Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 32

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 32

Hey, crazy voices. I learned something new about the girls. For one thing, Nyarla and Takamine are city girls and can't stand being in nature for too. On the other hand, Yor didn't mind because she got to take the chance to find herbs and mushrooms, anything edible that could be eaten and plucked from nature to use for cooking.

I can feel my stomach rumbling, and it isn't because it's hungry. I can tell you that.

Anyway, it seems you guys haven't sent any messages to the Boss, or the Boss didn't respond due to their busy schedule. It's fine. I didn't have much hope, to begin with.

Currently, we've made a campsite since it's already nighttime. I ate a Senzu Bean to make it so at least I'm full. Also, ready to prepare my stomach for Yor's roasted boar she killed when one unlucky wandered close to us and became our dinner.

Crazy voices, even though Yor is just roasting it and even seasoning it right. I don't know if it would taste alright. But, I got a few Senzu Beans in my mouth on the sides to be ready in case I can get any from the pot in time.

With the help of Perfect Timing, I know when to eat the Senzu Beans and can prevent eating them by accident, along with the roasted boar.

So besides waiting for the roasted boar to be done. I've created many shikigami not from the Ten Shadows Technique to build a log cabin quickly and, among other things, to sleep in for the night instead of sleeping next to the campfire. Because I'm pretty sure none of the girls, other than maybe Yor, would be happy to rest on the hard surface of the grassy ground.

Even got to use those beds too, since none of the girls wanted to use them. So I guess it's good that they were stored inside my shadow the whole time since we bought them.

Honestly, I can see why Yukari is so lazy all the time with all these shikigami doing the work for her. I barely did anything other than keep track of the surroundings with En. Not to mention I don't have to learn the craft of shikigami from scratch.

"Here, Jin." Yor hand me a large slice of roasted boar on a plate.

"Thanks." My stomach was rumbling again, which wasn't a good thing.

I glance at Nyarla, Takamine, and even Kikyo, who woke up a few minutes ago. To see it's only Kikyo that has a plate of sliced roasted boar like me. Nyarla and Takamine have their cooked meal made by one of my shikigami.

Perfect Timing; it's time for you to do your job and help me survive through this, or else I'm back to the Save Point.

What do you mean I do have to eat it?! What the fuck Perfect Timing?! I'm trying to survive this with my stomach intact! Even Nyarla and Takamine are proof enough that Yor's cooking is bad! I don't know if the roasted boar she cooked would be normal after eating it, for fuck sake!

"So, are you going to take a bite or what?" Takamine smirked at me, daring me to eat the roasted boar.

I felt my right eyebrow twitching, then the corner of my mouth joined in twitching as well when I saw Kikyo drop dead after taking a bite from her roasted boar. I can even see her soul slowly coming out of her clay body.

Yor didn't even look in Kikyo's direction and just pushed Kikyo's soul back into her clay body forcibly.

Okay, good to know Yor could touch the soul. Then again, I should realize that earlier when she talks about fixing Kikyo's soul at the time.

Perfect Timing is still telling me it's a good time to eat the roasted boar.

Fuck it. At worst, I will be sent back to the Save Point and go to either Naruto or Death Note. Unless the Senzu Bean can deal with Yor's cooking.

Just as I was about to take a bite of the roasted boar.

Someone entered my range of En, which I had reduced in the distance because I was getting too much information and getting a headache from it.

Oh, it's Kagome. Not too far from her is Inuyasha, and both are heading here. No doubts for Kikyo as fate is trying to make them gather in one spot to lead something close to the canon event.

"Something wrong, Jin?" Yor stares at me, eager for me to eat and see how her roasted boar taste.

"Two fate's chosen ones are coming here." Nyarla said to everyone before I could say anything.

Thank you, Nyarla and Perfect Timing, for preventing me from eating this roasted boar. That looks perfectly normal, but I saw Kikyo nearly died a while ago.

"What of the odds, huh?" Takamine continued to smirk in my direction, where she must have figured out how relieved I was not to eat Yor's roasted boar.

"Jin, give me a moment to deal with the unwanted visitors before you take a bite. I want to be here when you take your first bite." Yor didn't even let me say anything before she disappeared for a few seconds before reappearing with the unconscious Kagome and Inuyasha. She drops them on the ground. "Are these two the ones, Nyarla?"

"Yup, they are fate's chosen ones, alright." Nyarla nods.

"Talk about bad taste in fashion." Takamine looked at Inuyasha in disdain. Then, look over at Kagome. "Oh, she looks nice in that school uniform."

