Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 52

Asuka and Jackie stood on a cracked and sun-faded overpass in Santo Domingo, watching the sun dip lazily behind the haphazard skyscrapers of Night City. From this vantage point, Pacifica sprawled out in the distance, a shadow of forgotten ambitions. Its crumbling half-built skyscrapers loomed like skeletal remains—a constant reminder of dreams that never quite got their feet off the ground. The air smelled faintly of fuel and the far-off tang of sea salt, mixed in with the omnipresent grime of the city.

Jackie stood there, his hands resting on his hips, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he stared out at the remains of Pacifica. The district lay sprawled out like a broken promise, a monument to ambition gone wrong.

"Pacifica, man. Whole damn district went to shit," he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he took in the crumbling skeletons of half-finished skyscrapers, shadowed against the fading sunset.

"Yeah," Asuka agreed, leaning back against the barrier, her chrome arms catching the dying light. "I remember when corpos were pushing that dream on everyone. 'New Riviera of Night City,'" she mimicked, her voice dripping with false enthusiasm. She rolled her eyes, her lips curling into a smirk. "Like they really thought they could pull that off, right? But then the NUSA rolls in, and all those corpo dollars went running for the hills."

Jackie chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, figures. And then you got Kurt Hansen, right? Just decides to play king, set up his own little empire. Ignored the Arvin Accord like it was nothing." He shrugged, his lips curling into a wry grin. "Kinda bold, gotta give the guy that."

Asuka glanced over at him, an eyebrow raised. "Bold's one word for it," she said. "Guy’s got guts, yeah, but... I mean, look at what it’s become now. Combat zone’s a mess. Any edgerunner with half a brain stays clear unless they got a death wish." She paused, her eyes drifting towards the unfinished high-rises of Pacifica, shrouded in shadow. "Then again, plenty of folks in this city got nothing but death wishes."

Jackie chuckled softly, nodding. "Ain’t that the truth." He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze still fixed on Pacifica. "That place could’ve been somethin', you know? A spot for folks who wanted a fresh start. Instead, it's just another piece of NC that went straight to hell."

Asuka shrugged, her expression neutral, though her eyes reflected a faint flicker of interest. "Yeah, well, Night City doesn't really do fresh starts, does it? You want a fresh start, you’re better off skipping town altogether." She paused, her lips curving into a sly grin. "But where's the fun in that, right?"

Jackie smirked back at her, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. "Right? Besides, too much unfinished business here." He shot her a sidelong look, his voice taking on a lighter tone. "And I ain't about to let some washed-up colonel tell me where I can or can't go."

Asuka laughed, pushing herself off the barrier and giving Jackie a playful shove. "No one's telling you where to go, Welles. You'd probably run straight at them anyway, head first, and then expect me to patch you up after."

Jackie laughed, his deep voice echoing against the concrete surroundings. "Damn right I would. ‘Sides, who else would keep me in one piece, huh?" He grinned, but his eyes went back to the horizon, the shadowy remains of Pacifica's unfinished buildings still casting their looming silhouettes. "Place’s always gonna be like that, ain’t it? Just hanging in between."

"Guess so," Asuka said, looking out at Pacifica one last time. "Night City’s full of 'almosts' and 'coulda beens.' Doesn’t make the gigs any less fun though."

Jackie chuckled, clapping a hand on her shoulder. "Long as we keep on runnin', Vektor, that’s all that matters. Ain't no place for regrets, not here."

Asuka gave him a crooked grin, her eyes still on the skeletal district in the distance. "Yeah, no regrets. Just gotta keep running, making sure we don’t end up like that." She nodded towards the horizon, and Jackie followed her gaze.

Jackie kept his gaze fixed on the skyline, the uneven horizon of half-built skyscrapers fading into the dimming light. He took a moment, then glanced at Asuka with a sly grin. “So, what’s your little girlfriend up to these days, huh? Judes keepin' busy?”

Asuka rolled her eyes, though a small smile tugged at her lips. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Judy's been deep in her BD projects. Started making some real bank, too. She's good at it, y'know? Putting her tech skills to work."

Jackie nodded, his grin widening. "BDs, huh? Girl’s got talent, I’ll give her that. What’s she gonna do with all that scratch she’s making, then? You gotta convince her to spend it on somethin' fun, not just work, yeah?"

Asuka snorted, shaking her head. “You know Judes—she's got plans. More BD stuff, maybe some gear upgrades. But, she’s also started putting some eddies away for bioware.” She glanced at Jackie, her tone casual. "You know, for when she’s a bit older. Says she’s gotta be ready ‘cause, you know, my life isn’t exactly all safety nets and white picket fences.”

Jackie raised an eyebrow, his expression turning thoughtful. “Bioware, huh? Makes sense. Better for keeping things subtle, not showin' off to the world that you got mods.” He gave Asuka a sidelong look, a teasing glint in his eye. "Maybe she's just tryin' to keep up with ya, Vektor. Wants to be ready for all that chaos you drag her into."

