Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 40

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 40

Ten minutes seems short for most people. However, to me, it felt like ten years. Ten agonizing years. Before Ghost announced, the mini-task was completed.

That was five minutes ago. Now, I'm running for my life as the girls are on my tail—rage with murderous intention. Not even Zetsu is helping me hide from their detection.

"You know, Caretaker. The Boss has informed me that the girls are going through their time of the month, which is why they are so unstable. So, do be aware not to cause too much harm to them, even if you can heal them." Ghost reported what the Boss wanted to tell me.

Are fucking kidding me right now?! Are they on their period?! Is that what this is all about?! A fucking mood swings due to their period?!

"Furthermore, they become more trigger upon feeling a hint of the essence belongs to the Void." Ghost continued. "In addition, anything belonging to the Void would cause slight changes to eldritch entities, whether for good or bad."

Great, so Louise pretty much triggered the girls even more after summoning Saito finally. And the dude must be covered with lots of this essence from the Void, which the girls must have sensed right away while they were doing their own things at the time.

Nevertheless, I don't have the time to go on a deep inner monologue freely, as I have done in the past. Not when I got the girls chasing after me. In hindsight, I would gladly let them kill Louise and Saito within a heartbeat if it weren't for the Boss.

So that being said, I know the girls are angry because they didn't even say my name anymore. Silently chasing me; well, Takamine continued to laugh evilly, which wasn't a good thing, even if the other two were quiet.

"Caretaker, the Boss has ordered me to ask you this: Would you like to use your reward for a day vacation in any world you want right now?" Ghost repeated the Boss' question to me.

"What happened to the girls while I'm gone?" I ask back, ducking from nearly having my head kicked by Yor. Then, create another gap to appear a mile away from the girls. A great distance, but sadly, the girls already appear behind me again in seconds.

"They'll be fine on their own until then. Of course, the natives of this world can't say the same, but by the time you return, Caretaker. They should've calmed down and no longer want to kill you." Ghost replied.

Fuck you! So you know the girls really want to kill me!

"Send me to a world where I would truly relax!" I shout at Ghost, who fires off a neon blue laser beam in front of me to create a portal for me to leap through, where the girls let out an inhuman roar behind me as Ghost follow right behind me as it closes the portal in time before the girls could go through.

Quickly, I deploy En through Ghost on a mile radius to scout the area. Then, I find myself speechless about what world I will spend on my one-day vacation.

"Ghost." I call out to my companion in a deadly serious tone.

"Yes, Caretaker?" Ghost responds.

"I said to send me to a world where I would truly relax." I growl in rage.

"That I have done, Caretaker. This world is among the many you could truly relax in." Ghost replied, not noticing the flame of rage had been lit up in my heart. "Also, the best ones for you to visit as this world was actually for you to visit at some point in the future."

"That doesn't make me feel happy one bit, nor do I find myself relaxing in this world." I ignore the person watching me from the side as I've appeared in Trinity Seven world, or at least close to it.

"Well, it's a good thing you won't be staying here for more than a day, huh?" The person jokingly said to me. "It's nice to meet you, and I'm delighted you to take care of all my daughters up to this point. Ah, how rude of me. I'm Yui Kurata, but you know that by my appearance and how similar to this world based on who I am, or my alter ego original from. And yes, I go by Azathoth in the past and present, depending on who talks to me."

Fuck, I can't ignore her now. Since she acknowledges my existence.

I slowly turn my head to the side to see it's precisely Yui from the Trinity Seven and in her dream form, which I don't know if that is her true form or not.

Yui is a well-endowed young woman with gray-white hair covering her back, with her bangs tied together with a rubber hair band sticking at the front. Distinct yellow eyes with cross-shaped pupils that are glowing a little. She wears a school uniform, pretty much the same as the canon version. It consists of a white collared shirt worn under a dark blazer jacket with cuffs and the school logo on the left breast pocket. The lower half includes a plaid mini skirt, black dress socks, and brown loafers.

Yup, she beauty alright, but also fucking dangerous. Why am I meeting the girls' mother?! Also, Azathoth is Yui Kurata? Eh, kind of make sense in some way, but not that much.

"It's nice to meet you, and it's my job to take care of your daughters." I replied politely, bowing until I was at a perfect 90-degree angle as Yui deserved this from me at a minimum because, honestly, forget the girls having a high chance of killing me. Their mother alone could just erase me with just a thought.

