Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 35

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 35

It's morning, and the girls are acting as usual as before. Well normal as possible. They are more cheerful and have that glow that all girls have after having great sex that they enjoy. In addition, they even went far as to give me a morning kiss on the lip as they praised how much of a beast I was last night and hoped I do it again. The morning kiss threw me off because they had never done that after a night of long sex. Even when I went all out the last time before, I guess the Ratio Technique pushed them further than I could ever imagine.

For fuck sake. I feel more like a gigolo than a caretaker. Of course, I won't say it's terrible, for some crazy voices are teasing me about how I enjoy this and should just embrace it. I won't say I hate it or would go out of my way to stop it. I would be a fool doing so. These girls are eldritch goddesses, not regular human girls.

Forget breaking their hearts. I think they will physically break mine and do more before and afterward.

The Boss informed me that you guys have voted, and the result came in after giving the guys the time to vote. The first world is Familiar of Zero, the second world is Freezing, and the last is Magical Girl Apocalypse.

It seems that the Boss had decided that the girls and I have to go through all three worlds instead of switching to another set of worlds to go after going into the new world.

To my annoyance and frustration. The Boss had informed me that other than staying in these worlds for a month each or longer. The Boss will give me mini-tasks and reward me for completing them, but they are not the main priority—just something to pass the time since the rewards won't be that great, like being given a list of godlike items to pick two from the list.

The Boss didn't tell me what they were until I entered the new world, then the mini-tasks would be available and their rewards would be displayed in the small purple book for me to view.

We're all ready to go, but I have one last thing to do before we leave. That is the new list of godlike items today.

Option 1: Survival Kit

Option 2: Pandora Box

Option 3: Ghost

Option 4: Warp Gate

Option 5: Cavaliere

I have an idea why option 1 is a thing. Also, I'm curious what it could be since this is the list of godlike items. So the Survival Kit should be anything but ordinary. So that is one of the two picks I will take.

Anything related to Pandora is not good, especially if it's the infamous Pandora Box itself. That's a big no for me. It's even worse that this Pandora Box is a godlike item tier.

I have no clue what godlike item would be named a Ghost, but I can think of many ideas of what it could be. But, too many for me to gamble.

The Warp Gate is the same and useless. I have Boundary Manipulation to do the same much more. Give me enough time to ingest more of Yukari's legacy. I can later travel the multiverse myself without relying on the girls.

As for Cavaliere, going by this name, I can easily tell it's a vehicle or something. But, again, that isn't needed thanks to Boundary Manipulation could easily remove the travel distance between point A and point B. Plus, I can just bring out any vehicles I desire with Boundary Manipulation. Like seriously, I threw a freaking train at those monsters while protecting the girls until they woke up.

So, I could take the safe route and grab Cavaliere, but at the same time, I could try Ghost. Ah, forget it. I'm not risking it. Not when I have more future godlike items to grab, and I don't want to find out if the new godlike items would follow me to the Save Point. So I can't experiment with each godlike item to determine which is the best among the list.

After thinking about it for a few minutes longer, including the Survival Kit, I use Perfect Timing to help pick the best godlike item I might need for the long term. To my disbelief, Perfect Timing is telling me to pick Ghost out of everything, even putting it above Survival Kit.

Well, the Perfect Timing has yet to fail me so far. I guess I'll grab Ghost along with Survival Kit. It better be worth it, though.

I become speechless upon receiving the two new godlike items.

The Survival Kit allows me to take out anything I need to survive the present problem. From a high-power battery flashlight to a high-quality firearm to fight off any wildlife. Even taking out MRE is possible, not that it was needed, thanks to Senzu Beans.

Now, for Ghost. It's from the video game Destiny franchise.

Ghosts are floating machine entities slightly larger than a human hand. They consist of a spherical core with a single glowing "eye", which is surrounded by a "shell" of several pieces that can separate and rotate freely around the central sphere. The default Ghost shell consists of eight roughly tetrahedral segments colored white with orange highlights.

The Ghost is a companion, scout, librarian, and mechanic, waking ancient machinery and cracking ancient codes. Ghosts can support by performing specific actions such as illuminating darkened areas, repairing technology from the Golden Age, hacking into machines, informing of incoming hostile treats, calculating complex enemy behaviors, determining combat outcomes, mapping numerous projectiles and their myriad of trajectories, and providing communications. More importantly, Ghosts may revive Guardians from death. As long as the Ghost survives, the barring special circumstance, Guardians are effectively immortal and may be resurrected fully intact from any death without consequences. The death does not have to be immediate, nor do they have to be revived in the same place they died. Ghosts may also repair any injury a Guardian suffers in a matter of seconds.

