Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 25

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 25

Good news, crazy voices. I've reset the Save Point, so there is no need to worry about dying and returning to a few days ago, which would make me weaker than I am right now.

Bad news, I barely had enough time to do so after a few hours of sex with the girls after lunch.

Even more bad news; I fucking died! My first death as a caretaker!

Okay, I guess some of you crazy voices must be damn confused about how I died in the first place.

Remember how I tried to leave on the first day, but it was too late? Yeah, I opened the door and went to explore the place, seeing if I was in Crawling Dreams, aka Nyarla's origin world and something smacked me to death before I could even get a glimpse of it with En. It was too fast for me to react, and I died.

How do I know I died, you may ask? Well, I returned to where I had just finished the Save Point as if I had never left it, and I know I did because I remember every detail after creating a new Save Point.

So yeah, I have no idea what killed me, and all I know is that even with all my cheats and the One Holy Spear, I still died. Just to show how fucked up this world is and how dangerous it is by myself. Now, I can understand why the Boss told me to stick with Nyarla nearly 24/7. Her presence is what keeps the more dangerous entities from killing me. Also, it's a good thing I have the Reset & Restart, or else I would stay dead, maybe get revived by the Boss or Nyarla's eldritch ego taking over to bring me back to life.

Overall, I shouldn't go out alone at all. Not if I want to experience numerous deaths that would no doubt destroy my fragile mind due to being overwhelmed by so many deaths. The first death was too quick for my mind to register it completely, and I am too damn calm from this! Like, what the actual fuck?!

Either way, I should NOT wander outside Nyarla's apartment alone if I want to die again, no matter how quick it could be. I still die either way.

Anyway, after that dreadful experience. We're back outside and in an entirely new world, with Nyarla opening the door again. So expect something stupidly wrong to happen.

"Well, the sky is clear, and nothing out of the ordinary." I said to the girls, causing Takamine to raise an eyebrow at me. "There was one world Nyarla and I'd arrived into that was coming to an end. By many meteors falling from the sky, and we left that world in no time."

"Oh, you must have come across one of the worlds owned by someone performing a clean state to begin their new works." Takamine said something scary. "I'm surprised the owner overlooked Nyarla. Otherwise, they wouldn't have continued with the cleaning process."

"It could be one of those that just recently gained the status to own a world to work with." Yor said to Takamine, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Could be. Nonetheless, I think the system has flagged them for nearly crushing Nyarla. Whether they know it before or not." Takamine shook her head with a grin that showed she didn't pity the person behind that world that was being destroyed—I mean, being cleaned at the time.

"Oh, don't worry. I've personally flagged them." Nyarla smiled at everyone, but that didn't stop me from feeling afraid of what would happen to those that were 'flagged', whatever that word meant with these girls.

"So, what do you girls want to do now?" I ask them, as I've already marked down all the important individuals in this world, including the so-called fate's chosen ones. Aka, this world's main characters, and I know exactly who they are too.

"Well, I want to meet some of fate's chosen ones to see if they are worth anything." Nyarla replied to my question.

Of course, you would treat the main characters as objects to be captured and sold to whatever fuck up black markets for hard cash. Quite honestly, I can see something like that and multiple versions of the main characters throughout the multiverse being treated as nothing but their canon identities for those with sick minds to do whatever they want with them.

At least, in my situation, I have a better life than I could ever imagine. If I just ignore all the dangers that's part of the job as a caretaker for three eldritch goddesses and their alter egos.

"Oh, if there is more. I call the second dib." Takamine spoke up before Yor could, causing the latter to roll her eyes. "Hey, neither of us knows what fate's chosen ones would be. For all we could know, it might be one of the rare ones that are high in demand."

Yeah, I think I will 100% become Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine's caretaker anytime than being transmigrated into these main characters. Not when people like Nyarla come into their worlds just to capture them and be sold off like slaves. Plus, this is Nyarla's alter ego, not her eldritch ego, so that's saying something.

Right, crazy voices? Ah, I'm sure most of you guys would agree with me. If not, I can roughly guess your reason for not agreeing with me. I respect your opinion, but that is it.

"Oh yeah, Jin. Make sure not to kill them. They are worth more alive than dead." Nyarla said to me, poking me in the chest. "Those three weren't worth much from what I've checked in the market, but they are at least worth something."

"I can try my best not to." I promised, not that I wanted to kill them in the first place. It's just that the cheat: Old Ways acted up and went for the kill before those three fate's chosen ones could do any harm to everyone. Well, I've killed two out of the three, with the other killed by Yor.

