Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 53

Jackie and Asuka stood over the fallen cyberpsycho, the guy's bulk sprawled across the cracked asphalt. The air was heavy, thick with the sharp tang of scorched metal and the acrid stench of hydraulic fluid seeping from his shattered cyberware. Asuka knelt, examining the remains of the guy’s gear, her chrome fingers tapping at the exposed plating on his elbow.

“Look at this, Jack.” She gestured for Jackie to come closer, pointing at a visible insignia on one of the guy's pieces of cyberware. It was all military-grade—too advanced for some random street psycho.

Jackie crouched down, his eyes narrowing as he inspected the various components of cyberware. He recognized the markings instantly: Militech, and not the kind you'd find on the black market. The guy had top-notch gear, the kind of stuff Militech reserved for their elite units. He glanced at Asuka, frowning. "This guy's packin' serious heat. This isn't just some gonk that got chromed-up."

Asuka nodded, her eyes drifting to the insignia etched into the plates—vague enough that it wouldn’t mean much to most people, but Jackie and Asuka weren’t most people. She sighed, standing up, her gaze shifting to Jackie as she wiped her chrome fingers on her shorts. “That’s Barghest gear, isn’t it? Militech, but not corpo anymore. Not since Hansen decided to carve out his own little slice of Pacifica.”

Jackie nodded, standing up and looking out towards Pacifica, the skeletal remains of half-finished skyscrapers just visible in the distance. “Yeah, makes sense. Barghest loyal to NUSA probably wasn’t too happy when Hansen went rogue, figured they’d be next on the chopping block.” He looked down at the cyberpsycho, shaking his head slightly. “Guy must’ve decided he’d rather make a run for it than stick around and see what Hansen had in store for him.”

Asuka crossed her arms, her gaze following Jackie’s to the distant, shadowed remains of Pacifica. “Yeah. Probably figured it was safer to be out here than in Hansen's new playground.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Guess he didn’t figure on losing his mind along the way.”

Jackie scratched the back of his head, his expression somewhere between thoughtful and resigned. “Man, Barghest... those guys had it rough, huh? One minute they’re Militech, next they’re their own unit, and now they got their own ex-colonel running things like he’s some kinda warlord. No wonder some of ‘em are tryin’ to bolt.”

“Yeah, but running from that mess just brought him here,” Asuka said, looking back down at the body, her tone more reflective than judgmental. “Doesn’t matter how good your chrome is, doesn’t do shit if your mind can’t handle it.”

Jackie looked at her, nodding slowly. “Yeah, guess so.” He gave a weary smile, nudging Asuka with his elbow. “Still, better us than him, right?”

Asuka smirked, glancing at Jackie. “Always, Jackie. I’d rather be on this side of the fight any day.”

Jackie returned the grin, then glanced over at his bike, still lying on its side a few feet away. He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Speaking of sides, that bastard messed up my ride.”

Asuka laughed, clapping Jackie on the shoulder. “C’mon, let’s get your bike sorted and get the hell outta here. We’ve had enough fun for one night.”

Arriving at El Coyote Cojo, Asuka pulled her bike to a smooth stop, her chrome limbs catching the glow from the neon signs above the bar. She slid off her Yaiba, her gaze sweeping across the scene until she spotted someone familiar—Camilla. She was stepping out of the bar, her expression tense, her eyes red, clearly upset. Asuka paused, watching as Camilla strode out, her pace quick, her face set in a way that only spoke of one thing—trouble.

Jackie emerged moments later, his shoulders slightly slumped, an expression somewhere between frustration and resignation etched across his face. Asuka gave him a sympathetic look, tilting her head slightly as he met her gaze.

“Good luck, Jackie,” she said, her voice gentle but laced with just enough humor to try and lift the weight off his shoulders, even if only a little. She knew better than to get between Jackie and his relationships, especially now. He just nodded, trying for a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

She gave him a small wave before swinging her leg back over her bike. With a roar of the engine, she was gone, speeding through the winding streets of Heywood, the world blurring around her. It wasn't her fight, and Jackie would have to deal with it in his own way. Right now, she had other things on her mind—like crashing at her place.

When she got back to her apartment building, Asuka parked her bike and climbed the steps two at a time, a small smile playing on her lips as she approached her door. She could already hear the muffled sound of the TV and the unmistakable chatter of Sasha and Lucy. Opening the door, she kicked it shut behind her, following the noise to Sasha’s room.