"Huh." Yor look at Kagome with wide eyes. "I see, so that's where the missing soul parts were. This girl is the present reincarnation of the girl we have with us." She points at Kagome, then at Kikyo.

Okay, this proves that the girls don't know about most of these worlds and the characters. Well, I shouldn't be too surprised since they don't seem to realize they are also characters but different in more than their canon version.

"Oh, this is rare. Fate's influence seems stronger when all three of them are together." Nyarla said to everyone, looking at the three in high interest. "Especially since the two girls share the same soul. Interesting how they are here in the same time period."

"I wonder what this world had to do to make this happen." Takamine remarked.

"Not many worlds have fate's chosen ones like these two girls." Yor looks at Kikyo and Kagome in interest.

I glance down at the roasted boar, debating on getting rid of it, and check with Perfect Timing to see if it's possible. Sadly, it isn't, but the Nen ability no longer tells me to eat it.

Got to see the upsides in little things. Well, I can just hold it for the time being. Maybe something or someone would come along to prevent me from eating it.

"Now what? Should we get the people from the market to start taking some of the fate's influence?" Takamine asks her sisters' opinions. "I'm fine with it since there are three of them. I'm sure we would get lots of profit."

"Actually, a sudden thought came to me." Takamine looks in my direction. "Hey, Jin, try to fix this girl's incomplete soul. Like you did with the other girl."

"Oh, I forgot about that. She also has an incomplete soul." Yor look at Kagome, then at Kikyo.

"Would that make the profit higher?" Nyarla tilts her head in curiosity.

I snap my fingers, fixing Kagome's incomplete soul problem, and now both she and Kikyo have a complete soul without having issues with each other. They technically still have the same soul, but now they have a larger soul than others by having two complete souls that could technically be merged as they are the same person in soul identity alone.

If Kikyo dies again, for real, this time, she will return to Kagome and merge her soul with Kagome's soul. Same in revert, theoretically, that is. Otherwise, Kagome's soul would be reincarnated into a new identity. The souls are an interesting subject, but my brain is still focused on Yor's roasted boar.

Yes, I have my main priority straightened up, crazy voices. You can't blame me for this because thinking more about Kikyo and Kagome's case won't help me deal with a potential death trap. Seeing how a roasted boar could cause my second death is not something I want to happen. It's one thing being killed by a random powerful entity back in Crawling Dreams. It's an entirely different story by dying from eating badly roasted boar.

"I think we should see if it's possible to draw more of fate's chosen ones. I mean, it wasn't that long since we encountered the first fate's chosen ones, and by nighttime. Two more came here. I say; we should wait a bit longer for more potential fate's chosen ones to arrive." Takamine inputted her idea about our next course of action.

"I'm fine with either way since we will get profit one way or another." Nyarla didn't really agree with Takamine, but she also didn't reject her either.

"So, I guess we just have to make sure none of them escape." Yor flick her right wrist, golden blurs soaring, and the sound of something stabbed into the ground around Kagome and Inuyasha.

Under my En, to see multiple golden stiletto-type weapons being used as anchors to prevent the two from getting up from the ground.

"What about her?" I point at Kikyo, who is still unconscious after experiencing her soul nearly leaving her clay body and ascending to the afterlife or maybe heading back to Kagome.

"She should be fine. She should know that's impossible for her to escape us, and if she tries, we just have to pin her down as we harvest fate's influence before knocking her out before we leave her be." Takamine answered, showing no remorse for causing harm to Kikyo.

"Right..." I sweatdrop that I shouldn't expect any less from Takamine. Even her sisters didn't deny what she said and I have no idea what Nyarla would do because I don't think I have ever seen her fight. Same with Takamine, but she mostly just does something to the past to affect the present, which makes her enemies unable to fight back. Ending the fight before it even started.

"Okay, we can talk about this later. Jin, could you tell me how it tastes now?" Yor looks back at me, eager for me to taste her roasted boar.

Oh, come on! I don't want to return to the Save Point!

"Yeah, Jin. tell us how it tastes." Takamine is watching me like I'm one of those funny videos online for entertainment. And right now, I am the entertainment in her eyes.

"Jin, you can do this." Nyarla encourages me.

Not helping, Nyarla!

Crazy voices, call Boss for an emergency! I don't want to die again! Dying the first time has already messed me up in a way I can't put in words, and having to die for a second would mess me up even further!

I look at Yor nervously, then back at the roasted boar. Then, moving my tongue to touch the Senzu Beans still placed on the sides of my mouth.

Fuck, I should have hidden more than just two Senzu Beans.

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