Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 63

Asuka and Jackie were sitting in their favorite spot at Joe's, the smell of sizzling meat and spices wafting through the small diner. They both had burgers in front of them, and Asuka was in the middle of recounting the wild events of the previous night. She gestured animatedly with her chrome hand, her eyes alight with mischief as she described stealing cars, crashing through a villa, and just generally causing mayhem alongside Yorinobu and Kerry.

Jackie’s eyes widened as he listened, burger halfway to his mouth, his expression a mix of shock and admiration. He finally put his burger down, shaking his head, a grin slowly spreading across his face. “Wait, wait, hold on, chica,” he said, leaning forward. “So you're telling me you were one of the three gonks who destroyed that Charter Hill villa and stole a bunch of luxury cars? Not just stole them—destroyed most of them?”

Asuka laughed, leaning back, her blue eyes sparkling. “Yeah, pretty much,” she said, shrugging like it was no big deal. “We trashed the villa, then went out and got ourselves into some more trouble. Got into a fight, had to run... you know, the usual.”

Jackie stared at her for a moment, then burst out laughing, shaking his head in disbelief. “Dios mío, Asuka. The entire city’s been buzzing about that! You know how many gonks in Heywood are dying of envy right now? Those cars, if sold, would’ve gotten some serious eddies. But you—nah, you gotta go and total them instead.”

Asuka grinned, taking a bite of her burger, her chrome knuckles tapping rhythmically on the table as she chewed. “Come on, Jackie, you know me better than that. It wasn’t about the money. It was about the thrill, the chaos. Besides, watching those cars go up in smoke was worth every eddie we might’ve made off them.”

Jackie shook his head again, his laughter turning into a soft chuckle. “You’re something else, Asuka. No wonder you got every gonk in Heywood either cheering you on or wanting to be you.” He leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “And you said Kerry Eurodyne was with you? Damn.”

Asuka just shrugged, her grin not fading. “Yeah, well, it just kinda happened. Kerry—turns out he’s a lot more fun when he’s not in the spotlight.” She paused, her expression turning a bit more playful. “Anyway, they were the ones who started most of it. I just... helped.”

Jackie leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms as he looked at her, shaking his head with a smile. “You didn’t just help, you made it a legend. You got stories people are gonna tell for years, chica.” He picked up his burger, pointing it at her before taking a bite. “But next time, maybe gimme a call, huh? I wouldn’t mind getting in on a piece of that action.”

Asuka laughed, raising her drink in a mock toast. “You got it, Jack. Next time I plan on turning Night City upside down, you’re at the top of the list.”

Jackie grinned, clinking his own drink against hers. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Asuka and Jackie left Joe's, the warmth of a good meal still in their bellies as they hopped onto their bikes, the engines roaring to life. They had an easy gig lined up—something from Wakako, a straightforward job helping some guy get revenge. Easy eddies, nothing too flashy, just the kind of gig to keep the wheels turning.

The ride to Westbrook was uneventful, the streets of Night City flashing by in a blur of neon and chaos. They parked their bikes at the meeting point, and there was their client—a nervous-looking guy with shifty eyes and a shotgun in hand, clearly out of his depth. Asuka and Jackie exchanged a glance, Asuka’s lips curling into a skeptical smile.

"Hey, choom," Jackie greeted, giving the guy a nod as they approached.

The guy just nodded back, clearly wound up, his hands gripping the shotgun too tightly. Asuka frowned, watching him carefully. She had a bad feeling about this one.

“Alright, just chill,” she said, trying to keep her tone calm but firm. “We’re here to help, but you stay back, yeah? Let us handle the heavy lifting. Don’t do anything stupid.”

But before Asuka could get any more instructions out, the guy bolted—shotgun raised, his legs pumping as he sprinted straight for the target’s location, a lone warehouse looming up ahead. “I’ll get him myself!” the guy yelled, his voice shrill with a mix of adrenaline and desperation.

“Wait, no!” Asuka shouted, her instincts kicking in immediately. She activated her Sandevistan, the world around her blurring into slow motion as she pushed forward, her chrome legs propelling her faster, her heart pounding in her ears.

But she was too late.

The sniper bullet was to close, and she knew, even with her enhancements, that she couldn’t make it in time. She reached out, her fingertips almost brushing his back, her optics picking up the trajectory of the shot.

