Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 23

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 23

It's past three in the afternoon.

Zetsu, once again, save me as I'm fully recovered. However, I know I wasn't fully recovered, not in my mind, at least.

"I got to say. You know how to take care of a girl's needs." Takamine praised me as she pressed herself against me on my left.

"Hey, he is my friend; back off!" Nyarla hugged me from behind, glaring at Takamine and Yor.

"He may be your friend, Nyarla. But, he is also our caretaker." Yor leans on my right, holding my right hand with hers.

"Weren't we planning on heading outside or something?" I try to change the topic and hint that the girls should fix their messed up clothes.

Hell, Takamine still has her bare breasts out. At some points, Nyarla's shirt got unbuttoned and her bra was taken off too. Yor was mostly clothed compared to her sisters, with her headband being the only thing missing.

"Forget about that. How about we continue with sex?" Takamine looks at me with lust.

"Even though this feels rushed to me. I can't help wanting more taste of your semen, Jin." Yor whispers into my right ear.

"If anyone is going to have Jin's dick first. it's going to be me!" Nyarla tried to push Yor and Takamine away from me, but they didn't even budge an inch. They just ignore her and look at me with eyes filled with lust.

Before this could go further, the small purple book pop out of my shadow on its own, with the book flipped open, and all four of us see that the Boss demands us to head outside as soon as possible. We can even resume having sex outside instead of staying indoors.

"Now, that's something I'm willing to try." Takamine grinned at me. She will undoubtedly use her limited powers of the Unnamed Darkness to make things smooth for us to have outdoor sex.

"I can make sure no one disturbs us." Yor supported the idea of having outdoor sex. However, I am slightly concerned about how she will ensure no one will disturb us, especially when her eldritch ego killed so many people because she was too relaxed.

"As long as I go first, I'll also do my best to make others not disturb us." Nyarla promised her sisters.

Then, all three nod at each other.

Hey! Why the fuck you three so into this now?! Damn it! I don't think my body would be strong enough to handle all three for an entire day!

The next thing I know, I'm being dragged by all three, and it was Takamine who opened the door, not Nyarla. So going by the previous logic I've learned over this week. Takamine's desire should influence which world we end up in.

Also, this might be another power these sisters have in common.

"Are we in a school?" I ask everyone where we end up on some random school's rooftop, and on our right, we can see the campus from where we are.

"Really, Takamine?" Yor look at Takamine in annoyance.

"Force of habit, my bad." Takamine shrugs her shoulders.

"Anyone got an idea of a good place for us to go to without being disturbed by others?" Nyarla looks around to see any good spots.

I start expanding my En's range until I cover the entire school campus, then even further.

"Well, we won't have to worry about anyone disturbing us anytime soon as we don't make too much noise." I said dryly as I discovered what kind of world we had entered.

"Why is that?" Takamine asked out of curiosity, which got the other two to look at me. Also curious why I would say such a thing.

"We're in the world of zombies."

I can't believe we've ended up in Highschool of the Dead and it's just a day after the canon has started.

"I wondered why I felt so many deaths around us when we came into this world." Yor slowly nods.

Good to know that you can sense deaths nearby, Yor. Then again, your eldritch ego would cause many deaths, so you're bound to know there would be deaths around you no matter what.

"Yeah, I ain't having sex in a zombie world; let's try again." Takamine drags everyone back through the door. "Okay, Yor, give it a go. Get us somewhere we can have sex right away. My pussy is still wet and horny, so we got to hurry up before it dries up."

Yor nod, open the door, and we're in another world going by the different scenery.

I can confirm that traveling to different via doors as a medium is a common power among these sisters, not just Nyarla.

"Is that a dead body?" I notice a corpse nearby in the room.

"It is. A recent one too." Yor replied calmly. Not a bit bothered by this, Nyarla and Takamine are not disturbed by seeing the corpse. "I would say the murderer left half an hour ago. So this should give us plenty of time to have sex before leaving somewhere else."

"Forget that. We should just quickly find a nearby hotel or something." Takamine rejected using any of the rooms in this house. "I know you and Nyarla won't stop until the next day, let alone an hour of sex."

Ah fuck, so they are planning to have their ways with my body until morning. Well, morning back in Nyarla's apartment, if going by that world's time zone instead of the time zone in this world we're in.

"Fair enough." Yor agreed with Takamine's point of view.

"Come on, let's go!" Nyarla is barely holding on, going by how she is breathing heavily and rubbing herself against me.

