Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 1

Okay, I kind of expect to find myself in a room void of everything and being in absolute white of everything around.

Yeah, that couldn't be any further from the truth. The place looks... Oh, for fuck sake. I'm drawing blanks because my brain can't comprehend the entire room. I know I'm in a room, and I know I'm not alone. But my mind won't accept this, or more like it can't handle it.

No words can be used to describe what room I'm in. It just a room and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Greetings, Caretaker, or going by your original name: Sho Jin." A voice that is neutral, impossible to determine if the voice belongs to a male or female. "You could call me as you usually do. Boss."

Well, it is finally time to meet Boss, but is this really meeting Boss? I don't see Boss or, more like, my mind refuses to acknowledge the existence of Boss' appearance like in this room. I can hear Boss' voice, but that's it. I don't even know where the direction Boss is speaking from. I just hear him directly in my head or everywhere around me without giving any hint of where the voice is coming from.

"Now, I could allow you to speak freely for the most part, but we both know that you can barely move your mouth, let alone manage to say a single word. Only your ability to think is still intact. So, even though it might be frustrating and annoying to you, I'll have to read your mind as a way for us to communicate." Boss informed me. "So, speak with your thoughts, and don't worry about accidentally offending me somehow."

Huh, I wasn't expecting that. Or more like I thought you would read my mind without letting me know beforehand, and I would have to find proof that you're reading my mind.

"Pointless." Boss replied. "Even though I can kill you without having to do anything at all. Why should I make it difficult for you and make it so you would hate me, leading to you making a stupid vow to take revenge against me for treating you poorly? You're part of my pantheon and have shown lots of favorable results as a caretaker, before and after obtaining your identity as the Eldritch pantheon's Caretaker, unlike those who poorly treated the one that could help them in the long run. They aimed for short-term entertainment. Leading to a 50-50 chance of the badly treated victims rebelling and, through the luck given to them by fate itself, being able to overthrow or outright kill the entity."

When you put it like that, I recall many stories of something like that. But, unlike those main characters, I have zero reasons to rebel against you, Boss. You've treated me beyond what most would've expected, and I would be a fool to think even with the cheats I've obtained up to this point and into the future. I wouldn't even have 1% of being able to come out victorious.

"That's what I like about you, Jin. You understand your limit and know what to do without being told for the most part. Yes, you nearly caused your existence to disappear sometimes during your time as a caretaker, but I ensured that didn't happen. After all, you're the right person for our pantheon and many other pantheons as well." Boss explained. "It's only due to me being faster than others to hire you and slowly convert you into the Eldritch pantheon. Something that not many pantheons would have the patience to do and would forcibly convert you as a member of their pantheon through risky methods straight away."

Boss, why does Eldritch pantheon feel much safer than other pantheons?

"Because compared to the other pantheons. We may be known as evil incarnations, destroyers of all worlds, etc., but we always got each other back if we face another pantheon. Plus, we have much looser restrictions, and funny enough. We always keep our word no matter what, so if we promise something. We will keep it even if we have to experience numerous reincarnation cycles to fulfill that promise." Boss answered.

So, in other words, we're all friendly with each other when we face another pantheon, but when we're not. Friendly wouldn't be a thing. At best, we won't outright attack each other if things don't go down badly.

"That's right. Since you would have been attacked on the way here if I didn't have Ghost direct you to the right path to make it here. Otherwise, you would have died a million times without realizing how and who killed you. In fact, there were things you had saw on the way here that would have killed you instantly if it wasn't for the fact that you're part of the Eldritch pantheon." Boss replied, not sugarcoating it.

Right, thanks, Boss. Glad I didn't have to experience a million deaths on the way to this meeting.

"Moving on. I know it's late, but welcome to the Eldritch pantheon." Boss continued off as if they didn't just deliver the news of how I could have potentially died a million times by now. "You've done an excellent job, and the Hell pantheon is delighted with how you're taking care of Makima."

What about Heaven pantheon?

"Heaven pantheon is mad at you for having sex with one of their members. Especially it's someone important as Shouko." Boss answered, not bothered by this.

Should I worry about Heaven pantheon sending assassins after me?

"No need to worry about that. I made sure Heaven pantheon understood what they were going to expect upon sending someone like Shouko to be under your care. Although, between you and me. Heaven pantheon wouldn't care that much and just find excuses to take advantage of us. So, don't worry about Heaven pantheon trying to do anything to use." Boss explained, and I don't know why, but I can just tell that Boss just rolled their eyes near the end.

