Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 26

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 26

So, crazy voices, I've figured out where and when in Soul Eater.

"Hey, what the hell are you dipshits going to do to us?!" Liz, aka Elizabeth Thompson, cursed at us in rage and fear.

"Yeah, what are you going to do to us, dipshits!" Patty, aka Patricia Thompson and the younger sister of Liz, follows her older sister in cursing us.

These two are the Thompson sisters and demon weapons in the form of handguns. They are still thuggish ruffians raised in the streets of New York, where they have yet to meet Death the Kid, their future meister. That would change their life for the better.

They are now bound to the ground by Yor's golden chains she pulls out of somewhere. They have numerous symbols engraved into them, which means these chains are enhanced by supernatural means to make them do what normal chains should be able to. Not to mention, I have no idea if these golden chains are made out of gold or something else that looks like gold. It could also be painted gold, for all I know.

"Such dirty mouths. It would be a shame to break those pretty mouths." Takamine grins in sadistic glee.

"It wouldn't matter since we won't have to deal with them for long." Yor said calmly, not fazed by how the Thompson sisters glared at us.

"I've already notified the people from the market to pick these girls up." Nyarla said to everyone, giving me a side glance.

Hey! Don't look at me as if I were to save them because they are pretty-looking girls. It was one thing with Lisa, Taylor, and Victoria. Since I was damn horny and didn't know I couldn't have a relationship with other girls while being a caretaker.

Ignoring the shouts coming from the Thompson sisters, I continue watching the Divine Dogs through En, killing all these guys but leaving their floating souls alone. I don't think I want to know what would happen if I touch those; well, letting the Divine Dogs eat them is bound to have something problematic happen.

"Out of curiosity, what do these people market do to them once they arrive?" I ask Nyarla, trying to think what other reason besides slavery people like Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine would aim for fate's chosen ones.

"Just to drain fate's influence over these girls, then release them afterward." Nyarla answered.

"Huh." I wasn't expecting that.

"What, did you think we were going to enslave them or something?" Takamine smirks at me. "Why would we do something so useless when we have better options than having unwilling slaves to do our bidding?"

"I think that Jin thought we were here to capture these two here and be sold into slavery for profit." Yor spoke up before I could.

This got a nod from me.

"What we do is find people that are influenced by the fate of that world and have people specialized to absorb this influence, which could be used for various things. Of course, we won't drain the whole thing, as that would be a waste. So we will drain 80% and leave 20% to recover over time." Yor explained to me, causing me to be dumbfounded.

"Also, depending on how much fate's influence we obtain from these two. We won't have to worry about money for the next hundred years from now." Nyarla smiles.

"And how long would this hundred years' worth of money last us if you girls spend most of it on video games, undergarments, and cooking ingredients?" I stare at Nyarla and the other two dully, causing all three to evade my eyes immediately. "Look me in the eyes, damn it!"

None of them did so and stayed silent.

What the fuck. Also, wow, I expect to get punched in the face by one of them for shouting at them. Eh, I better keep my temper in check since this might be a one-time thing that they let this slide, including the Boss, who is no doubt watching this whole thing.

"You know what, I shouldn't be surprised." I pause for a second before remembering something. "Actually, why would you need to buy more video games, Nyarla? I got you that game console that would last you a long time. Not including those video games, we purchased a few days ago."

"Eh?!" Nyarla jumped a little upon being targeted and became nervous, unlike her usual self. "Um! I-It's because I like collect-ing vid-deo games...!"

"So instead of having the hobby of playing video games..." I stare intensely at her, causing her to look at the ground more nervous than I've ever seen, or ever for that matter. "You just want to collect all kinds of video games, no matter the genre?"

"...Yes?" Nyarla mumbles, but I can hear her easily with En.

I stare at Nyarla for a few more seconds, making her uncomfortable, before I look over to Yor and Takamine. Both flinched, making me want to raise an eyebrow but suppress that urge.

"H-Hey, I have a good reason why I need to buy so many undergarments. You should know why I need to." Takamine initially stutters but gains confidence immediately upon finding a good excuse for why she wastes so much money.

"Look me in the eyes and say you would be willing to embarrass yourself by putting on a new pair of bras and panties right away after using your power, but also because it's for a good reason for using it. Like your life is in danger." I don't know what got into me; however, I must know this before things get out of hand.

"Well..." Takamine no longer looks confident and also looks at the ground.

"Actually, I don't have a problem with you spending money on learning to cook, Yor."

This got a surprised look from the girls.

"What? Learning to cook is good, especially when you can create so many delicious foods to eat." I said to the girls in a serious tone. "However, I will have to check how much money you need to waste to cook a simple meal." I expected Yor to argue, but to my disbelief, she didn't and just nodded at me happily.

