Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 64

Asuka took a deep breath, her HUD overlay flickering to life, neon-blue options blinking before her eyes. With a few thought-driven commands, she called Sasha, her focus locked as she heard the line connect.

"Sasha, I need you to bring Pink Kitty over to the Afterlife. We’ve got a new gig, and it’s a big one," Asuka said, her voice calm but carrying the undertone of urgency.

Sasha's response was immediate. “On it, Asuka. I’ll be there in a few.”

Within minutes, Pink Kitty—their heavily armored truck, painted in that signature pink with cat motifs—rolled up to the Afterlife, Sasha in the driver’s seat, looking alert. The heavy vehicle, its armor shining under the streetlights, turned more than a few heads. Asuka and Jackie stuck close to Ted as they moved towards it, keeping their eyes darting around the busy street. The presence of the Lazarus group still weighed heavily on their minds, making them hyper-vigilant.

"Alright, Ted, in the back," Asuka said, motioning for him to climb into the cargo area. Ted nodded, swallowing nervously as he climbed up, his gear clanking against the metal. He took a seat, looking around with wide eyes at the interior—a mix of patched-up upholstery, heavy weapons, and reinforced plating.

Asuka climbed in after him, positioning herself by the back door, her hand resting casually on the grip of her Malorian. She nodded to Jackie, who took the driver’s seat, and Sasha slid into the passenger seat, her gaze fixed forward, her expression serious.

"Alright, where are we heading?" Asuka asked, activating the comm, her voice echoing in both Jackie and Sasha's ears.

There was a pause as Ted adjusted himself, and then he spoke, his voice carrying over the comms. "South California," he said. His voice shook slightly, betraying his nervousness. "If we can make it past the wall, I’ve got a group of nomads waiting. They’ll take me further out, get me out of NUSA territory."

Asuka frowned, her optics locking onto Ted, her tone skeptical. “The wall’s already being built between North and South California, choom. We’re gonna run into some serious trouble if we just roll up on it.”

Ted looked visibly uneasy, glancing between her and the rest of the crew. “I know, I know, but there's a part that’s still under construction. It’s not done yet. Just... patrolled by some security. If we can make it there, I’ve got people—nomads—waiting to get me across.”

Jackie’s voice crackled over the comms, a mix of exasperation and amusement in his tone. “So, let me get this straight—you want us to take you to an unfinished part of a heavily fortified wall, dodge the patrols, and deliver you to some nomads? Sounds easy, right?” He snorted, shaking his head slightly.

Ted winced. “Look, I know it’s a lot to ask, but I swear, I can pay you guys. Just get me out of Night City. I can’t stay here with Lazarus hunting me.”

Sasha turned her head, her eyes meeting Jackie's, then glancing back at Asuka through the mirror, her face thoughtful. “It’s risky,” she said over the comm. “But if we time it right, and if Ted’s info about that weak spot in the wall checks out, it might work.”

Asuka thought for a moment, her gaze shifting to Ted. The guy looked desperate, his eyes darting nervously as if he expected someone to burst in at any second. She sighed, nodding to herself before she spoke.

“Alright, Ted. We’ll get you out.” Said Asuka.

Jackie revved the engine, the heavy vehicle rumbling beneath them as he grinned. “Alright, crew. Let's take our new buddy on a little ride to freedom.” He shifted Pink Kitty into gear, the truck lurching forward, its armor glinting under the city lights as they pulled away from the Afterlife, heading out towards the south, the neon haze of Night City slowly falling behind them.

Asuka leaned back against the wall of Pink Kitty, her eyes narrowing as she considered their options. As they made their way towards Santo Domingo, she activated her comms and dialed up El Capitan. The familiar raspy voice answered almost immediately.

"Asuka, what do you need, chica?" El Capitan asked, his voice punctuated by the noise of engines and distant shouting, always in the middle of some hustle.

"The modified Quadra Type-66, is it ready?" Asuka asked, her voice direct, a plan already forming in her mind.

El Capitan chuckled, his voice filled with pride. "You mean the beast? Yeah, it’s ready. I just got it parked where we agreed—you're gonna love it. She's a mean piece of machinery now."

"Perfect. We’re heading over," Asuka said, hanging up before El Capitan could say more. She switched back to the crew's comms. "Change of plans. We’re picking up a ride from Capitan. This one’s better suited for speed and dodging if things get hairy."

Jackie let out a small laugh, a knowing tone in his voice. "Another toy, huh? Alright, chica, let’s see what you got."

Sasha nodded, leaning back in her seat, her eyes flicking to the road. “We’ll follow in Pink Kitty—cover you if things get hot.”

It wasn’t long before they arrived at the coordinates El Capitan had given. Sitting there, tucked away between two old warehouses, was a modified Quadra Type-66 Javelina—a machine that practically growled even while standing still. The car was coated in matte black armor, giving it an aggressive, almost beastly appearance. Its CrystalDome technology shimmered slightly, providing that perfect stealthy cover while allowing a clear view of the outside. Mounted on the front were two small turrets, adding some serious bite to its bark.

Asuka’s eyes lit up at the sight of the car, her lips curling into a grin. She turned to Ted, gesturing to the passenger seat. "Alright, choom, you’re with me in the Javelina. Get in."

Ted nodded, his nervousness momentarily replaced by awe as he approached the car. He opened the passenger door, slipping inside, his eyes wide as he took in the high-tech interior. The dashboard was covered in dials, buttons, and readouts, all of it designed for speed, combat, and control.

