Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 32

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 32

It has been a long time, but I think we need to relocate to another place rather than linger in the school courtyard any longer than necessary.

"Honestly, at this point, we may as well go somewhere else to waste time instead of standing here out in the open where people can bother us." I said helplessly, glancing around the bustling school courtyard. A cool breeze rustled through the nearby trees.

"Is it so you don't have to keep on killing people here?" Weiss asked, pointing to the side where numerous corpses lay, their limbs twisted and forcibly torn from their bodies. "You do know I could just fight them myself, Jin."

"Yes, I know you can handle it yourself, Weiss." I said, deliberately ignoring her first question. "But since I'm here, I should protect you along with everyone else in our group." I glanced around at the others, who were anxiously watching the scene unfold, their faces pale and covered in cold sweats.

"Does this include me, Jin?" Bayonetta asked as she moved closer, placing a hand on my cheek. She smiled at me, her eyes filled with mischief and a hint of challenge. "If so, I would like to repay you for your service."

"I'll think about it. But for now, no thanks." I replied, gently pushing her away. She didn't resist, though she maintained her playful smirk and made no move to step back. Her eyes never leave mine.

"And done." Namine announced, revealing what she had been drawing in her sketchbook the entire time. It was an incredibly detailed sketch of an empty, ordinary classroom. The desks and chairs were perfectly aligned, the chalkboard spotless, and the sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a serene glow across the room.

"That's a nice drawing... why a classroom, though?" Ruby asked, her curiosity obvious as she leaned in to get a closer look at Namine's sketch.

"It's where the next class will take place, not outdoors like yesterday for you guys," Namine explained. "You should be able to open a portal here with your Gold Ring, Ruby." She pointed to a specific spot in the drawing, her finger tracing the delicate lines of the sketch.

"Wait, class is about to start soon?" Weiss asked with a hint of panic. "Ghost didn't say anything about class starting yet." Her eyes darted around anxiously, searching for any sign that she might have missed.

"Not yet." Namine said, her expression neutral as she addressed Weiss. "But wouldn't it be better if we showed up at the classroom a bit early? Even if it's just to kill time until class starts, we won't have to worry about being late." She continued to stare at Weiss with an unreadable gaze. "Plus, is there anything else you'd rather do instead of just idling while we wait?"

"No..." Weiss frown as she huffed, folding her arms under her large chest, which caused her breasts to push up slightly. Nearby, a few distracted and poorly hidden stares lingered on her figure, their gazes shifting uncomfortably before they quickly looked away, clearly flustered and in fear upon seeing me looking back with the promise of death.

"I'd rather you all stay here; it's easier for me to teach Weiss that way." Taejin said, kicking a corpse near her feet aside with a scowl. "But if you're all planning to head to the classroom now, I'll just go find someone around here to mess with. I'm not too keen on sitting through a boring classroom without doing anything other than waiting. Plus, I don't feel like finding out what's the punishment for breaking anything in the classroom."

"Well, we'll see you in class, then." Ruby said, pulling out her Gold Ring. She glanced at Namine's sketchbook to imprint the image of the classroom in her mind. With a determined nod, she threw the ring into the air. It spun before positioning itself vertically a short distance away, forming a swirling portal leading directly to the classroom.

I snapped my fingers, the air crackling as the necks of several nearby people—both students and contractors—twisted grotesquely. Heads toppled from their bodies with sickening thuds, their lifeless eyes staring blankly. With a final glance at the carnage, I walked through the portal with the others, the portal closing behind us as the Gold Ring returned to Ruby.

"You know, I could have used them for a sacrifice, Jin." Ruby said, giving me a pouty look. "Even if they were revived, I bet it wouldn't make much difference."

"Actually, you'd just piss off the pantheons behind them instead." Bayonetta smirking. "But, by all means, go ahead. It wouldn't be anything unexpected for something like that. After all, you're part of the Eldritch pantheon, Ruby." Bayonetta chuckled, her smirk widening as she casually sat in an empty chair nearby.

"Hm. I guess I'll leave it at that for now." Ruby said, furrowing her eyebrows before shrugging. She sits in an empty chair, with Weiss sitting right next to her on her left.

I sat between Ruby and Bayonetta, finding a comfortable spot in the middle. Namine, as expected, settled into the seat directly behind me, using my presence to shield her from view. She began sketching once again, her pencil moving swiftly across the page as she began a new drawing.

"Hm. It seems we're the only ones in the classroom." I noted, glancing around at the empty desks and unoccupied chairs. The room was quiet, save for the faint hum of the air conditioning. "I think we're a bit too early, but that's fine."

"I'm bored." Bayonetta complained, her voice dripping with disdain. She slouched in her seat, crossing her arms. "This is exactly why I'd rather arrive at the last second than show up here so early." Her gaze wandered around the empty room, clearly unimpressed by the unremarkable surroundings.

