Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 3

Damn, this version of Taiyang is really fucked up in the head. And it doesn't help that he's blonde and has a tan skin tone, which is very similar to those scumbags in those NTR genre hentai in appearance alone.

To think, not only does Taiyang manage to scare Raven away with how possessive he is, but she discovers that his semblance is hypnosis, to the point where she is so scared that she even abandons Yang when she has the chance to escape. Bitch move, but again, Raven figures out that she's been manipulated into being with Taiyang without realizing it until it's too late.

So instead of Raven running away after learning about Salem. It's Taiyang himself who scares Raven. Damn, talk about crazy, but after discovering that this is a hentai version of RWBY. I'm not surprised by this new information I got from Invasion, but only after I gave Taiyang a good punch in the face—enough for me to shatter his nose and break some teeth.

Also, the aura shield may or may not have been passive in the canon. It's not technically passive in this world, according to Taiyang's memory. It only becomes passive after manually creating it with one's aura before going into battle. And with enough practice. It can become an instant activation as a subconscious action when you know you're about to go into battle.

As for Summer, damn, this is even more messed up than the unknown reason for Summer's disappearance in the canon.

I shake in disbelief.

Crazy voices, are you guys ready for the answer? Eh, most of you might not be. The answer is that Taiyang killed Summer when she tried to escape with Yang and Ruby. They were both infants at the time. As for what was the reason for Summer escaping? She also learned about Taiyang's semblance, however, unlike Raven. Summer helped raise her before Taiyang chose Summer as his new wife and gave birth to Ruby.

Long story short, Summer was beyond weak from lack of food, which she could not get while being held captive here, not knowing or being able to see how wrong her situation was at the time.

Fun fact: Taiyang's semblance requires a long period of time to affect others, and he can only use it on one person at a time. Otherwise, he would have everyone under his control.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how Raven and Summer learned about Taiyang's semblance or at least had an idea of what it could do since Taiyang has to be out most of the time to maintain his public image and continue to use his semblance to work in his favors, giving Raven and Summer enough time to break free of his influence.

Something Taiyang can't fix no matter how much he wants to. Unless he decided to stop appearing in public, which is impossible for several reasons.

And because of that. Taiyang decided to change his methods, carefully adjusting the opinions of others about him and those around him. Like with Ruby, he had made it so that Qrow and Yang would do their best to keep her from becoming a huntress.

Speaking of Yang. She is a lost cause, having been used as a test subject for Taiyang to practice his semblance further. As much as I would like to say that Yang wasn't raped, I would be lying, and Taiyang is also a damn lolicon too. Besides, it's not rape if you like, and Taiyang made sure of that, even teaching her things that would make many righteous people angry if they found out.

Unlike Yang's canon, who decided to go to Beacon Academy. Under Taiyang's influence, she will be trained by her father instead.

Yup, conspiracies and all that nonsense. Ruby is lucky, unlike Yang, who is just unlucky. I mean, I could try to 'fix' her, but there is nothing to fix if there is no problem in the first place. Or at least the person in mind thinks everything is fine. The only thing I could think of that might help Yang is to bring her to her birth mother, but I know that solution is almost zero percent. So it's not worth doing.

As for Qrow, the guy is too damn drunk to care about anything. And by that, I mean he is like those unreasonable drunk people who cause problems everywhere under the influence of alcohol—well, going by Taiyang's memory of Qrow is what I could gather.

Damn, it was bad enough to do a simple, quick scan of Ruby's memory. But after a thorough scan of Taiyang, even if I had to deal with seeing some disturbing memories, this world is either darker than it already was in the canon if one pays attention to the small details, or it is only Taiyang and a few select people who are darker than their canon counterparts.

Anyway, Ruby had decided to sacrifice Taiyang in order to summon something. Yeah, instead of just killing her father with a knife or something sharp, maybe bash his head in with something heavy. Better to be used as a living sacrifice to get something good.

I didn't think summoners had to make a sacrifice for their summoning. Then again, everything has a price, including summoning.

Of course, I asked Ruby what she had sacrificed to summon me. I want to say bullshit and damn forced plot, but it's because Boss made it happen. Ruby, in her unstable state of mind, gave up her virginity to whatever she summoned. In other words, I have to fuck Ruby sometime today, or else the contract between Ruby and me will be void, causing Ruby to experience a harsh backlash for not being able to complete her end. Although technically, it should be my fault and I should be the one punished.

