Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 11

Crazy voices, I need your help. Like right now, if possible.

Remember how I mentioned a few days ago how Nyarla can randomly send us to random worlds but has no control over this ability? We're still in Worm and the same version we were in yesterday. As to how I know? Because we came out from the same unlocked door in that alley. Even the unconscious Victoria is still where I left her.

So either the Boss did this, or Nyarla couldn't forget about Victoria and wanted to check on her before leaving this world for good.

Through the usage of Perfect Timing. I can see many 'perfect moments' related to Victoria, and pouring more aura into Perfect Timing to let me see the results of taking those 'perfect moments' and find myself speechless.

Anyway, the only reason why Victoria hadn't woken up yet was because of the condition I placed on the Delayed Effect to make her not wake up until we were gone. Something that should have been completed since Nyarla and I returned to the apartment in a completely different separate reality. However, it seems that the Boss must have seen this in the future and used my Delayed Effect to keep Victoria unconscious until we came back here.

However, I didn't expect the Boss to take advantage of this by using the Delayed Effect to cause Victoria to lose most of her memory.

See this, crazy voices? This is why I don't think of messing with the Boss or Nyarla. The Boss easily took hold of my Nen ability, and I couldn't tell. I still have control over the Delayed Effect placed on Victoria right now. Yet, I couldn't do anything about Victoria's memory as they were gone. I can't locate it with Delayed Effect, and Perfect Timing isn't showing that it could help now. Plus, the only thing I could have done to help was to use Delayed Effect to delay whatever was causing her memory loss to stop and allow her memory to return. But even I can't do that.

"Hey, wake up." I gently pat Victoria's face while removing the Delayed Effect on her. Otherwise, she would stay asleep until Nyarla and I were a couple of blocks away. Which we could have done, but I would feel awful for leaving Victoria here alone and waking up with no memory to work with. No doubt she would go into a panic.

Victoria's eyelids trembled for a second or two before slowly opening and seeing my face. She let out a yelp, trying to move away from me but only having her back hit against the wall behind her. At the same time, she blasted me with her energy again, trying to scare me off, but using Ten to block it easily.

"Easy there. You had a nasty fall." I said to Victoria while withholding the fact that I was the one that caused her to have a nasty fall. "It's a good thing you're not badly hurt and it's a good thing you woke up in time before someone tried anything on you while you're unconscious."

"W-Who are you?" Victoria asks me nervously, not acting as cocky as she is known to be.

Okay, so Victoria's personality might be different due to memory loss.

"Name's Jin. Over there is Nyarla. What's yours?" I offer a hand to Victoria to help her stand up, and she hesitates for a moment before accepting my help. While she no longer radiates the energy to intimidate me.

"Victoria. But I don't remember my last name and anything else besides having powers." Victoria answered without realizing she had just admitted she has powers to a stranger.

"Nice to meet you, and you shouldn't tell others about your powers. Especially without a mask on." I test Victoria to see if she remembers her other identity as a Cape: Glory Girl.

"Really? I don't know why, but I feel like it wouldn't matter to me if I wore a mask or not. Neither do I need to keep my powers a secret." Victoria frowns.

Well, memory loss or not, some things can't be changed.

"Maybe that's what we need to do, Jin...!" Nyarla whispered into my left ear, sending a chill down my spine as she leaned over my shoulder to look at Victoria. "We need to help her regain back her memory."

"I would be thankful if you guys could help me regain my memory." Victoria looks at Nyarla in a good light, not realizing that Nyarla isn't helping her out for being nice.

"Right, let's wander around to help Victoria by letting her see anything that would trigger her lost memory." Nyarla demanded as she pointed out the alley.

"Sure, why not." I didn't even bother to explain that Victoria recovering her lost memory would be impossible unless I found a cheat among the many glowing books I have yet to read that would do the trick. Till then, Victoria is going to have to deal without most of her memory.

As I predicted, a few hours into trying to help Victoria recover her memory loss. Nothing helped, not even being chatted by fans of hers for many things she has done as Glory Girl.

Funny thing, when Victoria found out about her Cape's name. She wonders who gave her that name or if she came up with it. If it's the latter, she almost wished she never recovered her memory due to feeling embarrassed for having such a name. In addition, she is confused why many keep commenting that she wasn't normally floating and instead walking on her two feet while in costume. Furthermore, many comments about her having another break up with her boyfriend and now hanging out with me, who somehow became another focus point with having two beautiful girls by myself.

