Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 14

Alma leans against a nearby tree and taps her foot impatiently. "My, oh my, it seems my opponent is taking his sweet time getting ready for our little dance. How very tedious." She lets out an exaggerated sigh, her expression changing to one of mild boredom as she surveys the empty area.

"Almost done." I said to Alma as I continued to plan out which cheats to use together to deal with Alma to at least be able to stop Alma from fucking me to death if she felt merciful. Otherwise, she could do something else that would somehow bypass all my defenses and finish me off.

"Honestly, you'd think someone would be eager to face off against a succubus of my caliber. Perhaps I should go find some other entertainment while I wait." Alma mutters to herself as she idly twirls a lock of her hair between her fingers. A mischievous glint flickers in her eyes. "Well, darling, it seems you're taking longer than anticipated. Shall I go find someone else to play with in the meantime? Or are you finally ready to face the music?"

There's a brief moment of silence before Alma lets out a melodramatic sigh. She rolls her eyes playfully as she waits for me to make my move.

"Alright, I'm ready." I said to Alma as I pulled out the One Holy Spear from my mindscape, wielding it in my right hand.

Alma perked up with a smirk, "Ah, finally! It seems the show is about to begin. I was starting to worry you'd fallen asleep on me, darling. But no matter, I'm eager to see what you're made of. Shall we dance?"

"Before we start. I would like to set a condition for the fight." I said to Alma, causing her to pause.

"A condition, you say? How fascinating! By all means, darling, tell me. I'm all ears." Alma raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Regardless of whether I emerge victorious from our fight or if it is a draw, you will not be able to use your succubus nature to influence or interfere with anyone in the group while you are here. This is my condition."

Alma smirks, nodding in acknowledgment, "A bold condition, indeed. Very well, darling, I accept your terms. Consider it a challenge to rely solely on my wit and skill in combat. Let the game begin."

I began my attack. Each step forward was met with a thrust of the One Holy Spear, slicing through the air beyond the limits of normal humans.

Alma gracefully dodges the spear strikes with more elegance than a succubus should be capable of, her expression unaffected. "My, my, such precision! But you'll have to do better than that to catch me, darling."

I narrow my eyes, increasing the range of En, as I begin to use the Delayed Effect on myself to gain infinite stamina temporarily. I use Perfect Timing to be more defensive than offensive as I study their attack patterns.

Alma counterattacks with lightning-fast movements, effortlessly weaving around the spear strikes. With a series of quick kicks and palm strikes, she tries to exploit gaps in my defenses, aiming to disarm and incapacitate me without causing serious damage.

"Come now, let's see if you can keep up with the dance of temptation and evasion. Or will you falter before the allure of my seductive prowess?" Alma begins tauntingly.

I frowned a little, then began using the Ratio Technique on Alma. A sense of precision and calculation filled the air. With focused intent, I marked Alma's body with lines divided into tenths, carefully assessing the optimal points for a critical strike.

Alma grew cautious as she seemed to sense the pieces of cursed energy attached to her body. Her confidence faltered slightly as she sensed the imminent threat of the Ratio Technique without me having to explain anything.

With a swift and precise strike, I aim for one of the marked lines on Alma's body, concentrating on the seven-to-three ratio point. The air crackles with anticipation as my blow lands with pinpoint accuracy, delivering a critical hit to Alma with devastating force.

I knew Alma was tougher than she looked, even though the combined forces of the One Holy Spear and Ratio Technique didn't cause her more harm. Perhaps she is using some unknown ability to form a barrier to a thin skin layer of protection from being fully affected.

Still, Alma staggers backward, caught off guard by my attack's sheer power and precision. The impact reverberates through her body, leaving her momentarily stunned and vulnerable to further attack.

However, I did not move closer to Alma to follow up with the next Ratio Technique-enhanced attack. Instead, I placed the One Holy Spear back into my mindscape as I projected Solomon's Gate from my back, allowing it to form into existence fully.

"Hey! I want to watch!" Ruby shouted from the sidelines as she and Weiss had their eyes covered by Nyarla and Shiki.

"You'll lose your mind if you stare at what Jin has brought out. You're too weak right now to withstand its existence upon gazing at it for even a brief moment." Shiki explained to Ruby and Weiss. "I can't believe Jin would even have the Solomon's Gate. It's a very dangerous artifact."

As I summon Solomon's Gate, a foreboding aura fills the area, and Alma's eyes narrow with a mixture of curiosity and caution. She senses the immense power emanating from the mysterious grimoire, and the sight of demonic-like creatures writhing on its surface sends a shiver down her spine.

Alma takes a step back, instinctively recognizing the danger posed by Solomon's Gate. She can feel the tendrils of madness creeping into her mind, threatening to overwhelm her senses with their sinister allure.

