Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 38

It was a surprisingly sunny day in Night City, the kind of day that made you almost forget the smog and grime that usually coated everything. Asuka and Jackie were lounging around a basketball court in Heywood, where some Valentinos had thrown together a makeshift boxing competition. The area was buzzing with energy—guys cheering on their friends, bets being placed, and fists colliding in good, old-fashioned street brawls.

Jackie leaned against the chain-link fence, his arms crossed, his eyes darting from one bout to the next. He was watching two Valentinos, their punches coming in hard and fast, as the crowd around them yelled for blood. Asuka was perched on the edge of a bench, her Mantis Blades retracted, her fingers drumming against her chrome thigh, her gaze lost somewhere in the sunlight reflecting off the metal.

“Y’know,” Jackie said, finally breaking the silence between them, “I heard some crazy shit about Sasquatch the other day. She’s, uh, Matilda K. Rose, yeah? Been makin’ headlines all over the place.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, glancing over at Jackie, her expression intrigued. “Sasquatch? Yeah, I heard about her too. Girl's got big ambitions for sure—heard she’s been going after other Animals gang leaders. Taking ‘em down one by one to, I dunno, make herself the queen of the jungle or something.”

Jackie let out a huff, shaking his head with a mix of admiration and disbelief. “It’s kinda wild, ain’t it? The Animals are already pretty loco, but this chica’s on a whole ‘nother level. I mean, if she wants to run that pack of cyber-psycho gym rats, I guess more power to her.”

Asuka smirked, her eyes flicking back to the boxing ring. “She’s definitely not playing around. Makes sense with everything happening lately, though. With all the Pacifica stuff going to hell, it’s kinda open season for someone like her to grab power. I heard investors are pulling out left and right—no one wants to be caught in the middle of a war zone when the NUSA starts flexing.”

Jackie nodded, his eyes narrowing as he watched the next round of fighters step into the makeshift ring. “Yeah, and the Free States ain’t backing down either. It’s like everyone just decided to throw all their chips in and see what happens. Can’t really blame those corpos for not wanting to keep dumping eddies into Pacifica when shit's about to go up in flames.”

Asuka snorted, leaning back, her eyes catching the glint of sun against the chrome on her arms. “Right? It’s not like they were actually interested in making Pacifica anything other than a cash grab to begin with. The minute it stops making 'em a profit, they leave it to rot.”

Jackie shot her a grin, nudging her with his elbow. “Guess that’s where folks like us come in, huh? The minute the corpos turn tail, it’s just another playground for people like Sasquatch—or us. Less oversight, more opportunity.”

Asuka laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, if by opportunity you mean the kind that comes with a side of bullets and chrome knuckles. I’m telling you, Pacifica’s gonna get wild. And honestly? I can’t wait. Could be some preem gigs in it for us, especially with everyone scrambling to figure out who's in charge.”

“Damn straight,” Jackie agreed, his eyes lighting up with that familiar spark of excitement. “Once it all starts unraveling, it’s gonna be a real shitshow, but we’re gonna be right there, making sure we get our cut.”

Asuka looked around at the crowd for a moment, taking in the cheering, the people placing bets, the sound of fists colliding with flesh. Heywood had always been a place that thrived on its own chaos—a place where strength and loyalty meant something, where people made their own rules.

“Hey,” Jackie said, his voice a little softer, nudging her again. “You think this Sasquatch chick is gonna hold it all together? Seems like a lotta pressure for one person, even someone like her.”

Asuka shrugged, her gaze thoughtful. “She’s got the strength, but it’s more than that, you know? It’s not just about punching your way to the top. If she can get people to follow her, to see her as more than just the biggest muscle, then maybe she’s got a shot. Otherwise, someone’s gonna take her out just like she’s been doing to the others.”

Jackie gave a small nod, his eyes distant for a moment before they focused back on Asuka. “Yeah, I feel ya. Guess we’ll just have to see how it all shakes out. Meantime, we just keep doin' our thing, yeah?”