Poking her head inside the doorway, she saw Lucy and Sasha sprawled out on the bed, both with cans of fizzy drinks in hand, surrounded by chip bags and plastic wrappers. Without hesitation, she jumped onto the bed between them, the mattress bouncing as she landed, causing some of the junk food to spill. "What’s up, choombas? Saving some for me, right?" she asked, her voice playful.

Sasha snorted, tossing her a bag of chips while Lucy passed her a cold drink, her lips quirking into a small smile. "Yeah, well, if you don’t mind our leftovers," Sasha said, her tone dripping with sarcasm, but Asuka knew better—Sasha was as close to smiling as she usually got.

“Leftovers are my favorite,” Asuka grinned, cracking open the drink and leaning back, her head resting against the wall. It wasn’t long before she was laughing and joking along with them, the night stretching on until the early hours, just the three of them surrounded by neon glow and bad TV.

The next morning, Asuka found herself at the basement clinic, the smell of antiseptic and chrome filling the air as she worked alongside her father. They were chipping in some new cyberware for a merc—just another job in a long line of upgrades. Asuka handed Vik tools, occasionally taking over when a second set of hands was needed. Vik trusted her, and she worked quietly, her fingers moving deftly.

"Thanks, kiddo," Viktor said after they finished, his voice warm as he stepped back, giving the new chrome a critical once-over. The merc grunted his approval before stepping off the table, rolling his shoulder to test out the new mods.

Asuka smiled at her father, the kind of quiet smile that spoke of familiarity and mutual respect. She wiped her hands off, the last bits of antiseptic residue clinging to her chrome fingers. "Always a pleasure, dad. Just keep bringing me the ones that aren't about to flatline, alright?" she teased.

Vik chuckled, shaking his head. "You just keep those chrome arms steady, and we'll be just fine."

Later that day, Asuka found herself with Misty, sitting cross-legged on the floor of Misty’s shop. The scent of incense filled the space, the smoke curling in lazy spirals around the shelves of charms and trinkets. Misty was kneeling across from her, her eyes closed, humming softly as she moved her hands in those strange, deliberate motions that Asuka had come to expect.

Misty opened her eyes, giving Asuka a serene smile. “Ready to try some more grounding exercises, Asuka?”

Asuka tilted her head, her lips quirking slightly, her curiosity piqued. “Sure, Misty. As long as we don’t summon a demon or something,” she joked, her tone light.

Misty laughed softly, shaking her head. “Not today. Just connecting with the universe, feeling the energy around us.”

Asuka closed her eyes, taking a slow breath in. She didn’t always get it—not fully—but being there with Misty, surrounded by calming scents and the odd warmth Misty always seemed to carry, it wasn’t so bad.

Asuka sat cross-legged in Misty’s shop, her eyes closed, the incense wrapping around her like a comforting fog. Misty’s soft hums filled the room, and Asuka did her best to focus on her breathing—slow, steady, letting the stress of the day fade into the background. It wasn’t always easy, but something about Misty’s presence made it easier to let go of the chaos.

Then, suddenly, something flickered in the corner of her vision—a small, subtle notification that forced her eyes to snap open. A call. And not just any call; this one had the name "Rogue Amendiares" displayed next to it. Asuka blinked, her heart skipping a beat, recognizing instantly who it was.

Rogue. The Rogue Amendiares. She hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath until she let it out in a quiet rush, tapping to accept the call. The faint blue tint of her HUD brought Rogue’s image into her view—sharp, focused, and carrying an intensity that left no room for doubt as to who was in charge.

“Asuka Vektor?” Rogue's voice was cool, calm, yet commanding. It wasn't a question, not really—it was Rogue acknowledging her presence. “Heard good things about you and your crew. How you handled yourselves recently.”

Asuka felt a grin spread across her lips, her heart pounding as she straightened slightly. “That’s right. What can I do for you, Rogue?” she said, trying to keep her tone steady, though the excitement bubbled underneath.

“I got a gig,” Rogue said bluntly. “Something big, needs people who aren’t afraid to get dirty. Come by the Afterlife, bring your crew. You and I need to talk.” With that, the call clicked off.

Rogue. The Afterlife. A gig. She felt a rush of adrenaline surge through her veins, her fingers twitching as she resisted the urge to jump up right then and there.

Misty opened one eye, a faint, knowing smile playing at her lips. “I take it the universe just called?” she said, her voice carrying that calm, gentle humor that never failed to catch Asuka off-guard.