But what do I know? Ruby is teaching herself to be a summoner. I still don't know what kind of a summoner Ruby is, but she's better than the average summoner I know. And I've checked her guidebook, and overall, Ruby can summon anything if she pays the right price. She is just not at the point where she can determine what she can summon in advance, other than having to input what she wants to help her get a general idea of what she can get and shorten the list of random summons.

Seriously, Boss. Why did you have to make me fuck a traumatized 15-year-old girl? I mean, she doesn't look like 15. But she is not of legal age! Then again, age means nothing in most of the pantheons I know. Those in the Eldritch pantheon wouldn't care about age, so I bet the Boss wants to convert Ruby into the Eldritch pantheon through me.

I've already fucked Nyarla and the others, and I don't even want to think about their age. So fucking Ruby isn't too much of a problem for me. However, I will draw the line if any girl, whether her age is in the double digits or single, has the appearance of a little girl. I'm putting my foot down. Ruby is already pushing my bottom line, which isn't much, but I still got a bottom line.

Once again, I feel less like a caretaker and more like a gigolo. On the other hand, those who are gigolos get paid by their clients. Nyarla and the others don't pay me anything. Except maybe Makima; I don't know if that's the right one to be used as an example.

"Jin! Look what I got!" Ruby grabbed my attention, snapping me out of my inner monologue as she showed me what she had received for sacrificing Taiyang. "Do you have any idea what this is?"

A small music box with a demonic design gave me an annoying feeling.

I adjust my glasses, then have Ghost scan the music box and tell me what it is.

Only Listen to My Voice: The one who plays the small music box will have a chance to manipulate those who listen to the sound. The longer they listen to the sound, the more the sound will affect them.

Huh, so it is pretty much an object form of Taiyang's semblance, in a way.

So, after explaining to Ruby what it does. She stares at the little music box momentarily before looking at me blankly.

"I don't want it." Ruby said in a dead tone. "Do you think I can get something else if I sacrifice it?"

"Nothing's stopping you from doing so." I replied while thinking about how to deal with fucking Ruby to keep her side of the summoning contract. Besides, Ruby is my top priority, right now. It would be bad if I let her experience the backlash of her summoning contract.

"Got it!" Ruby quickly redraws the summoning circle with white chalk. And maybe this time, she will get something that has nothing to do with her father.

Now I can just be brutally honest with Ruby that I have to fuck her before the end of the day. But I also have to deal with the rest of Ruby's family. There are many things I could do to deal with them, but which ones would be the best for the situation?

"Jin, look what I got this time!" Ruby presented me with a reddish, almost borderline black pair of dice, the numbers of which were an eerie shade of grayish bone. "I don't know why, but I feel like this is going to help me a lot!"

The information about the new dangerous object that Ruby summoned was silently sent to me by Ghost.

Gamble Away: At the cost of the thrower's lifespan, you can bring numerous results after rolling the dice for how many years are consumed.

Ruby's instinct is impressive, knowing how good these dice are, especially since there are many loopholes to using Gamble Away without consuming your lifespan just from the description alone. However, that doesn't mean it's safe to use it too often, even with all the loopholes, as Ghost explained one small detail that wasn't mentioned before.

So, after explaining what the dice could do to Ruby. In the end, all I got from her was a confused look.

"What is a lifespan?" Ruby asked me. That question alone had caused my brain to stop for a moment as I tried to wrap my head around the question until I could come up with an answer as to why Ruby would ask such a thing.

Okay, so crazy voices. It looks like I'm going to have to become Ruby's teacher since she probably hasn't been taught any specific knowledge to weaken her mentally. But, hey, at least this would give me a better chance to figure out what to do after having sex with Ruby. Especially if it doesn't make her more unstable than she already is, or maybe it would help her in more than one way.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot I didn't give you my virginity to summon you." Ruby stripped off her clothes without shame and stood naked before me. "I didn't know what virginity was or how precious it was until I found a book about it and then compared what I know from learning on the internet. So before we do anything, let's finish the summoning contract, okay?" Ruby smiles at me.

Boner, remember Ruby's age, for fuck sake!

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