Damn, Nyarla, control yourself a bit longer.

In no time, we found a fancy hotel and Yor paid this time with her card. I got many envious looks from everyone nearby, and I could understand having three beautiful women hanging off me. However, they don't understand the cost of this. Who knows if they would still take it?

Crazy voices; what do you guys think? Would you take the cost just to be with three beautiful women if you were humans? Also, I'll be ignoring those simps since, of course, they would, as it depends if the girls meet their taste.

Anyway, as you guys expected, it was another sleepless night and I swear I would be even more insane than normal due to the lack of nights of sleep over time.

It's official. I've passed the one-week mark as the caretaker of Nyarla, and just the beginning for Yor and Takamine.


Crazy voices, if possible, mind contacting my Boss to ask him NOT to send any more in my way? How about getting others to be their caretakers? My hands are full with these three already, literally! I had to use a hand each to fondle one of the girls' breasts or finger them myself while someone rode my dick until they reached their orgasm before switching out with another.

Anyway, it's morning again, going by the time zone from Nyarla's apartment. In this world's time zone, it's just a few hours ahead—something I found out that each girl could tell the time zone difference.

On another note, if it wasn't for Zetsu. With how much thrusting I was forced to do, my hips would be broken by now.

Crazy voices; remember how I thought that maybe Yor's eldritch ego had broken her sex toys? I think that is the case for Takamine too. Hot damn, I wasn't expecting Nyarla would be the one that has less experience compared to the other two with how lustful her body is.

No matter, thanks to the Boss making it, so my Nen increased in both quantity and quality. Zetsu alone would make me immortal in battles as long as I time it right with Lion's Heart.

Moving on, we ate at the buffet provided by the hotel we stayed for the night and now checking this world out. The usual, as you, crazy voices, could tell. For being eldritch goddesses, they tend to like wandering around more than anything else.

I guess being so powerful, they don't have much to do, and if going by what Yor mentions fighting Yukari in the past tense. I think it has been a while since they had any action. Or, going by their lifespan standard, it shouldn't be that long ago.

"Man, I'm bored. Got any ideas what we can do?" Takamine asks her sisters. Then look at me, "How about our little caretaker? Got any ideas?"

"Anything you girls has in common to do together is a way to start up a plan to do something." I advised her while I continued to do my duty as their caretaker to make all these horny bastards not get anywhere near them by relying on En to locate them and using Invasion to place down a suggestion in their minds that they need to do something else that requires their absolute attention.

"I don't think we have that much in common." Yor looks at her sisters, blinking as if the thought had never occurred until now.

This is the same with Nyarla and Takamine, where they are now looking confused and curious.

Soon, the girls begin a new topic of what they have in common. I did my best to listen and take mental notes since some information would help me better at my job by knowing more about them. Especially with Yor and Takamine, where I have less knowledge of who they are other than the alter ego is based on the canon character going by their name and appearance.

Fun fact: Takamine's existence seems to cause many to notice her more often but, at the same time, become forgetful of everything around them. Some even blank out and continue to stare at the back of Takamine from a far distance. In addition, many accidents happen to them, and they continue to ignore it until they finally snap out of it once Takamine is no longer in their line of sight.

So let's do a recap, shall we?

Nyarla causes many to move on impulse, aka horny bastards who want to pounce her, and make low-chance disasters happen often. When her eldritch ego takes over, she would forcefully cause changes to everything around her to meet her desires.

Yor outright causes death when she is too relaxed when her eldritch ego is in control. However, when her alter ego takes over, everyone becomes more stupid than usual. For example, when paying for the hotel night fee, the person charges us a single dollar instead of the original price. And this is a high-rating fancy hotel too.

Lucky for me, it doesn't affect me, thanks to Delayed Effect, Lion's Heart, and Perfect Timing so that I won't be stupid like others.

Takamine's eldritch ego, I don't have much to work with. So I can't say for sure other than she would enjoy causing chaos to bring drama into her life based on the small information I've gathered about her. But going by what her alter ego could do, I won't be surprised if that was the case. Nor would I find it shocking to find out at some point. She would even cause random deaths to bring more chaos into the environment to entertain herself.

Overall, I'm already beyond the point of worrying that all these deaths would cause us any problems. Really, crazy voices. I'm pretty sure I'm in the type of multiverse that leans more into the darker shade of things and less happy/positive things would happen for any world we visit.

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