“Something like that,” Asuka said, her grin widening as she got to her feet. “Sorry, Misty, gotta run. Something big just came up.”

Misty nodded, her eyes twinkling as she watched Asuka bounce slightly on the balls of her feet, already brimming with energy. “Go on then, but try not to lose yourself in all that noise, alright?” she said softly.

Asuka gave her a quick nod, already reaching for her comms as she left the shop. She tapped Jackie’s name first, the connection buzzing for just a second before he picked up.

“Jackie! You won’t believe this—Rogue just called. We gotta meet at the Afterlife,” she said, her voice bubbling with excitement. “She’s got a gig for us.”

Jackie’s laughter came through the line, bright and full of his usual confidence. “The Afterlife, huh? Shit, Vektor, now you’re talkin’! Be there before you can blink.”

Next, she tapped Sasha’s name. The connection took a moment before Sasha’s face popped up, her expression annoyed—probably still recovering from last night’s junk food and late-night TV. “What is it, Asuka? This better be good.”

Asuka just smirked, her blue eyes glinting. “Oh, it’s good. Rogue called. We got a meeting at the Afterlife. Big gig, she wants us there.”

Sasha blinked, her brows arching as her expression shifted from annoyance to interest. “Rogue? The Rogue? Alright, I’m in. I’ll get ready.”

The rumble of Asuka’s Yaiba and Jackie's Arch matched the faint pulse of the city's lifeblood as the three made their way into the heart of Watson. The Afterlife loomed before them—a relic rebuilt, holding onto its legacy while everything else around it shifted, morphed, or decayed. A former morgue, the place had a stark, almost intimidating exterior—its grim history lending to the reputation that it had earned, and that still preceded it.

Asuka swung her leg off her bike, her chrome hitting the pavement. Sasha was already at her side, her expression nonchalant but her eyes betraying a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Jackie, as always, carried his broad, confident grin, his enthusiasm practically radiating from him as he looked up at the imposing neon sign. The faint buzz of electricity crackled in the air, like it knew they were about to walk through one of Night City's most storied thresholds.

“Damn, look at this place,” Jackie muttered, his tone reverent as he eyed the entrance. "It's like... if you ain't made it here, ya ain't made it at all."

Asuka gave him a sideways grin. “Yeah, well, looks like we're about to see if they let us play with the big boys now, huh?”

Sasha rolled her eyes slightly, but there was a hint of a smile. "If they weren't gonna, Rogue wouldn't have called."

They walked up to the door, the bouncer standing tall, arms crossed over his chest—his entire demeanor that of a man who didn’t need to say much to make himself understood. He eyed them for a second, recognition flickering in his eyes as they settled on Asuka. Without a word, he stepped aside, giving them a nod that was curt but respectful. Asuka didn’t miss the slight raise of his brow, a silent acknowledgment of who had called them here.

“Guess we’re in,” she muttered, glancing back at Jackie, whose grin only widened. He gave the bouncer a small, appreciative nod before following Asuka through the heavy doors, Sasha right behind them.

The Afterlife's interior was something out of a merc's dream—a sprawling mix of old-school grit and neon elegance, with a grim edge that spoke of its past. The lights flickered softly, casting shadows over the patrons who filled the space, a mix of solos, fixers, and other high-risk high-reward types. Legends, rookies, and those hoping to make it to the big leagues all drank under the same roof, the bar abuzz with chatter that sounded like plans in the making—deals, betrayals, fortunes being built or broken.

As they walked through the crowd, Asuka felt the eyes of a few patrons on them—some curious, others assessing. She straightened her back, giving a cool nod to a few familiar faces, while Jackie scanned the room, his excitement barely contained. "Man, this place is a whole other level," he muttered, his voice carrying just enough awe to make Asuka smirk.

“Keep it together, Jackie,” she teased, her eyes landing on the back corner of the bar where Rogue sat, unmistakable even in the shadows. Rogue Amendiares—Queen of the Afterlife, one of the last true legends of Night City. She was talking to someone Asuka didn’t recognize, her expression as sharp as ever, her fingers drumming casually on the table in front of her.

Sasha nudged Asuka, nodding toward Rogue. “There she is. Let’s not keep her waiting.”

They made their way over, Rogue’s eyes lifting the moment they got within range. She dismissed the person she was talking to with a flick of her wrist, her gaze moving over each of them before settling on Asuka. There was an unreadable glint in her eyes—sharp, assessing, as though she was already deciding their worth before they even spoke.

