Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 4

I wipe the cold sweat from my forehead. Damn relief that I didn't fuck Ruby after all. All I had to do was give her the tools to take her virginity and leave her alone without being physically the one to do it. Thank goodness Perfect Timing helped me get out of that situation. Age may not be a big deal in the Eldritch pantheon, but even I have a limit.

Hm. Maybe it's because Ruby is a human, not an Eldritch being, which is less acceptable. Yeah, it's better not to think about it anymore. I better finish this job and reunite with Nyarla and the others. At least I won't have to worry about their age, for that matter. But if I were to stick around long enough until Ruby reaches the legal age, then who knows?

Also, is it wrong that I made Ruby lose her virginity to sex toys I've obtained by making gaps to steal them? Because screw anyone who thought I was going to take her virginity. Apparently, you guys have forgotten that she is 15, not 18. We will wait three years and see how it goes.

On another note, since you guys last saw me. Yang showed up while Ruby was fulfilling her side of the contract, which is too loose now that I think about it, as when Ruby gave me her virginity. I can do whatever I want by either taking it myself or not. Man, you got to love the whole exploitable contract thing.

Anyway, I discovered something huge. Crazy voices, it seems I can only react to girls I care for, because I didn't feel anything for Yang when I took her down and thought about using her as material for masturbation. Not going to rape her, but better her than Ruby. But, that reminds me of the avian demon family; however, I didn't feel sexually attracted to them. Therefore, there must be another condition other than just lusting after the girls under my care.

"Bastard! What have you done to my daddy?!" Yang shouted angrily, trying her best to free herself from whatever was preventing her from moving. "If you lay a single hand on him, I'll kill you!"

"Yang?" Ruby came out of her bedroom, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, as she wrapped her red cloak around herself to hide her naked body. Not that it did much to hide her figure.

Right, I will have to leave Ruby behind after I have helped her learn everything she needs to be independent without my help when my time in this world is over. Unless I somehow stay in this world long enough for Ruby to be at the legal age to take with me.

Oh shit... Crazy voices, does this mean that I'm going to be sexually frustrated and unable to get a reaction from other women in this world who are of legal age? And my only solution during this timeframe of taking care of Ruby is to have sex with Ruby. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to deal with this by finding a glowing book to help me somehow.

Also, daddy? Really, Taiyang? Like really? But, he did have lustful thoughts towards Ruby, and according to hentai logic, he would have raped Ruby after she was raped by what she had summoned.

"Ruby! Where is daddy?! And what is this guy doing here?! Did you bring him here to help you escape to become a huntress again?!" Yang shouted at her little sister, not showing any concern if Ruby was hurt.

"Oh! I sacrificed Taiyang as to why Jin is here. Jin is his name, by the way. And yes, I brought him here to help me escape, but not to become a huntress." Ruby takes her time to walk over to Yang, then crouches down and gives her older sister a bright smile. "He's here to help me become better in this world. Someone to show me that there are other ways to survive than being a huntress."

"What did you do to her to make her like this?! Answer me, you bastard!" Yang shouted at me, ignoring Ruby and the fact that she could see from an up close view that Ruby was naked under her cloak.

"Who are you yelling at?" Ruby smiled coldly as she pulled out Yang's right eye, causing her to scream in pain. "Unlike before, I'm in no hurry to sacrifice you." Ruby's eyes softened as she carefully placed the plucked eyeball to the side and gently wiped the blood from Yang's cheek. "So relax while I take my time torturing you. Do not think I haven't found out about your plan for me once Taiyang is done with me."

Yang stares at Ruby in horror.

"Not to mention the pills you put in my food and drink to make me sick and weaker." Ruby tilts her head and spits something out, revealing a saliva-covered pill. "I already figured out the trick to hiding the pills without having to swallow them, and finding them without accidentally swallowing them was tricky at first, but I have time on my side to figure out where it is. Too bad you weren't smart enough to crush the pills and leave them as is. Huh, Yang?"

Note to self: Check Ruby's memory thoroughly. AND SOON!

"The things I saw under the influence of the pills. The pain lasted for hours as my entire body felt like it was on fire while I could not move or sleep." Ruby twitched as she leaned closer to Yang, who was cowering in pain, unable to scream as the pressure around her neck increased, telling her that her screams were not welcome. "I may not have been touched physically, but my mind was not untouched."