Asuka smiled, the sun glinting off her teeth. “Always, Jackie. No matter what happens out there, we’re always gonna be doing our thing.”

It was Jackie's turn to step into the makeshift arena—though, really, it was more of a worn-down basketball court with hastily tied-up ropes forming a rough boundary for the fights. The Valentinos had turned the place into a perfect spot for a little community brawl, and Jackie was more than ready to put on a show.

Asuka leaned against the chain-link fence, her eyes fixed on Jackie as he squared off with his opponent—a tall guy, not as heavily built as Jackie but clearly quicker, with a stance that suggested he knew his way around a fight. The guy bobbed and weaved, light on his feet, moving in to throw a few punches at Jackie, his arms snapping out fast.

The first couple of punches landed solidly, one striking Jackie’s ribs, another glancing off his jaw. Asuka winced slightly but couldn't help but grin—she knew Jackie could take a hit. Hell, with his subdermal armor and titanium bones, he was a brick wall.

“Come on, Jackie, don’t let him dance around you!” Asuka yelled, her voice just barely audible over the cheers and shouts of the crowd.

Jackie took another hit to the side, grunting but barely budging. The guy was fast—darting in and out, aiming for Jackie’s weak spots—but Jackie had the durability advantage, and he knew it. He let the guy come at him, tanking a few more hits, his eyes locked on his opponent, biding his time.

The Valentinos around the ring were shouting, cheering for both sides, but the energy was growing. Everyone was waiting for Jackie to make his move.

Finally, Jackie found his moment. He lunged forward, his powerful arms swinging wide. His opponent tried to duck and weave, but Jackie had closed the distance too quickly. He landed a solid left hook to the guy's side, a thud that seemed to reverberate through the whole court.

The guy staggered, his rhythm broken, and Jackie pressed the advantage. He followed up with a quick right jab to the guy's jaw, then another powerful left that sent his opponent stumbling back, his feet skidding against the cracked pavement of the court.

Asuka whooped, her hands clapping against the metal fence. “That’s it, Jackie! Give him hell!”

The tall guy tried to recover, moving to block Jackie’s next swing, but Jackie was relentless. He was done waiting. He went in hard, landing a heavy punch to the guy's midsection, forcing the air out of his lungs. The guy's guard faltered, and Jackie took the opening, landing an uppercut that sent him reeling.

With a final powerful blow, Jackie drove his fist into the guy’s chest, sending him sprawling to the ground, breathless and unable to get up. The crowd erupted, cheering and shouting, some of the Valentinos clapping Jackie on the back as he stepped away, raising his arms in victory, his grin wide and infectious.

Asuka laughed, shaking her head as Jackie made his way over to her, sweat dripping down his face, but his eyes bright with excitement. She reached up and patted his shoulder. “Nice job, Jackie. Thought you were just gonna let him keep dancing around you for a sec there.”

Jackie grinned, shrugging his massive shoulders. “Nah, chica, just giving the people a show, you know? Gotta make it look good before I put ‘em down.” He glanced back at the Valentinos dragging the other guy to his feet, giving a small nod of respect. “He was quick, I’ll give him that. But sometimes, you just need a little extra muscle.”

Asuka shook her head, her eyes glinting with amusement. “You always gotta be the tough guy, huh?”

Jackie gave her a playful shove, nearly knocking her off balance, though she quickly caught herself. “Damn right. Someone’s gotta be, and you sure as hell aren’t doing it with those Mantis Blades of yours.”

Asuka laughed, flicking out her Mantis Blades for a brief second, the chrome glinting in the sunlight before retracting. “Yeah, yeah, big guy. You take the punches, and I’ll make sure no one’s left standing to take another shot.”

Jackie nodded, his grin softening into something a bit more genuine. “Damn straight, Asuka. Teamwork, right?”

“Right,” Asuka agreed, her eyes catching his, her grin matching his own.