The bullet tore into his skull, the crimson spray blooming outward, his head snapping back violently. The world seemed to crash back into real-time as the guy's body crumpled to the ground, lifeless, his shotgun falling from his hands and skittering across the pavement.

Asuka's outstretched hand fell uselessly to her side, her breath heavy, her eyes narrowing as she clenched her jaw. She deactivated her Sandevistan, letting out a frustrated growl.

"Goddammit," she muttered under her breath, her heart still racing, the aftermath of the Sandevistan leaving her with a familiar buzz. 

Jackie sighed, rubbing his forehead in exasperation, his voice dripping with disbelief. “Seriously? This gonk...”

Asuka clenched her jaw, shaking her head as she turned away from the scene. “The dumbest fucking person alive, now dead,” she muttered, her voice tinged with irritation. She started navigating her hud dialing up Wakako. After a couple of rings, Wakako's calm, calculating voice came through.

"Is the gig complete?" Wakako asked, her tone businesslike.

Asuka groaned, her fingers rubbing her temple. “No, Wakako, the gig’s not complete. The fucking client’s dead because he was the dumbest person alive,” she snapped, her annoyance clear. “He ran in without waiting for us, tried to take the target by himself, and got his brains blown out.”

There was a brief pause on the line, and then a sound that might have been an exasperated sigh from Wakako. “That is... unfortunate,” she said, her voice still calm but with a hint of irritation. “A waste of my time, and yours. No eddies for a failed gig, Asuka.”

Asuka rolled her eyes, her lips curling into a grimace. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Just thought you’d want to know what happened.”

Wakako was silent for a moment longer, then said, “Thank you for the information. I will reconsider my screening process for future clients. Until then, stay safe, Asuka.”

The line disconnected, and Asuka lowered her holo, shaking her head in frustration.

“Unbelievable,” she muttered, turning back to Jackie, who was leaning against his bike, his expression somewhere between irritated and amused.

“Chica, I swear, only in Night City,” Jackie said, shaking his head. “What a damn waste.”

Asuka let out a breath, forcing herself to relax, her expression easing into a reluctant smile. “Yeah, well... what can you do? Gonks like that are everywhere.”

Jackie shrugged, pushing himself upright. “So, what now? Wanna grab a drink, or should we go find something that isn’t a total waste of our time?”

Asuka grinned, getting back onto her bike. “Let’s find something worth our time, Jack. We deserve a win after that shitshow.”

Jackie nodded, kicking his bike to life, his own grin returning. “Hell yeah, chica. Let’s ride.”

As Asuka and Jackie sped away from the disastrous gig, the wind whipping past them and the city blurring into neon streaks, Asuka's vision suddenly flashed with an incoming call. The name "Rogue" appeared, making her raise an eyebrow beneath her helmet.

"Hold on a sec, Jackie," she called out, slowing her bike as she tapped the side of her head to pick up the call. The line connected, and the familiar voice of Rogue Amendiares came through, her tone as direct as always.

"Asuka, do you have Johnny's gun?" Rogue asked, her words clipped, getting straight to the point.

Asuka smirked, glancing down at her side where her Malorian rested in its holster. "Yeah, I do. Though, uh, it might look a bit different now. I can show it to you, but I doubt you'd recognize it."

There was a pause on the other end, then a soft snort from Rogue. "I'll be the judge of that. Come to the Afterlife. I want to take a look at it for myself," she said. There was a slight pause before Rogue continued, her tone shifting slightly. "And there's another thing—a BD creator, someone I know, needs help. You and Jackie. They’ve got a job that might be up your alley."

Asuka glanced over at Jackie, who was waiting a bit further down the street, his engine idling as he watched her curiously. She grinned, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "A BD creator, huh? Sounds like our kind of gig. We're on our way, Rogue."

"Good. I'll be waiting," Rogue said, her tone implying that she wasn't asking but telling. The line went dead before Asuka could reply, and she shook her head, amused.

Jackie pulled up beside her, raising an eyebrow. "What's up, chica? You got that look like we're about to get into something."

Asuka grinned, twisting her throttle to bring her bike back to a roar. "We're headed to the Afterlife. Rogue wants to see Johnny's gun and some BD creator needs our help with something."

