Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 5

Flying in the sky is an airship with many passengers watching an interesting but frightening scene.

"Now, you have to understand that there will always be a lot of people in the world who want to have sex with you, Ruby. Just because of your body figure alone." I tighten my grip on the necks of two grown men that had tried to sexually assault Ruby, thinking she was an easy target, which is true in a way. "So be prepared for men, women, and even children with questionable backgrounds would do things to you that would break your fragile mind."

Ruby listens to every word I say with a serious look on her face, not caring what's happening around her—something I need to fix sooner rather than later. I can't have her taken down if she's unaware of her surroundings. Still, I have plenty of time to teach Ruby to be better.

"One more thing you need to learn and always keep this in mind." I put more pressure on their necks until a loud crack was heard inside the airship, announcing the death of the two grown men. "Be aware that there will come a time when peer pressure could harm you, so begin to get used to hearing words from others that could potentially affect your state of mind."

Ignoring the screams of terror going in the background. I look out the windows and see a group of nevermores flying straight at us. Attracted mainly by the crowd's negative emotions after seeing someone murdered in front of them.

"Like right now." I point at the flying grimm out the window, causing the crowd to scream louder in the direction I'm pointing, some even passing out from overwhelming fear. "Don't be like them, Ruby."

Ruby nods, "So what am I supposed to do when the crowd doesn't say a word but screams instead? They are loud too, which is hurting my ears right now." She frowns at the continued screeching at the top of their lungs.

I frown at the behavior of the crowd, which is stupid and makes me wonder because of the hentai logic that is the main focus of this world. The intelligence of the natives has been reduced, and only through hentai logic make so many people survive against the grimm for them to commit many sexual activities.

"Depends on where you are." I crack my neck and grin as I pull out Ultimate Poison, which took in the form of a floating purple orb. "And the tool you have at your disposal. Like this." At my command, the Ultimate Poison bypasses the walls of the airship, breaking the laws of physics even further as it moves on its own toward the flock of nevermores and expands in size that's enough to smash against all of them, killing them by rapidly melting them until nothing remains. The Ultimate Poison then disappears from reality and returns to my mindscape.

Ruby claps in awe, "Do you think I will ever get something like that?"

I sweatdrop that Ruby would want the Ultimate Poison, but I can't blame her when I see how easily the Ultimate Poison wipes out the nevermores like nothing. Even I would want something like the Ultimate Poison if I were in Ruby's position. But that's only because she hasn't seen my other godlike items yet. By then, I can see Ruby trying to find anything to sacrifice to get something close to a godlike item.

"Who knows?" I shrug. "So, what would you do if this happened again next time?" I point at the two dead bodies.

Ruby's eyebrows furrowed for a full minute, then she snapped her fingers excitedly.

"I stab them to death, and anyone that comes near me with bad intention?" Ruby brings up her right arm, covered in a black and gold gauntlet, with a small chain linking it to a stringer-like blade on her middle finger. The "stinger" is about twice as long as the normal length of her fingers, slightly increasing her striking distance. The colors and pattern of the gauntlet resemble those of a hornet.

I stare at Ruby's right arm with a dull gaze, which she obtained from sacrificing Yang a few hours ago.

Suzumebachi: The first step would be for Ruby to stab her opponent with Suzumebachi's blade. In addition to creating a fairly deep wound, the attack leaves a butterfly-shaped stamp on the victim's body. Spreading out from the center of the wound, this stamp, known as Homonka, becomes the target of the second attack. If struck in the same place as the first attack, the person will inevitably die, illustrating "Death in Two Steps". When the ability takes effect, a larger stamp quickly spreads out from the two smaller ones, destroying the victim's body. The stamps are held in place by Ruby's will and cannot be removed unless she wishes them to be.

Before any of you crazy voices asks. This is the Shikai of Sui-Feng's Zanpakuto from the Bleach series. However, unlike the canon version, there is no Zanpakuto Spirit inside it, nor does Ruby have access to Bankai. All she gets is the Shikai ability, and that's it. That means she didn't get the skills that Sui-Feng developed to make Suzumebachi so dangerous to many who face it. Also, Ruby has to remove it manually and put it back on instead of appearing on her arm.

"I'll train you to be faster and more precise with your strikes unless you're lucky enough to face someone very untrained in combat." I knew how unskilled Ruby was in combat, even as a summoner, and having a weapon as powerful as Suzumebachi wouldn't make her godlike in combat once one learned how to counter Suzumebachi's ability. "However, once you're trained and ready, you can kill your enemies more easily than others. Of course, you can't always rely on Suzumebachi's ability and must work on developing more combat skills. Also, keep summoning more things because that's your huge advantage over others."

