Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 37

A week had gone by since Asuka’s big installation of the artificial muscles, and for once, she’d kept her promise to Vik to take it easy. She spent her time hanging out with Jackie and Sasha, doing casual stuff like visiting concerts and art galleries with Misty, and helping Judy with her beloved fire truck or dropping her off and picking her up from school. It had been a nice change of pace, but now, as the days of recovery were finally over, Asuka was itching to get back into the thrill of edgerunner life.

Right now, Asuka was at Lizzie's Bar, tucked away in a private booth with a pretty girl she'd just met. Things were going well—the neon lights pulsing, the music vibrating through the room—and Asuka was enjoying the kind of distraction she’d been craving. But then, her HUD lit up with a familiar call.

“Ah, come on...” she muttered as she saw the name—Wakako Okada. She rolled her eyes, then turned to the girl with a slightly apologetic smile. “Hold that thought, sweetheart,” she said, touching the girl's cheek lightly before answering the call.

Wakako's voice came through the line, sharp and commanding. “Asuka. I have a gig for you—a Militech truck. It’s well guarded, but I am confident you and your crew can handle it. You'll be well rewarded for this one.”

Asuka grinned, her eyes lighting up. “Stealing from Militech? Oh, that’s my kind of fun, Wakako. Send me the details.”

As she ended the call, she sighed, leaning back for a moment before giving the girl across from her a slightly sad smile. “Sorry, doll, looks like duty calls.” She slipped out of the booth, adjusting her pink jacket, her chrome limbs glinting in the bar’s neon glow as she made her way out.

Outside Lizzie's, she met up with Jackie and Sasha. Jackie was already bouncing on the balls of his feet, his excitement palpable. Sasha stood with her arms crossed, a grin on her face, clearly ready for whatever was coming.

Jackie looked over at Asuka, his voice filled with that familiar excitement. “You ready to klep a Militech truck, chica? Been a while since we did something this big!”

Asuka flashed him a grin, her Mantis Blades twitching inside her arms. “Damn right I’m ready. Let’s go.”

They got on their bikes, Asuka revving her Yaiba, the engine roaring to life as they sped off to the location Wakako had sent. The target was a Militech convoy, heavily guarded with soldiers stationed around the truck and a few drones circling overhead.

They parked at a distance, the trio gathering in the shadows to scope out the situation.

“Alright,” Asuka said, her voice steady, her eyes scanning the area, her Kiroshi optics zooming in on the Militech soldiers. “Here’s the plan—Jackie, you create a distraction, draw their attention. Sasha, you’re on drone and robot duty. Once they’re disabled, I’ll come up behind them—using my Sandy to move fast, slicing them up with my Mantis Blades. Got it?”

Jackie nodded, his grin widening. “You got it, hermana. I’ll make it loud.”

Sasha gave a thumbs-up, her eyes already flicking across her cyberdeck HUD. “I’ll make sure those drones are as good as paperweights.”

With that, Jackie took a deep breath, stepping out into the open with a swagger. “Hey, Militech chooms!” he shouted, waving his shotgun in the air as he moved towards them. “You lookin’ for trouble? ‘Cause I got plenty to give!”

The Militech soldiers immediately turned, guns up, their attention focused solely on Jackie. He fired a few rounds, dodging behind a crate as they returned fire, their bullets ricocheting off the metal.

Meanwhile, Sasha was in position. One by one, the drones above started to short-circuit, their systems going dark before they fell to the ground, useless.

Seeing her opening, Asuka activated her Sandevistan, her world slowing as she moved in a blur, her Mantis Blades ejecting with a metallic click. She darted between the soldiers, her blades slicing through armor and flesh effortlessly. One after another, they fell, barely having time to register what was happening before Asuka moved on to the next.

"Surprise, boys!" Asuka hissed as she brought her Mantis Blade down on one of the guards, his eyes wide with shock.

“Who the fuck—” another tried to yell, but Asuka was already on him, her blades flashing as they cut him down.

Within moments, the guards were down, the drones were destroyed, and the convoy was theirs. Sasha jumped into the driver’s seat of the Militech truck, the massive vehicle rumbling as it came to life. Asuka and Jackie mounted their bikes, flanking the truck as they made their way to Westbrook, where Wakako had arranged a garage.

They were driving smoothly, the convoy moving steadily down the road, when suddenly, four heavily armored Militech cars roared onto the scene, closing in fast.