Jackie's face lit up, a mix of surprise and anticipation. "Rogue, huh? Alright, chica, sounds like we're in for a ride." He revved his own engine, his grin mirroring Asuka's.

Arriving at the Afterlife, Asuka and Jackie parked their bikes outside, their engines rumbling one last time before going silent. They made their way through the crowd at the entrance, nodding to the bouncer as they stepped inside, the heavy bass of the club pulsing through the air. The Afterlife was just as crowded as always—mercs, fixers, and the general kind of people who made Night City tick.

Rogue was waiting for them at the bar, her sharp eyes immediately finding Asuka in the crowd. She gestured for them to follow, her expression hard but intrigued as Asuka approached, her hand hovering over the pink Malorian at her side.

"Alright, let's see it," Rogue said, her voice barely audible over the pounding music.

Asuka pulled the Malorian from its holster, the chrome shining under the club's neon lights. It wasn't quite the same weapon Johnny used—now upgraded, customized, and, of course, painted pink. Rogue's eyes narrowed as she took in the modifications, her lips pressing together, though Asuka thought she saw the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

Rogue shook her head, letting out a sigh. "Johnny would hate this ,". She gave Asuka a look, a mix of respect and amusement. "Alright, kid. You’ve got guts, and if it would made Johnny mad I’m for it."

She gestured towards the bar, her expression shifting into one of business. "Now, head over there. The BD creator I mentioned is waiting. Name’s Ted. He’ll fill you in."

Asuka nodded, slipping the Malorian back into its holster as she made her way to the bar, Jackie following close behind. They found Ted sitting at the bar, nervously sipping on what looked like a bright-blue drink. He was a young guy, dark-haired, and had a certain anxiety about him—like he was looking over his shoulder for someone at any given moment.

“Hey, you Ted?” Asuka called, sliding onto the stool beside him.

Ted jumped slightly, almost spilling his drink, but quickly composed himself. “Yeah... yeah, that’s me. You must be Asuka and Jackie?” he asked, his voice shaky but hopeful.

Jackie nodded, giving the guy an encouraging smile. “That’s right, choom. Rogue said you needed help?”

Ted swallowed, nodding fervently, glancing around as if making sure no one was eavesdropping. “Yeah. I need to get out of Night City. And fast.” He paused, his gaze dropping to the bar. “I was editing a BD for a corpo—a really powerful one. And I... I found something I shouldn’t have. Some kind of secret. I don’t even know the full details, but it’s bad—like really bad.”

Asuka tilted her head, curiosity piqued. “What do you mean, bad?”

Ted looked up, fear stark in his eyes. “They hired Lazarus Group, okay? Not just mercs, but fucking Lazarus assassins. They’re after me. I managed to lay low for a few days, but they’ve got my scent now. It’s only a matter of time before they catch up, unless I can get out of here.”

Jackie let out a low whistle, giving Asuka a meaningful look. "Lazarus... that's some serious heat, choom."

Ted nodded, his hands shaking slightly as he placed his drink on the counter. “I can pay you well—real well. I just need to get out of the city before they catch me. You get me out, I’ll make sure you’re rewarded.”

Asuka thought for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. She wasn’t too keen on getting mixed up with Lazarus, but a job was a job. And if Rogue thought it was worth their time, then it probably was. Besides, there was something about this kid—he was clearly in over his head, and Asuka had a bit of a soft spot for lost causes.

“You mentioned BD gear?” she asked, her tone shifting as an idea struck her. "You got anything worth taking with you?"

Ted blinked, nodding quickly. “Yeah, I’ve got a whole set-up. State-of-the-art. If you want it, it’s yours. Just... get me out of here alive.”

Asuka exchanged a glance with Jackie, who gave her a small nod. She looked back at Ted, her lips curling into a grin. “Alright, Ted. We’ll get you out of Night City. And we’ll take that gear off your hands too. You got yourself a deal.”

Ted's face visibly relaxed, relief washing over him. “Thank you. Seriously, thank you. I knew Rogue would find the right people for the job.”

Jackie clapped Ted on the back, giving him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, choom. We’re gonna get you outta here in one piece. You just do what we say, and we’ll handle the rest.”

Asuka nodded, her grin turning sharper, her eyes flashing with determination. “Yeah, but just remember, Ted—no stupid moves. No running ahead, no trying to play the hero. You stick with us, and we’ll make sure you’re safe.”

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