Ghosts have no special control over their Guardians' actions other than talking to them or potentially withholding the resurrection of a Guardian who becomes dangerously erratic or monstrous.

I watched speechlessly as Ghost appeared out of the small purple book, then absorbed said small purple book. Then, it floated almost up to my face.

"Greetings, Caretaker. I have been assigned the identity as Ghost due to my unique creation, surpassing the original series of Ghosts from the universe of Destiny." Ghost introduced itself in a neutral, emotionless tone. "I have been solely created to help you in everything that I could do and inform you of new messages from the entity known as Boss that you termed them as such. Boss won't tell you their true identity, but willing to take the name: Boss as it makes things easier for you."

"Anything I should know that is important that you could do?" I ask Ghost, feeling a little weird to have someone talking to me other than the girls, not including the natives from those worlds we've visited. But, someone, or something, would stick around for an unknown time and be able to talk back.

"You can also channel your cheats through me and be able to see and hear through me as well. In and outside of invisible mode." Ghost informed me. "You are able to talk to me through thoughts alone as long you inform me beforehand. Otherwise, I will not be able to speak in your head."

Huh, good to know I won't have to worry about Ghost listening to my thoughts until I permit it to. Also, being able to channel my cheats through it? Now, that has endless potential right there.

"I'll also keep track of your health-"

I cut Ghost off, "Physically or mentally?"

"Physically, I am not permitted to scan your mind too deeply and only the surface of your thoughts." Ghost replied without missing a beat, not bothered that I cut it off.

There goes my idea of having Ghost keep track of my mental health.

"Anything else?" I ask now before I find out the hard way later.

"I can become your second Save Point while keeping your first one intact. I just need to know which Save Point you wish me to send you over." Ghost answered.

Okay, that's a big game-changer in my book. I got two Save Points now. So I can keep one here at the apartment and another in the other world.

"I also have the feature to scan everything around me to give you information that is 100% full in details without leaving any hidden secrets. This includes future information that has yet to be discovered in that world. However, I do have to warn you that there are certain entities I can't scan, not because I am unable to. But mainly, the Boss has restricted me from doing so due to your level of status has yet to meet the requirements." Ghost continues off.

"Huh, good to know." I wasn't made that the Boss has placed restrictions on Ghost.

"Caretaker, you must leave the apartment within five minutes and make sure Yor opens the door." Ghost informed me before I could ask any further questions.

"Right, I should go get the girls. It's time to leave." I rub the back of my head in annoyance before snapping my fingers to create a small gap to allow my hat to drop and land on top of my head. "Better get going before the Boss decide to punish me."

Now, that is a scary thought.

In less than five minutes, we left the apartment and now stood in front of the Tristain Academy of Magic, where the building was built like a pentagon with each side of it as a tower. All five towers have a different color, corresponding to a specific element taught.

It was believed that the academy was built sometime after the founder, Brimir, since there would not have been five towers if people did not know whether there was a void user, meaning the fifth tower was meant for teaching Void Magic. Unfortunately, this tower was not used for a long time because there was no void user until Louise de la Valliere, one of the main characters and supposedly the main female lead.

"So what are we going to do here?" Takamine asks everyone, then look at Ghost. "Got anything to tell us, little bot?"

"First mini-task: Show off and make the native fear everyone. Reward: World's Fake Identities." Ghost answered.

"I knew I was forgetting something!" Takamine snaps her fingers, "Well, this mini-task shouldn't be that hard to do."

Wait, can Takamine do the mini-task? I thought I had to do it. I am so damn confused right now.

"Do we have any limitations?" Yor asks Ghost, making me wonder if Ghost is here more for the girls than me.

"The only thing everyone must not do is scare them so bad that they die from a heart attack to anything else that could potentially kill them in the process of scaring them." Ghost replied.

"That shouldn't be too hard." Nyarla smiled, then looked for any natives nearby; no doubt she wanted to scare them badly.

"Maybe we should kidnap a few and torture them before the natives' eyes?" Yor pulls out her primary weapons, twirling them from her index finger.

You guys need to chill! Holy shit, there is no need to go for physical harm!

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