Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 42

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 42

It's a new day, and today is the fifth day of our stay in Familiar of Zero, not including Yui. As she just came here recently. Overall, it's better than the other days, especially when Yui has this habit of playing peaceful music first thing in the morning. As a way to slowly wake people up. Talk about a great wake-up call.

Here is a damage report on what happened while I was gone for the day for my supposed vacation in Trinity Seven.

The girls killed everyone at the academy. So forget any plot events occurring. Funny enough, the main characters barely escape with their lives thanks to the efforts of the teachers throwing themselves at the girls. Talk about plot armor taking action to ensure they remain alive. However, the downside is that the girls caused a world war to occur because all the students are nobles and so on, causing all these noble families to be mad for vengeance, especially since most hatred is directed at the main characters due to them being alive while their children are dead.

With the whole thinking process of, "Why did my beloved die while you get to live?!"

I'm willing to bet these parents or family members are willing to direct their misplaced hatred on the main characters than at Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine due to how powerful they are and have shown their might for those that dare go against them. By sending them to the afterlife, or that would be the case if the girls didn't happen to be too mad and unstable at the time to destroy the victims' souls. In front of the crowd, a show of being ruthless and dangerous.

Crazy voices, I can say that I did the right thing in leaving for the one-day vacation! Look at the damage the girls did! If I had stayed, I would have been sent to the Save Point and would've experienced the girls' wrath alone in the apartment personally!

Also, having Yui here made my life as a caretaker so much easier. Sure, there is lots of sex, but nothing like the Ratio Technique to take care of the girls' sexual needs. Even Yui wasn't able to last long under its effects. However, because of Yui, the girls have become calmer than how they usually act around me.

Sadly, that doesn't mean Yui didn't have flaws of her own, like the girls, with how many problems having with living with them.

An example: Yui loves to play her violin whenever she feels the need to, which is almost an hour after the last time she plays her violin, and it tends to go for nearly ten minutes. It didn't matter what she was doing at the time; she would bring out her violin to play a song of any genre, depending on her moods.

What's more, besides Yui playing her violin. She also somehow creates other sounds from different instruments without having them physically being there or having to play them herself. Also she sings as well. Therefore, Yui is pretty much a band by herself.

Like right now, Yui is playing some kind of fantasy tavern/inn music I don't know of. Then again, she is speaking in a language my brain can't comprehend, but all I know is that its pop music. I don't know how, but I just do.

I honestly don't mind this, crazy voices. Not one bit as long I'm sitting in the Supreme Relaxing Chair and enjoying whatever WellCheers soda I feel like drinking. I'm fine even with the world ending unless the Boss assigns me another mini-task.

Speaking of mini-task. Remember that third min-task of having to take over Tristain? Yeah, it's complete. Somehow, I think the people of Tristain knew the girls were the true rulers of Tristain with how much bloodshed they'd done in a single day. Therefore, the Boss count that as a success in completing the mini-task.

See, crazy voices. The girls would complete the mini-task, but not in the way I expected them to. Hell, I think the girls don't even realize they're now the rulers of Tristain.

Actually, I got this gut feeling even if they knew. It wouldn't matter to them since they have no desire to rule over the natives of this world. Not with how much hate they have for them. If anything, they would've continued to kill everyone in this world for having anything to do with the Void Realm.

That reminds me. I have no idea what the Void Realm is and a little, just a little, curious why anything from the Void Realm has an effect on eldritch beings. But, I like to live, so I'll leave that curious to die on its own or until something, maybe someone would come around to tell me why. Ghost won't tell me because I've already asked, and it's because I'm too lower-ranked to know.

Lower rank of what?! I didn't join an army or whatever required me to be placed in a ranking system. Unless I'm technically in an army with the Boss as my commanding officer? Eh, better not to overthink it.

On another note, the reward for that mini-task is a day in Paradise. And as some of you guys guessed it. It's to any well-known kind of heavens for me to visit for the day. Kind of like the ticket for me to pick any world to stay for a day as a vacation.

Too bad most heavens I could think of would kick me or outright try to kill me as I am now. So this reward is technically useless to me right now, but maybe at some point in the future, I could use it.

I take a sip from my WellCheers soda, then resume my inner monologue.

You know, crazy voices. If it wasn't for the experience I've gone through as a caretaker for these eldritch women. I would feel bad for the natives of this world, including the previous ones. Hell, I would even try to help them out if I got something out of it. I ain't a savior, but I had some morals to fall back on.

Of course, that is if I wasn't facing any eldritch beings like the girls and all four at once. So it's a good thing my moral is pretty much broken thanks to the girls. Sad to have that gone, but hey. Broken or not, I still have some semblance of a moral to use. Not much, but it's still there for me to use IF it's an option at that time.