After the impromptu fight at the basketball court, Jackie and Asuka were ready to call it a day, their adrenaline starting to wind down. Jackie headed back to El Coyote for some drinks, and Asuka planned on taking her Yaiba out for a spin through Heywood when her HUD lit up with an incoming call. The familiar face of Sasha popped up in her vision, her usual focused expression looking a bit excited.

“Yo, Sasha,” Asuka answered, tapping her temple to confirm the connection. “What’s the word?”

“Hey, you two need to get your asses over to Joe's,” Sasha said, her voice carrying an edge of anticipation. “I found us something... something that might work as our crew’s truck. Trust me, you’re gonna want to see this.”

Intrigued, Asuka raised an eyebrow. “A truck? Alright, we’re on our way.” She turned her bike toward El Coyote to grab Jackie, and they were at Joe’s diner in a matter of minutes. When they entered, Sasha was already at one of the corner tables, a half-finished cup of coffee in front of her, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she watched them walk in.

“So, what’s the gig, chica?” Jackie asked as they sat down, curiosity etched on his face.

Sasha leaned in, lowering her voice a bit. “I talked to El Capitán earlier today. Turns out he’s got his hands on something pretty preem—a Militech Behemoth, stolen from Arasaka. He wants to sell it, but it’s too hot. He’s been sitting on it for a while because no one wants to touch it—not when Arasaka’s got their claws in it.”

Asuka’s eyes widened a bit, and she couldn’t help the grin that started to stretch across her face. “A Militech Behemoth, huh? Sounds like the kind of ride we need. What’s he asking for it?”

Sasha sighed, her expression shifting to something a bit more serious. “He’s asking for 400,000 eddies. We’ve got 300,000 saved up between us for this kind of thing, but it’s still a hundred K short.”

Asuka nodded, tapping her fingers thoughtfully on the table for a moment. “Alright, lemme work some magic. I’ll call El Capitán.”

Pulling up her HUD, Asuka navigated to her contacts, finding Muamar Reyes, also known as El Capitán. The familiar beep of the connection echoed in her mind before El Capitán’s voice came through.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Pink Devil herself,” El Capitán greeted her, sounding amused. “You callin’ about that Behemoth, eh? I figured Sasha would put a bug in your ear about it.”

“Damn right I am, Capitán,” Asuka said, her tone confident. “Listen, I want the truck—but we’re talking 300,000. No more.”

El Capitán let out a low chuckle, though it was clear he wasn’t entirely amused. “300,000? Chica, you gotta be jokin’. This is a Militech Behemoth we’re talking about. Arasaka's been after it after it got stolen—it's a dangerous ride. I can't let it go for less than 400,000.”

Asuka didn’t miss a beat, her voice sharp but persuasive. “Yeah, but listen, choom. If Arasaka’s gunning for it, that means you’re sittin’ on a ticking time bomb. You don’t have a lot of options, do you? I’m the best offer you got to get rid of that hot potato. I take it off your hands for 300,000, you drop the risk, and we call it square.”

There was silence on the line for a moment, and Asuka could practically hear the gears turning in El Capitán’s head. After a beat, he sighed, his tone tinged with reluctant acceptance. “Alright, alright, you got me. You drive a hard bargain, Asuka. 300,000 it is. But you better take care of that monster, yeah? The coordinates are coming to you now.”

Asuka smiled, her HUD lighting up with the location of the Behemoth. “You got it, Capitán. Appreciate it.”

The call ended, and Asuka looked up at Jackie and Sasha, her grin wide. “We got it. 300,000. Let’s go check it out.”

The three left Joe’s and took their bikes through Santo Domingo until they arrived at a massive warehouse, the kind that looked abandoned but was definitely not. Jackie whistled when they saw the Militech Behemoth, parked and ready—a monstrous piece of machinery, armored to hell, with heavy-duty plating that practically screamed invincibility.

Sasha looked at the truck with a mix of awe and trepidation. “Looks amazing, but... we’ve still got the problem of Arasaka. They were tracking it before, right? How are we supposed to use it if they’re still looking?”

Asuka smirked, pulling up her HUD once more, her Kiroshi optics adjusting as she navigated to her contacts. She found Hanako Arasaka on the list.

