Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 15

I stare at the small mound with a stick burning inside. I think about it for a few seconds before writing down the letters: M, F, S, and E below it.

M stands for memory, which is always used for Reset & Restart. After the user dies, it allows them to return with their memories intact.

F stands for friend; after the user dies, it allows them to return with the 'entire body' of whoever is being touched by the user's hands. In other words, in this version of Reset & Restart, I can drag others from the 'futures' and bring them over to this fixed point of time I've created the Save Point.

S stands for spirit, another must-use letter for Reset & Restart. It allows the user to preserve their soul's identity when returning.

E stands for erase, which wasn't used in the canon but something I picked out that stands for the letter E in my version of Reset & Restart. This is to erase any abnormality that wasn't there in the first place and won't be tagging along upon returning.

Once that's done. I pressed my palms together to complete the Save Point, then got up and headed out with Nyarla.

I thank the Boss for providing the special materials to create the Save Point and a spot near the balcony, but at the same time, I wonder if any world's fate is brave enough to want to deal with Nyarla. Because using Reset & Restart might have caused these worlds' fate to notice Nyarla and my entry into their worlds higher than before. Of course, I could be overthinking it, and the fates can't notice our presence until they discover us by accident.

Exiting the apartment, we find ourselves coming out of a random abandoned building. Through En, I know exactly which world we're in, and I sigh in relief that we didn't end up back in Worm. Although, I kind of wish we go back there at some point again because many of those Tinkers would be great to create things that would be impossible to make in other worlds.

Anyway, as to where we are. I don't know if I should laugh or cry; I think I should laugh at the irony, for the most part, upon finding out where and what world we're in.

Out of all the worlds, we could have gone for a swim to have fun. We end up in the world of One Piece and we're on Thriller Bark, which used to be an island before being converted into a giant pirate ship. It's considered the world's largest ship and serves as the ship for the Thriller Bark Pirates.

Also, something is on the line of a horror theme island/ship for the Straw Hat Pirates to experience in their journey.

I won't lie and say this place kind of matches Nyarla, with her background and stuff, but more on the down-low tier of weirdness and horror.

On another note, we're in the middle of the canon's timeline or further in. Because through En, the island/ship is abandoned, leaving nothing more than the 900 corpses littered across the place. I want to say Perona will return here later to retrieve Kumashi's body, but I don't see it. So she must have returned before Nyarla and I showed up here.

"I like it here. The atmosphere feels nice." Nyarla praises the surroundings, looking around in delight.

I sweatdrop upon hearing this.

Of course, you would love this place.

"I'm glad you like-"

"I'm going to take it as my own." Nyarla continues off, with her eyes now glowing.

Then, the ground begins to shake and I can see the corpses are melted away. Many ruined building structures and other things also melted away. Even the dead trees are being melted; everything is being melted until there is only a flat surface. That only lasted a few seconds before many new structures 'grew' from the ground until there is now a new 'forest' and buildings.

The buildings line up in a gothic style, and as for the 'forest'. One word: Eldritch.

I knew not to look at them too long, so I quickly partial filter them out in En. On another note, which made me dread the thought.

Does this mean I have to clean up the entire island instead of just an apartment?

As if Nyarla could read my mind. The ground continues to shake, and under my shocking gaze with En. The island begins to shrink; however, it's still massive, and most of the buildings are still the same, which made the area a bit tight, but not too much.

Nyarla, if you're the one reading my mind right now. This is far larger than an apartment still! If you don't mind me taking some time off to hang out with you, I can't clean and do maintenance within a day! For fuck sake, I don't even want to know why Housekeeping Mastery is screaming at the pure joy of seeing those eldritch trees!

Also, I realized that I could 'feel' my cheats as if they were alive, which I didn't want to accept at first, but with how crazy the Housekeeping Mastery is going now. I can't ignore this anymore. Then again, it shouldn't be much different with how I have crazy voices in my head for nearly half my life. Even if I don't hear the crazy voices anymore, I can feel their presence. Watching me in silence.

"What do you think of this place, Jin?" Nyarla asks me, her eyes still glowing, so I must be talking to her original ego. Maybe both, which is possible.

