Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 48

The chaotic streets of Watson were alive with energy, the kind of raw intensity that only a fight night hosted by Maelstrom could provide. The boxing ring had been hastily put together in an abandoned warehouse, makeshift lights strung up to create a brutal stage for the fighters. Crowds of people gathered around, the air filled with shouting, laughing, and the distant thumping bass of a heavy beat coming from somewhere in the background.

Asuka stood by the edge of the ring, her pink outfit and chrome standing out among the Maelstrom audience. Her eyes were locked on Jackie as he squared off with his opponent—a Maelstrom heavy with chrome-plated fists and a rough, bionic frame. Her shouts of encouragement were just audible over the roar of the crowd.

"C'mon, Jackie! Show this gonk what those gorilla arms are for! Rip his damn head off if you have to!" she called, her voice filled with a blend of excitement and confidence. Beside her, Sasha watched with a grin, while Lucy—pale-haired, her mixed European and Japanese features contrasting her anxious posture—stood uncertainly to the side.

Lucy was the newest addition to their makeshift little family. She still had the skittish air of someone who wasn’t sure how to fit into her new environment. Her hacking attempt on them had ended poorly, leading to a rather abrupt introduction. Since then, Asuka had taken her under her wing in an almost big-sister-like way. Sasha helped, of course, using her own background as a netrunner to try to teach Lucy.

Asuka's Kiroshi optics blinked as a notification appeared on her HUD—Padre. She swiped the notification mentally, accepting the call as the crowd’s roar intensified with Jackie’s opponent landing a solid blow.

Padre's voice filled her earpiece, calm but direct. “Asuka. I’ve got a gig for you. One that might need Pink Kitty, and your touch.”

"Go on," Asuka said, half her focus still on Jackie, who had managed to turn the fight around and had his opponent on the ropes.

“It’s a joint job,” Padre continued. “Wakako and I have been having some... issues. Six Street’s grown too bold. They’ve got Militech supplying them more than they should. Even more concerning, they’ve started pushing into Tyger Claws territory over in Westbrook. We can’t allow that to continue.”

Asuka’s brow furrowed, her gaze still flicking between the fight and her HUD, her interest piqued now. “So what are we looking at?” she asked.

“Six Street’s got a heavily guarded warehouse in Santo Domingo. Loaded with supplies—real military-grade shit. We need you to destroy it. Wakako’s got a bomb prepared, something that’ll do the job nice and loud. You need to pick it up from her.”

Asuka smiled, her heart pumping with the thrill of a real gig. “Understood, Padre. We’ll make sure it gets done. Santo Domingo won’t know what hit it.”

“Good. I knew I could count on you,” Padre said before the call ended, leaving Asuka to refocus on the fight just in time to see Jackie land a brutal uppercut. His opponent's head snapped back, and the guy crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and boos, the kind of response you got when fighting Maelstrom—they loved a good show but hated losing.

Jackie turned, his eyes scanning the crowd until he locked onto Asuka. He walked over, a big grin on his face as he wiped a trickle of sweat from his brow.

“Damn, that guy was tough,” Jackie laughed, his voice full of post-fight adrenaline. He flexed his gorilla arms for effect, still a bit shiny from the sweat and the blood.

Asuka reached up, giving him a playful punch on the arm, though it was barely a tap compared to what he'd just gone through. "Hope you’re not too tired, big guy, 'cause we got a gig. Serious one. We need to pick up Sasha, and we’ve got to get Lucy home. Then we’ll head to Wakako's and pick up a bomb.”

Jackie blinked, the grin widening, the thrill of the challenge lighting up his eyes. “A bomb? Now that sounds like a party,” he said, nodding towards Lucy. “Let’s get the kid home first. Can’t have her tagging along for this one.”

Lucy looked up, her wide eyes still processing everything. Asuka gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, a gentle contrast to her usual edge. “Don’t worry, Lucy. We’re dropping you off, and then we’ll handle this. You stay put, yeah? Don't need you getting mixed up in something like this just yet.”

Lucy nodded, her lips pressed together, a mixture of relief and frustration evident on her face. “Fine,” she said softly, almost sulking. Asuka could tell she wanted to help—wanted to prove herself. But this gig was too big for her, too dangerous.

They made their way out, driving Lucy back to theapartment she now shared with Sasha and Asuka. Once they dropped her off, they picked up Sasha along the way.

The three of them loaded into Pink Kitty, the massive behemoth of a vehicle—its pink paint job and subtle feline motifs a testament to the combined tastes of Asuka, Sasha, and a begrudging Jackie.

Pulling up to Wakako's establishment in Westbrook, Asuka climbed out. The elderly fixer was waiting for them in her office, a calm smile on her lips as Asuka entered.

“Asuka-chan, it’s good to see you again,” Wakako said, her voice warm but business-like. “I have what you need. This bomb—it’s a powerful piece of work. Make sure it’s placed properly. We want a statement, not a mishap.”

“Trust me, Wakako. We’re gonna leave a mark no one forgets,” Asuka said, nodding respectfully. Wakako handed her a case—a heavy one. Asuka could feel the weight as she took it, the significance of what they were about to do adding to the gravity.

After securing the bomb, they headed back to Pink Kitty, Asuka climbing into the driver’s seat this time. Jackie and Sasha exchanged glances, a shared sense of excitement and nerves between them. The stakes were high—Six Street had pushed too far, and now it was their turn to push back.

As Pink Kitty roared to life, Asuka’s eyes narrowed, her HUD showing the route to Santo Domingo.

Asuka, Sasha, and Jackie had been tasked with a heavy job by Wakako Okada—a job that turned out to be even shadier than they originally anticipated. The gig was simple on paper: blow up a heavily guarded Six Street warehouse in Santo Domingo. The bomb they were provided was an Arasaka one, and that could only mean one thing: Arasaka was backing this whole plan in some capacity.

