Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 55

The Afterlife was bustling as always, the steady pulse of synth music echoing against the dark walls and neon lights casting long, colorful shadows across the crowd. Jackie, Sasha, and Asuka walked through the familiar entrance, the bouncer giving them an acknowledging nod—one that held a bit more respect now, as if they’d truly earned their spot.

Jackie carried the case, his broad shoulders relaxed but his grin wide with pride. He pushed through the crowd, Asuka and Sasha flanking him, their eyes scanning the bar for Rogue. The crowd parted for them without a word, and as they approached, they saw Rogue seated at her usual spot, her sharp gaze lifting as they neared.

Jackie put the case down in front of her, a dramatic thud as the metal hit the table. Rogue arched an eyebrow, her gaze flicking from the case to each of them in turn, assessing. She leaned forward, her fingers deftly unclasping the locks, flipping the case open with a quick motion.

Inside lay the Sandevistan, sleek and ominous, the chrome glinting under the bar’s dim lights. Rogue reached in, her fingers brushing aside the cyberware to pull out a stack of papers. She unfolded them, her eyes scanning the contents, her lips curling into a knowing smile.

“Militech ‘Apogee,’” Rogue said aloud, her voice carrying over the low thrum of the bar. She glanced up at them, her gaze intense but with a glint of approval. “Well, I’ll be damned. You actually pulled it off.”

She put the papers back into the case, her eyes locking onto Jackie, Sasha, and finally Asuka. “You know, not everyone makes it back after a job like this. But you three? You didn’t just make it back—you showed this city you’re the real deal.” Her expression softened, if only slightly, as she gave them an approving nod. “Consider this your graduation. You’re not rookies anymore. From today forward, the Afterlife’s doors are always open for you.”

Jackie beamed, his grin splitting his face. “Thanks, Rogue. Means a lot, y’know?”

Rogue gave a short, approving smile. “You earned it.” Moments later, Asuka’s and Sasha’s optics flashed with confirmation—the eddies transferred. 150,000 for each of them. A payday that would keep them set for a long while, no doubt.

She nodded at one of her men nearby, gesturing towards the case. “Take this to the back,” she ordered, her tone curt. The man nodded, grabbing the case and quickly moving away. Rogue leaned back, taking a sip of her drink. “Enjoy yourselves. You’ve earned it. But remember—bigger jobs come with bigger risks. So don’t get too comfortable.”

Jackie gave her a nod, looking over at Asuka and Sasha, his excitement barely contained. “Guess it’s time to celebrate, huh?”

The three of them made their way over to the bar, slipping onto the stools. Claire Russell stood behind the counter, her eyes lighting up as she saw them approach. She leaned forward, her hands resting on the polished wood of the bar. “Well, look who finally made it. Heard you had a hell of a gig.”

Jackie grinned, nodding. “You could say that. We’re ready to celebrate, chica style.” He glanced at Asuka, giving her a playful nudge. “How ‘bout three Silverhands, huh? Feels like the right drink for a night like this.”

Claire smirked, shaking her head slightly as she started gathering the ingredients. “Three Silverhands, coming right up. You know, not everyone can handle these.” She glanced at Sasha, who rolled her eyes, her lips curving into a wry smile.

“Bring it on,” Sasha replied, her tone dry but her eyes gleaming with a hint of excitement.

As Claire worked, mixing the drinks with practiced ease, Asuka let herself relax, leaning against the bar, her fingers tapping lightly on the counter. Jackie was beside her, already chatting with Sasha, recounting the train crash with a flair that only Jackie could pull off.

“Man, I wish you coulda seen it, chica,” Jackie said, nudging Asuka with his elbow. “Sasha had that train coming in like some freakin’ angel of death—BOOM! Basilisk didn’t even know what hit it.”

Asuka laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, and you plowed through those Barghest gonks like they were nothing,” she said, her blue eyes glinting. “Teamwork, right?”

Jackie raised an eyebrow, nodding. “Damn right, teamwork. We made one hell of a crew out there.”

Claire slid the drinks over, the three glasses filled with a silvery liquid that shimmered faintly in the neon light. “Here you go. Three Silverhands. Try not to get too drunk, alright?” she said with a smirk.

Jackie picked up his glass, raising it. “To the crew,” he said, his voice loud enough to turn a few heads. He grinned, nodding towards Asuka and Sasha. “And to us—ready to take on whatever the hell comes next.”

