Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 16

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 16

You know, for a big castle with many rooms. I wonder why Nyarla picked our room among the smallest ones on the third floor. Yes, our room, because Nyarla didn't want us to sleep in a separate room just because it would be a hassle later to find each other in the middle of the night for sex. Her words, not mine.

Anyway, I misunderstood what Nyarla meant by picking a room after she explained how she meant to use that room temporarily whenever they felt like spending their time there, whether for sleep or just to hang out there. We would still go back to the apartment for the most part.

"Jin." Nyarla's call for my attention made me pause for a moment as I was rubbing the belly of my new Divine Dogs. Talk about easy gain since I blast them with Ren into submission when they appear via summoning ritual. This includes the other shikigami to grab to test my luck if Ren is enough to make them submit to me. So no big battles to form a contract with them.

"You need something, Nyarla?" I see Nyarla playing on her video game console while lying in bed. She is wearing a sexy outfit of a white shirt with the word: NEET on the front that is a tight fit and wearing only a black pantie. On the side of the bed are an open bag of chips and a large cup of soda.

I'm not going to lie, but I was almost tempted to deny Nyarla of those junk food but decided I would rather not test Nyarla's patience for the time being.

"Nope. Just wanted to let you know that the ship destroyed a random pirate ship that sailed nearby." Nyarla said as if she were talking about the weather.

"Right. Do you need me to check to see if there is anything valuable to take before everything sinks into the sea?" I ask Nyarla, not surprised that the eldritch ship would destroy the pirate ship without even giving them a chance to announce themselves.

"Nah, nothing worth noting." Nyarla rolls onto her back as she plays with the screen is now upside down from her point of view. "By the way, I realize something, Jin."

"What's that?" I dismiss the Divine Dogs after having my fill of petting them as if they were ordinary pet dogs.

"I feel uncomfortable here. The ground keeps moving up and down, sideways to sideways. It's making it hard for me to play." Nyarla saves her game before shutting the video game console, then turn it back into its default locked form of a small cube. With the controller merged back into the cube too.

"Whatever you want." I sweatdrop how excited Nyarla was an hour or so ago while exploring the castle. "Then, we returning to the apartment?"

"Yup, having fun swimming was great, but I don't feel like doing it for too long." Nyarla ignored the junk food on the ground and pulled me through the door. Back to the apartment once more.

"Then, what are you going to do with the ship?" I ask Nyarla.

"Eh, I'll sell it off to someone in the market. Someone is bound to buy it." Nyarla replied, "Come on, I'm hungry for some steak, and I want it medium rare!"

Only you, Nyarla, would treat One Piece as some sort of waterpark to be in for a bit and randomly take an island size ship as your own, then only dislike it due to being able to feel the movement of the island/ship sailing the sea disturbing your gameplay and selling it off to a market that deals crazy things like the eldritch ship.

We weren't even in One Piece for that long and didn't even meet anyone. The closest we could have met someone is dead before meeting face to face.

"Right, I'll get right on it." I shake my head in disbelief at what I have seen today.

I won't lie, but I wanted to meet the Straw Hat Pirates because who wouldn't? As a One Piece fan that reads the manga and watches the anime, including the movies, it would be weird not wanting to meet the main characters. Not to mention meeting Whitebeard and other iconic characters.

Oh well, I can't expect things would be like Worm, being able to return to that world more than once. Then again, we might depend on Nyarla's mood at the time.

It's a good thing Nyarla has lots of money; otherwise, it would be impossible to buy so many ingredients in one trip. However, we will have to go to another modern-day type of world again to restock up.

Now that I think about it. Is this one of the ways Nyarla makes money besides the Boss providing her with what seems like a massive amount of money that could be used anywhere in the multiverse, or at least in modern worlds that have the technology to use cards to pay digitally?

Soon, dinner was over, and like always, Nyarla ate enough that ask one question about where everything goes, and she would proudly say to her boobies. I am starting to think it won't be her default answer anymore since the size of her breasts shouldn't grow anymore unless she wants to look like those weird hentai girls with too massive breasts that are so big that would cause many to wonder how the hell they could walk without falling forward all the time due to their weight alone.

"Don't you think you should sit on the ground or lay on your bed while playing your video game?" I ask Nyarla, suppressing the urge to grunt in pleasure while she is sitting on my lap like usual, but with one difference. My dick is inside her pussy, and I'm lifting her before slowly bringing her down repeatedly. Keeping her steady so it won't disturb her too much with the help of Nen.

All this because she wants to have sex while gaming before hitting the bed to sleep. Since she barely did yesterday.