Asuka's HUD lit up with warning signals, her head snapping to the side. “Jackie, we got company!” she shouted over the comms.

“About damn time!” Jackie yelled, a grin on his face. “Let’s show ‘em what happens when you mess with us!”

Asuka glanced at Sasha through the side mirror, giving her a nod. “Keep that truck moving, Sasha! We got this.”

Dropping her bike's speed, Asuka put it on autopilot, her Sandevistan flaring as she activated it. The world slowed around her, and she launched herself off her bike, her body blurring as she leapt onto the roof of one of the pursuing Militech cars. Her Mantis Blades ejected, stabbing down through the metal roof, slicing through the soldiers inside with brutal efficiency.

She could hear the shouts of confusion, the sound of gunfire echoing in her ears, but she stayed focused. With a quick twist, she leapt back to her bike, landing smoothly just in time as a second Militech car tried to ram into her.

“Not today, gonk!” Jackie shouted as he tossed a grenade right through the open window of the second car. The explosion was immediate, the car veering off course and crashing into the side rail, flames engulfing it as it spiraled out of control.

“Nice one, Jackie!” Asuka yelled, her voice filled with adrenaline, her eyes scanning for the remaining two cars.

Sasha was still holding steady in the truck, her eyes flicking to the rearview mirror. Seeing the two cars approaching her, she made a split-second decision, her lips curving into a grin. They were on an overpass, and she saw her opportunity. She swerved sharply, slamming the truck into the side of one of the pursuing cars. The force sent it careening off the edge, the car disappearing into the void below as the overpass ended in a twisted mess of metal and flames.

Seeing their numbers dwindle, the final Militech car took a sharp left, retreating, clearly deciding that whatever was in that truck wasn’t worth the cost of their lives.

Jackie, Asuka, and Sasha didn’t give chase. Instead, they regrouped around the truck, Asuka letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Nice work, team. That’s how we do it,” she said, her voice filled with both exhaustion and satisfaction.

Jackie pulled up beside her, his bike rumbling as he gave her a wide grin. “Damn, Asuka, you went full cyberninja on those guys. That was some next-level stuff.”

They continued on, finally reaching the garage in Westbrook. They pulled in, the massive doors closing behind them as Sasha parked the Militech truck. They all dismounted, the air filled with the smell of burnt rubber and the sound of their heavy breathing.

Asuka looked over at Jackie and Sasha, a tired but victorious grin on her face. “Guess it’s time to let Wakako know her package has been delivered. Drinks on me, chooms.”

Jackie whooped, throwing an arm around Asuka’s shoulders. “That’s what I’m talking about! Time to celebrate. Ain’t nobody gonna say we aren’t the best damn crew in this city!”

Asuka leaned back against her Yaiba, catching her breath for a moment as they all gathered just outside the garage. She pulled up her HUD, tapping into her contact list and finding Wakako Okada. The line connected after a few rings, and Wakako's familiar voice came through, calm and composed as always.

“Asuka Vektor. I assume you’re calling with good news?” Wakako said, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Asuka grinned, even though Wakako couldn't see it. “Job’s done, Wakako. The Militech truck has been delivered to the garage you specified, all nice and clean. We had a little company on the way, but nothing we couldn’t handle,” she replied, her tone casual, almost flippant.

There was a pause on the other end, and then Wakako's voice came back, her tone pleased. “Very good, Asuka. I do like working with professionals—quick, efficient, and with no unnecessary mess.”

Her HUD lit up with a notification—a transfer of eddies. She smirked, checking the balance for a moment before looking at Jackie and Sasha, giving them both a thumbs-up. The payout was hefty—Wakako had clearly meant what she said when she said the reward would be worthwhile.

But there was still one question that lingered at the back of her mind. She looked up, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. “Hey, Wakako,” Asuka started, her tone a bit more serious. “What was in that truck anyway? There was a hell of a lot of heat on it for just a transport run. Militech, drones, the works. It seemed like more than just a regular supply drop.”

There was a slight pause on the other end, and when Wakako spoke again, her voice had that edge of mysterious amusement that made Asuka always feel like she was playing a game just outside of her knowledge. “Some things are better left unknown, Asuka. Trust me on this one—you don’t want to get tangled up in what Night City Council and Arasaka are meddling in right now.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, her mind running through the implications of that statement. Night City Council and Arasaka—two forces that rarely moved without major motivations behind them. She exhaled, nodding slightly, even though Wakako couldn’t see her. “Got it. Just figured I’d ask. No need to dig too deep, I suppose.”

