Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 2

"Ugh, I swear, if I didn't have the means to heal myself. You five would have broken my hip." I rub the back of my waist while I use Boundary Manipulation to remove the pain and any hidden injuries caused mainly by Nyarla and Shu. These two are wild, more so with Shu than with Nyarla.

"Hey, don't put the blame on Ruby or me. We passed out way before anyone else." Weiss scowls as she finishes brushing her hair.

"You were still part of it." I roll my eyes at her as I use Boundary Manipulation again to put on my suit without putting it on physically. Clean, too, while I'm at it. "And Shu, why are you, or were you a virgin? Shouldn't there have been someone before me to take care of your sexual needs?"

"The question should be, who in their right mind would want to fuck an Eldritch entity?" Shu asks back. "And before you answer. None of us were originally in these humanoid forms as we are now. We have long since adapted and evolved into these forms to become our natural appearance."

"Fair point." I realize now that I'm the weird one here, which is fucked up on so many levels.

"Besides, we always have several forms. We just stick to the ones we like at the moment. We may change. We may not for millions of years. All you need to know is that most of us are in humanoid form now. Or as close to it as possible." Shu continued.

"But shouldn't people be looking for you to be in a relationship by now?" I snap my fingers, making a gap near me to reach into and pull out a cup of warm green tea.

"You're forgetting the part we're part of the infamous Eldritch pantheon. Most of us are labeled as insane by the standards of the other pantheons. It's already considered amazing that we're not at each other's throats compared to the past." Shu poked me in the chest with her other hand on her hip while she leaned forward and frowned at me.

I look back at all the deaths since I was hired for this caretaker job.

Doesn't that count as being at each other's throats?! Or, at least, maybe that's only the case with two parties who can travel the multiverse?

"Anyway, what are we doing today?" Weiss asks everyone as she takes a cup of warm early gray tea from me.

"I wouldn't mind having more sex." Ruby grins, winking at me when I look at her.

"Oh! Me too!" Nyarla giggles.

"But we just had sex? Shouldn't we be doing something else?" Shu looks at them, confused.

"Thank you! I'm glad someone sees that we should do something more than just sex and more sex." Weiss sighs in relief, then looks at Shu with a friendlier expression.

Shu raises an eyebrow, "I mean, wouldn't it be better to do something else, and if we feel like it, we could have sex right then and there."

"Why am I not surprised?" Weiss' eyes grew dull as she slowly took a sip from her cup to calm her nerves.

"Oh, come on, Weiss! It's not like you've never had sex in public before. In fact, I think you got more excited knowing you could have been caught by some strangers while getting fucked by Jin." Ruby nudged Weiss, causing her to take another sip from her cup, but everyone could see her cheeks turning pink, and she didn't deny it either, which made it even funnier.

"Well, now." Shu looked at Weiss with wide eyes to show how surprised she was to hear that. "And here I thought you were a classy lady. So this is what you wanted to change the setting for sex. Interesting. I want to try it out; maybe I like having sex in public."

"Hey! I'm not some pervert who likes people watching me have sex!" Weiss scowls.

"That's right." Ruby nods, causing Weiss to smile before it fades as Ruby continues. "She likes to have sex in public, but she just wants the feeling of risking the possibility of someone catching her in the act. She doesn't really want others, other than our group, to see her actually having sex."

I wonder if I ever mentioned the crazy voices to Weiss. You guys must be enjoying this a lot upon hearing what Weiss' kink is, or at least one of them.

Besides, Ruby and I have had sex in public before, back in the TV World of the Persona 4 universe. Although technically, it's not the same excitement because of the heavy fog blocking the view.

"Have we ever had sex outside, Jin?" Nyarla looked at me, now more interested in the idea. "I'm curious if I like it or not."

"Not the way Weiss wants it." I replied, causing Weiss to stare at me with wide eyes that I would say such a thing. "And I don't think we should." I thought about it for a few more seconds. "Not with how crazy people would get if they saw the four of you naked. Since many of them have already gone crazy with all of you fully clothed even then."

"Aw..." Nyarla pouts and the others do the same, and I mean almost all of them. As Weiss is included as those who are sad about not having public sex, she didn't even hide her disappointment.

Shouko didn't show it, but I could tell that she was relieved that there was no public sex. It seems to be too much for her. So it's good that Shouko isn't a pervert, or maybe she is, but we never got to that part. Perhaps Shouko hasn't even found out what her kink is yet?