"It's fine. Plus, this could be considered as training my ability to multitask." Nyarla replied, but I could tell she was barely hanging on and not getting lost in the pleasure of sex with the way she let out a soft moan here and there.

Also, I realize the huge difference between having sex with Nyarla and her original ego. For one thing, her original ego has gone crazy in sex compared to now than before. This is tame, and neither of us has reached our first orgasm yet. However, the pleasure is still the same somehow.

Now, for any crazy voices listening in and watching. No, this is easier than having sex with Nyarla's original ego. If anything, it's almost the same because, for one thing. It has been nearly an hour now, yet neither Nyarla nor I have an orgasm. Isn't that weird?!

Yesterday's sex with Nyarla's original ego is intense and fast. I can't even remember when I first came, but I know it's before half an hour. Maybe shorter, but I am having sex with Nyarla right now and going the wall clock. It's near hitting the hour mark.

Again, I shouldn't believe Nyarla all the time. Because instead of having any sleep, we continued to have slow sex for the entire night, with Nyarla barely focused on the video game. Before, near morning she didn't care and focused on sex.

Yeah, I can tell the difference now. I don't know which is more torture to me. Fast or slow seems to be the same for me.

I let out a yawn as I finish putting on my new clothes, ignoring the wide-awake and cheerful Nyarla standing on the side in her casual daily outfit.

I don't know where or when Nyarla got them, but she decided I needed a new outfit and threw away my old ones.

Now, I'm wearing something on the line of a suit belonging to Victorian times. She even got me a hat too. I have no idea why she picks this clothing style for me, but damn I look great in it. Not to mention, I don't feel any movement restrictions, so there is no need to worry about not being able to fight at my best.

"Ready?" I ask Nyarla while feeling envious of how she could be so relaxed and well-rested without doing anything. Then again, it might be because of who she is and have something similar to Zetsu, but better.

"Yup!" Nyarla nodded with a smile.

I glance out the balcony to see the Save Point, and the burning stick is still the same. Look like it's one of those everlasting objects. So I won't have to worry about a time limit of how long I would be under the protection of Reset & Restart.

Not that it matters, since I've created my third Nen ability to help me before the Reset & Restart kick in. Of course, I remade the Save Point. I would rather not wait until my aura reserve grows enough to create this new Nen ability I have in mind again, which works with the first and second Nen abilities.

Time Distortion is the name of the third Nen ability. I can distort time in any form if I have the aura to make it happen, the same limit as the previous Nen abilities.

Following Nyarla through the door, I almost hoped we return to One Piece, but I'm sadly disappointed to see we're nowhere near a shoreline. Furthermore, under the radar of En, I can tell this world wasn't that dangerous. Relying on Nen alone would be enough to deal with the world's top dangerous people.

"Oh, now this is a good world. I can make good money from here." Nyarla's eyes started to glow again, letting me know her original ego has taken over.

"I see..." I sweatdrop that Nyarla's original ego is now coming out more often. Or maybe she was just 'waking up' and decided to take over briefly before handing the body control over to Nyarla.

"Not going to ask me what I mean by making good money here?" Nyarla grin at me as she ignores the looks she is getting while we're walking around the area, checking the place out.

"I'm pretty sure it's pointless for me to know the details. The only thing that matter to me is taking care of you." I answered, making Nyarla giggle. I check the crowd and none of them seems to notice Nyarla's eyes glowing or more on the line of their minds can't comprehend this. Of course, that is just my theory. Maybe she is also manipulating their minds to ignore things that would cause questions to be asked.

For example, our clothing style does not match this world at all.

"Yes, taking care of me is your job." Nyarla narrowed her eyes, her smile widening slightly on the creepy side. "So don't go helping others out unless I say so."

"Noted." I feel my face go stiff.

"Relax. I can tell you only helped those two girls to get someone to make the video game console without having you go on a long search to find the right person. That's sweet of you to think ahead." Nyarla pats me on the shoulder. "Just tell me ahead of time. Save me the troubles of having to deal with them."

Ah, shit. There is a high chance that Lisa and Taylor are dead now. Most likely, Victoria is dead unless Nyarla is merciful. Though, I don't think that would be the case.

"Right, will do." I replied calmly as possible.

"Again, relax. Jin, I know people make mistakes all the time." Nyarla grabs my hand. "Come on, let's have some fun before we hunt down the walking bags of money."

Well, that confirms it. Nyarla is aiming for the native in this world, and I don't need to bet on what she would do to them if going by what she did with the eldritch ship.

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