Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 31

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 31

Okay, so I was right after all. Nyarla and Yor detected Kikyo, where she had just recently left after dealing with those priests and leaving the village she was staying while teaching the children about medical herbs.

"She is something." Yor look deeply at the quiet Kikyo. "This body is barely functioning and has many problems. I can tell this was done by someone who doesn't know exactly what they were doing—even failing to host a full soul. Sloopy work."

"Think you could do something about it?" Takamine pokes Kikyo's cheek, causing the latter eyebrow to twitch slightly. But she didn't do anything to stop Takamine from poking her, mainly because Kikyo was bound to the ground by Yor's golden chains.

"It's possible, but that requires me to either find the missing parts of her soul or merge other souls to make up the missing parts." Yor answered. "The former would be the best option while the latter requires finding the closest match to make it work, or risk a large rejection, leading all the souls used to collapse."

"Is it worth the price for fixing her to earn more profit, or would it be wasting our resources to repair her?" Nyarla frown, "I don't mind getting more souls and losing some profit, but that depends on how much the loss is."

I stare at the girls, then at Kikyo, who seems like she has given up on life. I can't blame her for that, but just to be sure if that's the case. I used Invasion on her, and I guessed correctly, she truly gave up trying to fight for her freedom and continue her quest to get vengeance.

Kikyo is a beautiful woman, but that's it. I don't have any desire to help and pity her, from being alive to her present life. Sure, Inuyasha is one of my childhood anime to watch early on. However, going through all the memories of Inuyasha. I can see so many flaws, but it's what made Inuyasha a great series.

I find it funny how many people keep arguing that Kagome and Kikyo look entirely different from each other. Plus, Inuyasha thinking of Kagome as Kikyo at their first meeting is funny just because she small, like Kikyo. Can he smell her soul or something?

Because they shouldn't have the same smell, being in two different bodies alone should be enough to make it impossible. Then again, plot armor and all that nonsense.

The girls are still debating in fixing Kikyo's problems or not. I find it interesting that even in her current state, the people from the market can still take fate's influence from Kikyo. Of course, this would push her closer to have her fragmented soul destroyed since fate's influence should be a major factor in supporting Kikyo to stay in the realm of the living.

Nonetheless, I can say that Kikyo's existence alone is very important in this world, or that is what I like to think, but now that we're here. If the girls don't take too much of fate's influence, which I roughly guess it's plot armor they are taking, then most of the plot events would stay intact. Otherwise, I can forget to use most of my canon knowledge.

"Hey, Jin." Nyarla called for my attention.

"Yeah?" I give Nyarla my attention while continuing to have En spread out to keep track of everything over a mile radius.

"What do you think is the best option for us? Find the missing parts of her soul and merge them back into her to make her complete again, or should we find other souls to make up for the missing parts?" Nyarla looks at me in the hope of picking the best option.

"Uh, let me try something first." I move over to Kikyo, then snap my fingers as I use the Boundary Manipulation to switch Kikyo's state of incomplete soul to complete soul.

Kikyo let out a small groan and then fainted as her body released so many dead souls that were used to allow her to move and sustain her clay body.

"Okay, that was easy compared to our two options to fix this fate's chosen one's root problem with her soul." Yor looks at me in awe.

"I will say that I wasn't expecting it to work." I replied in disbelief, yet this shows how powerful Yukari is.

"As expected of my best friend." Nyarla smiled with pride. "See, we should go to Jin for most of our problems. He can solve this in no time."

Please don't. This only work because I have Boundary Manipulation and Yukari's lifetime experience to go with it.

"We should go for Jin's help more often, then. As someone that is chosen to be our caretaker. It should be a given he should be able to solve our problems when we can't." Yor nods in agreement.

Technically, she isn't wrong, as being a caretaker means I have to help with the girls' problems whenever they can't do it themselves. However, they are eldritch goddesses, even if they are alter egos, which still doesn't change the fact they are not humans and much more. Thereby, they shouldn't need my help for the most part.

"I know what Jin could help me with later." Takamine winks at me.

Takamine is too damn horny compared to Nyarla and Yor. But what could I expect from someone willing to go without underwear after using her power?