“Asuka Vektor,” she said, her voice carrying that quiet, commanding tone that spoke of experience and power. “And you brought the crew. Good.”

Asuka nodded, her lips curling into a small smile. “Figured you wouldn’t call us if you didn’t want the whole package.”

Rogue tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing in a way that was almost a smile. “I’ve heard enough about you three to make me curious. Enough to see what you’re really made of.” She gestured to the empty seats across from her, her tone inviting but with an edge that left no room for misunderstanding. "Take a seat."

Jackie and Sasha slid into their chairs, Asuka taking the center spot directly across from Rogue. The bar seemed to quiet down around them, just for a second, as if the energy itself shifted in acknowledgment of the meeting about to unfold. Rogue watched them carefully, her eyes flicking from Sasha to Jackie, and finally back to Asuka.

“I’ve got a gig,” she said, her voice low but carrying enough weight that it felt like the room held its breath for just a moment. “Big enough that I need people who can move quick and aren’t afraid to get a little dirty. You’ve made enough noise that I’m willing to give you a shot.”

Jackie straightened up, his grin widening as he spoke, his excitement unable to be contained. “We’re ready, Rogue. Whatever you got, we can handle.”

Rogue raised an eyebrow, giving Jackie a once-over before looking back at Asuka. “Let’s hope so, Welles. This isn’t just a street brawl. You’re dealing with big players—players that can make you or break you in a single move.” She leaned forward slightly, her gaze piercing. “You and your crew are about to step into the big leagues. Once you're in, there’s no turning back. Still in?”

Asuka met her gaze, her blue eyes unwavering. She could feel Sasha's tension, Jackie's eagerness, but she felt something else—determination. This was their shot, and she wasn’t about to back down.

“We're in,” Asuka said, her voice steady. “Tell us what you need.”

Rogue leaned back in her chair, her eyes never leaving Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha as she spoke, her tone calm but carrying that unmistakable authority. “Here’s the job,” she began, her gaze intense. “A Militech convoy—big one—is headed into Night City through the Badlands. They're carrying a lot of shit, most of which isn’t worth our time, but there’s one piece of cargo you need to get your hands on. An experimental Sandevistan.”

Jackie let out a low whistle, Sasha’s eyebrows arching slightly, both their expressions showing just enough curiosity to make Rogue smirk.

“Here’s the catch,” Rogue continued, her eyes flicking to each of them. “We don’t have all the details. We know the convoy is coming, but we don’t know the exact time, or which vehicle is carrying it. Could be today, could be tomorrow. Could be any one of their trucks. All we do know is that it's somewhere in there, and it's coming through the Badlands before heading into Night City.”

Asuka frowned slightly, her fingers tapping the table in thought. “So we need to find the convoy, figure out which car has the Sandy, and make a move. And you want us to decide how we go about it?”

Rogue nodded, her eyes locking with Asuka’s. “Exactly. How you do it is up to you. Full stealth, take it without anyone noticing—or go in loud, smash the whole convoy to pieces if that’s your style. As long as you get the Sandevistan, I don’t care how you do it.”

Jackie looked at Asuka, a grin slowly spreading across his face, excitement evident in his eyes. “Sounds like fun to me, Vektor. Been a while since we had a good old-fashioned heist, especially with Militech gear.”

Sasha, sitting next to Jackie, gave a small nod, her eyes thoughtful as she spoke. “It's a gamble, though. We’re talking Militech here—those convoys are armed to the teeth, and without knowing which vehicle’s got the tech, we could be chasing our tails.”

Rogue leaned in again, her gaze sharp. “You’re right. It’s risky. But that’s why I picked you three—because you can handle risk. I need people who can think on their feet, adapt, and pull this off no matter what happens out there.”

Asuka took a deep breath, her lips curling into a smile, her blue eyes meeting Rogue’s with determination. “We can handle it. We’ll get that Sandy.”

Rogue nodded once, her lips twitching in what might have been the closest thing to approval they’d get from her. “Good. And just remember, if you pull this off, you're not just making bank. You’re making a name here, in the Afterlife.”

Jackie’s grin widened as he looked around, his chest puffing out slightly. “Sounds like the kind of thing I could get behind.”

Asuka chuckled, her gaze moving back to Rogue. “We’ll do it right, Rogue. Consider it done.”

Rogue studied them for a moment longer before nodding, her eyes flickering with that unreadable intensity. “Alright then. Get moving, and stay sharp out there. The Badlands aren’t forgiving, and neither is Militech.”