"By the way, what happened after you left?" I asked Bayonetta, trying to steer the conversation to distract her from any potential trouble she might cause. "If you don't mind me being a bit nosy."

I didn't need to look to sense that Ruby and Weiss were trying their best to stay quiet and listen. They were clearly curious about what had transpired during Bayonetta's brief disappearance, especially regarding her attempt to switch out with someone else from the Hell pantheon.

"I was lectured by the Hell pantheon and was killed with boredom, revived, and then repeated until I agreed to come back here." Bayonetta said, frowning deeply. Her expression darkened as she recalled the ordeal, her eyes narrowing in frustration. "In addition, warping time itself to make what felt like years into seconds."

Well, that wasn't what I was expecting. I would admit. Nonetheless, it seems boredom is Bayonetta's weakness, or at least you need to be creative to use it against her.

"Anyway, what's our plan now that we're in the classroom?" Bayonetta raised an eyebrow at me, then smirked. "Unless you've finally decided to take me up on my offer to have sex? The classroom is a classic spot for some fun while it's just us and no one else."

"Oh?! Can we, Jin?!" Ruby asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement at the idea.

I glance over at Ruby to see Weiss looking back at me with lustful eyes. No doubt she is willing to have sex in the classroom.

"Let's not risk the chance of someone showing up." I said dryly, not wanting others, especially guys, to see the girls naked. The thought of being interrupted or caught in such a situation made me uncomfortable.

However, I had a feeling it wouldn't be much of a problem if this classroom were in the Hentai Genre Section. Not unless there was a specific reason for someone to show up—like lurking through the gap of the slightly open door to watch. The thought of unexpected spectators made the situation even more awkward.

Unless those get off from that.

"But that makes it even better." Bayonetta said, her eyes filled with lust. "The excitement of having others watch me." Her expression was one of enthusiastic expectation, clearly reveling in the thought of an audience as she having sex.

"Yeah, I'm not going to be involved in that." Ruby said, her smile strained. "It's one thing to get excited about the possibility of people showing up, but it's another to actually have people who do."

"Same here." Weiss said dryly, her earlier interest now replaced with a look of clear discomfort. "I'd rather endure an entire year of not having sex once than have that happen."

"You guys are no fun." Bayonetta snorted, clearly uninterested in pursuing the topic further. She leaned back in her chair, her expression shifting to a more professional behavior. "So, do any of you have questions about the high school? Answering them is part of my job. Feel free to ask away."

"What is the longest any student or contractor has stayed here in the history of the high school?" Weiss asked Bayonetta as she leaned forward slightly.

"Hm... no idea." Bayonetta replied, shrugging slightly. "It's nearly impossible to keep track of time in this high school. For all we know, we could be here for an entire year, and it might still be morning."

"Does that mean we get to live forever without aging?" Ruby asked, her eyes wide with curiosity as she leaned back. Subconsciously pushing her chest out, causing her large breasts to shake.

My eyes zone onto them.

"As long as you don't leave the high school, technically, yes." Bayonetta said, her tone turning serious. "You could live without aging. However, whether you're a student or a contractor, you must continue studying or assisting the student you're contracted with. Otherwise, you'll be expelled from the high school, no matter what."

"What about those who are neither of the two?" I asked Bayonetta, though my gaze remained fixed on Ruby's breasts, unable to pull away.

"You're either school staff or a visitor." Bayonetta explained with a grin. "Both have their own set of rules, just like students and contractors. And before you ask, Namine and I are considered visitors." She paused, her smile widening. "Being a visitor offers the most freedom compared to the others. However, it comes with its own set of harsher rules to follow."

"I see..." I muttered, rubbing my chin while my gaze lingered on Ruby's breasts. Ruby noticed my attention and smiled, a hint of pride in her expression as she met my gaze.

"That said, what's the worst punishment the high school could impose on anyone here?" Weiss asked Bayonetta, her gaze shifting to Namine, who was too absorbed in her drawing to notice the conversation. "And is there a way to avoid such a punishment?"

"The worst punishment is being blacklisted from ever entering the high school again, no matter what." Bayonetta explained. "Not even the other pantheons can override this. Once someone is blacklisted, they're forever left behind, unable to access any new information or updates. Even if they attempt to extract details from former students or contractors, that information would be outdated, as new, better data would constantly be replacing the old. In addition, those that extracted the information would have their own memory wiped, becoming a mindless drone for the high school to control."

"Right. Uh, I will be right back." I use Delayed Effect on everyone, then grab Ruby and Weiss, both of whom I excluded from affecting, and drag them to the corner to have sex. "Honestly, you both are too seductive without even trying."

"Hehe~!" Ruby giggles.

Weiss just huffs, but she is already ahead of Ruby in undressing herself.

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