Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 47

Inside Misty’s esoterica shop, the small space was filled with the scent of incense, and the atmosphere was surprisingly tranquil, especially compared to the chaos that had just unfolded outside. The white-haired girl, Lucyna Kushinada, sat in a slightly worn but comfortable chair, her eyes darting nervously around the room, clearly overwhelmed. Her chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths.

Misty, her demeanor as calm and kind as ever, approached Lucy with a gentle smile, setting a steaming cup of tea on the small table beside her. She spoke softly, her voice like a soothing balm. “Here, take a sip. It’s just a calming blend. No tricks.” She gave Lucy a reassuring nod, coaxing her out of her anxiety. “Where are you staying, sweetheart?”

Lucy looked down at her lap, her face a mix of shame and frustration. “I… I don’t have anywhere yet,” she admitted quietly. “I’m new here. Haven’t even had time to rent anything or find a place to crash.” She lifted her eyes, glancing at the three women before her. Her tone had a tinge of vulnerability. “I thought maybe... if I could score some eddies fast…”

Sasha snorted, leaning against the counter, her arms crossed, her expression still holding a mix of suspicion and curiosity. “You thought hacking some edgerunners for eddies was the right move?” she shook her head. “Not smart, kid. Not in Night City.”

Asuka, sitting on the armrest of a chair beside Lucy, studied her intently. There was something about the girl that reminded her of herself—the desperation, the scrappiness, that fire mixed with an absolute lack of direction. She bit her lower lip thoughtfully before glancing at Sasha. “She needs somewhere to stay,” she stated plainly.

Sasha gave Asuka a side-eye, her lips pressing into a thin line before she sighed. “And who’s gonna give her a roof? You?”

“Well, I am getting a bigger place soon,” Asuka said, shrugging. “One of those bigger units in the same building, remember? More space. Couldn’t hurt to help the kid out until she finds her feet.” She looked back at Lucy, who was watching the conversation with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

Sasha arched an eyebrow, giving Asuka an almost incredulous look. “You just gonna let a stranger move in, no questions asked? She tried to klep our chips, you know?”

“Yeah, well, everyone in this city tries to klep something,” Asuka replied with a grin. “Besides, she looks like she could use a little guidance.” She turned her attention fully to Lucy. “What do you say, kid? Wanna stick around? There are a lot worse people you could end up with in this city.”

Lucy hesitated, her wide eyes meeting Asuka’s for a moment before she glanced at Sasha, then back at Misty, who offered her a soft, encouraging smile.

“I don’t… I don’t want to impose,” Lucy started, her voice still shaky, though a bit stronger now.

“Nonsense,” Asuka waved her off. “Night City’ll chew you up and spit you out faster than you think if you don’t have backup. Besides,” she added, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, “you owe me for trying to hack me. Rent isn’t free, but you can chip in, right?”

Sasha gave an exaggerated sigh, her expression softening. “Alright, alright,” she muttered, throwing her hands up. “Fine. But if she’s coming with, she stays with me. She's a netrunner, like me. Could be useful.” She gave Lucy a long, measuring look. “We’ll share the load and keep her out of trouble.”

Asuka crossed her arms, a mock pout forming on her lips. “I wanted to keep her with me, though! I was thinking we could all stay in the new apartment. It’s got more than enough room.” She pointed her thumb at herself, then at Sasha. “Besides, I’m the one with connections—Vik’s right there if something goes wrong, and Misty’s just downstairs. Makes sense for us to stick together.”

Sasha rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. But it means we split rent three ways, okay? She’s gotta pull her weight, like the rest of us.”

Asuka glanced at Lucy, who was looking at them, still bewildered by the conversation. Asuka gave her a smile, reaching over to ruffle the young netrunner’s hair. “Looks like you’re in, kid. You’ll move in with us once I get the bigger unit, and you and Sasha can handle the netrunning side. Help us make a few extra eddies and cover a small part of the rent.”

Lucy blinked, looking at them both before a tentative smile broke across her face. “Are… are you serious?” she asked, still not entirely believing her luck.

Misty, who had been silently preparing another cup of tea, finally spoke up, her gentle tone making Lucy relax just a bit more. “These girls mean what they say,” she assured Lucy. “They’ve got your back. And maybe,” Misty added with a knowing smile, “this could be a fresh start for you.”

Asuka nodded, her grin widening. “See, kid? Fresh start.”

Lucy, for the first time since they had found her, seemed to relax, her shoulders dropping as she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Okay,” she said quietly “I’ll do my best. I promise.”

After the chaos of the past few days—fights, attempted kidnappings, and strange gigs that seemed to stretch the boundaries of danger—it was a nice change of pace to be focused on something mundane. Asuka was standing in what would be her new apartment, feeling that mix of excitement and relief. It wasn’t Corpo Plaza luxury, but the space felt like a victory—something she could finally call her own.

