Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 15

Yor's gaze held a mixture of surprise and disbelief as she looked at Alma Elma. "Alma." She began, her voice sounding confused and baffled. "I'm amazed at how much you've changed. The Alma I knew was always full of life, ready to seize any opportunity for excitement. But now..." Yor's words trailed off as she observed Alma's lazy demeanor, a stark departure from the dynamic personality she had before. "You seem so different now." She concluded.

Nyarla's brow furrowed as she glanced at her sister; a weird expression appeared on her face. "Can you believe it? Just a few minutes ago, she was like her old self, eager to guide Ruby and Weiss into succubi. And now..." Her words trailed off, her gaze shifting to Alma, who is longed nearby, with an air of indifference. "Now she's like this." She finished, her tone laced with uncertainty as she struggled to comprehend the sudden transformation. "What's your game, Alma?" She questions aloud, a hint of suspicion.

Alma's answer was a nonchalant shrug accompanied by a playful grin. "My dear Nyarla, there is no game to be played." Her tone is filled with laziness. "I simply go with the flow, embracing whatever mood strikes me at the moment." With a lazy stretch, she continues. "Life is too short to be tied down by expectations, don't you think?" Her words hint at mischief, leaving everyone to wonder how much of her transformation is genuine and how much is simply due to her unpredictable nature.

Shiki nodded calmly at Alma, her expression showing she understood. "Yes." She said softly, her voice gentle. "Alma's view makes sense, embracing the slow and peaceful of life."

"Why do they have to talk in such a weird way?" Ruby whispered to Weiss, who sat quietly sipping from her teacup of warm honey water. "Wouldn't it be easier for everyone if they just talk normally?" Her voice had a hint of confusion, matching the atmosphere of Nyarla, Yor, Shiki, and Alma.

"Who knows," Weiss whispered back, staring at everyone with a hint of skepticism. "Perhaps they're trying to impress us with their... unique method of talking." She suggested dryly, her eyes drifting to me. "What do you think, Jin? Any insight as to why they've suddenly taken to speaking like this? I mean, Nyarla never seemed to have trouble communicating without resorting to this when she spoke to us."

"I haven't got a slight of clue." I admitted plainly, my tone devoid of any pretense. "My brain isn't exactly built to decipher such fancy talk." My response was straightforward, showing how my brain might be converted to match an eldritch entity, but it seems not at the right stage.

I looked away from the intense discussion before me and took in the surroundings of our current location. Gone was the oppressive darkness of the menacing forest we had just left. Instead, we are now in the comfort of a nice-looking, expensive house—all thanks to the Boundary Manipulation that allowed me to transport us to the nearest civilization. However, we were not in the city itself; instead, I had conjured a luxurious home for us to rest in while we considered our next move. It was a temporary place to stay before we ventured into the city's bustling streets.

"You know." Ruby began cautiously, her tone filled with uncertainty. "Considering how she was behaving earlier, I'm not entirely convinced it's wise to keep her with us, Jin." Her gaze drifted towards Alma, a flicker of wariness evident in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll handle this." I said, rising from my seat and walking over to where the four of them were gathered. Stepping into the middle, I interrupted their conversation to address them directly.

"Jin, do you need something?" Nyarla's glowing eyes locked on me, and her voice carried warmth when directed at me.

Or is that just my eldritch brain thinking that? What do you crazy voices think? Maybe my thoughts are no longer my own?

"Just trying to keep another fight from breaking out." I replied, a bead of cold sweat running down my back as I realized the potential danger I was once again putting myself in.

"Ah, Jin, trying to be the peacekeeper, are we? Don't worry, we'll keep things civil." Alma replied in a playful yet reassuring tone, winking at the end.

"Indeed, conflicts often arise when tensions are high. Your efforts to maintain harmony are commendable, Jin. Let's end this dispute here and now." Shiki expressed her understanding of the situation.

"Oh, this should be a good time for me to cook! I'll whip up something delicious for everyone." Yor exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Nyarla's glowing eyes dimmed as she relinquished control of her body to her alter ego. "Eh...?" she whispered, confused as the transition occurred.

"Oh, um, I ate something before leaving home." Alma stammered, her forehead covered in sweat as she hastily made up an excuse.

"Apologies, but Jin and I have some... business to attend to." Shiki interjected, her gaze darting away from Nyarla's direction as she fumbled for an excuse. "Yes, a shoulder massage." She added hastily, her voice faltering slightly as she attempted to divert attention away from having to deal with Yor's cooking or mostly just wanting to not be near it at all costs.

Almost every eye in the room was focused on Shiki. Her gaze was fixed on me, completely ignoring the others.

"Sure." I replied, my tone strained and hopeless. Regardless of my response, it seemed useless that someone would be displeased with the outcome of my actions.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone except Yor, who had already disappeared into the kitchen to prepare food, I gave up and just began to knead Shiki's tense shoulders after she settled down on the couch next to Ruby and Weiss. The atmosphere became tense as Ruby and Weiss remained rigid, their discomfort obvious.