Ruby sulks, "Too bad what I got for sacrificing the music box were handcuffs that can multiply in number for a short time." She pulls out handcuffs with purple flame coming from where the keyhole is.

Alaudi's Handcuffs: When the handcuffs multiply, they can change shape to match the opponent's body. Once the opponent is fully restrained, the handcuffs can crush them to death with one pull of the chains.

"Look on the bright side. With the handcuffs, you won't have to worry about anyone escaping once you have them cuff." I point out, then look behind me where the screaming crowd has finally stopped yelling and is huddled in a corner, staring at Ruby and me in fear. Well, more me than Ruby.

"I don't think anyone would stand still for me to handcuff them." Ruby replied as she reattached Alaudi's Handcuffs to the left side of her hip.

"That's why getting faster and more accurate is so important." I said as a matter of fact, then I poked Ruby's forehead, causing her to lean back and cover her head with a pouty face. "Other than that, I'll try to find someone to unlock your Aura. It would be a waste to keep your Aura locked away. Who knows what kind of Semblance you would awaken? Maybe it could help you in summoning?"

Ruby's eyes lit up, "Do you think I would get something speed related? It would cut my training short."

"It depends on your luck." I paused, thinking about Ruby's luck so far, and broke into cold sweats. Because I just realized that Ruby's Semblance could be turned into something with hentai logic in mind.

Quickly, I try to think of a topic that I can switch to before Ruby goes any further with this topic of her Semblance. Not to mention the irony of her asking for a speed-related Semblance.

"Anywho, remember not to walk too far away and get lost in the crowd once the airship lands." I said to Ruby. Then something occurs to me.

The airship flew perfectly fine the whole time, and not once did the pilot say anything, even when the passengers were screaming. As if that weren't enough to make the pilot say something, there was a flock of nevermores had recently followed us before I took care of them in the end.

It makes me think of all the times in the hentai where the sex scene takes place in transportation, either not disturbing what is happening inside or completely ignoring everything and maybe hoping to join in at the end.

Before I could continue with this thought, the airship landed. The crowd rushed out with all their might, as if their lives were at stake if they didn't get off the airship as soon as possible. Leaving Ruby and me behind, which was fine. Less chance of bumping into someone while trying to get off the airship or anything else that might delay us getting off the airship.

"Oh! This will be my first time visiting the City of Vale!" Ruby said excitedly as she quickly got up from her seat and rushed towards the exit, only slamming her face against my chest to stop her. "Hey! Why are you blocking me? Shouldn't we leave before the airship takes off?"

"You're getting too excited, Ruby." I pat her on the head. "We're in no rush here."

Ruby stares at me with a confused look, "I guess..."

"Of course, thanks to the crowd rushing out. We'll use a different method of exit." I create a large gap before Ruby can say anything, leading her to a nearby alleyway where no one is paying attention or the camera is pointed.

"Wow...!" Ruby stares at everything with wide eyes in awe. "So, where are we going again?" She stops looking around and immediately focuses on me.

"To a hotel. I'll let you experience more of the best of the world before you return to the harsh life of reality to become stronger and survive." I replied, taking Ruby to a nearby hotel that I'd researched beforehand. "So, how was your first ride on an airship?"

"It... was weird at first, exciting to see so many people in such a small space, even eating food I've never had before. Although, I could do without the screaming and almost getting sexually assaulted. Everything is great!" Ruby smiled happily, arms behind her back, and leaned forward, causing some of the nearby men to almost trip over themselves as they saw her large breasts jiggle.

"Then you'll love staying in a fancy hotel for the first time tonight." I grin, thinking of all the activities Ruby could do in a fancy hotel; however, I won't let my guard down, as there is still a chance of sexual predators. But as long as I'm around, I won't let that happen to Ruby while she enjoys her time.

"Oh! I can't wait any longer!" Ruby pulled on my right hand with her left. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Calm down, Ruby." I roll my eyes, then glance to the side as my En has long since spotted the person hiding in the shadows. "I've already booked a room for us to stay."

I'll let you crazy voices guess who's in the shadow, and before any ask—the person in mind doesn't know I'm aware of their presence, nor do they have anything to do with Ruby and me. We're strangers. However, what Ghost secretly told me during the ride on the airship on the way here. I better make my move fast and soon, knowing what will happen in this hentai version of RWBY.

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