Why am I always surrounded by girls who are out of their minds? I mean, Shouko wouldn't have been counted if it wasn't for her prayers caused people to die. At this point, I wonder if Boss has something to do with this. I mean, maybe Boss doesn't want me to have a healthy relationship. I wouldn't be shocked if that were the case. After all, I'm part of the Eldritch pantheon. That alone screams anything but healthy.

"But it's okay, Yang." Ruby wipes her bloody fingers over Yang's hair, causing her to twitch madly. "I won't be like you or Taiyang. I'll be direct and show you how much I felt in the past. Oh, the joy of you experiencing the pain I've felt! Isn't that great?!"

Yeah, I better start teaching Ruby right away before things get any worse than they already are.

I walk over, grab the back of Ruby's cloak and pull her away, causing her to make a choking sound as her cloak exposes her naked body.

Not now, boner!

I really need to deal with this before things get out of control.

"Jin, you're choking me!" Ruby grunts; I stop pulling, then use Boundary Manipulation to undo the damage I did to her neck, making it disappear instantly. "Why did you do that?"

"Sorry about that, but the first lesson I should have taught you is not to let your enemy live for too long, even for torture." I instruct Ruby, drawing on Yukari's and Cadis' legacies, to use their lifetimes as references for teaching methods. "You did well with Taiyang, not bothering to torture him and only saying a few words before sending him away. Now, you're making a mistake with Yang."

Ruby nodded, staring at me intently, and she had no hard feelings about the fact that I had accidentally strangled her. I'll make it up to her later, of course.

"Now, I understand how you want to torture Yang before sacrificing her." That got another nod from Ruby. "However, like before, she came here without knocking on the door. Suppose I hadn't detected her ahead of time. Do you think she would have been taken down with so little effort? She would have taken you hostage to prevent me from harming her, let alone allowing you to take revenge on her. So it's best to deal with her now and get it over with, then let her slip away somehow and come back with her revenge. Or worse, while you're torturing her. Qrow might show up and attack us when we least expect it."

That last part is a lie. Nothing can escape my En's detection range.

"So, it wasn't okay for me to pluck out her eye and I should have kept her whole to sacrifice her?" Ruby looks down at the ground with a sad expression on her face.

There are so many wrongs in that one sentence that it has proven that many girls under my care will be extremely dangerous. At least, Ruby doesn't have the means to kill me whenever she wants—got to look on the bright side. Right, crazy voices?

"More like you should have sacrificed her right away like you did with Taiyang." I replied, ignoring the shock and horror on Yang's face. "Also, you should think about getting a weapon from this sacrifice this time because even though I will protect you, there will come a time when you will be alone again, and you will need a weapon to defend yourself."

"Right! I will do it now!" Ruby rushes into her bedroom to get all the necessary tools to perform the sacrifice.

Yang's mouth moved, but no words came out as she stared at me with pleading eyes. Unable to do anything else.

A quick use of Invasion on Yang and any hint of hesitation to somehow save her or give her a better, more merciful death disappears in an instant. On the other hand, after finding out about the pills, there was hardly anything left of hope in helping Yang. But, to think that Yang would even do something as evil as whispering in Ruby's ear while she was sleeping and giving her nightmares every single night, all done by small research where she just had to use specific keywords to trigger Ruby. All because Yang hated how Ruby got any attention from Taiyang, even though it was beyond Ruby's control.

"Back!" Ruby returned with all the tools she needed, but she forgot something I just had to point out before she could continue with the sacrifice.

"Ruby, it's not normal to walk around naked, even with only your cloak on. Don't follow Taiyang and Yang's example." I said with a hint of frustration, cursing those two for messing up Ruby's worldview so much. "Now, go back inside and get dressed, then continue with the sacrifice."

"Okay." Ruby calmly walks back to the bedroom to get dressed, not bothering to pick up the clothes she was wearing before, which are still lying not too far from where I am.

Then, not even a minute later, Ruby came back with the same outfit she was wearing. This made me look at Ruby's discarded clothes and conclude that she has more than one identical outfit. Then again, when she was packing, Ruby didn't pack any clothes to change later. But that made me wonder if the outfit she wore wasn't her choice and was forced on her.

A quick use of Invasion got me the answer. And yup, it was forced on her to show off her figure. Dang, my opinion of Taiyang is getting lower with every new thing I learn about him. All in all, I'm glad I won't have to deal with someone like him while staying in this world.

"Bye, Yang! Thanks for being my sacrifice!" Ruby said her farewell, giggling madly as we watched Yang's body collapse during the sacrifice.

I wonder where to take Ruby first. And what I need to teach her as well.

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