Fortunately, Shiki herself was the one to break the tension in the air.

"Jin, you seem to be a bit off target." Shiki remarked with a stern tone, her voice lacking its usual warmth. "It's my chest you're working on, not my shoulders."

Sure enough, I'm fondling Shiki's breasts instead of massaging her shoulders.

"Would you believe me if this is the influence of the Madness of Boobs?" I questioned, feeling my right eyebrow twitch as I realized how fuck I am right now.

"Wow, you possess that blessing?" Alma exclaimed, her eyes widening in awe as she regarded me with newfound admiration.

Of course, the succubus would consider the Madness of Boobs to be a blessing.

"Perhaps it's best if you just remove your hands... and refrain from any further fondling." Shiki said coldly, a hint of irritation in her tone, but she made no move to stop me.


"Apologies!" I exclaim, hastily withdrawing my hands as the realization dawns on me. Unfortunately, it seems that Lucky Pervert had seized the opportunity to act, leading to an unintended consequence: Shiki's kimono was caught by my fingers and accidentally ripped open, exposing her bare breasts to the surrounding onlookers.

Shit...! Also, why she isn't wearing any bras?! Is she even wearing panties?!

Alma's eyes widened in disbelief as she uttered, in a stunned tone, "Wow, Jin, that was quite the bold move." Her words hung in the air, laced with a mixture of surprise and incredulity at the unexpected turn of events.

Nyarla's expression darkens, her features contorting into a scowl that seems to promise retribution. Her gaze is chillingly intense, emanating an aura of imminent danger. She looks ready to explode and destroy everything around her.

Ruby and Weiss exchange quick, cautious glances, their eyes darting around the room, careful not to look at Shiki's direction.

An unexpected twist unfolds as the tension builds and waits for Shiki's reaction. Instead of going all out on anger and violence, Shiki surprises everyone by taking control of the situation with an unexpected action. With a swift movement, she takes my hands and guides them to cover her exposed breasts rather than simply pulling up her kimono herself. Such an act is completely unexpected yet also expected, given how Lucky Pervert and my other cheats cheer.

I could feel the firmness of her nipples... NOT THE TIME TO FOCUS ON THAT!

"Didn't I make it clear before, Shiki? Jin is off-limits...!" Nyarla's eyes blazed with murderous intention, and the very fabric of reality seemed to distort around her.

"Nyarla, you seem to have overlooked the fact that Shiki is still struggling to grasp our conventional norms, let alone moral ones!" Alma's laughter filled the room, causing Shiki's face to turn an even deeper shade of red as my hands remained awkwardly placed over her chest.

Finally, mustering my resolve, I activate Boundary Manipulation to swiftly swap Nyarla and Shiki's positions. However, before the Boundary Manipulation could fully materialize, I felt a jolt as if something severed the effects of the Boundary Manipulation, preventing the cheat from taking full effect.

Suddenly, I felt Shiki's grip on my hands tighten, and I couldn't help but notice how incredibly soft her breasts felt. Yet, another sensation was difficult to put into words.

Oh, I know what it is. Fucking damn horniness, that's what it is. Fuck, and I got a boner again. Double fuck.

"Shiki... release Jin's hands immediately!" Nyarla's voice growled with an ominous undertone, causing the surroundings to crack and distort.

"I'd rather not have my bare breasts on display for everyone to see." Shiki said with a resigned tone. "Unlike some here, I'm not exactly comfortable being exposed in such a manner."

"That's fine and all, but why are you using Jin's hand to cover your breasts?" Nyarla's voice carried deep anger as she slowly approached Shiki; her expression was filled with madness and hatred.

"...They feel warm." Shiki replied in the same monotone voice, though a hint of uncertainty remained in her words. It was obvious that she was unsure of her own actions and found herself in a confusing situation, which only served to increase Nyarla's frustration.

"I'm sure you'd prefer something else warm in a more... intimate place than Jin's hands." Alma hinted mischievously, then let out a playful giggle. "Perhaps I should've persuaded Makima to let me join this group sooner if this is the kind of entertaining antics that happen here. And it's only my first day!"

"I think it's safe to say that Shiki would prefer that Jin keep his distance... immediately!" Nyarla's gaze fell on Shiki as she stood before her, her tone sharp with impatience. "And maybe it's time for you to let go of Jin's hand, Shikiiiii...!"

"Hey everyone, I've made some green bean casserole!" Yor's cheerful voice echoed from the kitchen.

And just like that, Nyarla's eldritch ego retreated, allowing the alter ego to regain control over the body. Alma's playfulness vanished instantly, replaced by a solemn silence. Shiki's hands grew even stiffer than before, tense with discomfort.

Okay, Perfect Timing; work with Lucky Pervert here! I don't want to test if Yor's assassination-style cooking had been leveled up in killing power! I'm willing to risk fucking Shiki and getting Nyarla angry on the side for the sake of avoiding a potential culinary disaster!

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