"No need to be so stiff, Jin." Yui stops me from bowing with fruitless effort, and I'm speechless at how my body had any resistance under her touch.

Where I am now standing straight before Yui, who is a head shorter than me, as she gently smiles at me.

"Honestly, you're the best caretaker to care for my daughters." Yui giggles near the end. "Take pride in this, for many have perished, and many desire to be in your position for many reasons. Reasons that would make most want to kill you in the hope of taking over your position as my girls' caretaker."

"I don't think I'm the best with how I left them behind." I said truthfully.

"Oh, that's fine. The girls are adults and can watch over themselves for a short time." Yui waved off my concerns. "In fact, my daughters would be too embarrassed and ashamed after snapping out of it and will have a hard time being around you afterward."

"Th-That's good to hear." I sweatdrop how easy it's to talk to Yui.

Then, a sudden thought appears.

"No, I'm not your Boss, which I find funny that you would pick that name to identify this entity." Yui giggles again. "Truly, you're the best caretaker out of the previous and future ones. You have no idea that your Boss is delighted to be called as such. To the point, they had made sure to put some extra defensive measures as your protections against the deadest entities in the multiverse and outside of the multiverse from causing you any harm."

Boss, if you're listening. Thank you. Sincerely from the deepest of my heart.

"Just to let you know ahead of time. I'll also be in your care." Yui smiles, with her eyes closed, not that it matters as she should be able to see to horrifying look on my face without having to use her eyes to see it. "Unlike my daughters, all I need is a good place to sleep and take care of my daily needs. Anything else I can do myself, but if there is something I think I need your help with, I'll tell you right away before the problems could happen."

"That's great to hear." I tried my best not to make my voice become strained from finding out I had another person to care for. And said person happens to be the mother of the three girls I'm already having difficulty taking care of.

"Oh, don't be so bum down in the blue." Yui pats me on the shoulder. "I will even help you control my daughters."

I begin to see the bright side of this whole thing.

"I'll make sure they are ready for sex by helping them become hornier under my hands, then after you're done with them. You can do your best to take care of my sexual needs without being distracted by my daughters at the time." Yui continued off, winking at the end.

I let out a strained laugh.

"Especially how you used the Ratio Technique for sex got me very curious to experience it myself." Yui leans against me, looking at me with eyes of lust.

Fucking hell. Crazy voices, I don't think I will survive for long.

"My girls are lucky to have you as their caretaker, and now I have you as my caretaker too, making this even better." Yui caressed my right cheek. "Honestly, it has been a very long time since I had a caretaker to take care of my needs."

Crazy voices, call Boss for help. Like, right now.

"Anyway! Let's get to know each other better since it's just the two of us." Yui paused to look at Ghost. "Well, three if we count that little thing."

"Greeting, Azathoth." Ghost float near Yui. "The Boss has informed me to tell you that your anchor is already in the process of being transferred over to Nyarla's apartment and will be completed once the Caretaker's one-day vacation is over."

"That saves me the trouble of having to contact them." Yui poked Ghost, then pushed it away before looking back at me. "Jin, you are one lucky man to have that little thing, as it's rare for your Boss to be willing to speak to others, let alone do things that I would have to put some exertion into getting them to do."

I just smile stiffly, "Well, if it wasn't for Boss. I'd be dead-permanently dead by now. If it wasn't for Boss' helps."

"That's right. So it's best for you never to disappoint your Boss or anger them. Forget dying. You will experience something that even I would be afraid of. So take heed and do your best to meet your Boss' expectations." Yui advised me.

Oh, thank goodness. I was right to complete the mini-tasks given to me by the Boss instead of failing them just because I was scared for my life facing the girls. And hearing their mother, Yui, admit that the Boss' punishment is something her status would fear. Also, the proof that the Boss is most likely more powerful than Yui.

Crazy voices. Do you mind giving me hints about who the Boss might be? Or is this one of those situations where I don't need to know until it's the right time for me to know? As knowing too early would cause more harm than good.

If it's the second part, I guess there are no points in telling me then.

Although, I feel like the Boss used this one-day vacation reward to trick me into meeting Yuri and taking care of her afterward, along with her daughters.

I do wonder if I'm getting raised for having to take care of Yui. This mostly would be the case, making me curious about what the Boss would give me as a pay raise.

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