Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 54

The Badlands stretched out below them, a sprawling wasteland of cracked earth and scattered debris, the sun just starting to dip low on the horizon, casting long shadows over the twisted landscape. Asuka was perched on her Yaiba, chrome pink limbs gleaming in the dimming light, her bike humming beneath her as she looked down at the chaos below. Beside her, Jackie and Sasha were settled in Pink Kitty, the massive Militech Behemoth truck, painted with pink writing and adorned with cat motifs that were as much a warning as they were a statement.

From their vantage point, they could see it all unfold. The Militech convoy, crawling its way through the Badlands, and not too far away, the first waves of Raffen Shiv waiting for their chance. The mercs and local gangs, mixed with desperate freelancers—gonks who wanted a taste of whatever Militech was bringing in—were scattered across the terrain, their ambush positions clear to Asuka’s keen eyes.

"Looks like it's about to start," Asuka said into her comms, her voice calm, though her heart was pounding with anticipation.

"Yeah, choomba, things are about to get real spicy," Jackie’s voice crackled back. His tone held that excited edge, always ready for a fight.

Sasha, from inside Pink Kitty, was scanning the frequencies, her face lit up by the various displays. “They’re moving. Raffen’s starting it off.”

Asuka nodded, her eyes on the convoy below. The Raffen Shiv made the first move, a roar echoing across the desolate terrain as they charged in—bikes roaring, their custom rigs speeding forward with makeshift armor and guns mounted on the side. The Militech convoy responded immediately, a chorus of automatic gunfire lighting up the Badlands, flashes of muzzle flare cutting through the dust and grit.

Not long after, the gangs followed. They came from both sides, throwing themselves into the chaos with abandon, shots ricocheting off armored plating, grenades arcing through the air and exploding in a shower of dirt and smoke. The battlefield turned into an outright war zone—gunfire, crashes, and screams mixed into a cacophony of violence, a symphony of the desperate and ambitious.

Asuka watched, her grip tightening on the handlebars, her eyes narrowing as she looked for their target—the Hellhound. And then she saw it: the smaller, sleeker vehicle, disguised as just another escort, moving steadily in the middle of the convoy. But then everything changed.

A sudden explosion shook the battlefield, a deep, reverberating boom that seemed to shatter the air itself. Asuka's eyes snapped towards the source, her visor zooming in as she spotted the source of the destruction—a Basilisk.

"Shit!" Sasha's voice crackled in Asuka's ear, full of alarm. "That's Barghest! They've got a damn Basilisk!"

The Basilisk hovered above the ground, its massive frame casting an imposing shadow over the battlefield. The hovertank bore the unmistakable insignia of Barghest, the word painted in bold letters along the side. It moved forward, its cannon swiveling to face the combatants below. A moment later, it unleashed another round—a 20mm recoilless shell—that blasted through a line of Raffen vehicles, sending them spinning, torn apart like paper.

The Militech convoy, seeing the overwhelming firepower now in play, made a sudden shift. The Hellhound broke formation, veering off from the convoy and turning toward the deeper stretches of the Badlands, away from the main fight.

Asuka’s eyes narrowed, her heart pounding. This was it—their chance. She immediately tapped her comms. “Jackie! Hellhound’s breaking off. It’s moving through the Badlands. We’re going after it—follow me!”

"Got it, Asuka!" Jackie replied, his voice filled with that familiar thrill. "Hang tight, we're right behind ya!"

Asuka twisted the throttle, her Yaiba roaring to life beneath her, the wind whipping past her as she launched herself down the ridge, the bike leaping over the uneven terrain with smooth precision. She dodged through the debris, her eyes locked on the Hellhound that was tearing away from the chaos, its six wheels chewing up the dirt, missiles loaded, ready for anything that dared to come after it.

The Hellhound, with its CrystalDome and reinforced armor, was like a beast out of a nightmare—a fortress on wheels, built to shrug off anything that tried to slow it down. And as if to prove the point, it fired off a missile, the projectile streaking towards her in a blaze of white smoke.

Asuka's eyes widened beneath her helmet, her Sandevistan activating in a flash. Time seemed to slow, her vision focusing as she wrenched her bike sideways, twisting her body to make herself as small a target as possible. The missile streaked past, missing her by inches, the explosion to her left sending a shockwave that rattled her bike but didn't break her stride.