With that, she stood, giving them a final, curt nod before she moved away, disappearing into the shadows of the Afterlife, leaving them at the table with the weight of the gig hanging over them.

Jackie looked at Asuka, his eyes practically sparkling with excitement. “So, what’s the move, Vektor? We scoping it out first or going in guns blazing?”

Asuka leaned back, her mind already working through the possibilities, the thrill of the challenge making her heart beat a little faster. “First, we find the convoy. Sasha’s got the tech, and we’ll hit up our contacts to see if we can get a lead on when they’re rolling through.” She paused, her lips curving into a grin. “Once we know when and where, we’ll make the call—quiet or loud, whatever gets us that Sandy without getting flatlined.”

Sasha nodded, a faint smile crossing her lips. “Works for me. I’ll start digging, see what I can pull from Militech channels. Won’t be easy, but hey, never is.”

Jackie cracked his knuckles, his grin widening. “That’s the spirit. Let’s go make some noise.”

Asuka stood, her eyes glinting with excitement. “Alright, choombas. Time to make a name for ourselves.”

The planning phase had been intense, each of them working their respective angles to figure out the best way to tackle the Militech convoy. Sasha had hacked into Militech communications channels, while Jackie scouted routes through the Badlands and Asuka handled the logistics. But as they pieced the puzzle together, they kept hitting walls—they needed more detailed info to pull this off, and with Militech keeping things so tight-lipped, their options were limited.

That’s when it hit Asuka. She remembered the corpo from a while back—her so-called "Pink Admirer"—the creepy stalker they’d dealt with, whose obsession had gone way too far. But more importantly, she remembered his father—a Militech corpo with just enough pull to have access to the kind of information they needed. And so, she had an idea that was as audacious as it was potentially effective.

After a few tense calls, where she had to remind the corpo just how much leverage they had on him, the information came through. A few hours later, the full details landed right in their lap—an encrypted file that Sasha decrypted with ease, her eyes widening as she read through it.

“Got it,” Sasha said, her voice laced with triumph as she turned to Asuka and Jackie, who were waiting impatiently in Asuka's apartment. “The Sandevistan’s not in one of the big trucks—it’s being carried in a smaller, armored vehicle. A Militech Hellhound. They’re trying to make it look like just another escort car.”

Jackie let out a low whistle, shaking his head. “Hellhound, huh? Nasty piece of work. Armor, weapons, airless tires—they’ve got everything but the kitchen sink on that thing.” He looked at Asuka, a grin slowly spreading across his face. “Makes sense now why Rogue wanted someone with balls to take it down.”

Asuka nodded, her lips quirking into a smile as she looked over the data Sasha had pulled up. “Alright, so we know what we’re looking for, and we know when it’s coming through. But going in directly against a convoy like this? That’s gonna be one hell of a fight. They’ll have all kinds of support, not to mention aerial drones watching from above.”

Sasha leaned back, her fingers tapping on the side of her drink. “We could... use that to our advantage,” she said, her eyes flicking to Asuka, a glint of something mischievous there. “Think about it—what if the convoy’s not just dealing with us?”

Jackie raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. “What’re you getting at, Sasha?”

Sasha smirked, leaning forward. “We’ve got the info on when and where. We could sell that information to a few other interested parties without giving away the specific details about the Hellhound. Raffen Shiv, maybe some other local gangs—those guys would jump at the chance to hit a Militech convoy if they know what it carries. They’ll cause enough chaos for us to move in and get what we need.”

Asuka’s eyes lit up, her smile widening as she caught on to Sasha’s plan. “I like it. We don’t have to do all the heavy lifting—we let them soften the convoy, keep Militech busy while we move in and grab the Sandy.”

Jackie’s grin turned positively wicked as he nodded. “Chaos, eh? Sounds like our kinda party. Plus, those Raffen Shiv assholes’ll do anything for a chance to hit Militech. We just have to stay a step ahead and make sure we know exactly which one of those armored bastards has the prize.”

Sasha gave a satisfied nod, her fingers already tapping away at her holo-display, bringing up lists of contacts and encrypted channels. “I’ll spread the word. No names, no details—just enough to get everyone riled up and set their sights on the convoy. By the time they realize we’re in it for something specific, we’ll be long gone.”

Asuka clapped her hands together, her excitement palpable. “Alright then, that’s the plan. We’ll sell the intel, let the Raffen gonks and whoever else do what they do best, and then we’ll slip in and nab the Sandy while everyone’s busy tearing each other apart.” 

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