Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 24

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 24

Newtonian Apple looks like an ordinary apple with a single stem protruding at the top, but with an intense black color and a curved stitch-like drawing at the lower front, making it look like the apple is smiling.

Under the influence of Boundary Manipulation, I switch the two conditions to use Newtonian Apple's powers.

Instead of having to drink the juice to gain knowledge about universal gravitation. So with each bite, I'm starting to understand the universal gravitation subconsciously. I say subconsciously because I still have zero clues about how universal gravitation works in words and just know how to do it. Make me realize that I can't be one of those characters that could easily teach others on the topic, so it looks like I'm one of those that would have to make those that want to learn from me by watching me perform it before their eyes. That's all the help I could give them since I can't explain with the right words, which would cause more understanding than anything else.

On another note. Crazy voices, the Newtonian Apple is one fucking delicious apple I have ever tasted. Words can't describe how tasty it is, and I don't even have to share it. Boss' restrictions and all that, so I won't have to worry about the girls wanting to eat it.

Besides, I got plenty of ingredients stored in my shadow to make them something to eat. We also quickly stopped at a grocery store to stock up on food. Much more now that there are two more mouths to feed, and they are big eaters like Nyarla.

I would say there was enough to feed all four of us for a few months before having to go back to restocking again.

There were some accidents here and there, thanks to Lucky Pervert. Of course, Delayed Effect barely pushed it back enough that we didn't end up having sex in public. Or else, that would be lots of deaths bound to happen.

Not that I'm concerned about the people, but because I have no fetish for having sex around dead bodies. I'm glad none of the girls are into it. Otherwise, there will be more problems than we already have.

Anyway, back to the Newtonian Apple. I don't feel myself being stuffed after eating it for a good hour. so I guess I won't have to worry about overeating the Newtonian Apple to learn more about universal gravitation.

Okay, you crazy voices must be bored about me talking about an apple that gives knowledge and control over the universal gravitation.

Let's talk about the legacy of Yukari Yakumo. It's her mastery over the craft of shikigami. The years of developing this craft are amazing because I've discovered I can also use these shikigami with the Ten Shadows Technique by having more shikigami to use than the ones available in the Ten Shadows Technique.

Simply, I can even give the Divine Dogs new ability thanks to having the knowledge of how to develop existing shikigami to become stronger and possess other abilities that it didn't have before.

Best part? Yukari figured out to craft shikigami through multiple materials; therefore, I can use anything to make a shikigami and then convert it into the Ten Shadows Technique without using the summoning ritual.

"What do you think, Jin?" Nyarla suddenly asks me, bringing me back to reality. "Should we check out fate's chosen ones in this world or try our luck with another world?"

"Fate's chosen ones...?" I ask carefully, although I have a slight idea going by that name.

"Those three girls you helped back in the other world are considered fate's chosen ones. The one who controls bugs has the most attention from fate; however, having too much of fate's attention tends to backfire in many ways. Bad childhood is common for those who are noticed by fate." Nyarla answered and gave out important information on the side as an example.

"Anything I should be concerned about?" I recall most of the main characters I know of, and most don't have a good background in some way or lack something to make up for being the main character somehow.

"Most of the time, if you plan to fight fate's chosen one would be slightly difficult. I say slightly, depending on how strong you are when fighting them and how strong they are. If you're equally matched, you will lose 10 out of 10. However, if you're stronger than them by a lot, then you can beat them. But, killing them would risk fate's wrath." Nyarla explained to me, causing my eyebrows to raise in learning all this.

"Of course, this doesn't apply to us. If we wanted to, we could kill fate's chosen ones, and fate can't do anything about it other than wait for us to leave their realm before they do a full reset, wiping everything clean and starting from a new." Yor continued off.

I hope you mean by us. This includes me as well. Otherwise, I will have to double-check the Save Point before leaving the apartment each time. Which I already do, so better to triple-check from this point.

"You don't have to worry about this either. Since, as our caretaker, you gain the privilege of not being restricted by fate's rules." Takamine finished.

"Good to hear. So if you girls want to look for these fate's chosen ones of this world, go ahead, but we should head home before it gets dark." I said to the three sisters.

"Oh, eager for more sex?" Takamine leans against me, giving me a seductive look.

Nyarla moved in to push Takamine away, then hugged me and glared at her sister. Too bad Takamine took this as a challenge and moved in to hug me as well. Yor on the side just sighs at this before she moves in to get some action too.

"Hey, if you girls continue like this. The day will end soon and anything interesting related to fate's chosen ones will be over before we arrive."