Asuka smirked, looking down at her chrome limbs, flexing her fingers as they glinted in the low light. “Yeah, well, don’t think she needs to try keeping up. Judes is smart. Way smarter than I am when it comes to avoiding the kind of shit we get into.” She shrugged, her voice softening just a touch. “If bioware helps her feel safe, then I’m all for it.”

Jackie nodded, his face softening slightly, though the grin never quite left. “Yeah, sounds like she’s thinking ahead. Guess that’s what you need when you’re hangin’ around someone like you—trouble magnet extraordinaire.”

“Speak for yourself, Welles,” Asuka shot back, her grin widening. “You attract just as much trouble, if not more.” She nudged him playfully, her expression shifting as she added, “Speaking of which, what’s up with you and Camilla? You guys still good?”

Jackie’s grin faltered, his eyes drifting back to the distant skyline. He let out a sigh, his shoulders tensing for just a second before he relaxed. “Ah... it’s rocky, y'know? Not lookin’ too good, if I’m bein' honest.”

Asuka studied his face, her usual humor dropping a notch. “Yeah?” she asked, her voice lacking the usual teasing edge. “What happened? I thought you guys were solid.”

Jackie shrugged, his brow furrowing slightly. “We were, for a while. But... I dunno, it’s like the more time I spend out here, runnin’ with you and the crew, the less I’m there for her. And I get it—ain't exactly the kind of life she signed up for.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his expression tinged with frustration. “She keeps sayin’ she wants me to slow down, take fewer gigs. And, well, you know me—ain't in my nature.”

Asuka nodded, leaning back against the barrier, her chrome fingers tapping against the edge thoughtfully. "Yeah... sounds rough. Camilla's always been a little more, y’know, wanting that stability thing. And let’s be real, none of us got much of that.”

Jackie sighed, shaking his head. “Yeah, and I get it. I do. She deserves better than waitin' up, wonderin' if I’m gonna come home in one piece or not.” He looked at Asuka, giving her a tired smile. “Guess she’s just tired of the life, and I don’t think I’m the guy who can give her what she wants.”

Asuka gave a soft snort, her expression half amused, half resigned. “Yeah, well, the life doesn’t exactly do any of us favors, does it? Gotta do what feels right for you, Jack. Whether that means tryin' to make it work, or, y'know... not.”

Jackie glanced at her, his grin returning, though it was tinged with sadness. “Yeah, Vektor, guess that’s what it comes down to, huh? Still... hard to just let go of somethin' like that.”

Asuka shrugged, her eyes narrowing at the skyline. “Nothing’s easy in this city. Least of all the stuff that matters.” She pushed herself off the barrier, nudging Jackie’s arm. “But hey, whatever happens, we keep runnin', right? Maybe even find something better along the way.”

Jackie chuckled, a hint of warmth returning to his eyes. “You always got the answers, don’t ya?” He looked at her, a grateful smile crossing his lips. “Thanks, Asuka. For listenin'.”

She gave him a grin, the teasing edge returning. “Don’t get all sentimental on me now, Jackie. You’re just lucky I didn’t charge ya for this therapy session.”

Jackie laughed, the tension breaking. He clapped a hand on her shoulder, his usual confidence slowly creeping back. “Yeah, yeah, guess I owe ya one, huh?”

As they rode through the chaotic sprawl of Santo Domingo, the rumble of their engines blending with the distant echoes of city life, Jackie’s voice crackled over their bike comms, breaking the rhythm of the ride.

Jackie’s voice crackled over the comms, curiosity clear even beneath his casual tone. “Hey, how’s that Lucy girl doin’? She still stickin' around?”

Asuka glanced to her left, catching sight of Jackie’s bike keeping pace with her Yaiba. She smirked beneath her helmet. “Yeah, she’s hangin' in there,” she replied, her tone relaxed but with a hint of amusement. “Been with Sasha most of the time—learning the ropes, getting a feel for what being a netrunner in Night City really means.”

“Think she’s any good?”

Asuka chuckled as she swerved to avoid a pothole, her bike moving seamlessly. “Sasha says she’s actually got talent. Like, corpo-grade netrunner skills. She’s got a knack for digging up data, but Sasha’s working on teaching her the real stuff. You know, fighting other netrunners head-on.”

Jackie nodded, his grin almost audible over the comms. “Sasha teachin’ her all the dirty tricks, huh? Gotta love that. She never goes easy.”

“Oh, definitely not,” Asuka agreed, shaking her head slightly. “Sasha’s puttin’ her through her paces, no mercy. Honestly, I think she likes having someone to show the ropes. And Lucy’s got potential. Just gotta learn how to stay cool when things get messy.”

Jackie’s laughter came through the comms again, his tone full of good humor. “Sounds like the kid’s in the right hands. If she can handle Sasha’s brand of ‘tough love,’ she might make it here.”

Asuka grinned, leaning into a sharp turn, her bike purring beneath her. “Exactly. And it wouldn’t hurt having another netrunner who knows their shit. Lucy’s got something—I can see it. Worth betting on, for sure.”