The days after the big heist had been a blur of rest and recovery. Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha had earned themselves a well-deserved break, and for once, Asuka let herself be lazy, lounging around, catching up on sleep, and indulging in junk food and braindances without any worries of gigs or danger. But that rare calmness was interrupted one afternoon, when she received a message—one that immediately brought her back to reality.

It was from Hanako. The message was simple but direct: "Come to Konpeki Plaza. I have something for you."

Asuka's heart skipped a beat. She didn’t hesitate, throwing on her gear and jumping onto her Yaiba, the neon pink glint of her chrome limbs catching the light as she made her way through the streets of Night City. Arriving at Konpeki Plaza, she felt that familiar thrill—a mix of anticipation and curiosity—that always came when Hanako summoned her.

The penthouse was as luxurious and enigmatic as always, and as she entered, the doors closing behind her with a soft whoosh, she saw Hanako standing by the large window, her gaze turned outward, lost in the shimmering lights of the city. In the center of the room sat a large box, its simple exterior somehow managing to radiate an aura of importance.

Hanako turned, her eyes lighting up as she saw Asuka. A small, knowing smile spread across her lips. "Asuka-chan, you've arrived," she said, her voice soft yet commanding. She gestured towards the box, her eyes never leaving Asuka's. "Look inside."

Asuka's curiosity piqued, and she approached the box, her chrome fingers carefully unclasping it. She lifted the lid, her breath catching slightly as she saw what was inside—a spine, pink like her current one, but far more sleek, elegant, a work of art in its own right. The metallic segments seemed to shimmer with a faint iridescence, the craftsmanship so delicate yet unmistakably powerful.

Next to it lay a Sandevistan, its body in a striking combination of red and black, the lines and contours sharper, more refined than anything she’d ever seen. Asuka's eyes widened, and she looked up at Hanako, her expression filled with awe and confusion.

“What... what is this?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

Hanako stepped closer, her presence commanding yet gentle, her fingers brushing lightly against Asuka's arm, sending a shiver down her spine. "It's something special, Asuka-chan. Arasaka 'Tencho', you could call it," she said, her lips curving into a small smile. There was a pause, her eyes glinting with something mischievous. "Made with a little 'help' from Militech."

Asuka’s eyes flickered with understanding, her heart skipping a beat as the realization sank in. “This is... it’s from the Sandevistan I stole. The Militech 'Apogee', right?”

Hanako nodded, her fingers trailing up Asuka’s arm, a gentle but possessive touch that made Asuka’s breath hitch. "Yes, Asuka-chan. The very same," Hanako said, her voice soft, her gaze intense. "Arasaka took their technology and improved it. Made it better. Made it worthy... for someone like you."

The words, and the tone in which Hanako spoke them, made Asuka’s chest tighten, her eyes flickering between the spine, the Sandevistan, and Hanako’s face. The way Hanako looked at her—like she was precious, something valuable, something that belonged to her—it made Asuka melt, that usual edge of defiance softening under the intensity of Hanako’s gaze.

Hanako took another step closer, her hands coming to rest gently on Asuka’s waist, her eyes locking onto Asuka’s. "This one is much better than what you have now," Hanako murmured, her voice like velvet. "And far superior to the Militech version. I want you to have it, Asuka-chan. You deserve only the best. Only what Arasaka can provide."

Asuka swallowed, her heart pounding in her chest, her voice coming out softer than she intended. "You’re giving me all this... for me?"

Hanako smiled, her fingers tracing circles against Asuka's waist, her touch soft but possessive. "For you, Asuka-chan. Only you," she whispered, leaning in slightly, her presence overwhelming in the best way. "You belong here, by my side. And I want to make sure you are strong enough to face anything this world throws at you. Also you deserve it after 'borrowing' the Militech 'Apogee'."

Asuka felt a rush of warmth, her defenses crumbling under Hanako’s touch, the usual brashness and anti-corporate resolve melting in the presence of this woman who seemed to want her. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting herself lean into Hanako's touch, feeling the comfort, the possessive warmth that was as alluring as it was dangerous.

Hanako’s fingers moved up, cupping Asuka's face, her eyes searching hers. "Take it, Asuka-chan. Let me make you stronger."

Asuka nodded slowly, her resolve giving way to something softer, something that wanted to be close to Hanako, to have this power that was being offered. She looked back at the spine and the Sandevistan, her fingers brushing over the polished chrome. "Alright," she said, her voice a whisper, her blue eyes locking onto Hanako’s once more. "I'll take it."

