Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 12

Hey, crazy voices. I know you can hear me. I got something to tell you guys. Remember how I dismissed the Undersiders yesterday because I didn't have the time or resources to have them under my control?

Most of them skip town, and those left behind watch me from the shadow, which isn't very pleasant, especially when I have to deal with Skitter trying to get her controlled bugs closer to me to overhear the conversations between Nyarla and Victoria. At the same time, Tattletale helps her figure out when and where to move the bugs.

Weirdly enough, Hellhound, Grue, and Regent were the ones that left. Grue, I understand if it wasn't for that Nyarla doing something to him yesterday. Yet, he still left unless he regained his sanity or some of it and understood it was best to leave town fast. Regent and Hellhound, I could see sticking around, but it seems they left too.

Well, not that it matters, in my opinion. Since a month from now. Brockton Bay will be like a warzone because the Leviathan will attack.

I know how powerful the Leviathan and the other Endbringers are; however, I'm pretty sure Nyarla's patience for this world wouldn't last that long by then. Even then, she or her original ego might slap the Endbringers to death as if they were flies, and that's just one of my guesses on what she would do in the face of the Endbringers.

Anyway, I've finished absorbing the Invasion and using Perfect Timing to slowly restore Victoria's lost memory secretly while making sure the memory of me nearly killing her stays forgotten. No need for her to remember that.

Also, it seems like Tattletale's abilities don't work on Nyarla and me, which I'd found through Invasion. Furthermore, her power seems unable to detect my cheats and just draw in blanks.

In a way, she tries to use her power on Nyarla or me every time. She gets nothing, not a single piece of data to work with. Even funnier is how her power can't tell her basic information like our genders—just blanks.

Hell, Tattletale tried to use her power on Victoria and only got some results; however, anything related to the Boss' work of causing Victoria's memory loss. She will draw a blank too.

Now that I think about it. I finally realized why I decided to demand the Undersiders in the other timeline Coil peeked into. It's to get Tattletale to help me find the best Tinker to create the video game that would last Nyarla for a long time. That way, we don't have to keep going in many worlds to locate a video game store. And even with Invasion to be used on myself to search for buried memories. It would take some time before finding a canon Tinker character or someone close that meets the requirements.

Honestly, I forgot about finding a Tinker because we already found a video game store and purchased so many. This includes being distracted by Victoria and then having her memory lost. Overall, I can finally understand why the Boss did this. The Boss agrees with my idea of getting Nyarla a video game created by the best Tinker in this world to last her a long time.

Now, how do I get Tattletale to help me with this? I could use Invasion to manipulate her into trusting me by planting false memory; however, I wouldn't put it past her power to figure out a loophole to get out of the Invasion's influence.

Wait, why am I doing this the complicated way? I can just go up to her and ask for her help. There is a high chance of her demanding something in exchange. Well, let's hope her price isn't too high. Otherwise, I'll just find the Tinker, which is possible but may take too long for my liking.

So, I looked in Tattletale's direction and gestured for her to come over. This leads Nyarla and Victoria to look where I'm looking. To see Tattletale and Skitter slowly come over while out of costume.

Lisa Wilbourn for Tattletale and Taylor Hebert for Skitter is their names outside their customers.

"I'm going to ask you to do something for me, and in exchange, I'll help you with whatever you need as long I can do it." I said to Lisa before looking at Taylor afterward.

I reduced the range of my En to a reasonable distance before infusing it with Delayed Effect to affect almost everyone in the surroundings to ignore our conversation. Then, have Perfect Timing active to let me know when it's best to drop Delayed Effect.

"I want your protection." Lisa stated her request straight away.

"How long? And from who or what?" I ask in return, glancing at Taylor as she keeps quiet and waits for her turn.

Lisa has that thinking look on her face before speaking again, "Until I'm no longer in danger and from everything. I'm willing to stay by your side and follow all your demands as long you protect me from everything dangerous."

I took a second for my brain to comprehend everything that Lisa said and looked at her weirdly, but I can't fault her since she doesn't know my background nor what type of things I'm bound to experience due to taking care of Nyarla.

"Okay, here's what we will do. I protect you for a short time because I can't protect you forever. However, I can help you deal with many problems to help you be safer once I leave." I may want Lisa to stick around, with her power being to help in many situations, but I got the feeling Nyarla won't agree with that. No matter how useful Lisa can be.

Plus, Lisa would be thanking me if she were to know the horror she might experience while sticking around with Nyarla. She already had a freakout yesterday upon seeing Nyarla and me. I'm sure she is barely hanging on a thread right now by standing in our presence. I'm willing to bet it's because Victoria is here is what gave her the courage.

"Th-that... Alright." Lisa looked at me in frustration and fear.

"Trust me; you would thank me for not being under my protection for too long." I didn't go into further detail and just left it at that. "Anyway, this is Nyarla over here. She is my main priority, so be aware of that. Don't mess with her because it won't be me you'll have to deal with."

"Hi." Nyarla waved at Lisa in a friendly way. Lucky for Lisa, she wasn't given the same treatment as Grue.