The place was more than decent by Night City standards. It had a small kitchen, two bathrooms, and two good-sized bedrooms, along with three unused rooms that had the potential for customization. For Sasha, it was a huge upgrade from her cramped apartment that barely had space for her netrunner setup. For Asuka, it was similar to the comfort of her father's place—spacious and functional, perfect for her growing crew. Even with all the amenities and extra rooms, it didn't have that cold corporate vibe; it was cozy, somewhere they could relax away from the chaos of the streets.

Misty had been helpful, giving them a discount for the two-year rent, and Sasha had chipped in for it, making it finally affordable. That helped cement the sense that this was a shared space, a kind of headquarters for their crew. There were no corpos breathing down their necks, no shady landlords playing tricks—it was theirs.

Asuka had moved her stuff quickly, considering she was just moving a few floors down from Vik's place. She brought her essentials—clothes, some of the more portable netrunner gear she borrowed from Sasha from time to time, her weaponry, and a few odd decorations that reflected her bright, flashy aesthetic. Pink accents were already beginning to color the walls of her new room.

Sasha’s move was a bigger task, requiring more muscle. They called Jackie for help, who eagerly came with Pink Kitty. Moving Sasha’s things out of her old cramped apartment was a real job—the netrunner equipment alone took hours to dismantle carefully and load up. Sasha’s tech setup was sophisticated, a mess of wires, screens, a ton of devices and netrunner chair.

“Girl, how did you even fit all this in there?” Jackie laughed, shaking his head as he lifted another heavy box.

Sasha smirked, shrugging as she carried a smaller crate filled with monitors. “Takes skill, Jack. Also a lot of ignoring fire safety regulations.”

Jackie chuckled, helping Sasha secure the more delicate equipment in Pink Kitty's back compartment. Asuka and Sasha moved in tandem, each knowing their role, working like a well-oiled machine. They made their way through Watson, carefully transporting Sasha’s stuff without drawing too much attention—though with Pink Kitty, that was easier said than done.

After everything was finally in the new apartment, they set up quickly, each falling into their own rhythm. Sasha immediately started organizing her room, figuring out how to arrange her netrunner setup, a mixture of practical precision and her love for bright lights and flashy tech.

Asuka set up her room easily—it didn’t take long to throw her clothing into the wardrobe and position her favorite decorative figurines along a shelf. One of the figurines, a small, suggestive statue from her recent stalker encounter, she decided to put on the living room shelf, for a laugh. It made her smile every time she walked by it.

They had two bedrooms settled—one for Asuka and one for Sasha. But that left the unused rooms. Asuka was already thinking ahead, her impulsive nature not quite letting her rest until all of them were claimed.

“Hey,” Asuka called out to Sasha, who was busy hooking up her rig. “One of these unused rooms is gonna be for Lucy, right?”

Sasha looked over her shoulder, nodding. “Yeah, I guess. She needs somewhere, especially after what happened... girl’s still new to this hellhole of a city.”

Asuka gave a smile that had a touch of mischief in it. “I think I’ll just sleep with her till we get her all set up.”

Sasha raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Are you serious? She’s fourteen, Asuka. You’re gonna make her even more freaked out.”

Asuka laughed, shrugging. “What? I’m not docking with her. I’m just giving her company until she gets used to the place. Plus, she’s taller than me, so maybe she can be the big spoon for once.”

Sasha snorted, shaking her head. “You’re impossible.”

“Yeah, but you still like me.” Asuka grinned before turning back to help Jackie carry the last few items.

Jackie was setting down the last box, wiping his brow. “All settled?” he asked, looking between them.

“Yep. Thanks for the help, choom,” Asuka replied, clapping him on the shoulder. “You’re gonna stay and help us break the place in, right? Maybe a little party tonight?”

Jackie gave her a playful glare. “After all the moving? Chica, you’re killing me.” Then he smiled. “But yeah, you know I’m not saying no to a few drinks.”

Later, when Lucy came by to check out the place, her eyes went wide at the sight of it. Compared to the tiny places she’d been squatting in since being on the run, this was like stepping into a new world. She hesitated, her eyes darting between Sasha, Jackie, and Asuka, still wary from everything that had happened.

“Come on,” Asuka said gently, putting an arm around her shoulders and steering her inside. “This place is yours now too. No need to be shy.”

Lucy nodded, though her nervousness was palpable. Sasha gave her an encouraging smile. “I got a room set up, but we’re still deciding on what to do with the other space. You can take one, make it yours.”

Lucy’s eyes flickered, showing the smallest hint of a smile but also a bit of distrust, though she didn’t say anything.