Plus, I wouldn't have killed them if they didn't try to kill us themselves, which in hindsight, they were influenced by the girls' existence messing up their minds. Of course, I wouldn't say that to the girls. I've already died today, which is already bad in my book.

Nonetheless, I'll try my best not to attack them and just block them from touching the girls if these fate's chosen ones decide to move in to attack the girls. I'm sure the girls have their own means of capturing them without killing them.

"Good to hear that because I rather not have to deal with us losing the chance of getting more money. The money I need to buy more video games." Nyarla said firmly, causing Yor and Takamine to snort at this.

Of course, it's for video games... After all, the Boss made sure none of us went hungry due to lack of money, which should be restricted the girls from buying anything but food and rent.

"So what about those that aren't fate's chosen ones?" I watch through En to see some—yeah, those aren't humans and they're slowly heading toward us. "And they have bad intentions?"

"Do what you have done before, Jin." Nyarla smiled at me, causing me to sweatdrop because the last time something resembled this was that one world where many unknown people started gathering, and I had Divine Dogs shred them to pieces.

"Right..." I let out a tired sigh, then formed the hand sign to summon the Divine Dogs, but instead of just two, there were dozens of them, and each stood next to the other like a pair. "Hunt and devour."

All the Divine Dogs melt into the shadow and rush off to deal with the unwanted attention.

Takemine whistled, "No hesitation, huh?"

"I will do what I must do." I said blankly, thinking about how crazy it was to end up in the world of Soul Eater. Not the best world to be in for someone like me and not the best for the native to have eldritch goddess, three of them, in this world that causes untold chaos simply because they exist on an entirely different level that no mortal could understand without going mad, or madder for those that are already mad in the first place.

"Well, make sure none of those you kill are fate's chosen ones." Nyarla said to me in a serious tone, but it sounded playful in my ears.

"Can you tell if one of my Divine Dogs gets near one of fate's chosen ones?" I ask Nyarla, giving the Divine Dogs the mental commands to take it slow for a few seconds to get the answers I need before letting them go back on the loose to kill all these crazy bastards.

Nyarla closes her eyes for a few seconds before opening them, showing her eyes have a slight glow before disappearing.

"Yup, I have already marked them down and can tell whenever they are close to one of your Divine Dogs." Nyarla smiled at me, then gave me a thumbs up, "So go wild, and I'll lead us to the nearest fate's chosen one to check their worth and see the standards of this world before doing anything else."

"Think we should meet up with one of the higher powers of this world? I'm sure they should know about our existence. If not, we can just deal with them. After all, they are just below the value compared to fate's chosen ones and could be sold for decent profits. No matter how small it is. There is also a high chance they could be fate's chosen ones too." Yor said to everyone, "So after checking the one we're heading to. I can lead us to one that should be considered among the strongest in this world afterward."

"I don't care which. All I know is that these fate's chosen ones better be good. I found these designed undergarments I have wanted to buy for some time now." Takamine gave her input.

"Wouldn't they disappear after using your power?" I look at Takamine in interest. But mostly wondering what kind of undergarments would be expensive for someone like her?

"As long as I don't use my power while wearing them, they won't disappear." Takamine answered. "Why the sudden question?"

"Just curious for the most part, but only designed undergarments and nothing else?" I find it weird she is only into buying designed undergarments, but I guess it's similar to Nyarla with her video games. Which makes me wonder, what would Yor's interests lie in?

"Of course, what else would I buy? Not to mention, other than designed undergarments. I love buying all kinds of nice-looking school outfits." Takamine looks at me smugly. "I wouldn't expect someone who dresses like that to know anything about fashion."

"Right." I said dryly, not bothering to say that I wasn't the one that picked this outfit I was wearing.

"Hey, Jin. Do you mind me cooking dinner tonight?" Yor ask me all of a sudden, causing me to go stiff.

"Oh? What made you want to cook again? I remember you gave up trying to learn how to cook after being so busy." Takamine looked at her sister in shock and suspicious.

"Because I need to prove to Jin, that I can cook." Yor stares at me with determination.

Takamine looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

Fuck, I forgot about that.

"We're getting close." Nyarla said to everyone. "Also, if you're cooking, Yor. Then, I'm skipping dinner tonight."

"Hey, you're making it like my cooking is bad if you say that, Nyarla." Yor frowns.

Takamine giggles at this.

Oh, for fuck sake. Now, I have to worry about my stomach surviving through Yor's cooking?! Having sex with her and her sisters was bad enough already, but you got to put my stomach through the test too?!

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