Okay, something is going on. These girls should reject, deny, saying no, but all act so... differently.

Crazy voices, help me out here! I have no clues what the fuck is going on! Also, I shouldn't have any say in what they could do with their money since it's theirs, to begin with. Yet, they are acting like I'm the one that holds all the money!

Just as I was about to say more, a black portal appeared behind the Thompson sisters, where they had long by then known they wouldn't get any answers from us and decided to talk among themselves, promising to escape and be free, etc.

I wait patiently to see who or what comes out of the portal, but instead, all I see is the Thompson sisters' bodies produce rainbow smoke that's being pulled into the portal for a good minute before disappearing. Afterward, the Thompson sisters didn't even scream or anything in the whole process before fainting in the end.

"Huh, I expect much more." I said my thought out loud, getting a scoff from Takamine.

Ah, she is back to normal and the other girls are too.

"If this were like in the past, you would've seen some fancy insane display of power to the crowd, but over time, it just became a waste of time and resources." Takamine explains, then look at the Thompson sisters. "Now, we should look for more. These two didn't give us enough profit."

"Right, so we just go move on our merry way, or will we keep these two with us until they regain the influence from fate for us to take again?" I look at the Thompson sisters briefly before looking at the girls.

"They regain back more if we leave them alone." Yor answered. "In the meantime, we should head off to find other fate's chosen ones before heading back before nightfall."

"I can feel another one close by." Nyarla announced, "They are just a few miles from where we are."

"A few miles, you say?" I ask dully, feeling a headache coming, and I haven't even absorbed any new cheats lately.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Nyarla seemed worried for some odd reason, but I was too mentally tired to overthink why.

"Nothing is wrong. Just a bit tired."

That got a giggle from Takamine as she gave me the bedroom eyes. And I know those are bedroom eyes because, after knowing her so far, anytime she looks at me with those eyes. She tends to sexually harass me until I either give in or something comes up to prevent her from continuing.

Chill girl. Damn, it's not like I'll go anywhere anytime soon.

"So, should we go on foot or get a vehicle to get there? We have been walking for the most part, but I don't think we will make it there before nightfall if we travel on foot slowly." I said to the girls.

"I don't know how to drive." Nyarla said without shame.

"I keep crashing." Yor sighing in defeat.

"I'm too busy having fun to care about something like driving." Takamine grins happily.

"Walking it is." I feel my right eyebrow twitching.

Hm. I guess this is among the many reasons they keep wandering around on foot; well, at least with Nyarla, while Takamine is mainly in school than anywhere else. Yor, I can see her killing someone by running them over with a car and possibly killing others by accidents while driving too.

"Lucky for everyone, I know how to drive. So we just need to get a car." I said to the girls, causing them to look at me in awe. "Come on; I think we can get a rented one unless one of you girls owns a car for us to use?"

The next thing I know, I'm driving a car that I have no idea what kind of model it is, nor do I feel like paying to the details of the car. All I know is it's a fancy sports car that no doubt costs a lot. Yor sits in the front passager seat while Nyarla and Takamine sit in the backseat.

The sports car is among Yor's murder weapons. Yes, crazy voices, this expensive ass car is a murder weapon and one that she had used to run people over before and crash the car into many buildings, leading to multiple trips to the repair shop.

It doesn't make it any better when the car's color just happens to match the human's red blood. As dark as it is, I wouldn't put it past Yor that the car's color is dried-up blood from all the victims she ran over in her job as an assassin.

"So, how many fate's chosen ones are we aiming for?" I ask while feeling delighted to drive a sports car without buying one.

"We go for a few weak ones or the biggest ones we can find. Either way, we should head home once we arrive where these fate's chosen ones are. I can sense they have more of those two girls from before." Nyarla answered my questions.

"Afterward, we can go back to the apartment for sex." Takamine moves closer and wraps her arms from behind me.

"Careful, I'm driving." I said in seriousness.

It's like she doesn't understand safety while in a moving car.

"What does that have to do with what we're talking about?" Takamine asked in a confused tone, and I could tell she was being serious too.

"I rather not crash into anything while you're distracting—and you're not even listening to me." I sigh as Takamine starts to move her hands inside my shirt.

"Hey, don't try to get ahead starts!" Nyarla said jealously.

I swear I will die from a car crash at the rate they're going.

"Wow, you haven't run over anyone so far, Jin." Yor praise me, looking at me like I'm some car driving expert, which I was barely considered as one with the amount of experience I have in driving a car. Let alone a freaking sports car.

"Hey, he likes me touching him more than you could." Takamine said to Nyarla, causing the latter to fume.

Crazy voices, I feel like I'm bound to die a second time creatively under the works of these girls, whether it's by accident or not.

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