With a determined look on her face, Alma focuses on something, somehow pushing back against the encroaching madness. She manages to keep herself from succumbing to the hypnotic pull of Solomon's Gate.

Of course, she has a way to deal with the passive influence effects of Solomon's Gate.

Alma's voice cuts through the tense air, her tone a mixture of caution and determination.

"Impressive, indeed. But be warned, darling, the power of Solomon's Gate is not to be trifled with. I suggest you tread carefully, lest you fall victim to its insidious influence."

"Noted, and drop to your knees." I order Alma, channeling the power of Solomon's Gate, to cast one of the more succubi-specific mind control spells contained within Solomon's Gate.

Alma is unable to resist the overwhelming influence of the ancient grimoire's magic. Her eyes widen in disbelief as she involuntarily falls to her knees, her movements stiff and controlled by the power of the spell. She struggles against the unseen force binding her, but to no avail. The succubus finds herself powerless to resist the command imposed upon her by the powerful magic of Solomon's Gate.

With a mixture of frustration and resignation, Alma speaks through clenched teeth; her voice laced with defiance even in the face of her forced submission.

"This... This isn't over, darling. You may have me at your mercy now, but mark my word; I will not yield so easily. The seductress will rise again, and when I do, you'll regret ever attempting to control me."

I was about to say something when I suddenly noticed something about Alma. Through En, despite her outward defiance, a part of her gave off the feeling that her heart was racing with excitement, and a flush of heat spread across her cheeks.

As Alma remains obediently on her knees, a mischievous glint flickers in her eyes, betraying her true feelings beneath the surface. While outwardly, she maintains a facade of resistance, inwardly, I can tell she embraces the sensations of submission with a sense of exhilaration.

It must be a succubus thing.

With a coy smile playing on her lip, Alma speaks, her voice tinged with a hint of seductive allure.

"Oh, darling, you have no idea the depths of pleasure you have unlocked in me. Submission... dominance... it's all part of the dance for a succubus like me. You may think you've defeated me, but in truth, you've merely ignited a fire that burns with a fervor unlike anything you've ever known."

"And that's where you're wrong there, Alma." I said firmly, causing Alma to raise an eyebrow in amusement and curiosity. "I've been living far beyond any succubi. Not even you could beat it."

"Beyond any succubi, you say? Now, that is a claim worth exploring, darling. Pray tell, what manner of this entity could possibly rival the allure and complexity of a succubus such as myself?" Her voice carries a note of genuine curiosity, tinged with a touch of skepticism, as a being intimately familiar with the depths of desire and temptation. "I do hope you're not talking about little red and little white. They have succubus-like bodies, but they are still rough in a bunch. And I know you don't have sex with Shiki because she still has that stick up her ass."

Shiki looked ready to cut Alma where she was, but this look only lasted a fraction of a second before her expression became dull and emotionless again.

Anyway, instead of answering her, I simply point at Nyarla.

Alma's eyes widen in genuine surprise at my response.

"Nyarla," you say? I honestly thought those rumors about you fucking Nyarla and her family were made up to cover up the fact that they are keeping you in the Eldritch pantheon against your will with life-threatening methods." Alma looked at me as if she didn't believe I had fucked Nyarla and the others.

Technically, Nyarla's breasts killed me more than once. It was against my will for the first few seconds, but after that, I accepted my fate. Once I've realized I can come back to life with no limit.

"Hey! Why would we lie about that?!" Nyarla stomps over, poking Alma in the right breast, just slightly above her heart.

"Because you and the Eldritch pantheon had done something similar to this after you guys kidnapped a member from another pantheon. Of course, you end up killing the guy, which pissed off the pantheon, leading to a war against each other. Then, in the end, you guys devour the other pantheon. That's why many other pantheons still do not believe everything you guys say and instead think it's another trap for you guys to eat more pantheons." Alma sneers at Nyarla, not caring she is being poked at.

I looked at Shiki to see if what Alma said was true, and the response I got back was a firm nod.

Well, fuck. Crazy voices, I think I might have found another unknown fact about the Eldritch pantheon.

"Yeah? So. It's not like we're going to back away for a fight." Nyarla scoffs at Alma, who is looking at her like she is a fool.

"That's why the Eldritch pantheon hasn't fully healed yet, nor does it seem to be in any hurry to recover from all the wars you guys have been through." Alma looks at Nyarla with a straight face.

"It doesn't matter if most of us are destroyed. We'll just come back into existence eventually. All we have to do is wait for our time to act." Nyarla's eyes glow, revealing that her eldritch ego is now in control. "And you better not mess with what's mine, little succubus. I don't mind giving something to the Hell pantheon when I'm done with you."

"And that's my cue to intervene." I pull Nyarla back before she causes a problem, and by no means do I want to get into a war on the scale of the multiverse.

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