Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 20

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 20

Okay, so after breakfast with Yor and Nyarla. We're just walking around sightseeing; well, they are. I'm still trying to absorb the godlike item I've picked, which was the One Holy Spear for any crazy voices that are curious.

This belongs to the God of High School's universe, created by Park Mubung upon combing the Trampled Rusy Fallen Blade with the broken Blade of Tathagata. In terms of how powerful it is, strong enough to damage Samsara before being destroyed. Samsara is a staff weapon created from the combination of the national treasures and the remaining weapons of the gods.

And any weapons wielded by gods are anything but ordinary. So yeah, I'm mind-blown upon getting this as my first godlike item and mostly becoming my main weapon too.

Of course, that's the canon version, so there would be changes to the ones I have. For one thing, it's inside my mindscape that I didn't have in the first place or until I got a cheat to make one. The One Holy Spear also protects my mind from outside threats and prevents people from reading my mind. This is just one of its basic functions.

I guess the Boss didn't like Yor and Nyarla's original ego to read my mind all the time. But what about the crazy voices? Well, not that it matters.

Anyway, the One Holy Spear looks like a normal spear, with the shaft made out of a thick black smoke-like hard substance while the spearhead is a piercing bright white. It's floating in my mindscape until I need to summon it to fight.

So the moment I've obtained the One Holy Spear. Yor no longer can read my mind, nor was she upset about it. If anything, she apologized to me and asked for my forgiveness.

Wow, the Boss must be someone very important and powerful enough to make Yor lower her head and apology to me. Of course, I accepted the apology and forgave her. I don't have any reason not to. Or technically, I don't think there was anything to apologize over.

Shit, I just had a sudden realization... If Boss makes me become the caretaker of Yor. Then, what is stopping Boss from throwing others under my care?! There should be one more later, but there could be more besides the three siblings. The third should be Darkness, also known as Magnum Tenebrosum and The Unnamed Darkness.

If I ignore one character named Darkness, I should try to recall any other candidates with some kind of semblance of the name Magnum Tenebrosum, and it's high of being a female too. Or I could be wrong, and the third one doesn't have any name related to Magnum Tenbrosum.

Nonetheless, I have to take care of both Nyarla and Yor now. Double the trouble and to make it worse for me, unlike Nyarla, who is just a magnet for bizarre awful events to happen around her. Yor's presence cause deaths around her.

Not being one that kills, but there are so many accidents that I just know it should be Yor. After all, all these deaths start happening as long as Yor sticks around in a crowded area. This caused panic among the crowd, which should be a give with so many random deaths happening quickly and in less than an hour.

I stare at Yor blankly, unsure how she is causing all these accidental deaths.

"It's an inborn effect related to who I am." Yor seem to be able to guess what's on my mind without the need to perform mind reading like before. "Anyway, Nyarla. Where do you want us to go next?"

Nyarla put on her thinking face before an idea must have appeared as her eyes lit up in excitement, "Let's go meet with our other sister! I can sense her consistently using her power in this world!"

"Say what now?" I look at Nyarla in disbelief, and after I stop thinking about the Unnamed Darkness, you're telling me she is here in this world we just happen to come in?!

"I wondered why the time flow is being messed around in this world. So it's done by our little sister, Takamine." Yor said to Nyarla and answered the next question I was about to ask.

So the Unnamed Darkness is the youngest of the three siblings. At least, I think there are only 3 of them, but I could be wrong. Also, the third sister is named Takamine and has power over time. Fuck.

"Come on, let's go meet up with her before she continues acting like a schoolgirl." Nyarla drags us in a random direction.

I am so lost right now.

Hey, Boss. What the fuck?! Am I supposed to take care of three girls?!

I quickly take out the small purple book, flip to the first page with one hand and see a new message from the Boss.

Okay, so her name is Takamine Takane and she also has a canon counterpart, aka an alter ego based on the original version of the series Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san. Unlike Nyarla and Yor, Takamine takes joy in messing around in school more than anywhere else.


I see a profile picture of Takamine, a beautiful, well-endowed female. She has a slender figure and long black purplish long hair. She is wearing a school dress which consists of a white shirt, red tie, and a short purplish skirt. Her eyes are striking reddish-purple. She has the ability to change any events/objects/causality she wants.

I feel like I can do the same later with Nen or find a cheat based on causality among the glowing books. But I doubt it would be the same level as Takamine's. I am lost as I have never read this Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san. And with Invasion, I didn't find any memory of her, so I must not have read this series before.