Good to know.

"Yes. Anyway, I had Shu inform you about this meeting and got Ghost to direct you here." Boss got to the main topic for this meeting.

Oh, right. I nearly forgot about that.

"First thing first. I'll tell you that you'll be returning to Nyarla and the rest after I send you to visit a few worlds alone for experience before returning to them." Boss explained. "Of course, I'll deal with Nyarla, who is very attached to you. So you don't have to worry about them ripping apart the multiverse to find you. Although, if you wish for it. I'll switch you to another group if you don't want to return to this group."

Okay, that is a relief somewhat. So, what am I going to do in these worlds you're sending me to? Also, I rather stick with Nyarla. Better this way and not find the hard way what she would do to me once she found out it was my choice in not wanting to be her caretaker.

"As I mentioned before. Experience. You're doing fine so far, but I think you can gain more experience dealing with other people, including those from other pantheons. However, you won't be looking after them for too long. Just temporary to let you gain experience with different people to take care of, and I'll let you know through Ghost for how long you be in the worlds before sending you back to Nyarla and the others. And I'll let Nyarla know this after this meeting. This should calm her down somewhat. Now, any questions?" Boss asked me.

So am I being assigned by a specific person in the world I'd be staying for a certain amount of time? Or do I get to pick who to take care of?

"For the first few, I'll assign to you. Afterward, I'll let you decide, but it will come with extra tests for you to do. However, you'll be given the choice of either letting me choose for you, or you decide on your own. But this option won't happen anytime soon, and I won't tell you until then." Boss informed me. "Any other questions before I send you off?"

Yeah, what about my salary?

"You'll have your original salary in the very beginning before others join. Your salary will increase with more people you take care of as such before coming here. Be cautious of how many you can handle before being overwhelmed, leading to your failure to complete your daily tasks as a caretaker. This would make me have to give you a warning or two before having to fire you, and by that, I mean you will be killed off. As there no point in wasting resources on someone that isn't doing their jobs." Boss answered. "Anything else?"

One last thing. Am I allowed to use any cheats and godlike items I have right now, or am I restricted to just using new ones? Because if so, the chance of me dying has become a whole lot higher due to not having all my cheats and godlike items to fall back on.

"No, you can continue to use them without any problems." Boss replied. "Also, before I send you off. I'll let you know now that it's possible to convert other members from different pantheons to ours. Mainly the ones I'll assign for you to take care of temporarily. They'll have to go through a series of tests before being accepted. And yes, you may request for others to take the tests to join the Eldritch pantheon. But be warned that this would cause many other pantheons to hate you and send their assassins after you as the price for taking away a member that belongs to them. A small price for you to pay if you want someone to come back with you after the whole ordeal. So, this is just a small piece of information that few know, and you shouldn't reveal it unless I say so. Off you go now."

And suddenly, I'm no longer in the room for the meeting with Boss and in someone's bedroom.

How? I didn't even blink, for fuck sake! The transaction of sending me to another world without any special effects and seeing crazy, unbelievable things in the process. But, nothing, just one moment, I'm staring at the uncomprehended room to someone's bedroom so that I can comprehend everything around me.

"YES! IT WORKS!" A female voice yelled in pure joy.

I glanced down and saw that I wasn't alone. Then again, I should know full well that I would appear next to my assigned persons to care for. Although, what I didn't expect was some satanic ritual summoning circle I'm standing on currently.

"Hi, I'm Ruby Rose, a self-taught summoner of the beyond, and I'm happy to summon my first friend!" Ruby smiled at me cheerfully.

Okay, alternative RWBY. Got it. Also, she summons an entity beyond her realm of existence for a friend?! What the fuck?! Is this Ruby Rose bad at making regular friends that she had to result to this?!

"Sho Jin." I may as well introduce myself, and Ghost has already silently informed me that Ruby is the one I'm assigned to care for in my temporary stay in this world. Fucking weird, I tell you this, crazy voices.

"Not a color theme name, but you're not from Remnant. So that's expected." Ruby nods. "Anyway, we're going to be the best of friends!"

This reminds me of how Nyarla was friendless before I came into the picture. I wonder if this would cause problems in the future if Nyarla and Ruby were to meet.

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