Driving into Santo Domingo, the air felt thick, a sense of tension growing as they approached their target. Asuka was in Pink Kitty, her mind focused on the task ahead. The convoy moved silently, Pink Kitty rumbling down the cracked roads, with Jackie driving up front and Sasha riding along. They were close enough to see the high perimeter fence, the security patrolling, and the guards armed to the teeth.

As they pulled over to a safe spot behind an old, dilapidated building, they began to formulate their plan. Jackie grinned, his hands gripping the wheel, ready for chaos.

"Alright, you two know what to do," Asuka said, her tone determined, but there was a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Jackie, you're on decoy duty. Make as much noise as possible, draw them out."

Jackie nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "No problem, chica. Let’s give 'em a show."

Sasha and Asuka climbed out of Pink Kitty, each heading for their respective bikes, their pink chrome limbs reflecting the sunlight as they mounted their rides. The atmosphere was tense but with the familiar thrill that always came right before a mission.

Jackie didn't hesitate. He slammed the gas, his bike roaring as he shot toward the Six Street guards stationed around the warehouse. With a flash of speed, he tore past them, sending a shower of bullets and destruction in his wake. The echo of gunfire erupted as he destroyed a couple of parked cars, and Six Street gangoons scrambled to chase after him, piling into their vehicles, tires screeching as they went on the hunt.

The chaos worked like a charm.

Asuka and Sasha took advantage of the pandemonium, both riding low-key, finding a side path toward the warehouse perimeter. When they reached a secure corner, they dismounted and advanced on foot, each of them moving with quiet precision.

Sasha connected a cable from her wrist to an exterior terminal, working her magic to access the security cameras inside. After a few tense moments, she nodded to Asuka, giving her a thumbs-up.

“Alright, we’ve got eyes. Most of them are off following Jackie,” Sasha said into her comms. "The main area is mostly empty, but there's a lot of crates. Be careful."

Asuka nodded and slipped through a half-open side door, her steps careful as she moved through the dim warehouse. The place was full of cargo, massive crates stacked high, the air thick with the scent of oil and dust. She kept herself crouched low, using the crates for cover, her enhanced optics scanning for movement.

Sasha's voice crackled in her ear again. "Center of the building looks clear for planting. You’ll have to move fast once it’s armed."

"Roger that," Asuka whispered, eyes darting around.

Reaching the middle of the warehouse, she saw the spot—a clear area where she could set the bomb and make a swift exit. Her heart pounded as she knelt, carefully placing the bomb down. Her chrome fingers moved with deliberate precision, activating the timer—five minutes. She glanced around, making sure the coast was still clear, and adjusted her position.

The bomb armed, she pressed a button on her comm, signaling to Sasha that it was set. Then, Asuka slowly began to back away, moving back through the crates, her ears straining for any signs of danger.

“Get out of there, Asuka,” Sasha urged her.

On her way back, something caught Asuka's attention. A room on her right was open, and a soft blue light was emanating from inside. Instinct drove her closer, her eyes scanning through the doorway. A single guy stood in the room, guarding something—some kind of crate that had the unmistakable emblem of Militech.

Asuka’s curiosity got the better of her. Moving silently behind the guard using the sandy for faster speed, she gripped his head and with a single motion snapped his neck. The body fell to the ground with a dull thud. She knelt down next to the crate, opening it just enough to peer inside.

Her eyes widened. A Militech Falcon 5 Sandevistan.

It was an upgraded model of the one she currently had installed—a beauty of a chrome that promised faster speed, better cooling, and more precise usage. She grinned to herself, impressed at her own luck. "Militech just doesn’t know how to secure their goodies," she muttered, lifting the crate and balancing it on her shoulder.

She moved quickly, carrying the crate back to where her and Sasha’s bikes were stashed. Sasha saw her approaching, a raised eyebrow as she took in the crate. "What the hell, Asuka? We’re on a timer!"

"Found myself a little bonus," Asuka said with a mischievous smirk, loading the crate onto her bike. "Let’s get the hell out of here."

They both mounted their bikes, Sasha already firing up the engine, the low hum vibrating through the air. As they took off, they stopped at a distance just in time to hear a low rumble turn into a roaring explosion. The entire warehouse shook before blowing outwards, fire and debris rocketing into the air. The shockwave washed over them, the sound echoing throughout the area as the massive plume of smoke rose high above the warehouse remains.

Asuka watched the scene unfold, a satisfied smile tugging at her lips. The mission was successful, and they'd done it without any casualties among their crew. The rush of adrenaline filled her veins, and she couldn’t help the thrill bubbling up inside her.

Sasha rode up beside her, shaking her head with an incredulous smile. “We really are getting way too good at this,” she said, giving Asuka a sideways glance. “But I gotta say, you were cutting it close back there. You and that damn crate.”

Asuka shrugged, her grin only widening. “What can I say, Sasha? This city’s all about taking chances. Besides, when opportunity knocks, who am I to ignore it?”

Sasha just shook her head again, though her smile was genuine. "Let's get back to Jackie. He’s probably still trying to outrun those Six Street gonks."

They both sped off, the wind rushing past, leaving the fiery ruins of the warehouse in their wake. As they approached the rendezvous point, they could see Jackie still riding, with a few bullet marks on Pink Kitty, but nothing too serious. He had lost most of the gangoons, and a satisfied grin was spread across his face.

“Yo, chicas!” Jackie yelled, his excitement evident. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing much,” Asuka said, her voice full of sarcasm. “Just a successful bomb detonation and a little souvenir.” She patted the crate now strapped to her bike, the Militech emblem glinting in the fading light.

Jackie just laughed, shaking his head. "You never stop, do you, Asuka?"

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