"H-Hello." Lisa shuttered, giving Nyarla an awkward smile and trying not to wipe the sweat off her forehead. While not daring to look in Nyarla's eyes, not wanting to experience what Grue had gone through.

"This is Victoria; we're here to help her recover her memory." I point to Victoria, who just smiles. "You have an idea who she is?"

"Nope." Victoria replied, which just caused her smile to drop a little.

Lisa greeted back stiffly, making me wonder why.

Of course, I could roughly guess it must be because of what happened yesterday. Most likely, Lisa's power must have informed her what changes occurred to Grue yesterday, and she must have pushed Grue to leave town along with Hellhound and Regent. That might be the case for why Grue left with his little sister, and Hellhound and Regent left in their separate ways.

A brief use of Invasion on Lisa, and sure enough, that's the answer. But, with a slight twist in my guess from before. Lisa here didn't think I would pay more attention in helping her out if everyone was here. In a way, she did something selfish and selfless. She is selfish because she wants to hoard all my attention to protect her while knowing that she is pretty much giving up her freedom in exchange. Something she knew Grue, Regent, and maybe Hellhound won't do the same.

Also, she thinks that whatever caused Victoria's memory loss was mainly caused by either Nyarla or me, both even. However, she believes it's more Nyarla than me that did the deed. This is why she rather talk with me than Nyarla if possible, and I can't blame her honestly for that.

As to why she didn't do the same with Taylor? Lisa wasn't too sure about Taylor but was willing to help her a little more but not the same as she did with the others.

Now, for Taylor. I look at her and wait for what her request is. Although there is a low chance of her wanting to join me, having her on the team would be great for scouting. En is great and all, but it doesn't include being able to listen to other people's conversations. Something I could fix in the future when I have more aura available.

"I-I..." Taylor begins to sweat even more than she is, and it's not even hot outside right now. However, I can't blame her for feeling so nervous right now. Especially with Nyarla is now staring at her without blinking for a minute or two now.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Lisa was about to help Taylor, but one look from Nyarla made her decide otherwise.

Yeah, I'd like to help you speak out your inner voice of pleading for help. There is one problem, Nyarla might do something to me if I do that, and I wouldn't put it past her original ego to discover me from using Invasion to read your mind either, Taylor. So I'll wait until you're brave enough to speak your mind.

"Do you need help solving some problem related to your family or at school?" Victoria spoke up, causing Taylor to look at her with happiness and relief.

I can see Lisa began sweating even harder when she saw Nyarla narrow her eyes a little while giving Victoria a side glance before refocusing on Taylor.

Note to self: Nyarla may want to help Victoria due to seeing her as an NPC, but that doesn't seem like she would stay happy if Victoria didn't act the way she wants.

Oh fuck, doesn't this include myself too?!

"I-If possible, could you help me with my bullies at school...?!" Taylor nearly shouted in the end, going by the look in her eyes and with the help of Invasion. She wasn't thinking about fixing her bully problems with outside help, especially from someone willing to kill.

Even Lisa is looking at Taylor in shock, but for a similar reason to why Taylor is in shock. As she could tell, Taylor didn't want this at all.

A glance at Nyarla was enough for me to understand she or her original ego caused this. On the other hand, Victoria didn't realize this and nodded as if she had guessed something right. Not realizing her value in Nyarla's eyes had dropped because she talked when it wasn't her turn yet.

Yikes, I don't think Victoria, memory loss or not, even discovers that her life may not turn out great by the end of today if she keeps making these mistakes around Nyarla. Accidents or not.

"Sure, I can take care of your bullies. Just tell me their names and their appearances. I'll take care of them for you. But, later, after you complete my task in exchange." I said to Taylor, who nodded, her shoulders dropping in despair. "Now, for my demands in return. This is something mainly for you, Lisa, to do, and Taylor here could help you. Taylor, ensure you help Lisa to the best of your ability. I'll consider this as payment for my service as well."

"Right. What do you need my help with?" Lisa looks at me in determination and goes through her surface thoughts of where she has already started making multiple plans to complete the task she is about to be given in exchange for my protection.

"I need you to find the best Tinker to create the best video games in a single console that could be played for years without getting boring over time. As well as making it mobile too." I lay down my demands.

"That's it?" Lisa looks at me in disbelief, same with Taylor and Victoria.

"Oh! Is the game console for me, Jin?!" Nyarla grabbed my left arm and began shaking me, staring at me with wide eyes in desire.

"Yeah." I stare at Nyarla with a wry smile. Then, look at Lisa. "You shouldn't take too long to find someone, right?"

"I'll get on it right now. Come on, Taylor!" Lisa dragged Taylor away in a hurry, now understanding this is a critical mission she has to do with her absolute best.

"Are you sure those two will be able to do it?" Victoria asks me in doubt.

"Oh, I'm sure Jin knows what he is doing. I trust him, and if he thinks those two can do it, they should be able to." Nyarla gave Victoria a smile that didn't give me a good feeling. "If not, they will be punished. Plus, It's not like they will stick around for long."

Yeah, not a good feeling at all. Mainly for Lisa and Taylor. I hope Lisa understands that even if she tries to get on my good side. Because it wouldn't matter once Nyarla decided to do it her way.

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