Overall, I'm this close to using Zetsu to deal with all these jealous people. But, doing so would cause many to scream I'm a Cape for turning invisible in their eyes. Also, by doing so, I would be leaving Nyarla and Victoria alone. Technically, I don't care about Victoria, but I'll stick around for Nyarla or risk the Boss' wrath.

Right now, we're at some decent pizza place for a break.

"Still nothing?" Nyarla asks Victoria while taking a drink from her lemonade.

Victoria shook her head sadly, "I don't remember anything else."

"Well, even though Victoria here can't remember anything. Someone close to her will find her at some point today. Mostly searching for her this whole time. I mean, she is well known by the many fans that had approached her for the past few hours." I said casually.

Of course, what I won't say is that under En. I can see many people who know Victoria is running all over the town trying to find her. For some odd reason, most of them keep on moving further away whenever I try to get us closer to them. As if something is pushing them away from us and I know it isn't me with the usage of the Delayed Effect.

Hell, I was channeling Delayed Effect and Perfect Timing through En through my eyes. I still can't figure out the cause nor find the best moments to reunite Victoria with those on good terms with her and would try their absolute best to help her.

Suppose that wasn't bad enough for Victoria. Her powers seem unstable and aren't working for the most part. Victoria's power of flight is gone. Her aura that is always subtly active. It's completely shut off unless she is either in an emotional state that turns them back on or she needs to focus on it to turn it back on. In comparison, her forcefield is still working fine. Although, I don't know how long that will last compared to her peak condition yesterday before being taken down by me.

Anywho, my Perfect Timing decided that there is a glowing book I need to read, and not going to lie. I felt the Boss was messing with me in a dark, humorous way.

The glowing book for my next cheat is from the series: Nanatsu no Taizai or, in English, the Seven Deadly Sins.

Invasion is the cheat's name, allowing the user to manipulate memories and souls.

I don't know about the canon version since it has been a long time since I've last read/watched it. The only thing I did was go through the wiki out of boredom and curiosity. However, the version I'm reading and about to obtain do manipulate the memories AND souls. I'm very skeptical of the latter part and dread that the Boss had used this version of Invasion on me at some point without me realizing it.

Also, I wonder if the reason why the Boss caused Victoria to lose her memory is to make it so I would find this cheat through Perfect Timing. Although, I wonder why Perfect Timing didn't make me learn Invasion before when I used it to see what could be used to restore Victoria's lost memory at the time.

What was going on in the background made Perfect Timing deems it wasn't the best time for me to learn Invasion? Yet, I can't complain since I must have dodged something huge that would surely put me in life-threatening danger. No doubt it was among those 'perfect moments' I could have done to Victoria while she was unconscious at the time that would put me in danger afterward.

As to why I feel like the Boss was messing with me? Because I can't outright use Invasion out in the open on Victoria. Forget being grateful for restoring her lost memory. She wouldn't believe these memories she regained were hers to begin with and false ones I had made up instead. In addition, there is a high chance that Victoria spreading the words of me being able to create false memories would place a big target on my back. No questions about it.

So that being said, I'll have to do this sneaky and just hope for the best. It's a good thing I've created Perfect Timing. Otherwise, who knows what troubles I might have to face without it? Perfect Timing is a cheat sheet/walkthrough for me to use in real life. Too bad, I need to wait for my aura reserve to grow more before the Perfect Timing could become similar on the line of a walkthrough guide since at my current limit. Perfect Timing wouldn't show everything past a few hours. So it can only be used most of the time for short terms.

Oh yeah.

Note to self: Don't use Invasion on Nyarla. Ever.

Luckily for me, the glowing books are seen as normal books by others' eyes. So no need to worry about people getting too curious about why the book I'm reading is glowing. Therefore, I can read the book on Invasion to the end.

"Hey, Jin, do you have other ideas about places we could go to?" Nyarla asks me after finishing eating her last slice of pizza.

"Not really. Maybe we should just continue to wander around."

And by that, this should give me plenty of time to get used to Invasion and use it on Victoria to bring back her lost memory. Hopefully, by the end of the day. Nyarla is satisfied with her little quest to help Victoria. Then we can get the fuck out of Worm and into a hopefully better, safer world the next time we exit the apartment.

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