"Missiles, huh? Alright, let’s dance," Asuka growled, her voice low, her grip on the handlebars tightening as she pushed her bike harder, the engine screaming as it surged forward, catching up to the Hellhound.

Behind her, Jackie and Sasha were rumbling down the Badlands in Pink Kitty, the massive armored truck barreling over rocks and uneven ground like it was built for this—because it was. Sasha's voice crackled through the comms, tense but controlled. “Keep pressure on it, Asuka. We’ve got firepower coming in, just gotta get close enough!”

Asuka leaned low, her Malorian strapped to her thigh, her chrome arms adjusting the throttle and the controls with practiced precision. She dodged between rocky outcrops, keeping the Hellhound in her sights as it fired another missile, the blast tearing up the earth beside her, sending dirt and dust raining down. She weaved around, her Sandevistan making the world seem to move in slow motion, her mind working faster than the Hellhound could track.

Behind her, Pink Kitty was closing the gap, Jackie's voice coming through the comms, full of grit and determination. “Just a little closer, Asuka. Keep that bastard busy—we’ll hit 'em hard!”

Asuka grinned beneath her helmet, her eyes narrowing as she pushed her bike even faster. “You got it, Jackie. Let’s see if we can make this big bad dog run for its life.”

The Hellhound tore through the Badlands, its weapons blazing, but Asuka and her crew were relentless. They were closing in, and the Sandevistan was within reach.

The chase tore through the Badlands, a whirlwind of dust, engine roars, and the chaos that only Night City and its outskirts could conjure up. Asuka kept her eyes locked on the Hellhound as it blazed its way across the uneven terrain, the six-wheeled beast barrelling forward with the experimental Sandevistan locked away inside. The roar of her Yaiba echoed, her chrome limbs working in perfect sync with the bike as she darted through the jagged landscape.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught her eye—a pair of vehicles speeding in from behind, their engines snarling as they closed in fast. The Barghest insignia was unmistakable, painted boldly across the armored sides of the approaching cars. These weren’t convoy escorts. No, they were here with their own agenda—likely for payback, or maybe to salvage what they could from the mess of a failed operation.

“Shit, we got company!” Asuka called into her comms, her voice tight with focus. “Two Barghest coming in—guess they don’t care if they gotta fight Militech and us.”

Jackie’s voice crackled over the comms, steady, ready for the action. “Copy that, Asuka. Keep on that Hellhound. I’ll handle these bastards.”

One of the Barghest cars had already gained on the Hellhound, maneuvering into position to make a move. Asuka could see the armored vehicle try to veer closer, attempting to get alongside the Hellhound to make a strike. But the Hellhound was no sitting duck; its turret swiveled, rockets firing in a sudden, sharp blast. The explosion lit up the fading evening, fire and shrapnel consuming the Barghest car, sending it flipping into the air before crashing back down, nothing more than a smoking wreck.

Asuka veered to avoid the debris, her eyes snapping to the second Barghest car. It was still pursuing, its driver clearly more cautious now after seeing what happened to the first. Jackie, keeping his distance from the Hellhound—aware of its rockets and the death they promised—saw his opportunity. He maneuvered Pink Kitty with precision, the heavy Behemoth easily handling the rough terrain. He pushed forward, lining up behind the second Barghest car, his eyes locked on it.

“Alright, let’s see if this kitty’s got claws,” Jackie muttered under his breath, then grinned as he floored it.

Pink Kitty lunged forward, the massive vehicle thundering across the Badlands. The Barghest car tried to maneuver out of the way, but Jackie wasn't giving it a chance. He rammed into it, Pink Kitty’s reinforced bumper slamming into the rear of the enemy car with bone-rattling force. The Barghest car lurched, metal crumpling under the impact. Jackie pressed the advantage, slamming into it again, the sheer weight of Pink Kitty proving unstoppable as he pushed the Barghest car off the track and into an outcrop of rocks.

The Barghest vehicle smashed into the rocks, its side crumpling under the force. Jackie let out a triumphant yell, watching as the car came to a grinding, smoky stop, its engine sputtering out.