“And for now,” Asuka interjected, her grin widening, “I’m bunking with you. You cool with that?”

Lucy blinked, her eyes widening, and then looked to Sasha for confirmation. When Sasha gave her a nod, she sighed, though there was a small smile on her lips. “I guess I don’t have a choice.”

“Exactly!” Asuka laughed, ruffling Lucy’s hair. “And hey, don’t worry. I only snore a little bit.”

The next morning, Asuka and Sasha were sitting at the dining table in their apartment, the bright sunlight spilling through the windows, illuminating the cluttered but cozy room. Asuka was nursing a cup of coffee while Sasha munched on a slightly burnt piece of toast, her eyes glancing between Asuka and a layout of blueprints she’d been scribbling on. Across the table, Lucyna Kushinada sat silently, staring down at her cereal, her eyes slightly glazed over, as though her mind was elsewhere. The events of the previous day still hung in the air—a mix of tension and uncertainty that seemed to weigh on everyone.

“So, listen,” Sasha said, breaking the silence as she put down her toast, brushing off crumbs. “We gotta do something about those empty rooms. I’m thinking we set up a proper netrunner den in one.”

Asuka nodded, leaning back in her chair with a grin. “Hell yeah, I’m all for it. Been wanting to organize the gear too. The other room should be an armory. Sick of all the shit lying around everywhere. It’s time to get organized.” She took a sip of her coffee.

Lucyna looked up from her cereal, her expression blank, though her eyes seemed to register some interest. It was clear she wasn’t used to this—being around people, making plans for a place to stay. She had a past, and it was heavy, and everyone knew better than to pry too hard, at least for now.

“Lucy, you cool with that?” Asuka asked, her voice a bit gentler when she turned her attention to the younger girl. “We’ll get you settled in properly. No more hacking our shit, though,” she added with a pointed look, but there was a hint of a smile.

Lucy nodded slowly, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she looked back down at her bowl. “Y-Yeah, whatever you think works,” she murmured, her voice almost too soft to hear.

After finishing breakfast, Asuka and Sasha decided it was time to take Lucy down to Vik’s basement clinic for a proper check-up. It was something they’d needed to do since they took her in—ensuring her cyberware wasn’t going to cause any problems. As they made their way down the stairs to Vik's basement, the familiar whirring of medical equipment and the soft hum of the waiting room's ights greeted them.

Vik looked up from a datapad as they entered, his eyes scanning the group before landing on Lucy. He gave Asuka a questioning look, but when he saw how young the girl was, his expression softened slightly.

“Who’s this?” he asked, standing and wiping his hands on a rag, his tone gentle but curious.

“This is Lucy,” Asuka said, giving Lucy a small nudge forward. “She’s... new in town. We caught her trying to do some freelancing hacking on us.” There was a half-playful smirk on her lips.

Vik knelt slightly to be more on Lucy's eye level, his gaze shifting from her nervous eyes to the cyberware on her body, noting the signs of wear and the less-than-optimal condition. “You’re going to need some maintenance, kid,” he said, his voice low and calm. “Got a lot of chrome for someone your age.” He paused, as though he wanted to ask more, but when he saw Lucy tense, he chose to let it go. Instead, he gestured toward his chair. “Come on, let's take a look, make sure nothing’s about to short out on you.”

Lucy hesitated, glancing back at Asuka and Sasha, her eyes a mix of anxiety and uncertainty. “You’re safe here, Lucy. Vik’s one of the best in Night City and also my father. He’s not gonna do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

Slowly, Lucy stepped forward, settling into the examination chair. Vik adjusted some of the instruments, moving the overhead scanner to get a better look at her systems. As the machine hummed to life, Vik’s gaze shifted to the readings, his brows furrowing slightly.

“Hmm... looks like you’ve got some wear and tear that needs tending to. Nothing immediate, but if we don’t clean some of this up, you could have some problems in the future,” Vik said, his voice a mix of professional concern and genuine care. He turned back to Lucy, meeting her eyes. “You’ve had a lot of chrome for quite a while, haven’t you?”

Lucy didn’t answer, her eyes darting away, her shoulders tensing. Vik gave a gentle nod, not pressing further. He knew better than to push—people like Lucy had their reasons, and some wounds took longer to heal.

“Alright, well, we’ll get started on that maintenance soon. For now, nothing seems critical, so you’re good to go.” He looked over at Asuka and Sasha, a faint smile on his lips. “Keep her out of trouble, alright? Kid’s been through enough from the looks of it.”

Asuka nodded, her expression softening as she glanced at Lucy, who looked more relieved now that the examination was over. “You got it, old man. She’s with us now,” Asuka said, her voice carrying a warmth that reassured not just Vik but also Lucy herself.

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