Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 41

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 41

Well, I didn't fuck Yui, if any crazy voices are wondering. Mainly because she wants me to listen to her playing her violin. She is amazingly good at playing the violin, and I can listen to it all day and be at peace.

"Caretaker, your one-day vacation is up." Ghost reported, breaking me out of the relaxing trance.

"Wait, what?" I stare at Ghost in disbelief.

Yui stops playing her violin, letting out a soft sigh.

"Caretaker, you've been listening to Azathoth's violin music for an entire day." Ghost explained.

I'm dumbfounded, then look at Yui, who started whistling and evading looking me directly in the eyes.

Damn it! My vacation day!

"Look on the bright side, Jin." Yui nervously rubs my shoulders. "Thanks to my music, don't you feel more relaxed than ever and at peace?"

"Sure, that's the case. But, I already have two things that could do the same thing, but without being out of focus and ignoring my surroundings." I look at Yui with a sad smile.

"Oh..." Yui now has a guilty look on her face.

"It's fine. You didn't know and were just trying to help me relax, that's all." I pat Yui's hand in comfort. "Ghost, display today's list of godlike items."

Ghost float near me, then display a holographic projection screen of the five godlike items for me to choose from. Surprisingly, there are some words to go with the godlike items now. Make me wonder if this is considered my raise salary, which should be the case since the last salary raise was to know which world the girls would lead us to upon one of them opening the door.

Option 1: Enkidu - You want to bind up some crappy divine entities? Well, this is the item for you! Bind those suckers up and beat them up! And for those sexy goddesses, let's say binding them up with these chains would be more satisfying if you catch my drift.

Option 2: Lucifer - First, I whip it out! Then I thrust it! With great force! Every angle...! It penetrates! Until...! With great strength! I... ram it in! In the end... we are all satisfied... And you are set free...!

Option 3: Los Lobos - I'm not alone. I'm not alone. I'm not alone any more...

Option 4: Zafkiel - Ara~! Ara~!

Option 5: Amore - You're within my line of sight.

Okay, first off. I can tell where Enkidu comes from, and it's useless in my hands since it primarily specializes in dealing with divine entities. And I'll face more than just divine entities. So that's is taken off my choices to choose from. Even if the Boss had modified it, but the word: Divine was used; therefore, the Boss must not have changed that part or did by adding other entities besides those with divinity to be affected.

Whoever wrote these descriptions might not be the Boss that wrote it out but the previous owner of these godlike items or the creators. So, even though the descriptions help me determine what kind of godlike items they could be. It still won't change that I won't know 100% of what it could be until I obtain it.

Lucifer is for sure from Devil May Cry. Not with that description, or that was a misunderstanding on my part. These weren't descriptions but more on the line of the previous owner's personal comments to put to attach with these godlike items before being given away.

I only know one thing that would be called Los Lobos, and with those words. I'm 80% sure this is from Bleach, but not entirely sure. However, I don't feel comfortable picking this one due to the comment on it.

I have zero clue what Zafkiel is, but that gives me a bad vibe. Yet, Perfect Timing is screaming at me to get it along with Amore. Of course, Amore should be a ranged weapon like the rest or has range attack features going by the theme of godlike items for this list.

Well, Perfect Timing hasn't steered me wrong up to this point. So, grabbing those two, and I just hope Perfect Timing won't disappoint me once I need to use them later.

Zafkiel is from Date A Live, taking the form of a giant clock with Roman numerals, accompanied by an archaic pistol and musket that serve as its hour and minute hands, respectively. It possesses all its original powers with its user, Kurumi Tokisaki. The bullets are generated within the pistol and musket, which I could also add unique influences along with its default effects.

Amore is a Soul Weapon. A large bow without a string. The arrows are generated from solidified black aura energy. With each shot, the arrow dissipates into pure, crimson-colored energy. These arrows can create lightning storms when fired into the sky. Amore can also be used even for close combat. One of the modifications where I could even generate an arrow that could produce natural disasters upon hitting its target.

I have no words to describe how I felt about this. Both could are ranged weapons, but I have Boundary Manipulation, the Ten Shadows Technique, and even the Stillness of an Object's time for long-range attacks. So, these two might not be as useful as the other godlike items. But it does give me more options to use in dire situations.

Both are stored in my mindscape like most of my godlike items.

"Do you need anything to take with you, or can you come with me now?" I ask Yui, and she just shakes her head. "Alright, Ghost, we're ready to leave."

Exactly the same as to bring me to Trinity Seven world, where Ghost creates a portal, and just like that, I'm back in the world of Familiar of Zero. However, I didn't come back alone.