Wakako's voice softened slightly, almost like she was giving some semblance of a warning. “You’re wise not to. You've done good work, and the eddies are there. Enjoy your success, Asuka. But remember—some doors are best left closed.”

The line went dead, the call ending without further ceremony. Asuka dropped her hand, looking over at Jackie and Sasha, who were waiting for the all-clear. She gave them a grin, shrugging. “Well, chooms, we got the eddies—and it sounds like whatever was in that truck, we’re better off not knowing.”

Jackie laughed, shaking his head. “Night City politics, man. Sometimes it’s best just to take the pay and leave the rest to the suits.”

Sasha smirked, a slight glint of curiosity in her eyes, though she nodded in agreement. “Yeah, last thing we need is a corporate leash around our necks. Let’s just grab those drinks, like you promised.”

Asuka nodded, pulling herself onto her bike. “You got it. Let’s go get wrecked. We deserve it after tonight.”

After the job was complete, Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha decided to head back to Lizzie's Bar to celebrate properly, the payout from Wakako burning a pleasant weight in their pockets. As they parked their bikes and stepped inside, the familiar pulse of music, neon glow, and the chatter of the crowd filled the air, an immediate comfort after the high-adrenaline chaos of the Militech heist.

They found Maine’s crew already there, gathered around one of the corner booths, their presence easily recognizable. Maine was holding court, his imposing figure taking up a good deal of space, while Dorio, Rebecca, and Pilar were engaged in some loud conversation over a few drinks.

Asuka led the way, grinning as she spotted the group. “Hey, look who’s here! If it isn’t Maine and his merry band of misfits,” she called out, her voice easily carrying over the music.

Maine turned, his broad face breaking into a smile as he raised his glass towards them. “Well, well, if it isn’t the pink devil herself!” He gestured for them to join, shifting slightly to make some room. “Get your asses over here—been a while since we had a proper talk.”

The trio slid into the booth, Jackie and Sasha nodding at Maine and his crew. Rebecca gave Asuka a quick once-over, her usual crooked grin already in place. “So, you chooms finally decided to stop slacking and join the party, huh?” she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Asuka chuckled, waving a bartender over for drinks. “More like, just finished some serious biz. Had a real preem gig tonight—Militech truck, high-profile stuff, and let’s just say we pulled it off without a hitch,” she boasted, her grin widening.

Maine leaned forward, his interest piqued. “Militech, huh? You kids got some balls, I’ll give you that.” He took a long drink from his glass, nodding approvingly. “Tell me, what’s a little crew like yours doin’ klepping Militech gear?”

Jackie shrugged, grinning. “You know how it is, Maine. Wakako sends us, we get it done. She was lookin’ for pros, and pros is what we are,” he said, puffing his chest slightly.

Dorio, sitting beside Maine, gave them an impressed look. “Militech’s no joke. Props for pulling it off and making it back here in one piece.”

Asuka nodded, a proud grin on her face. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy. We had to deal with drones, soldiers, and a whole lotta corporate tech on the way out. But nothing our crew couldn’t handle. Sasha here was magic with the hacks, and Jackie—well, Jackie threw a grenade through a window, so there’s that.”

Rebecca laughed, her head thrown back. “Grenade through the window, eh? That’s a classic move, Jackie. Always gotta go big or go home.”

Maine chuckled, shaking his head. “That’s the kind of style I like to hear about. Though you’re not the only ones dealing with corp trouble.” He leaned back, looking at Asuka and her crew, his expression shifting slightly to something a bit more serious. “We’ve been busy ourselves. Had a few gigs come in about Arasaka—seems like they’re bringing in a lot of hardware lately. Arasaka trucks, convoys, shipments. They’re moving fast and heavy, like they’re getting ready for something big.”

Sasha perked up, her eyes narrowing in thought. “Arasaka, huh? Seems like everyone’s moving in and out of Night City lately. We just stole from Militech, and you’re telling me Arasaka is setting up shop too?”

Maine nodded, his gaze thoughtful. “Yeah. We’ve had a couple of gigs ourselves—either destroy the shipments or klep something outta their convoys. The heat’s getting heavy, and I don’t mean just the usual corp-on-corp bullshit. Feels like they’re gearing up for something.”