The moment I knew I was in danger for my life because I wanted to help someone outside the girls' problems. I will not hesitate to abandon those I was planning on helping.

"Jin, I'm bored." Nyarla sat on my lap, then let out a loud sigh to show how bored she was.

"Want to take a rest in this chair of mine and enjoy a soda or two?" I offer Nyarla, who looks at the WellCheers soda in my right hand, then at the vending machine next to me.

One of the shrimp guards died from a heart attack upon being looked at by Nyarla, leading the other shrimp guard to panic, but it was too late to do anything as it also died from a heart attack after a few seconds to panic.

To my surprise and Nyarla's interest. The vending machine shakes and deploys a red laser beam at the shrimp corpses, erasing them in a matter of seconds before a portal opens, and two new shrimp guards come out of it.

These two new shrimp guards saluted to me, then died from a heart attack a second later.

This happens for a minute before I gently turn Nyarla's head away from the Opened Can of WellCheers vending machine.

"So, what kind of soda do you want, Nyarla?" I ask, not wanting Nyarla to keep on killing the shrimp guards as they are the ones that would consistently deliver me a WellCheers soda without me having to get up from my seat.

"Anything sugary?" Nyarla leans on me. "Grape flavor, if possible."

I stretch out my left hand, and one of the shrimp guards quickly activates the vending machine, then hands over a purple soda can that comes with the brand WellCheers.

"Here you go, Nyarla." I had her the soda can. Hopefully, she likes it.

I looked to the other girls to see if they also wanted ones since they didn't have their daily soda of WellCheers and Senzu Beans. But before I turn my head. Under En, I see the girls staring at the shrimp guards, killing them with just a simple glance.

Great, they will keep killing the shrimp guards until they get bored of that too. Even Yui is doing it. This a sign she is also bored out of her mind, like the rest of her daughters.

Want to know something funny, crazy voices? They did this more than five times today after they got bored of killing the shrimp guards. They would find something else to do, and sooner or later, they go back to killing the shrimp guards.

If I didn't know, I would gain infinite shrimp guards. I would be somewhat concerned because I don't feel like getting up to get another WellCheers soda when I'm done with one. Of course, I could have summoned the vending machine closer to me. But it would make the space a little tight for my comfort.

Okay, crazy voices. I'm going to do something that might possibly cause me more problems, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Not when three of the girls are on their period. It's only thanks to Yui that they prevent them from going on a rampage again.

"Ghost, run some movies for us to watch!" I called out to my companion, who just floated around the place idly.

The girls peak up upon hearing this.

Now, crazy voices. I bet some of you are curious why I didn't do this sooner. Because they might get bored of watching so many movies too. Hell, I bet they have watched more movies than I had in my entire life, and many of those movies don't even exist in many worlds, like the one I used to live in.

And yes, I can even watch anime too, but I won't. Why, might some ask? Because the girls, maybe not Yui, have zero knowledge of anime or some of them. Along with other series.

So, I'll just have Ghost play something that entertaining but wouldn't be one of the worlds we would visit, hopefully. But, chances are, the Boss might throw us into those worlds to get the girls to want to stay in those worlds longer.

Actually, now I think about it. I might as well play some anime, including ones that haven't even been made back on our version of Earth.

I mentally facepalm, finally realizing that with Ghost. I have access to looking into many realities throughout the multiverse as a TV show.

Oh, shit. I think I might have messed up part of Boss' plans for the girls to develop in this world due to them not having much to do and being forced to do things as character developments.

Crazy voices, quickly tell the Boss this wasn't intentional!

Author Note: Okay, tomorrow is the deadline, which means this is technically the last chapter for this fanfic. Unless you guys want me to continue this fanfic? If so, I can, but remember. I won't be able to do the whole one-chapter per day upload. I'm surprised I managed to do that for so long.

Anyway, Failure Is An Option will be resumed next Friday, not this week Friday. I got to get my brain back into the flow with that fanfic. Should be enough time for me to do so by then.

Hopefully, you guys like this fanfic enough to continue it while I resume focusing on Failure Is An Option. This fanfic is fun to write but also exhausting too. It's still fun to write, nonetheless.

If enough wants me to continue, I'll resume uploading this fanfic maybe next week on Friday, the same day as Failure Is An Option's newest chapter is uploaded.

Also, let me know now which worlds to send the main characters of Failure Is An Option into for volume 2. I know some of you guys have already given me some possible worlds to go to, but better to have more options than not have any, right?

Anyway, thanks for reading! Leave a review, and so on.

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