Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 13

"Well, I was wondering when this would happen." I said dryly.

In front of everyone is Alma Elma from the Monster Girl Quest series, and the replacement for Makima took a bit longer than I expected. I also did not think that the punishment of the Hell pantheon would end so soon. So, it's not surprising to see a new addition to the group of those I care for.

Alma Elma has a striking and captivating presence. She appears as a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair that often ranges in color from purple to black. Her hair seems to have a supernatural quality, sometimes appearing to float or sway even when there is no wind. Her eyes are seductive and hypnotic, and their crimson color reflects her demonic nature.

She has a curvaceous figure with ample curves and a seductive aura that accentuates her femininity. Her clothing consists of revealing garments that show off her alluring physique.

Her demonic features are small, delicate horns that protrude from the sides of her head, giving her a slightly otherworldly allure. She also has large bat-like wings and a large tail, symbolizing her supernatural lineage as a succubus.

Overall, Alma embodies the archetypal image of a seductive and alluring demoness whose appearance is designed to captivate and enthrall those who encounter her.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here? Some new faces and some familiar faces, how nice! Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Alma Elma, the succubus extraordinaire and the Mistress of Seduction! Oh, but don't let that intimidate you. I'm not all about luring mortals into temptation—well, not quite. I do enjoy a good conversation and making new acquaintances." Alma comes up to my face, ignoring everyone else. She licks her lips with a smack as she stares at me. "And you must be Jin Sho or Sho Jin? Either way, are you ready for a taste of the forbidden? Or are you just looking for some stimulating conversation? Because you're in for a treat!"

"Back off, Alma!" Nyarla pushes the succubus away, scowling in anger. "If you try anything to Jin, we will have a problem."

Alma's grin widened as she allowed herself to be pushed away by Nyarla, "Oh ho ho, what's this? Looks like we have a little protective one here, don't we?" She moves, now hovering around Nyarla now. "My, my, darling, there's no need to be so territorial. After all, I'm only here to spread a little love and mischief, not to steal your precious person. However, I must say that jealousy can be quite an attractive quality in a partner. But fret not, my dear, I have no interest in causing any trouble... unless, of course, you're looking for some excitement. In which case, I'm always happy to oblige. But for now, I'll graciously step back and let you two lovebirds have your moment. Oh wait, it's not just two lovebirds; it's something much more! Maybe I should join in just to spice things up a bit!"

"She's really talkative compared to the others we've had so far, Weiss." Ruby whispers; too bad she underestimates Alma's supernatural senses.

Alma appears in front of Ruby and Weiss, smiling broadly at each of them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A pair of lovely ladies. But my, oh my, there's something about you two that catches my eye. Could it be a flicker of mischief in your gazes, little red? The subtle allure in your movements, little white? Yes, yes, I think you two might just have what it takes to pass off as succubi!" Alma clapped her hands.

"Um, excuse me? Succubi? What are you talking about?" Ruby frowns at Alma, then looks at Weiss next to her.

"Oh, darling, don't play coy with me. I can sense the untapped potential in both of you. With a little guidance and some... shall we say, refinement, you two could become quite the temptresses. Imagine the fun we could have, stirring up desire and wreaking havoc wherever we go." Alma nods to herself, looking at both Ruby and Weiss.

"I'm not sure about that. It sounds a bit... risky." Weiss looks in my direction, pleading for help with her eyes.

"Ah, but isn't that the thrill of it all? Stepping outside the bounds of normalcy, embracing your inner desires, and indulging in a bit of harmless chaos? Trust me, my dear. With my guidance, you'll be unstoppable. So what do you say? Are you ready to join me on a journey of seduction and adventure?" Alma held out both hands to Ruby and Weiss.

Ruby's movements are almost too fast for the eye to follow. She removed Alaudi's Handcuffs from her waist and moved to use them on Alma.

Alma grins as she effortlessly dodges Ruby's attempt to bind her, "Impressive, my dear! But not nearly enough to catch me."

Ruby tries to bind Alma with the Alaudi's Handcuffs, each one faster and more precise than the last, but Alma dances effortlessly out of danger, her movements fluid and nimble.

Weiss joins in with powerful kicks, sending shockwaves through the air. With each strike, she aims to shatter Alma's defenses and create openings for Ruby to exploit.

Alma laughs as she easily dodges Weiss' attacks, "Oh, I love a good challenge! But I'm afraid you'll have to try harder to defeat me, my dear girls."

The battle intensifies as Ruby and Weiss unleash a flurry of coordinated attacks, their movements complementing each other perfectly. Despite Alma's agility and cunning, the two girls fight with unwavering determination, refusing to give up until they are victorious or die trying.