Asuka exchanged a glance with Jackie, her expression sobering slightly. “You know, I’m starting to think there’s more going on here than just corpo pissing contests. Wakako wouldn’t even tell us what was in that Militech truck. Just said it had to do with Night City Council and Arasaka.”

Dorio frowned, glancing at Maine. “That’s some heavy stuff, if even Wakako doesn’t want to touch it. You think it’s related to the Unification War stuff we’ve been hearing about?”

Jackie shrugged, taking a sip from his drink, his eyes narrowing. “Could be. The NUSA and the Free States have been eyeing each other for a while now. And if there’s a war brewing, you know it’s gonna spill right over into Night City. Militech is getting integrated into NUSA and Arasaka wants to get back in Night City.”

Asuka leaned back, tapping her fingers on the table as she looked at the rest of them. “Whatever it is, one thing’s for sure—Night City’s gonna be caught right in the middle of it. And if the corpos want to play games here, we might as well make some eddies out of it. But we gotta be careful, chooms. This isn’t just small-time stuff anymore.”

Maine raised his glass, his expression solemn yet tinged with that familiar excitement—an acceptance of the edge they all danced on. “You said it, Asuka. Play smart, and we get rich. Play dumb, and we’re just another set of names on the memorial wall... or, if we’re lucky, we’ll have a drink named after us in the Afterlife.” He paused, his lips curving into a knowing smile. “Here’s to getting rich while we’re at it or dying in a blaze of glory.”

The rest of the crew mirrored his actions, raising their glasses in a shared toast, the loud, chaotic energy of Lizzie's Bar acting as the perfect backdrop to their camaraderie. They clinked their drinks together, the resounding sound a mix of glass and laughter.

The rest of the night started off great—plenty of drinks, lots of laughter, and stories being thrown around about gigs, fights, and the kind of insane jobs.

Rebecca was her usual animated self, throwing out taunts and jokes with abandon. She had already been through a few rounds of drinks and was definitely getting louder as the night progressed. Asuka, not one to back down from anything, especially not from someone like Rebecca, was happy to play along.

But then, like it always seemed to, the playful tension shifted. The air between Asuka and Rebecca became charged, the friendly banter slowly escalating into pointed remarks.

Rebecca leaned across the table, her eyes narrowing, her grin crooked. “I don’t know, big tits, you keep talking about your fancy-ass gigs, but I still don’t see what makes you so special. Pink chrome doesn’t make you invincible, you know?”

Asuka’s grin faltered for just a moment before turning into a sharp smirk, her eyes locking onto Rebecca's.

“Yeah? Well, at least I don’t have to stand on a stool just to get my point across, gremlin,” Asuka shot back, her tone biting, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Rebecca’s eyes widened, her mouth forming a shocked 'o' before turning into an almost feral grin. “Oh, that’s how it is, huh?” she snapped, standing up on her seat, her small frame leaning over the table. “You wanna go, big boobs? I’ll take you down a notch or two, right here and now.”

Asuka stood up as well, her Mantis Blades twitching inside her arms, not ejecting but just reminding her that they were there. She squared her shoulders, her eyes meeting Rebecca's as she gave her a challenging look. “Bring it, Rebecca. I’d love to see what you got.”

The rest of the crew exchanged glances, the laughter dying down as the two women squared off. Jackie sighed, already standing up, his expression somewhere between amused and exasperated. “Aw, c’mon, chicas, can we not do this again?” he asked, stepping around the table to get between them.

Maine put a hand on Rebecca’s shoulder, his deep voice carrying a hint of warning. “Alright, Becca, let’s not get kicked outta here tonight, yeah? We just got our drinks.”

Rebecca glared at Asuka for a moment longer, her eyes narrowing before she finally sat back down, her grin still in place. “Fine, fine. But one day, big boobs, we’re gonna settle this.”

Asuka let out a breath, shaking her head, her smirk still in place as she also sat back down, though her muscles were still tense. “I’m looking forward to it, gremlin. Anytime, anywhere.”

Jackie nudged Asuka lightly, giving her a small smile. “You know, one of these days, you two are actually gonna go at it, and I’m gonna have to bet on it. Probably the only way I’m gonna get some eddies outta all this drama.”

Asuka laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, yeah, Jackie. But hey, at least it’s never boring, right?”

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