Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 21

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 21

All I have to say is that we're lucky that Nyarla mostly sleeps in the living room, and the unused bedroom is large enough for more than two people and has plenty of space for everyone to have king size bed. Otherwise, we wouldn't have enough room for all the new beds.

Although chances are, I won't even sleep in my bed by myself as Nyarla would surely do her best to get in the same bed as me. No idea if Yor would too, or that was a one-time thing last night.

Currently, Nyarla and Yor are taking another bath together. Man, they must love taking baths together.

"Hey, butler!" Takamine called for my attention. Then I glimpsed a flying white pantie flying for a second before hitting me in the face. "Put my pantie on for me." She grins at me in glee, where she is sitting on Nyarla's bed.

Oh yeah, there was a small note from the Boss mentioning that Takamine has this weird habit of making others put on her undergarments for her to arouse them sexually, but wouldn't allow them to go further than that. Even a small slightest wrong touch, she would kill them.

Furthermore, due to a habit of her alter ego created at a young age due to being restricted in how much she could do, Takamine tends to make one of the undergarments she wears vanish whenever she uses her ability to change an event. But she can continue to use her powers even when she has no other undergarments to disappear. Of course, that's only for the original ego. The alter ego is required to have undergarments at all times if she wants to use her power.

How is she the Unnamed Darkness?! This is opposite to anything related to the words: Unnamed and Darkness! She is more of a weird sadist than anything else!

Also, just to show that Takamine can kill me, even under En's radar. I couldn't even detect the flying pantie fast enough before it hit me in the face.

Now, she just wants me to put the pantie on for her. What is with my life at this point? Crazy voices, I feel like so many unexpected things happen when I least expect them. Just when I finally adapted to the strange things happening with Nyarla and having Yor included briefly. Now it's Takamine that wants to mess with me.

I move to put the pantie on Takamine when I remember something I could do instead. With a snap of my finger, I use Boundary Manipulation on fantasy/reality to make it. Hence, the pantie I have in my hand is already on Takamine without having me personally put them on physically.

"Are you gay or something?" Takamine frowns at me.

"No, and you can ask Nyarla if I am." I replied dryly, not that happy to be called gay for putting Takamine's pantie back on her without having to go near her. "Also, please don't throw your pantie around like that when there is a male nearby."

"It's not like I'm going to flash any random humans. If anything, they should be happy just to be in my presence and be grateful if I acknowledge their existence." Takamine said proudly with her chin tilted upward, looking at me like I was beneath her. In a way, she has the right to look at me like that.

Ah, shit. She is one of those types of people that has a large ego. Well, she isn't wrong with her looks and body figure. Many males would do anything to get her attention briefly, especially in worlds with many extra characters that barely have any brain cells to function normally without randomly dying off from forgetting to eat and drink.

No, seriously, is she really the Unnamed Darkness? Or is there another eldritch sibling among the three?

"Then why throw your pantie at me?" I ask Takamine out of curiosity.

"I wanted to see if you were brave enough or do something stupid that would for sure get you in trouble." Takamine answered in a bored tone.

"Ah, I see." I sweatdrop that Takamine would do such a thing. "Excuse me for a second to deal with the salesperson." I find it a little odd the monster still shows up, even when there are three eldritch goddesses or whatever they are in the building. Yet, these monsters blindly come here without caring about heading to their deaths.

I appear before the front door, with the One Holy Spear in my right hand, and use the Boundary Manipulation to bypass the front door without damaging it as to thrust the spear into the monster's head, or at least it resembles a head in my opinion. Then, instead of being dead and all that.

The One Holy Spear's black smoke-like substances spread over the monster's body within a second before shrinking back into the shaft. With no monster in sight, the One Holy Spear erased the monster from existence, preventing any potential chance of resurrection for vengeance.

The One Holy Spear fades from my hand and returns to my mindscape. After, I walked back over to Takamine, who had just watched the whole thing happen from where she was sitting.

"Impressive." Takamine clap her hands. "Although it is weak, you dealt with it as quickly as possible without much problem. I find it amusing that you used such a powerful spear to overkill that little guy."

"I panic." I lied with ease. But saying it in a dull voice pretty much gave myself away.

Takamine snorted, "I wonder what you would do if you were in danger."