The chaos of the chase reached new levels as more Barghest cars closed in, their engines howling across the desolate Badlands. Asuka’s eyes flicked to her rearview display—three, no, four more Barghest vehicles were coming at them fast, and then her gaze caught something else—something even worse.

The fucking Basilisk.

Its massive frame was charging towards them like an unstoppable force, its autocannon swiveling toward Pink Kitty, the muzzle already flashing as it unleashed a barrage. Asuka heard Jackie through the comms, his voice urgent but full of that defiant grit she knew well.

“Damn it, Sasha, that tank’s gonna light us up! We need something—now!”

Asuka turned her head for a split second, her eyes locking on the Basilisk. It was tearing up the terrain, a hovertank in full pursuit, its cannon rounds blasting into the earth around Pink Kitty, the explosions sending chunks of dirt and debris everywhere. Jackie was doing his best, swerving and dodging, Pink Kitty’s heavy frame bouncing over the rough terrain, but they couldn’t keep it up forever.

Sasha was in the cab of Pink Kitty, her eyes scanning through available networks, looking for anything they could use. And then she saw it—a train, not too far off, the signal blipping across her display.

“Hold on, I got an idea!” Sasha called over the comms, her voice steady despite the chaos. She focused, hacking into the train system, the screen flashing as she accessed the speed controls. She saw the train, rumbling along the track, its route cutting directly across the path they were all racing towards.

“Jackie, Asuka—keep pushing, get past the tracks. I’ll handle the Basilisk,” Sasha commanded, her voice carrying that rare intensity.

Asuka twisted the throttle, her bike surging forward, dodging another round of cannon fire. Jackie followed suit, Pink Kitty roaring as he pushed the Behemoth to its limits, dodging left and right, keeping just ahead of the Basilisk's line of fire.

“Get to the other side of the tracks!” Sasha shouted as she manipulated the controls, her eyes narrowing as she watched the train, bringing it up to a steady speed. Asuka was the first to cross, her bike leaping over the rough tracks, the terrain rattling beneath her. Jackie wasn’t far behind, Pink Kitty barreling across the tracks with a deafening roar, barely managing to make it before the Basilisk came up behind them.

The Basilisk, massive and relentless, was right on their tail, its autocannon swiveling, aiming—ready to tear them apart. Sasha waited, her fingers poised, her heart pounding as she watched the tank get closer, closer... and then she slammed the train’s throttle to maximum.

The train responded instantly, its engines roaring, metal shrieking as it accelerated, barrelling down the track. The Basilisk, too large and too heavy to react in time, crossed just as the train came speeding through.


The impact was earth-shattering, a deafening collision of metal against metal. The train slammed into the side of the Basilisk, the force of it lifting the massive hovertank off the ground, flipping it sideways before it crashed into the earth in a mess of steel.

"Ha! Gotcha, you ugly bastard!" Sasha shouted, her triumphant yell echoing through the comm.

Jackie let out a whoop of excitement, his voice full of adrenaline-fueled triumph. “Hell yeah, Sasha! That was some choom magic right there!”

Asuka glanced back, her eyes wide, her grin undeniable. “Nice work, Sasha. Now, let’s finish this!” she called out, her focus shifting back to the Hellhound ahead, the target still within her sights.

The Barghest cars hadn’t given up. With the Basilisk down, the remaining vehicles had nothing to lose—they pushed forward with reckless abandon. One tried to get close to the Hellhound, its driver aiming for a ramming maneuver, but the Hellhound’s turret swiveled, another missile streaking through the air, hitting the Barghest car dead-on. The explosion lit up the wasteland, sending the burning wreck spinning across the dirt.

Jackie saw the other Barghest car coming up on their right, the driver determined to close the distance. He grinned, tightening his grip on the wheel of Pink Kitty. “Alright, Kitty, let’s show these gonks why they shouldn’t mess with us.”

With a hard twist, Jackie rammed Pink Kitty into the Barghest vehicle, his reinforced bumper slamming into its side, metal crunching under the impact. The Barghest car veered off, struggling to regain control before smashing into a rocky outcrop, the vehicle crumpling under the force.

Sasha watched from inside the Behemoth, her eyes flicking between displays. “Clear path ahead, Asuka! No more Barghest, just you and that Hellhound!”

