Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 36

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 36

Crazy voices, send help! Wait, I forgot I have Ghost.

"Ghost! Send words to the Boss to change the mini-task to something else!" I shouted to Ghost as I held onto the girls for dear life, as they had nearly killed almost everyone here in the first ten minutes in this world.

"Caretaker, I can't change a completed mini-task." Ghost replied in a monotone, but its words stopped the girls from trying to attack another student and teacher. "Also, the reward has been delivered into my storage. Would you like to look at it, Caretaker?"

"Come on, little bot. Show us the paperwork. It better be good. I held back plenty enough." Takamine dragged me over to Ghost, showing how strong she was, and flicked her hair behind her shoulder, ignoring the frightened looks from the crowd.

"I'm curious what our background would be." Yor moves closer to Ghost, not feeling slightly affected by the thousand-fold increase of gravity pressuring her.

"I hope it doesn't require me to do too much stuff." Nyarla leans into my arm further instead of moving away.

I'm speechless about how the girls are acting, and I'm no fool that the girls were holding back by a lot. Because no matter how much it looks like I held them back. In truth, they allowed me to hold them back and casually attack the crowd of students and teachers with barely any effort to complete the mini-task.

Hell, if Ghost didn't tell the girls, they couldn't kill the natives. There would be an ocean of corpses, blood, etc., in no time. Forget ten minutes of scaring the crowd. It wouldn't even take a minute before all the natives in this world are dead. I would even go far as to say the girls would destroy the planet itself as it's considered a native too.

Anyway, the crowd is terrified of the girls. I can't blame them for how they couldn't do a single thing to the girls with their magic. Even those teachers couldn't do anything and could only watch in despair to see their students and coworkers being taken down like nothing.

Ghost release small beams, hitting us in the heads, and new information is downloaded into our brains.

Me: Royal Caretaker/Bodyguard of Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine

Nyarla: Royal Princess from the far east

Yor: Royal Assassin/Princess from the far east

Takamine: Royal Scholar/Princess from the far east

I'm not surprised by the fake identities used in this world. In a way, the girls are royalty, but not as most people would think.

Nonetheless, time to put the acting skills I've developed in the past before becoming a caretaker to the test.

I walk over the crowd, showing no sign of being hostile while standing in front of the girls.

I bow slightly, "Hello, sorry for the princesses' actions. We've come from a distant location and recently heard about this place. So, the princesses had decided to see how powerful the people from this academy of this land were."

"Disappointing." Nyarla said ruthlessly, smiling at the crowd.

"I've seen rats could do better." Yor said coldly, glaring at anyone that dared look her in the eyes.

"They are better off dead if this is the amount they could do after so many years of studying." Takamine sneer, looking down at the crowd.

A brief use of Invasion and Ghost's helps to sort through all the surface thoughts of the crowd. In their opinion, most would do anything to leave and return to their families and home, where it's safe. Yet, some are too shaken even to think clearly and just do their beside to stay conscious in fear of never opening their eyes ever again.

"Although, the princesses had gone a bit... overboard. Please forgive them, for they are not used to dealing with those that are..." I tried to think of a nice way to describe how weak they are.

"Powerless." Nyarla snorts in disdain.

"Worthless." Yor spins her weapon, looking at the crowd like they're ants.

"Useless." Takamine stares at the crowd in a way that would make one question their existence.

"Quite..." I didn't need to look behind me to see how much the girls didn't like the natives here. "So that being said, we've traveled far and will settle down not too far away from here. The princesses have already decided to stick around to see the local culture and how things are done here."

A few in the crowd fainted straight away upon hearing this. Some of them were even teachers, and many were sobbing quietly, and they would have cried loudly if they weren't afraid of being killed for being too noisy.

"Of course, we won't just settle down without permission and take over an area nearby for free. We will provide something in exchange." I continue off as some teachers and students now pay more attention than before. "This is among just the things we will provide for the duration of our stay here." I snapped my fingers, creating a gap above one of the teachers and dropping an old rocket launcher empty of ammo that knocked the teacher unconscious upon landing on their head.

"The Staff of Destruction?!" Someone cried out in horror.

I see the old man, Osmond, the headmaster of Tristain Academy of Magic, that shouted just now.

"Well, someone can recognize the value of this. So, you can have that. It's time for us to leave. Please do consider forgiving the princesses." I bow slightly once more before leading the giggling girls away from the crowd.

It's easy to guess why the girls are giggling since the rocket launcher isn't valuable as I make it to me. Not when the girls can do much more than any rocket launcher could do.

Under En, I can see the crowd is now going stir-crazy. Channeling En through Ghost and I can overhear them talking about how crazy powerful the girls are, and most males are talking about the girls' sexy bodies. Seeing how unbelievable they are and making some stupid male comments about wanting to get to know more about the girls—going far as to talk about being brave and whatnot, where they are willing to visit the girls later to court them.

I'm speechless. Honestly, I am crazy voices. I remember how people are in Familiar of Zero, but these natives are damn stupid. It's no wonder the main character of Familiar of Zero could do so much and make these so-called nobles being able to use magic become a joke throughout the series.

"So, are we going to continue messing with those natives? Because I am all for it. They are too funny not to mess with." Takamine smiled with her eyes squinting a little, with a face of pure evil and cruelty to cause more harm to the natives than anything else.

"I don't like any of them. They make me want to kill them." Yor said calmly as she touched her weapon, rubbing it and twirling it around.

"They all look stupid and the way they talk makes me irritated." Nyarla frown in displeasure.