But that being said, her name is completely different from the other names used to identify the Unnamed Darkness! Seriously, Boss, what the fuck is going on?!

I barely settled in accepting my role as a caretaker for Yor! For fuck sake, I'm already hanging on a thread with Nyarla after her original ego punished me with a sleepless night of sex, and now being pushed into taking care of Yor isn't making it better! She is a freaking godlike assassin if she is based on the canon version, with a massive boost in everything being an Outer God!

A new message appears at the bottom of the page.

Seriously? Do you think I would accept of being able to get two godlike items instead of just one per day would be enough for me to take care of three deadly, godlike, frightening girls?!

You're damn right. I will accept it. I need all the tools I can get to deal with all three. Now, let's grab that—seriously, Boss?! I have to wait until tomorrow to be able to pick two instead of one godlike item?!

Well, I shouldn't complain too much. It's better than nothing, honestly.

I toss the small purple book into my shadow.

Soon, Nyarla, Yor, and I are standing in front of some random school with many people shouting in a panic.

"Damn it, Yor! Couldn't you control yourself?!" Takamine shouts at Yor, standing in front of her with an angry face. "You know I can't fix this when you're around!"

"Sorry, I tend to forget to control myself whenever I'm too relax." Yor said calmly, not one bit bothered about all the deaths she had caused by just being nearby.

Also, I don't know if what she just said is truthful about causing numerous deaths with her existence alone because she was too relaxed to control her inborn effects as an Outer God.

"Takamine, I'm glad to see you!" Nyarla pulls her little sister into a hug, which gives me a good sight of two beautiful huggings each other.

Hm. Nyarla is shorter than Takamine and Yor is taller than her too. While Yor is taller than Takamine, which makes many think Nyarla is the youngest among the three. Though, I still don't know which one is older, Nyarla or Yor.

"Why did you come to visit me? I'm still on vacation." Takamine frowned but didn't push Nyarla away. "Didn't we promise not to get involved with each other while on our vacation?" She looks at Yor for an answer to this sudden visit.

"This is Jin. He is assigned as our caretaker. Also, Nyarla recently awakened and must have sensed you nearby before coming here before going back to sleep again." Yor pointed at me while explaining the sudden visit.

"What-" Takamine was about to say something before I handed her the small purple book with the first page open for her to read.

This should save us the trouble of numerous misunderstandings or whatever could happen if I don't get the Boss involved immediately.

It didn't take that long before Takamine finished reading, then handed me back the small purple book for me to put away.

She is now looking at me with interest, just like Yor did.

Yeah, I rather—what the fuck?

I see Takamine carrying a gym bag over her right shoulder and a rolling luggage next to her feet.

"I'm ready whenever for us to leave." Takamine grins, staring at me in a way that sends a familiar chill down my spine.

And her glowing eyes weren't helping either.

"Here, carry this for me." Takamine tossed me her gym bag and pushed the rolling luggage over to me. "If you do good, I'll reward you."

The Boss is already paying me. I don't think you can do any better than what the Boss could give me.

I blankly stare at Takamine in silence, waiting for her response.

Oh, right. I forgot I have the One Holy Spear protecting my mind. She can't read my mind.

"I'm already being paid, so there is no need to reward me." I grab the rolling luggage's handle and put the strap of the gym bag over my left shoulder. "By the way, we'll have to buy another mattress. Because Nyarla's bed alone won't be enough for everyone."

"Ara~?! So you're taking care of our sexual needs?" Takamine looks at me lust now, with her cheeks a little pinkish.

I notice Nyarla is blushing and Yor just rolls her eyes.

"I have no idea." I said truthfully. "Anyway, let's go get ourselves a bed."

"Alright, I just know the best place to buy one." Takamine leads us to a mattress store.

Of course, everyone tried each one that fits their liking and Nyarla paid for everything because why not. I don't have cash on me or a debit card. Yor don't even have pockets unless she is one of those girls that store things in between their breasts because they're big enough to store away small objects that shouldn't bother them too much.

Takamine mentions how she will pay next time.

By the end, I've many mattresses stored away in my shadow and the shop salesperson didn't even bat an eyelash upon seeing me doing so. I'm betting it's either Yor or Takamine that makes the shop salesperson not question anything out of the ordinary happening before their eyes.

Back to the apartment, we go, with Takamine tagging along.

Crazy voices, why must my life be even more difficult than it already is?

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