Asuka leaned into the speed, her Yaiba roaring as she closed the distance between herself and the Hellhound. The armored beast still had some fight in it—the missile launcher swiveling, firing off one last desperate shot. Asuka weaved effortlessly, her bike dancing across the terrain, the missile exploding harmlessly off to the side, throwing up dust and rock.

She grinned beneath her helmet, her HUD highlighting the Hellhound's launcher—empty now, the red light flashing across her display. Out of ammo, and out of time. The Hellhound, desperate, tried to swerve towards her, attempting to ram her off the road. Asuka twisted her body, the bike sliding to the side, just out of reach, the Hellhound’s bulk missing her by inches.

It was time. Asuka let her Sandevistan kick in, time slowing to a crawl, the world around her moving in syrupy motions. She could see every detail—the Hellhound’s driver, his panicked expression, the dust swirling around them in slow arcs, the sun glinting off the vehicle’s armor.

In one fluid motion, she launched herself from her bike, chrome muscles flexing as she leapt onto the Hellhound. She landed atop it, her feet clanging against the armor, her momentum carrying her towards the missile launcher. With a snarl, she pulled her mantis blades free, the sharp edges glinting as she sliced into the launcher, tearing it apart, the metal crumpling beneath her strength.

The Hellhound swerved, the driver trying desperately to shake her off, but Asuka held firm, her fingers gripping the edges of the vehicle as she made her way to the front, sliding down onto the hood. Her eyes narrowed, her mantis blades plunging into the engine compartment, the blades slicing through the casing, into the complex inner workings of the machine. Sparks flew, steam and fluid bursting from the cuts as she tore through the core systems, the Hellhound lurching before finally coming to a dead stop, its engine sputtering out with a final, pathetic whine.

Asuka jumped off, landing gracefully in front of the now-disabled Hellhound. Jackie and Sasha pulled up just moments later, Pink Kitty screeching to a halt beside the smoking wreck. The doors of the Hellhound burst open, and two Militech soldiers stumbled out, their faces pale, eyes wide with fear. The adrenaline and dorphs that had kept them fearless were wearing off fast, and the reality of their situation was sinking in.

One of them, barely able to stand, held a black case in his trembling hands. His voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes wide with desperation. "Here, take it... take it, please, just let us go. It’s the Sandy. Please, just spare us."

Asuka looked at him, her expression unreadable behind her helmet. For a moment, the only sound was the cooling engine of the Hellhound and the distant rumble of the train, fading into the distance. She said nothing, merely reaching out and taking the case from the soldier’s shaking hands. She opened it, her eyes scanning the contents. The glint of the Sandevistan shone back at her—a sleek piece of cyberware, unmistakably Militech.

It was the prize they’d fought for. The mission complete.

She glanced back at the Hellhound, ensuring there was nothing else, then turned her attention to Pink Kitty. She walked over, opening the door, and handed the case to Jackie, who took it with a wide-eyed grin, his excitement barely contained.

“Got it?” Jackie asked, his voice full of anticipation.

Asuka nodded. “Yeah. We got it. Now let’s get the hell out of here before more of them show up.”

Jackie nodded, looking at Sasha, who was already prepping the systems. Asuka didn’t need to say more; she turned, heading back to her bike, the engine already warm beneath her as she swung her leg over it.

Jackie gave her a thumbs up, his grin genuine and full of camaraderie. “Nice work, chika. Let’s ride.”

Asuka smirked beneath her helmet, her blue eyes glinting with satisfaction. She twisted the throttle, her bike roaring back to life. Pink Kitty followed suit, the massive truck rolling forward, kicking up dust as it moved.

The rumble of their engines was almost drowned out by the roar of another Basilisk's autocannon, the shells bursting around them in deafening explosions. Asuka gritted her teeth, her Yaiba Kusanagi weaving back and forth, dodging the shots while keeping her speed high. Pink Kitty followed close behind, Jackie driving with focused intensity.

“Another Basilisk! This time it’s Militech!” Jackie shouted over the comms, the tension in his voice apparent. His eyes flicked to his mirrors—more cars, Militech this time, were keeping pace with the Basilisk, intent on taking them out for good.

Sasha's voice crackled through the line, tight and full of adrenaline. “We can't outrun this thing forever, not with all this backup. We need a plan, now.”