Well, with what has happened to me so far. From the first day to the present. I either go all out to kill whatever is causing me to be in danger or accept my death. Chances are, you, Nyarla, and Yor would be the ones that cause the dangers. Maybe other eldritch beings would appear here later on.

"Try my best to run away?" I can see myself doing that if I can't deal with the danger and have the chance to run.

"I only know you for a few hours, and I can already tell you're not the type to run away from dangers." Takamine replied.

"I ran away from meteors at one point. I think it was a few days ago." I argue back, and I can't believe what I just said is something that happened to me and wasn't that long ago.

"Were you this strong when that happened?" Takamine raises an eyebrow at me.


"Then you won't be running away anytime soon and I will not have my caretaker doing something so cowardly. If anything, you should proudly face the danger head on." Takamine begins lecturing me not to ruin her image while being her caretaker.

I semi-tune her out as I debate in asking the Boss if there is a possible way for me to take some vacation days off or if I could decline the raise in salary to take care of Takamine.

"Anyway, I'm going to sleep and let my alter ego take over. Make sure no one disrespects her." Takamine let out a yawn before her eyes stop glowing.

"Jin, I want to introduce you to my sister's alter ego, Yor!" Nyarla came out with a towel on, dragging the non-glowing eyes blushing Yor out of the bathroom with a towel on as well, where she is trying to look anywhere but in my direction. "Oh, Takamine! You're here too now!"

"Hello, Nyarla." Takamine greeted back while staring at me with that playful grin. "Yeah, all three of us are sticking together again. But, this time, we have a caretaker to take care of us."

"I think this is the first time where all of us are to share a caretaker." Yor trying not to show how frustrated she is right now as she tries to tighten the towel around her body, but the towel is just too small to hide everything.

Well, I guess I will have to deal with these three now instead of their eldritch ego. Yeah, crazy voices; I've changed the term from original ego to eldritch ego. After all, that's what they are, or at least I think so. Plus, they've already called these girls as alter egos based on the canon version of their original characters. Unless I'm told otherwise, so it's better, I call them as such.

In a way, each of these girls has two identities in one body. No idea why that's a thing, but I'll just toss it up as something related to eldritch culture or whatever.

"And he is my best friend too!" Nyarla again announces this proudly, but with Takamine here to know this. "So, how about we have a big sleepover party?!"

"With our caretaker here?" Takamine pointed out with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't mind him here." Yor smile but continue to look anywhere but in my direction.

Seriously, when are you going to put some clothes on? Same with you, Nyarla. Ah, fuck it.

I walk towards Nyarla and Yor, causing them and Takamine to stop talking to watch what I'm going to do.

I grab Nyarla and Yor by their shoulder, then force them to turn around and push them back into the bathroom.

"Don't come out until you put some clothes on." I demand, then shut the bathroom door behind them.

"I'm surprised you can resist the temptation." Takamine looks at me with slightly widened eyes. No doubt she thought I wanted to have my way with them.

Yeah, I don't have a death wish; well, not at the moment. And because I barely developed some self-control thanks to dealing with Nyarla's neverending fanservice, whether she did it on purpose or not.

"If I didn't, I would be dead by now." I replied dryly.

"Well, you're not wrong. I don't know about Nyarla and Yor, but all my previous caretakers didn't last longer than a week. Maybe you can do what they couldn't by being able to take care of all three of us for longer than a week." Takamine reveals a shocking truth, kind of. "How long have you been Nyarla's caretaker? The longest that I know of that lasted was maybe five hours."

"Including today, it's my sixth day as Nyarla's caretaker and the first day to be yours and Yor's caretaker as well." I don't know if I'm lucky to have Nyarla as the one to take care of compared to taking care of Takamine instead.

"Okay, wow." Takamine looks at me in shock. "That's nearly a week now." Then, she grins in glee.

Not good.

"At first, I was about to complain about sharing a caretaker with my two sisters, but I think you'll do just fine. If anything, this made things a whole lot more interesting." Takamine stood up, then walked over to me.

However, Nyarla and Yor came out of the bathroom before she could do anything, now wearing their pajamas.

"Let's play some video games." Nyarla begins to show off her new collection and the new video game console she got.

Yor and Takamine looked at me in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe I would go out of my way to get her something. And something that Nyarla would love.

I guess those other caretakers haven't managed to last long enough and/or care enough to get them something as a gift.

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