She kept it simple: “Need a favor. Call off the lookout for the Behemoth.”

After a few seconds, Asuka's HUD blinked with a notification. The response was short, clipped, but effective: “Consider it done.”

Asuka grinned, turning to Jackie and Sasha, her excitement evident. “Alright, chooms. It’s ours. No Arasaka heat. We’re riding in style.”

Jackie whooped, practically bouncing with excitement as he clapped Asuka on the back. “Damn, chica! You pulled it off. I don’t even want to know how you’ve got that kinda sway.”

Sasha just shook her head, her lips curving into a small, impressed smile. “Seriously, Asuka, sometimes I think you’re a damn magician. Let’s get this beast to our place before anyone else decides they want a piece of it.”

After storing their bikes securely in the back of the Militech Behemoth, the crew took a moment to appreciate just how much space this beast had. The back compartment was massive—easily big enough to fit more bikes, gear, and even a small crew. It was exactly what they needed: mobility, muscle, and plenty of room for all the extra gear and people they might need to pick up along the way. It was, as Jackie put it, a rolling fortress.

Asuka climbed into the driver's seat, her fingers gliding over the heavy-duty controls with a grin that spoke of anticipation. To her left, Jackie settled into his spot, while Sasha climbed in next to him, the cabin surprisingly spacious with its seating for three and plenty of rugged instrumentation. The dashboard was a mix of heavy-duty tech, with military-grade switches, a reinforced screen, and monitors for all sorts of situational data.

Asuka ran her fingers over the controls, her eyes flicking to Jackie and Sasha. “Alright, chooms, let’s see what this beast can do. Hold on to your chrome.” She gave them both a cheeky grin before revving the truck to life.

The Behemoth responded instantly, the engine roaring like a caged beast finally let loose. Jackie let out a low whistle, nodding approvingly. “Chica, this thing’s got some growl. Feels like I’m sitting in a damn tank.”

Sasha, always the more reserved one, allowed herself a smile, her eyes scanning the display screens in front of her, checking the data as Asuka guided the Behemoth out of the warehouse. “It’s definitely built for something serious. Let's see if it can handle these streets.”

Asuka laughed, a note of thrill in her voice. “Oh, it’ll handle ‘em alright. Let’s put this big boy through its paces.”

The truck rolled out onto the streets of Santo Domingo, the massive tires crunching over uneven pavement, sending a low rumble through the cabin. The Behemoth handled surprisingly well for its size; even with the added weight of their bikes and equipment, it accelerated smoothly. The reinforced armor-plated body gave it the heft of a military vehicle, but the tech inside made it move like a well-tuned rig.

As Asuka navigated onto the highway, she couldn’t help herself—her foot pressed down on the pedal, and the Behemoth surged forward. The engine’s roar was exhilarating, and the force of the acceleration pushed her back in her seat. The screen lit up with data on speed, engine performance, and route guidance, giving Asuka a rush of satisfaction.

Jackie let out a loud whoop, his hand slapping the dashboard in excitement. “Woo! Now this is what I’m talking about, chica! We got ourselves a real beast, huh?”

Asuka glanced at him, a wild grin on her face. “Damn straight! And just think about the looks we’re gonna get when we roll up in this thing. Talk about making an entrance.”

Sasha couldn’t help but chuckle, though her gaze was fixed on the screen showing exterior cams. “As long as we don’t draw more heat than we already got, I’m all for making an entrance.”

Asuka nodded, easing off the accelerator just a bit, the massive truck cruising steadily now. She took a sharp turn, the Behemoth hugging the road surprisingly well for something so bulky. “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya, Sasha. We gotta be smart with it. But still... imagine what we can pull with this thing. Gigs are gonna be a lot easier when we’re rolling in a fortress like this.”

Jackie was practically bouncing in his seat, his excitement contagious. “Man, imagine the heists, the smuggling gigs—we got the room now, and we got the muscle. No more squeezing everything into the back of my bike, thank the saints.”