"I can smell the blood in the air." Yui calmly spoke out her thoughts. "There are some bit of pieces here and there. I can see some limbs tossed all over the place. Yup, this is the work of my daughters, alright."

I want to say something mean, but I'm too annoyed by the one-day vacation being over so soon, without me being able to do much since I didn't have to watch over the girls during the vacation.

Nonetheless, anything Yui says could be strange and weird, also pointless to say. I'll just accept it and make sure to take care of Yui to stop her from spilling more nonsense.

That said, I quietly watch Yui look around the place for a few minutes before she is satisfied.

"They are this way!" Yui point north with absolute confidence.

I extended En toward the direction Yui pointed at. Then snap my fingers to create a gap for us to travel to where the girls are in no time.

Holy shit, there are piles of corpses everywhere.

Nyarla spotted me first, then Yor and Takamine afterward. All three of them looked at me in shock before they saw Yui standing next to me, waving at them with a bright, happy smile. This turned that shock into fear, which I can somewhat understand why as the girls tried to run away.

Tried being the keyword, as the girls didn't get that far.


A single word from Yui was all needed for the girls to stop in their spots.

"Come here and line up before me." Yui continues speaking in a casual tone, but the way her eyes glow just makes me quickly look anywhere but in her direction.

Not a second after Yui spoke. The girls appear in front of us, with Yor standing in the middle with Nyarla and Takamine on her sides.

"What? No hi, or any type of greetings to see your beloved mother?" Yui narrows her eyes, causing the girls to straighten their backs.

"Hello, mother." Nyarla quickly responded first.

"Greeting, mother." Yor said stiffly.

"Nice to see you again." Takamine's eyebrow begins to twitch.

"And I'm glad to see my precious babies again!" Yui brings all three into one big hug. "How have you all been?"

"Not much other than staying indoors before coming to this world." Nyarla replied calmly, and I could see the small smile on her face.

Same with Yor and Takamine. Nice. But, better keep En up like always. Just in case the girls change their minds and attack me, even with their mother here.

"I have resumed trying to learn how to cook again." Yor declared, causing Yui to look at her in surprise.

"Pretty much the same thing for me until I was told that I'm under Jin's care for an unknown timeframe." Takamine was the last one to report what she and the others had done since they had last seen Yui.

"That's great to hear." Yui smiled, then her facial expression sharpened. "Now, what is this I'm hearing about you trying to kill Jin here?"

The girls flinch all together. They were about to explain themselves, but Yui continued without giving them a chance to speak.

"Honestly, you know there are times to cause harm to others and times not to. Jin here is our caretaker, and you can tell he is extraordinary. I mean, seriously. He is also my caretaker now. That alone should tell you how much trouble you girls were about to get in the moment you killed Jin." Yui shakes her head in dismay. "I raise you girls to be better than that; think more before you do anything."

The girls look at me in astonishment. No doubt that it's because I'm now Yui's caretaker too, while also continuing to be their caretaker.

I knock my knuckles against Ghost, signaling him to help the girls out.

"Azathoth, I have to inform you that your daughters are currently on the period, which is why they nearly caused a fatal mistake in almost killing Caretaker." Ghost informed Yui before going back to being quiet.

"I kind of expected that would be one of the reasons." Yui let out a sigh, rubbing her forehead in frustration. " Nevertheless, they should have learned how to control themselves long enough to not cause problems by now."

"In our defense, there was a fate's chosen one that carried a presence coming from the Void Realm. We sensed this, and it caused us to become unstable easily." Takamine nervously spoke up.

"Yeah, I figure that might be the case." Yui replied. "Nonetheless, you girls owe Jin here an apology. The poor thing nearly had a breakdown when I found him appearing in my bedroom."

"Sorry, Jin." Nyarla lowers her head.

"I'm sorry, Jin." Yor also lowers her head.

"My bad, Jin. Sorry." Takamine frowns, looking away, but I can tell she means it.

"Now, that's away. How about we have a deeper conversation about what everyone has done in the past." Yui claps, smiling at everyone.

Hey, crazy voices. Do you feel more of a bystander than someone part of this group? Because that's how I feel about how the conversation is going on with this family of powerful, deadly women.

I seriously need to use the Supreme Relaxing Chair and drink a couple of WellCheers sodas.

On the upside, I can see the positive effects of having Yui here now. Maybe I will have an easier time dealing with Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine.

Er, I think that is just false hope due to the after-effects of listening to Yui's music still having some influence over me.

Either way, I now have to deal with four eldritch women, with the fourth one still having her eldritch ego in charge for the time before switching over to her alter ego.


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