"So now that her soul is complete and fully healed." I start, then another snap of my fingers to make it so any bad side effects would disappear. Nearly forgot that part and would make things more problematic if I didn't fix that. "Who is going to call the people from the market, or are you girls planning to take her with us while finding more of fate's chosen ones in this world?"

"Well, there are many cases of fate's chosen ones having some connection with each other and would be forced to meet often because of fate's influence. Compare to those that aren't influenced by fate." Takamine answered, then looked at the unconscious Kikyo. "We can still take some of fate's influence, but it would take longer for her to recover and lead us to other fate's chosen ones."

"Either way, thanks to Jin. We saved ourselves from having to hunt down the missing fragment soul and buying souls to make up missing pieces that would barely work, but only for a short temporary fix." Nyarla follows up, hugging me with a big smile on her face. "So we have many options to take, but in my opinion, we should take some fate's influence before anything else."

"Should be fine now since the root problems related to her soul are fixed. So we can harvest lots of fate's influence, but I think it's best we have her act as bait to gather the other fate's chosen ones and harvest them all at once." Yor blankly stares at Kikyo. "The only problem we have is fate decided to give up on her to prevent the other fate's chosen ones from being located by us."

"How about we just wait a bit longer? This world is a little weird, but we should be able to find many of fate's chosen ones, and the quality of fate's influence shouldn't be low." Takamine stops poking Kiky's cheek.

Man, the girls treated Kikyo like she wasn't worth anything besides being an important character in this world. Something I bet Kikyo would find depressing if she were to learn about this. After all, nearly throughout her life, she was treated as someone important and possessed unique skills that not many could learn or be able to use for that matter.

"I'll leave the decision to you girls." I said to the girls before they got me involved again. Something I rather not be in at all, if possible. Not because I pity and do something reckless for Kikyo and any future important characters. But because it's too troublesome and my hands are full with Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine. Also, mentally preparing myself for a fourth one to appear at some point.

"Are you sure? We're willing to hear your opinion." Yor looks at me, confused, like she has no idea why I'm not trying to get more involved.

"It's fine. I'm here to take care of you girls." I smile at the girls, "So, while you girls decide what to do with that girl. I will go through our supply to see what we got while we stay in this world."

Note to self: Buy some doors because it would be hard for us to return to Nyarla's apartment if we ever come across a world without doors.

Or maybe I can use Boundary Manipulation to create something close to a door or just lead us to somewhere with doors for us to use.

By the way, crazy voices. How goes those messages to the Boss? Did the Boss respond to you guys, or is the Boss ignoring you guys?

That will suck if that's the case. But, on the other hand, the Boss must be too busy to see the messages you guys sent over.

Actually, crazy voices. Ask the Boss if there is any way for us to talk again, or at least I can get messages from you guys too, because Perfect Timing has yet to help me find a glowing book to do that for me. It would be great to hear some ideas from you guys to use my cheats in a way that would help me more in the long run.

Especially how to handle Yor's handmade cooking. That is something I'm not eager to eat anytime soon. I know Yor is trying her best to make sure her food is good, but I don't feel like eating the entire Pot of Senzu Beans to survive the ordeal.

Not when I don't know how many Senzu Beans I might need to take just for a single dish. So, if Yor decides to make more than one dish, I don't think I will have enough Senzu Beans.

I let out a sigh.

Crazy voices. Do you think there will be any days off while being the girls' caretaker? If so, please ask the Boss in my place, and hopefully, the Boss has already figured out a way to send me your guys' messages. That way, I would have you guys' support again, like in the past. Before my changes after becoming the caretaker for these girls.

"Hey, Jin. We've decided just take her with us and wait for the other fate's chosen ones to come by." Nyarla broke me out of my inner monologue. "Other than that, we will just have fun with whatever we have fun with in this world."

I wonder if Nyarla and the other two realize there isn't much to do in this world. Even in Kagome's time period doesn't have much to do, honestly.

"Alright." I nod, mentally preparing myself for the headaches dealing with the girls once they become bored again after finding out there isn't much to do in the time period of Inuyasha we're in currently.

Crazy voices, wish me luck and hope for the best that the girls' patience wouldn't be too short until monsters start showing up.

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