Asuka scanned the horizon, her mind racing. They were too exposed out here, nowhere to hide, and the Basilisk’s artillery was relentless. Her eyes locked on the distant silhouettes of wind turbines—the massive structures standing in lines, their blades spinning lazily in the warm, dry wind. An idea formed, wild and reckless, but it was their best shot.

“Jackie! Sasha!” Asuka called out through the comms, her voice steady but charged with intensity. “Bait the Basilisk towards me. I’ve got an idea.”

“What?!” Jackie yelled back, dodging another explosion that rocked Pink Kitty to the side. “Are you crazy, Asuka?!”

“Just trust me!” Asuka snapped, her voice firm, no hesitation. “Bait it towards the wind turbines—don’t worry, I’ll handle the rest.”

Jackie exchanged a quick look with Sasha, her eyes wide but understanding. Jackie nodded, a fierce grin spreading across his face. “Alright, chika, we’re with you. Lead the way!”

Asuka twisted the throttle, her bike surging ahead, her eyes locked on a specific wind turbine—its large, sweeping blades spinning rhythmically, its metal structure gleaming in the fading light. Pink Kitty kept pace, Jackie keeping just far enough to stay out of the line of fire but close enough to make sure the Basilisk was on their tail.

The Basilisk followed, its massive frame tearing across the desert, its autocannon still firing, explosions tearing up the ground around them, sending dirt and debris into the air. The Militech cars flanked it, keeping the convoy tight, their guns trained on Asuka and her crew.

Asuka’s heart pounded, her eyes narrowing as she approached the turbine, the massive structure growing larger in her view. She activated her Sandevistan, the world slowing down, her senses sharpening as she focused on the task at hand. The wind was whipping past her, her chrome arms gleaming as she ejected her mantis blade, the razor-sharp edge catching the light.

She leaned into the turn, her bike swerving as she came alongside the base of the turbine. Her blade extended, she slashed in a wide arc, slicing through the thick metal supports at the base. Sparks flew, the metal groaning as the turbine shuddered, its balance compromised.

She glanced to her right, seeing Pink Kitty barreling alongside her, Jackie keeping the pace, Sasha's eyes wide as she watched Asuka's movements. Asuka looked back at the Basilisk—it was coming.

Timing was everything.

As the Basilisk closed in, Asuka reached for her belt, her fingers closing around a powerful grenade—a high-explosive charge she had held onto just in case they needed something with a little extra kick. She pulled the pin, her Sandevistan still active, every moment stretched out as she calculated the exact timing.

She flung the grenade at the base of the wind turbine, the explosive landing precisely in the cut she had made, lodging into the metal.

She swerved away, her bike tearing across the terrain, her heart racing as she counted down.

Three... two... one...

The grenade exploded, the blast echoing through the Badlands, and the turbine shuddered violently, the weakened base giving way. The massive structure began to topple, the blades twisting as it fell, its immense weight pulling it down in slow motion.

The Basilisk, too massive to change course in time, was directly in its path. The tank’s driver tried desperately to maneuver, the hovertank jerking to the side, but it was too late.

The wind turbine came crashing down, the blades slamming into the Basilisk, the entire structure collapsing on top of it in a deafening roar of metal on metal. The impact crushed the hovertank, its frame buckling under the immense weight, the autocannon crumpling as the turbine blades tore through it. The Militech cars veered away, their drivers panicking as the dust and debris filled the air, the massive turbine and the destroyed Basilisk becoming nothing more than a tangled wreck.

Jackie let out a whoop, his voice crackling through the comms, full of exhilaration. “Holy shit, Asuka! You did it! That thing’s toast!”

Sasha laughed, a rare sound, almost disbelieving. “Okay, I’m impressed. That was... something else.”

Asuka grinned beneath her helmet, her heart still pounding, adrenaline surging through her veins. She glanced back, seeing the destruction, the shattered Basilisk beneath the fallen turbine. “Told you to trust me,” she said, her voice filled with both relief and triumph.

Jackie brought Pink Kitty alongside her, the massive truck still rumbling, dust settling around them. “Alright, chica, no time to celebrate—let’s get the hell out of here before Militech sends the rest of the damn army.”

Asuka nodded, twisting the throttle, her bike roaring back to life. She looked at Jackie and Sasha, her grin widening. “Let’s ride, choombas.”

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