"All right, time for us to visit another world." I signal one of them to open the front door. At the same time, I'm a little curious if Ruby and Weiss now have the same ability as all the other girls in the Eldritch pantheon to enter any other world by simply opening the doors now they are in the Crawling Dreams' universe or if that's something they'll have to wait for in the future to be able to do.

"Oh! I know a world we can go to!" Shu quickly approaches the front door and slams it open with a loud bang that almost makes us all jump.

You can actually choose the world you want to visit?!

Perfect Timing decided that now was the time to act, and by that, I mean I formed a gap before Shu could step outside. The sound of mixed birds' screeches appears for a brief moment before everything falls silent.

"Hehe... Let me try again." Shu looked at everyone with an embarrassed smile before closing the door and opening it again. As before, another loud slamming sound was heard as the door slammed against the wall.

This time, Perfect Timing didn't activate, and I didn't pick up anything through En probing the outside of the door. Therefore, the world Shu is leading us into isn't as dangerous as the previous one, even before we step through the door. Instead, whatever made that sound of mixed birds' screeches tried to get in here.

"Alright! Nothing is coming to bite us in the ass!" Shu announced with a bright smile, giving everyone a thumbs up that it was safe to enter this world now.

"Do you mean that nothing is coming toward us right now or that there will be nothing coming towards us with the intention of killing us?" Weiss asks Shu cautiously, not stepping closer to the open door leading to another world.

"Yes." Shu nodded, but she didn't want to be more precise in her answer, causing Weiss' left eyebrow to twitch.

"Come on! Let's see what kind of world Shu takes us to!" Ruby grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door, the others following.

I quickly extend my En's range until I stop at a mile. Then, I set up my standard defenses. I use the Delayed Effect to prevent any attacks from taking full effect and deal with the problems immediately.

"Huh, this place isn't much different from the ones I've visited so far." Ruby looked around in confusion, and I bet she thought this world would be more different than the others. "Well, except that the buildings here are massive." She looked at the many tall buildings with multiple floors.

"This place is fun." Shu giggles, grinning mischievously. "Trust me, this world is going to be great!"

"Are you sure?" Weiss looks around cautiously, not entirely trusting Shu's words.

"We just have to give Shu the benefit of the doubt, Weiss." Ruby pats Weiss on the shoulder. "Besides, we have Jin here to protect us from any danger."

"By the way, is it really okay for you to have your vacation now, Shu?" Nyarla tilts her head to the side and blinks at her niece, worried, or at least it looks worried to me.

"Don't worry, Aunt Nyarla! I've made sure to leave trustworthy people in charge while I'm gone!" Shu gave Nyarla a thumbs up, causing her large breasts to jiggle at the sudden, quick movement.

"Wait, Shu is Nyarla's niece?" Weiss looked back and forth, particularly confused.

"Yes! She is my aunt!" Shu hugged Nyarla, who smiled back. "Funny how some people mistake us for sister or even mother and daughter."

I wonder why...

"I can see why." Ruby nodded to herself, and Weiss slowly nodded as well. But anyone could still see the confusion in her eyes.

Shouko gave me a sideways glance; I have no idea why, but I just gave her a slight nod, and she smiled. Why?

"Anyway, we should find a place to stay for the duration of our stay here. I mean, sure, we could go back to Aunt Nyarla's apartment, but that place isn't the best for sleeping." Shu starts to lead everyone to a nearby hotel, motel, or anything else to find a place to stay.

"So, if you don't mind me asking. But what kind of world have you brought us to?" Weiss asks Shu, keeping an eye on the area.

Strangely enough, no one was around, as if we had entered an abandoned city. Of course, I can detect a few people still living in this city, at least within a mile of my detection range.

"Well, I won't tell you the name of the world, but I will tell you that there will always be dangerous battles in this world. Some of them could be planet-threatening battles." Shu giggles again. "But don't worry. In this world, there are people known as heroes who would prevent that from happening."

And just like that, my paranoia pretty much skyrocketed.

"Planet-threatening battles...?!" Weiss looked at Shu, then held her forehead as she seemed close to fainting, but she stood strong.

"Yes. But don't worry. Each of us could handle any planet-threatening enemy." Shu patted her chest with confidence in her tone as she made her large breasts jiggle. "This world will be a walk in the park for us. Trust me."

"If Shu says so, then we really have nothing to worry about." Nyarla smiled at everyone.

"She speaks the truth." Shouko whispered in my ear, making my back shiver.

"Oh! Isn't that great, Weiss?! We have become so powerful to deal with beings that can destroy the planet!" Ruby said excitedly. Not realizing the major problems we have.

"This is my life now..." Weiss mumbles to herself.

Welcome to the club, Weiss.

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