As they cruised through Santo Domingo, feeling the rumble of the Militech Behemoth beneath them, the crew felt invincible. The massive truck was a fortress on wheels, and Asuka was more than eager to show what it could do. But then, from the corner of her eye, she caught sight of two Six Street cars speeding up alongside the Behemoth.

The Six Street gangers didn’t look happy. Their cars were sleek but clearly outclassed by the massive military-grade truck they were driving beside. Asuka narrowed her eyes, a slow grin forming on her face as the Six Street gangers gestured angrily at her, their guns poking out of windows.

"Ah, hell no," Asuka muttered under her breath. “Looks like we got company, chooms.”

Jackie, sitting on her left, glanced at the Six Street cars and scoffed. “They think they can mess with us in this beast? They gotta be crazy, chica.”

Sasha’s eyes were already scanning the screens in front of her, analyzing their positioning. “Probably mad about what happened with their buddies a few days ago,” she suggested dryly.

Asuka gave a sharp nod, her hands tightening on the steering wheel. “Guess we better teach ‘em to stay in their lane.” Without hesitation, she turned the wheel sharply to the right, ramming into the closest Six Street car. The Behemoth slammed into it with a force that sent the smaller car skidding off the road, its tires screeching as it spun out of control before smashing into a concrete barrier.

The Behemoth barely even wobbled. The massive tires and reinforced plating made it almost laughably easy to throw the enemy car out of commission. The second Six Street car, seeing what happened to its companion, immediately tried to pull back, but Asuka wasn't about to let that happen. She pressed down on the accelerator, and the Behemoth lurched forward with a roar, closing the distance to the remaining car.

With a final swerve, she rammed the second car off the road, sending it flying into a ditch. The screech of metal and the smash of impact filled the air, but to Asuka, it was just background noise. The Behemoth rolled on, undeterred, not even a scratch on it.

“Damn, Asuka, you really don’t mess around!” Jackie laughed, looking over at her with a mix of admiration and amusement.

Sasha glanced at the rear cameras, watching as the wreckage of the two cars disappeared behind them. “Looks like they underestimated just how heavy-duty this thing is,” she commented.

Asuka grinned, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. “Let’s hope they learned their lesson. Ain’t nobody got time for this bullshit.”

But as they approached the bridge to Heywood, a different sight awaited them—a barrage of Six Street cars, lined up across the road, blocking their path. The gang members were already armed and waiting, their weapons drawn, firing a volley of shots that rang out, hitting the Behemoth’s thick armor. The rounds ricocheted off the plated body, barely scratching the surface.

“More of these gonks? Seriously?” Asuka muttered, her expression shifting from annoyance to determination.

The gunfire from the Six Street cars was relentless, but the rounds did nothing. They might as well have been shooting spitballs for all the effect it had on the Behemoth.

Jackie let out an exasperated sigh. “They don’t know when to quit, do they?”

Asuka’s grin widened, her eyes glinting with a dangerous light. She slammed her foot down on the accelerator. The engine roared, the truck hurtling toward the blockade at full speed. “Hold on to your asses, chooms—we’re not stopping.”

Sasha braced herself, her eyes widening slightly as she glanced at the wall of cars in front of them. “You’re just gonna—”

But there was no time for questions. The Behemoth crashed straight into the barrage of Six Street cars, plowing through them like they were nothing more than paper cutouts. The force of the impact sent the smaller vehicles flying, their bodies crumpling, wheels popping off, and glass shattering as the Behemoth bulldozed through. Two of the cars flipped into the air, landing in a twisted mess of metal behind them.

Inside the cabin, the ride was surprisingly smooth. The Behemoth barely shook as it smashed through the line of enemy cars, continuing its path toward Heywood without losing speed.

“Holy shit, Asuka!” Jackie shouted, half laughing, half yelling. “You just took ‘em out like they were nothing!”

Sasha blinked, her face a mix of shock and impressed disbelief. “I’m... I’m starting to think this was the best investment we ever made.”

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