"It's big." I said simply, dreading all the cleaning I'll have to do and avoiding being near these eldritch trees that could tear my head off if I'm not careful. Oh, for fuck sake, I think this is another reason why Perfect Timing picked Reset & Restart. Perfect Timing must have noticed this would happen.

I got this weird feeling from my Nen that is being smug all of a sudden.

So, accepting that my cheats are semi-alive might not be good, and I should have kept ignoring this until I couldn't. Not randomly find a new way to deal with my mental problem of losing the ability to hear the crazy voices. Honestly, I don't know which is worse.

"Don't worry. You won't have to clean anything of this." Nyarla patted my shoulder in comfort. "After all, we got others to take care of that."

I was about to ask her about that when suddenly, one of the eldritch trees' branches began sweeping the area around it. Soon, the rest are doing the same, and in no time, the place is dust free.

My right eyebrow began to twitch as one of the eldritch trees even gave me somewhat resemble a thumb up before readjusting itself to its normal position before it moved a moment ago.

"Oh..." I have no other words to describe what I've seen with my eyes and through En.

"We don't even steer the ship either." Nyarla continued off as if she didn't just turn the island itself alive.

"Because the ship would do itself?" I ask carefully.

"Yup! I even made sure to grab a good batch of souls while I was converting this small ship into my style." Nyarla looks at me, hinting at wanting to be praised for what she has just done.

"That's amazing." I said to Nyarla honestly, putting a big smile on her face after hearing me praise her. "So do you still want us to go have fun swimming or just wander around this small... ship." I'm dreading what a big ship in Nyarla's eyes is or if she is talking about how she shrank the island size ship down to be considered small. If so, that is reassuring. But, knowing Nyarla, I highly doubt that would be the case.

"Oh! I forgot about that! Come on, let's go!" Nyarla grabbed my hand and dragged me closer to the shoreline.

I find it funny that we're on a ship but said ship looks more of an island compared to before and like it would sink any moment now.

"So, where is the swimsuit-" I stop talking when Nyarla just throws her clothes off and reveals the black bikini she wears underneath. If I didn't know any better, with the size of that bikini barely holding up her breasts and covering her lower region. I would say she is trying to seduce with that bikini of hers. But, this Nyarla, she doesn't even need to seduce me in the first place.

"What about a swimsuit, Jin?" Nyarla looks at me, then looks down and back up. "Do you need a swimsuit?"

"There's no need. I can just make the water don't cause me to become wet." I answered, causing Nyarla to blink before nodding.

"Alright, let's dive right in!" Nyarla let out a cheerful laugh as she pulled me into the water, and I quickly used Delayed Effect on all water that touched me to be unable to make me wet. Including making it so I can also breathe underwater too.

I blast at some of the sea kings coming a bit too close to us with Ren, sending them away, and those that still stick around are killed off by the eldritch ship via tentacles that rip them apart.

Overall, today's swimming is great. I have no idea about that eldritch ship, though, because I have no idea she will keep that around when we head back to the apartment.

In the end, Nyarla and I are relaxing on the shoreline while enjoying the cool sea breeze.

It has only been a couple of hours, and I would still be mentally exhausted if it wasn't for having access to Zetsu and Delayed Effect. Also, being wet too sucks big time if I didn't have the means to prevent that from happening. After all, since I forgot to buy new clothes back in Worm.

"So, now that we've taken our time enjoying the water. What else do you want us to do, Nyarla?" I look at Nyarla, wondering how the hell her bikini hasn't gotten loose by now to reveal her nipples and stuff.

"We could travel around this world to see all the interesting things we could find." Nyarla replied as she flicked a nearby tiny crab into the sea.

I made a brief use of Invasion on myself to go through all the things related to One Piece.

Yup, there are tons of many interesting things in One Piece. It's too bad I didn't see the ending of One Piece, or if it has ended since I last saw an episode or read a chapter.

"Sure, we can do that if you want." I wasn't bothered about being in One Piece for more than a few days. If anything, I wonder how long until Nyarla's patience runs out from waiting for the eldritch ship to sail to the nearest island. Okay, maybe it won't be long since it's an eldritch ship, for crying out loud. It might be able to teleport to an island, for all I know.

"Great, let's go move into one of the rooms back in the castle." Nyarla got up and began heading to the center of the ship where the castle is at.

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