I continue to be speechless and now damn confused, curious even to find out why the girls are so damn hostile to the natives of this world compared to the other worlds. Hell, they are not that hostile to me in the beginning.

"By the way, Jin. Why did you talk to those natives like they are equal to us?" Takamine frowns at me.

This causes me to break out in cold sweats as Nyarla and Yor also frowning.

"We're here to stay for an entire month. So I thought you girls would rather have fun messing with the natives nearby instead of traveling everywhere to find other natives to mess around for entertainment." I replied while sending a small apology to the natives of this world for making them no better than just objects for the girls to play with. After all, I'm technically in the same position too, but the girls still like me.

The girls drop their frowns and look at each other, then nods.

"I didn't bring my video games collection so I would be bored out of my mind. So this is good, I guess." Nyarla smiled again, making me secretly sigh in relief inside.

"It doesn't matter to me, honestly, but that doesn't mean I will be nice to the natives in this world." Yor smiles politely, which is opposite to what she just said.

"Eh? Ah, fine." Takamine snorted, "At least it's a school. The only thing that's good about that place."

It looks like the girls won't punish me for talking to the natives in a way they didn't like. Still, I'm interested in what got the girls so hostile with the Familiar of Zero's natives that if it weren't for the mini-task, those students and teachers would be dead by now.

Did they do something to the girls in the past or something?

Crazy voices, thoughts on what it could be? I bet it's because the girls have visited this world before, or a parallel version of Familiar of Zero, and a native had done something that made the girls quickly remember an incident that pissed them off more as time passed.

"Ghost, is there anything in the Survival Kit we can use to solve our problem of not having a building to shelter us for the night?" I look at Ghost, who has been quiet the entire time. Make me wonder if Ghost only speaks when talked to.

"Yes, Caretaker. The Survival Kit can provide you with many options to choose from." Ghost displays a holographic projection screen to see the options available for me to pick from the Survival Kit.

Among them is the familiar log cabin I made in Inuyasha to a very high-tech futuristic modern-style expensive looking tiny house.

I kind of wanted a mansion, but it's not among the options. Of course, this is for survival in a way. Nevertheless, I'd be stupid not to pick that high-tech futuristic modern-style tiny house.

Ghost projects a neon blue highlight beam that quickly forms into the outer layer of the high-tech futuristic modern-style tiny house in seconds before the entire thing becomes solid.

The girls claps at seeing something entertaining.

They didn't wait for me and entered the tiny house, exploring the place.

I sigh, shaking my head before following the girls into the tiny house.

"Caretaker, there is a new mini-task. Would you like to hear it?" Ghost asks me as the girls are busy checking everything in the tiny house that catch their interest.

"Sure, why not."

It's not like I got anything else better to do. Oh, wait, I have to make sure the girls don't go out killing everything around them and stop foolish natives from doing something that no doubt would infuriate the girls.

"Second mini-task: Prevent Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine from sneaking off to kill the natives tonight. Reward: Heavenly Massage One-Time Ticket." Ghost reported.

Oh, for fuck sake. Seriously, Boss? Also, really girls? Do you have a hate boner with the natives here or what? Going off to kill them in the middle of the night while I'm asleep is just... wow.

You know what? Fuck it. Crazy voices, I need that Heavenly Massage One-Time Ticket after what I have gone through. I don't care that it has only been over a week since I was hired as a caretaker.

Author Note: Okay, so I was informed by the family that they are taking out of the state for New Year. This mean I won't have access to my PC, and that's horrifying, in my opinion, since I'm always on my PC every day, for years, decades even! Barely a day, I'm not on the PC. Most of those times, I'm too dead tired, or I'm sick.

Anyway, as I've mentioned before in the previous Author Note in my fanfic: Failure IS An Option, and that is why it was placed on hiatus. But, for those that haven't read it.

It's mainly to give you guys the time to help me pick out the next world for the mc to go to after temporarily done with Fairy Tail world.

The hiatus started on 12/2/22 and was supposed to end on 1/6/23, while I wrote this fanfic: Daily Life of A Caretaker to pass the time, where I can just drop it whenever.

However, to my surprise at the sudden interest from you guys, my readers. I wasn't expecting so many liking this fanfic. And by that, I mean from all my readers on Fanfiction, Scribble Hub, and Webnovel.

So that being said, I'm going to be gone on vacation, against my will, and not have access to my PC for 5 days, 6 if I'm too tired to continue writing after returning home.

Therefore, I'll extend the time from 1/6/23 to 1/12/23. It wouldn't be fair for you guys not to be able to read 5-6 chapters in my time of absence. Also, this should give you guys the heads up on letting me know whether I should continue this fanfic after the hiatus for Failure IS An Option fanfic is over.

Suppose you guys convince me to continue this fanfic. I won't do the whole 1 day per chapter thing because I got to focus on the Failure Is An Option fanfic. Instead, I'll post randomly, with the minimum being weekly. So, at least a week, there will be a new chapter uploaded and a chance of me uploading more than just one. Hell, if I'm in a good mood, I'll continue to do 1 day per chapter for a while.

Anywho, by the time you guys read this. I should be on the airplane by now, heading off for vacation.

Pray for me that I don't snap from not having access to a PC; well, my PC. I don't know what I could do on a public PC besides reading fanfic or watching youtube videos. I won't be able to write due to lack of time with the family making me do 'fun family activities', and I have no idea how long I'm allowed to use a public PC.

Well, later, guys. Thanks for reading. Leave me reviews and stuff.

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