That made the girls stop trying to get ahead of each other to have sex with me.

"Right, they should be this way." Nyarla takes the lead, neither Yor nor Takamine wants to take the lead and follow along without saying a word.

It took an hour, give or take, for us to arrive at the location where Nyarla sensed where fate's chosen ones should be at.

Hey, crazy voices, do you think Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine's existence would influence the main characters? Yor would make them more stupid than normal or become mindless in awe of Takamine's presence. To deep chilling fear from Nyarla.

The answer? All of the above, seeing I've used the Stillness of an Object's Time on the wind, produced by my hand to cut someone's head off who tried to leap at Takamine from behind. Another tried to pounce on me from behind, but Yor easily stabbed the person's head with a golden stiletto-type weapon she pulled out from somewhere or created on the spot. The third and last one tried to escape, but I used Time Distortion to slow their perception of time. Making it so the person would feel like time is coming to a stop makes them an easy, unmoveable target for me to cut their head off, as I did with the first one.

There were only three of them, and I don't know who they were, nor do I have any desire to find out who they are.

But curiosity got to me, and I used Invasion on them to check their memories and found myself baffled that these were just random people that accidentally found what should be a plot device that gave them powers. Then we just happened to appear after they finished obtaining their powers and caused them to go into a panic. Under the influence of the girls, they acted impulsively, and now they're dead before their story can start.

"Weird; usually, it takes a few more minutes before they do something crazy against us." Nyarla said in a confused voice. "Well, we can just head home now that our entertainment is dead before they can do anything."

"What a disappointment." Takamine shakes her head, not caring that we killed fate's chosen ones.

Or I think they are the ones we're supposed to find, but not that it matter now we're heading home. Honestly, we came here for a hotel than anything else after the Boss told us to get out of the apartment. I wonder why, though?

"Let's head back to the apartment." Yor cleaned off her weapon by wiping it with one of the dead fate's chosen ones' clothes.

Of course, we would leave the dead bodies where they are. Because why not?

I shake my head, then use Boundary Manipulation to turn the dead bodies into illusion, making all evidence disappear.

I swear; none of these girls know how to clean up after themselves.

Back in the apartment, Nyarla went to play her video games. Yor tried to cook for everyone more than once, but I had plenty of excuses to prevent that from happening and made her hang out with Nyarla. On the other hand, Takamine took it as her personal goal to irritate me by sexually harassing me while cooking, and I swear if it wasn't for my Nen abilities. It would be a whole lot more dangerous than it should be.

"Jin, you need to relax." Takamine continued to move her hands inside my shirt and, more than once, almost reached into my pants if it wasn't for the fact that she wanted to take her time. Or else, she would have already unzipped my pants by now.

"I will once I finish cooking, so mind taking your hands off me?" I asked Takamine nicely, hoping she would stop now.

I can already tell many men would be envious of my position, but the thing is, I know this is a huge game to her, and she doesn't care about reaching the end. She wants to take this slow as possible to amuse herself. Video games weren't a thing for Takamine. Instead, this is her choice of wasting time while waiting for the food to be done.

"I would if you weren't enjoying this so much. How could I stop when we both know you want this to continue?" Takamine blows into my left ear softly, causing a chill to go down my entire body this time. "Plus, your hard dick is asking for release. How about I give you a hand to help you out? Or do you want me to use my mouth? I don't mind sucking you off while you cook."

Oh, you would love that, huh?

While thinking this, I did my best not to show anything on my face.

"How about no? I need to focus on cooking. Unless you want burnt food for lunch?" I glance down briefly to see she is slowly taking her time unzipping my pants. "Also, I can't walk if my pants are down at my ankles."

"How about you just take the pants off completely? That way, you won't have any problem moving around." Takamine begins unbuttoning my shirt.

Sure, but with you attached to my dick would still make moving nearly impossible. Forget cooking; I would find it hard not to cut myself on the cutting board once my pants are gone.

"I think later because Nyarla and Yor would be annoyed if the food is delayed." I continue to reason with her. "Also, won't they be pissed if they find out we have sex without them?"

"I'm sure they won't mind." Takamine finished unbuttoning my shirt and prepared to go for my pants.

"We do mind." Nyarla and Yor spoke up simultaneously, glaring at Takamine and announcing their presence in the kitchen to stop her from continuing.

"Killjoy." Takamine scoffed, "Alright, I know when I'm beaten."

I sigh in relief.

"So after lunch, we have a quickie before we head out again?" Takamine asks the two, ignoring how my right eyebrow twitches like crazy.

Oh, for fuck sake. Cool it on the sex!

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