for you." He gestured with his chin to a large box resting on one of the operating tables, clearly meant for her.

Asuka raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued as she walked over to the box. It was heavy-looking, made of dark chrome with a sleek Arasaka emblem etched into the side. “The ninjas, huh? They really know how to leave an impression,” she muttered, half to herself, as she popped the latch and opened it.

Inside were several strange, almost organic-looking components—things that looked like muscles, but with a glossy, synthetic sheen. She reached down, her fingers brushing over the strange materials, feeling their odd elasticity, the artificial tension that gave them an almost lifelike quality.

Vik walked over, his hands resting on his hips as he looked at the contents of the box with a knowing nod. “They’re artificial muscles,” he explained, his voice carrying a mix of intrigue and his usual calm tone. “This stuff’s good—real high-end bioware. Makes sense, given the source.”

Asuka glanced up at him, curiosity filling her eyes. “Artificial muscles?” she repeated, her brow furrowing. “What do they do, exactly?”

Vik leaned over the table, tapping one of the synthetic muscles lightly. “See, with all the chrome you've got now—your cyberarms, cyberlegs, even your titanium bones—your remaining organic muscles aren’t getting the same kind of exercise they used to. And it’s damn near impossible to keep them in shape, considering your limbs are all chrome now.”

He continued, his expression thoughtful as he examined the components. “These artificial muscles are meant to supplement that. They act like real muscle—more powerful than your organic ones—but they don’t require training to keep strong. They also don’t atrophy or weaken without exercise or proper nutrition. Pretty much means you can keep up your strength without worrying about the rest of your body falling behind.”

Asuka let out a low whistle, her fingers trailing over the sleek artificial muscles, her mind racing as she imagined how they’d enhance her abilities. “That sounds... preem, honestly,” she said, a grin spreading across her lips. “So they’re basically better than my real muscles?”

Vik nodded, though there was a hint of caution in his eyes. “Yeah, you could say that. They’re more elastic, more durable, and they’ll definitely give your body a boost in terms of overall durability. Plus, they won’t tear or get tired like your old muscles would. But—” he paused, giving her a pointed look, “they’re also not invincible. You gotta remember, just because it’s bioware doesn’t mean you can push it beyond its limits. Everything has a breaking point, even this fancy stuff.  Also you can’t increase their strenght with exercises.”

Asuka smirked, her confidence never wavering. “Oh, don’t worry, Vik. I know my limits.” She glanced back down at the box, the synthetic muscles glistening under the clinic's lights. “And I don’t belive I could train my original ones to these little guys level. It’s also nice to know that my body’s getting an upgrade—especially after that Cyberpsycho took me down a peg.”

Vik gave her a small smile, his eyes softening. “You’ve always been tough, kiddo. These’ll make you even tougher.” He stepped back, gesturing towards the operating table. “I can get started on the installation whenever you're ready. And like always, since you’re my kid, you get the family discount—free.”

Asuka laughed, shaking her head as she hopped up onto the operating table, stretching her arms out. “You know, Vik, most dads would just give their kid some cash for their trouble, or maybe take them out to dinner. Not mine. My dad makes sure I’ve got top-notch cyberware installation.”

Vik chuckled, rolling his eyes affectionately as he grabbed a few tools, prepping for the installation. “Hey, it’s Night City, kid. Out here, top-notch installation is worth more than gold. Now, hold still while I make you a little less breakable.”

Asuka leaned back, her grin widening as she looked up at the clinic ceiling, her Kiroshi optics HUD lighting up as she prepared herself. “Alright, Vik, let’s do it.”

Vik nodded, his hands already moving with the precision of years of experience. He began to prep the artificial muscles for integration, his voice calm as he worked. “You know, Asuka, I gotta say... you’re probably the most chromed-out kid in this damn city. But you’re also one of the most human. Don’t forget that, alright?”

Asuka turned her head slightly, her grin softening as she looked at him. “Don’t worry, Dad. I won’t forget it. Not as long as I’ve got you around.”

Vik smiled, his focus back on the task at hand, his tools glinting under the clinic's harsh lights. As Asuka felt the soft hum of the machinery kicking in, she closed her eyes, her body relaxing into the familiar rhythm of another installation.

After hours of work, Vik finally finished the installation of the artificial muscles. It had been a long session, even by Night City standards, but both Vik and Asuka were determined to get it done in one go. After all, there wasn't much left of her orginal muscle anyway, given her cyberarms and cyberlegs, and neither of them wanted the process to drag out over multiple sessions.

Vik took off his gloves, letting out a tired but satisfied breath as he turned to Asuka, who was already standing up, her body moving smoothly, no signs of stiffness or awkward adjustment. He smiled slightly, giving her a nod. “How does it feel, kiddo?”

Asuka walked over to the mirror, her eyes narrowing slightly as she inspected herself. She twisted her body from side to side, her Kiroshi optics zooming in as she looked at her reflection. Honestly, if she hadn’t known what had just been installed, she’d have thought nothing was different. She looked exactly the same and her figure remained the same—still as curvaceous as ever.

And then, with a mischievous grin, she turned her attention to her rear, giving it a solid slap. There was a soft smack, the sound of her hand hitting her skin, and she blinked, looking at herself in the mirror. Her ass still felt... like her ass—the same softness, the same curve, the same bounce. The grin on her face widened, her worries about losing her nice ass fading. She let out a laugh, shaking her head.

“Alright, I think I’m good,” she said, her tone full of relief and a little bit of humor. She glanced at Vik, who was leaning back against his workbench, arms crossed, watching her with an amused expression.

“Good to hear,” Vik replied, his lips twitching into a smile. “Though I gotta say, you’re probably the only patient I’ve had who would make that their final test.”

Asuka shrugged, still grinning as she walked back towards him. “Hey, you gotta make sure everything’s up to standard, right? Can’t go around Night City without making sure all the essentials are working properly.”

As Asuka was about to step out of the clinic, she heard Vik clear his throat behind her. She paused, turning back to see him giving her one of those looks—half stern, half concerned. His arms were crossed, and he had that fatherly look in his eyes that meant she wasn't getting off the hook without listening.

“Hey, kid,” Vik called, his tone softer now, but with a firmness that let her know he wasn't joking around. “Take another week as a break, alright? Let those muscles integrate properly, give your body time to recover.”

Asuka sighed, her shoulders slumping just slightly. "Aw, c'mon, Dad. I'm feeling great," she started, trying to brush it off, but Vik gave her that look—the one that said there wasn't any room for negotiation.

“No arguments, Asuka,” Vik continued, shaking his head. “You’ve just had a major installation. Those artificial muscles need time to adjust, and so does the rest of your body. Even if you feel fine, there’s no guarantee everything's stable yet. And I’m not just talking about strength. Your body's been through hell recently—between the Cyberpsycho encounter and the kidney replacement. You need to let yourself recover. Properly.”

Asuka blew out a breath, rolling her eyes dramatically, though a small smile played on her lips. “Alright, alright, you win. I'll take it easy,” she said, waving her hand dismissively, though she knew he was right. Deep down, she knew Vik always had her best interest in mind.

Vik raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching into a small smile. "I better not hear about you getting into any street brawls or high-speed chases for at least a week, alright? Promise me that."

Asuka sighed again, nodding as she leaned against the doorframe. “Promise, promise. I’ll be a good girl—no fights, no trouble.”

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