"Shouldn't you do something about it, Jin?" Shiki suddenly asks me, causing me to blink at her a few times.

"You mean stop the fight? Why would I do that? This is a good fighting experience for Ruby and Weiss. Since neither of them wants to be taught by me too often, their own efforts would be useless in their eyes." I stopped to think if I was answering correctly. "Unless you're asking me to stop the fight so that our group doesn't fall apart because of the fight?"

"Not quite. I asked if you were planning on doing something to Alma. She is known to have corrupted many women at the high school and turned them into succubi." Shiki replied calmly.

"Shiki isn't wrong. Some of the female Eldritch entities were temporarily turned into succubi before it took us some time to get those female Eldritch entities back." Nyarla followed up with her own input.

Alam sighs dramatically, "Oh my, is that all you have? I must say, I expected a bit more from such promising young talents. But alas, it seems you've reached your limit."

Ruby and Weiss pant heavily, their energy drained from the intense battle. Alam floats before them, unscathed and unfazed, her expression one of mild amusement.

Ruby gritted her teeth, "You're too strong for us. The sneak attacks didn't work out as well as I thought it would be."

"We... we can't keep going, Ruby. I don't think I could keep going without using my Semblance to make something to give us more energy, but I don't think Alma is going to let that happen." Weiss breathed heavily.

Alma smirked, "Well, it seems the fiery determination of youth has been extinguished. Fear not, my dears, for I have no intention of ending your lives. Not the way it would end with me fighting Nyarla and Jin. Maybe even Shiki, but who knows with Shiki?" She winks at Shiki, who just stares back blankly. "Consider this a valuable lesson in the art of combat and seduction. Perhaps one day, you'll thank me for this experience."

With a graceful flourish, Alma gestures for Ruby and Weiss to stand down, acknowledging their defeat with a mocking bow.

"Jin, go show Alma her place. We can't let her be so arrogant and act like she can do anything she wants after joining our group." Nyarla said to me, glaring at Alma.

Well, this... is something. Huh, crazy voices?

Alma appears in front of Nyarla, giggling softly.

"Oh, it seems we have a fiery one in our midst. Tell me, darling, what's got you all worked up? Jealousy can be such an unflattering look on a lady." Alma let out a dramatically slow sigh.

Nyarla clenches her fists, "You stay away from Jin! He is mine, and I will not let you tempt him with your tricks!"

Nyarla is getting possessive again.

"My tricks, you say?" Alma raises an eyebrow. "Oh, but my dear, I assure you, I have no need for tricks. I simply offer an irresistible allure that some find impossible to resist. As for your demand for a fight, well, I'm always up for a little excitement."

"Then prove it!" Nyarla points accusingly. "If you're as powerful as you claim, then fight him! Show me that you're not just all talk!"

Why are you gloating, Alma?! Isn't she technically on the same level as you, Yor, and Shiki?!

Actually, where is Yor?

I search for Yor through En and find her sleeping nearby, resting on one of the comfortable leather couches.

I guess she is tired of whatever she did before she came here for her vacation. Wait, was it a vacation? I don't remember her mentioning a vacation. Maybe this is her break? That would make more sense.

"Very well, my dear." Alma spoke up, causing me to snap back to what was going on with Alma. "But let's make this interesting, shall we? I accept your challenge, but on one condition: If I win, you have to admit defeat and let me have fun with Jin. Agreed?"

"Fine. But if he wins, you'll never come near him again." Nyarla nods firmly. Agreeing on my behalf without asking for my opinion.

I wonder why Nyarla gets along so well with the others but not with Alma. It is so bad, even worse compared to Shiki.

"Deal. Now, how about we get on that fight, Jin~?" Alma giggles at the end, making me tense up.

That's not how I expected it to turn out, considering that someone from the Hell pantheon is being sent to replace Makima. And that's Alma Elma, who has a bad history with Nyarla and Shiki. I have no idea about Yor, but maybe the same.

"Come on, Jin! I know you can beat Alma!" Nyarla cheers me on. She believes that I can defeat someone like Alma.

I would agree if this were the canon version of Alma Elma from Monster Girl Quest; however, this is not her, as she is the multiverse version and went to the same high school as the others. So I'd be a fool to think that even with everything I have, I'd be enough to face this unknown, powerful Alma, who did nothing to Ruby and Weiss except move around and dodge their attacks to wear them down.

"Yeah, take her down, Jin!" Ruby cheers loudly before falling onto her butt, her breasts jiggling. "Right, forgot. Too tired..."

"Go... Jin." Weiss tried to cheer, but was too busy catching her breath.

"Fight on." Shiki said dully, even going so far as to give me a thumbs up as her own sign of encouragement.

Crazy voices, why is my life so difficult? More than usual, I mean.

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