Jackie hummed in agreement, letting his bike drift a little behind before catching up again. “Yeah, long as she learns quick and doesn’t freak out when things get hairy. Seems like Sasha’s got herself a sidekick for now, huh?”

Asuka laughed, picturing Sasha with her usual dry expression while Lucy sat beside her, laser-focused. “Yeah, more like an assistant she can boss around,” she said, grinning. “But give her time. Could be they end up making one hell of a team.”

The rumble of the engines echoed through the streets, the headlights from their bikes slicing through the shadows that clung to the forgotten corners of Santo Domingo. Asuka and Jackie were making good time, the night air thick with the promise of danger—until it happened.

Out of nowhere, a massive figure lunged towards the road. The guy was big—easily over two meters tall, and in a flash, he slammed right into Jackie's bike. Jackie barely had time to react before his bike went skidding, sending sparks flying as he tumbled to the ground. Asuka immediately hit the brakes, her tires squealing in protest, her Yaiba swerving to a sudden stop.

Her eyes scanned the scene, narrowing behind her helmet as she recognized the tell-tale signs. The veins bulging beneath the stranger's skin, the wild, unfocused look in his eyes, and the metallic sheen of cyberware grafted onto his body. A cyberpsycho. And a big one at that.

Jackie was already scrambling to his feet, shaking off the disorientation as the guy came at him again—those enormous Gorilla Arms swung in a wide arc aimed right for Jackie's head. But Jackie, always sharp in a brawl, ducked under the punch, barely missing it by inches.

“Jackie!” Asuka called out, her voice a mix of concern and adrenaline-fueled focus. She saw it—the guy’s cyberware, the way his eyes glowed, the metallic sinew in his limbs. 

Jackie didn't waste any time. The guy was massive, but Jackie wasn't small either—he activated his Berserk module, his muscles rippling under his skin. He took another swing from the psycho head-on, blocking it with a grunt, feeling the impact resonate through his reinforced titanium bones. The sheer strength of it would've snapped anyone else in half, but Jackie held firm, a grim smile twisting across his face.

“Let’s dance, you big ugly bastard!” he roared, pushing back hard, trying to force the psycho off balance.

Asuka saw her moment. She activated her Sandevistan, the world around her slowing to a crawl, her vision narrowing as her heart thudded against her ribs. Everything moved in slow motion, the psycho turning his head toward her just as she closed in. She caught the gleam in his eyes, and it clicked—he had a Sandevistan too. He began to move, his bulk deceptively fast, his speed almost matching her own.

The realization hit her, and she knew she couldn’t afford to hesitate. With the Malorian in hand, she leveled it, aimed for the joints, and squeezed the trigger. The recoil was powerful, but her cyberarms absorbed it easily, the gun barking twice in rapid succession.

The first shot blasted the cap off his left knee, the chrome and flesh shredding, sending him staggering as he tried to adjust his balance. The second shot hit his left elbow, blowing it out in a shower of sparks and hydraulic fluid. The psycho’s movement slowing.

Jackie, seeing his chance, let out a battle cry. His Berserk module still pumping power through his veins, he lunged forward, his Gorilla Arms glowing faintly as they charged with energy. He drove his fist into the psycho’s exposed back, a wet and metallic crunch filling the air as vertebrae shattered under the blow. The psycho staggered, his body jerking as Jackie followed up with another brutal punch, aimed at the base of his neck.

“Not so tough now, huh?” Jackie shouted, his voice filled with adrenaline. He landed one more blow, targeting the spine—this one finally cracking through the cyberware, severing the Sandevistan. The psycho fell forward, his body limp, his massive frame hitting the ground with a dull, heavy thud.

Asuka exhaled, the world speeding back up as her Sandevistan deactivated. She approached quickly, her Malorian still in her hand, her eyes locked on the fallen cyberpsycho. She nudged the guy with her feet, making sure he was out for good. He didn't move, his body twitching slightly from the residual spasms of his ruined cyberware.

Jackie stood up, breathing heavily, his grin a mix of exhaustion and triumph. “Holy shit,” he said, looking at Asuka, then down at the mess they'd made. “Big guy didn’t know what hit him.”

Asuka holstered her Malorian, her lips curving into a grin beneath her helmet. “Well, he sure knows now,” she said, giving Jackie a once-over. “You good? Didn’t knock anything loose, did ya?”

Jackie laughed, flexing his fingers as the Berserk module powered down, his Gorilla Arms steaming faintly. “Nah, just another day in Night City, right?” He looked back at his bike, which lay a few meters away, scuffed but seemingly intact. “Damn, that bastard owes me a new paint job, though.”

Asuka laughed, patting Jackie on the shoulder. “Next time, I’ll let you do the shooting and I’ll take the punches, yeah?”

Jackie shook his head, grinning wide. “Nah, you keep shootin', Pink Pillow. I’m good with punching out the lights on assholes like him.”

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