Hanako's smile widened, satisfaction and something else—something almost tender—shining in her eyes. "Good girl," she whispered, her voice filled with a warmth that made Asuka’s heart flutter. She leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Asuka's forehead, her lips lingering for just a moment before pulling away.

The first rays of sunlight peeked through the heavy curtains of the penthouse, casting a soft, golden glow across the room. Asuka blinked awake, her senses slowly coming back to her, feeling the weight against her chest—a familiar warmth. She looked down and saw Hanako lying there, her head resting against Asuka’s chest, her eyes still closed, her breathing slow and even. Asuka couldn't help but smile, a mix of surprise and something tender stirring in her chest. The events of the previous night replayed in her mind—Hanako's possessiveness, the leash, the feel of the collar locking around her neck. The way Hanako had held her, commanded her, the intensity of the whole thing.

She felt her fingers instinctively reach up, touching the collar still snug around her neck. A reminder of the previous night's intensity, a sign of Hanako's hold over her. She carefully unlatched it, her chrome fingers deftly working the clasp, her eyes glancing at the leash still resting in Hanako’s hand.

Before Asuka could get lost in her thoughts, she felt movement. Hanako stirred, her eyes slowly opening, blinking up at her before a soft smile touched her lips. She straightened herself, her gaze meeting Asuka's as she gracefully rose from the bed, her movements as fluid and precise as ever. She reached for her clothes, a series of neatly folded items draped over a nearby chair, beginning to dress without a hint of awkwardness.

Asuka watched her, a lazy grin on her lips. Hanako dressed with an elegance that Asuka could only marvel at—each movement calm and deliberate, her demeanor transforming as she slipped into her clothes, ready for her day in the high towers of Night City.

Once dressed, Hanako glanced back at Asuka, her expression softening for just a moment. She approached the bed, her eyes still sharp but filled with something more tender, something that seemed meant just for Asuka.

"You should start learning Japanese, Asuka-chan," Hanako said, her voice gentle but carrying a firmness that left no room for negotiation. She ran her fingers lightly across Asuka’s face, tilting her chin up so their eyes met. "I don’t want to have to rely on a translator. It is... inconvenient and your going to need it in the future."

Asuka blinked, caught a bit off guard, but then grinned. "Alright, I can do that. For you, Hanako."

Hanako’s lips curved into a smile, but then her gaze hardened slightly, a new edge entering her voice. "And one more thing, Asuka-chan. I know what kind of... girl you are. I know you are a slut, but from now on, there will be boundaries." She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly, her fingers brushing down Asuka's neck, almost possessively. "You have me, and your little girlfriend, Judy. No more fooling around with dolls and joytoys. Understand?"

Asuka’s eyes widened slightly in surprise at the mention of Judy, her mouth opening as if to speak, but no words came out. She hadn’t expected Hanako to know about that. But as she met Hanako's gaze, she could see the seriousness there, the unspoken understanding. This wasn’t a request.

"Yeah, okay," Asuka finally said, her voice softer, the hint of defiance she sometimes carried gone in the face of Hanako’s intense gaze. She felt her heart pound slightly—somewhere between fear and thrill at the possessiveness in Hanako's words.

Hanako nodded, seemingly satisfied. She leaned down, her lips brushing against Asuka’s softly, lingering for just a moment before she pulled back. "Good girl," she murmured, her fingers lingering on Asuka’s cheek before she turned away, picking up her things. "I must go now. Work awaits."

With a final glance over her shoulder, Hanako left the room, her silhouette disappearing behind the softly closing doors. The silence that followed felt almost deafening, the energy Hanako carried lingering in the room even after she was gone.

Asuka sighed, running a hand through her hair, a mix of emotions swirling through her. Hanako’s possessiveness, her control—it was intoxicating. Dangerous. And Asuka had always been the kind of person to run headfirst into danger. She sat up, stretching, the collar now lying forgotten on the bed.

She glanced over at the case that Hanako had given her. The Sandevistan and the pink spine, lying there waiting for her, a promise of something greater. With a determined nod, Asuka got up, grabbing the case, her chrome fingers wrapping around the handle.

She dressed quickly, her usual pink and chrome aesthetic shining as she put on her tight, bright clothes. Swinging the case in her grip, she made her way out of the penthouse, stepping into the elevator, her destination clear in her mind—her father’s clinic.

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