Asuka hopped into the driver’s seat, feeling the power of the machine as she placed her hands on the wheel. The engine roared to life at her touch, the deep rumble reverberating through the ground beneath them.

She got on the call, her voice crackling in Jackie and Sasha's ears. "Alright, we’re taking this. Quadra’s faster, easier to dodge with, and built like a damn tank. You two follow in Pink Kitty, provide support if things get heated.”

Jackie's voice came through, his tone amused and approving. “Got it, chica. We’ll keep close. Just try not to total it on the first run, alright?”

Asuka grinned, her fingers flexing over the wheel. “No promises, Jack.”

With a final glance in the rearview mirror, she caught Sasha giving her a thumbs up from Pink Kitty's passenger seat, her expression serious but with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Asuka shifted the Javelina into gear, the engine roaring louder as they pulled away, Ted holding onto the side for dear life. Pink Kitty followed close behind, its massive frame an imposing sight as it rolled out of the warehouse district.

They sped out of Santo Domingo, the Quadra’s expertly tuned engine making it feel like a bullet shooting across the asphalt. The weight of the armored plating was there, but the modified motor made sure it didn’t slow them down one bit. This was the kind of ride Asuka loved—powerful and fast.

She glanced at Ted, his face pale but filled with a strange mix of terror and awe. “Just hang tight, choom. This is gonna be a wild ride,” she said, her grin widening.

Ted gave a shaky nod, gripping the seat tightly. “Yeah... I figured that much.”

They had a long way to go to reach the unfinished section of the South California wall, and Asuka knew they’d be running into trouble—patrols and Lazarus. But with the modified Javelina’s speed and Pink Kitty providing backup, they were ready.

Jackie's voice crackled over the comms again, filled with his typical upbeat energy. “Alright, chica. Let’s put this baby to the test.”

As the Javelina sped out of the city limits, leaving the glow of Night City’s towering skyline behind, Asuka couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She looked at Ted, who still seemed in shock at their speed, then spoke through the comms, her grin evident in her tone.

“This ride, worth every eddie. 150,000 total—100,000 for the car, 50,000 for the upgrades. And it’s already earning its keep.” She gave the steering wheel a loving pat, her blue eyes flicking up to scan the horizon ahead.

Suddenly, her optics caught something—two blips in the sky, approaching fast. Asuka's eyes widened, her mind instantly going into high gear. Missiles—two of them. One heading straight for her, the other homing in on Pink Kitty. Without a second thought, she activated her Sandevistan, the world around her slowing to a crawl.

She swerved the Javelina, the car reacting like an extension of her body, darting to the side just as the missile streaked past, the explosion lighting up the night behind her. In the rearview mirror, she could see Pink Kitty still in danger, the second missile closing in.

Suddenly, a series of small flares erupted from the roof of Pink Kitty, streaking upwards like fireworks—decoys. The defense system worked flawlessly, leading the missile off course, where it exploded harmlessly in the air. Jackie’s voice crackled through the comms, his tone a mix of tension and relief.

“Those decoys better be worth what I paid, 'cause I’m pretty sure my heart skipped a beat back there.”

Asuka let out a breath, her eyes narrowing. “Heads up, Jackie. We’re not out of it yet. More incoming.”

More missiles appeared on her optics’ HUD, multiple streaks of light piercing the dark sky as they came for them. Asuka’s used her sandy, her hands moving on the wheel, the Javelina darting from side to side, each movement precise, avoiding the incoming explosives by inches. Pink Kitty's missile defense system kicked into overdrive, launching decoys at rapid intervals, explosions lighting up the area around them as each missile was diverted.

Asuka’s eyes scanned the landscape ahead, looking for anything—cover, something to use to break line of sight. That’s when she saw it, not too far away—a tunnel carved through the hillside, its mouth dark and yawning. It was their only chance.

She grinned, pushing the Javelina faster. “Jackie, Sasha, follow me. Tunnel up ahead. It’s our only shot to get a break.”

“Got it, chica. We’re right behind ya!” Jackie’s voice came through, his tone tense but focused.

Asuka pushed the pedal to the floor, the Javelina roaring as it shot towards the tunnel, the missiles still closing in. The entrance loomed closer and closer, her vision narrowing as she focused solely on reaching it. The second her wheels hit the entrance, she could hear the missiles explode just outside, the sound echoing through the tunnel walls like a thunderclap.

Pink Kitty wasn’t far behind, the massive armored vehicle managing to squeeze into the tunnel entrance just in time, more explosions erupting behind them, the missiles failing to recalibrate in time.

Inside the tunnel, the world seemed to quiet down, the roar of the engines bouncing off the walls, but the threat from above momentarily lost.

“Everyone alright?” she asked over the comms.

Jackie’s voice was the first to respond, a breathy laugh echoing in her ear. “Yeah, chica. Alive and kicking. That was some fancy driving.”

Sasha’s voice followed, a hint of tension still in it. “Decoy system worked like a charm, but damn, those were close. Ted, you still with us?”

From the passenger seat, Ted nodded rapidly, his eyes wide, clearly overwhelmed but alive. “Y-yeah. I’m... still here. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Asuka just gave a quick nod, her eyes scanning the dimly lit tunnel ahead. “We’re not in the clear yet, but we’ve got a moment to breathe. Everyone stay sharp. If they’re tracking us, they’ll know we went underground.”

Jackie’s voice crackled again, this time with more determination. “Copy that. Let’s get our choom to safety and give these bastards the slip.”

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