Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 33

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 33

So far, Glitching has been more active than the other cheats. Recently, it proved to be quite helpful during a private moment I had with Ruby and Weiss in the corner of the classroom. I used the Delayed Effect on Bayonetta and Namine to ensure they wouldn't notice what was happening.

However, I forgot to account for the possibility of others arriving soon. Fortunately, Glitching intervened by extending the range of the Delayed Effect to cover the area outside the classroom as well, preventing any unexpected interruptions. Thanks to Glitching's timely intervention, we were able to enjoy our time together without any disruptions.

After satisfying my sudden sexual urge with Ruby and Weiss, I found myself still hesitant to engage with Bayonetta. Even though I have talked myself into doing it with her, but the fact remains how extremely kinky she is wouldn't change, nor do I think she is willing to just vanilla sex or anything simple that doesn't involve bondage with her hair.

I know damn well how 'creative' Bayonetta could be in using her hair as a medium for her magic.

Anyway, the fact that Bayonetta was giving me a mean look only added to my worry while we waited for the rest of the students to arrive. With the teacher yet to appear, I couldn't help but feel her piercing gaze.

It was clear she had figured out what had happened between Ruby, Weiss, and me while she was nearby. The intensity of her stare made my heart race, and I could sense the disapproval and frustration coming from her.

"Hey, why is she giving you that harsh stare?" Taejin poked me in the back as she pointed at Bayonetta, who wasn't being sneaky in glaring at me.

Taejin's voice broke through my thoughts, bringing my attention to the tension in the room. Bayonetta's eyes were locked onto me, her expression a mix of anger and accusation. I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, knowing that I couldn't easily explain the situation to Taejin without revealing too much.

"You could say that she wanted to be involved with what he did to Ruby and Weiss, but was denied by Jin here." Namine answered Taejin's question, her sketchbook close at hand as she stared at the front of the classroom.

Namine's perceptiveness was unsettling, and I could feel Bayonetta's glare heighten as the truth of the situation was laid out just enough for Taejin to understand.

"Why are you rejecting someone beautiful like her?" Taejin continued to poke me in the back, still being curious.

Bayonetta's smirk widened as she heard the praise, her behavior shifting from anger to a more confident, almost amused attitude. The difference between Taejin's innocent question and Bayonetta's knowing smile only heightened the awkwardness of the moment, making me feel more uneasy.

"It's because Jin here doesn't want to be tied up by Bayonetta." Namine answered once again. "If you haven't noticed Bayonetta's outfit, it's pretty clear what kind of person she is just by her appearance alone." Namine's remark drew Taejin's attention to Bayonetta's sexy attire, and the realization dawned on her face. Bayonetta's smirk grew even more noticeable, as if she reveled in the attention and the reaction her presence provoked.

However, before any further conversation could continue, a mature lady with dark violet hair styled in a classic hime cut, purple eyes, and a well-proportioned figure appeared at the front of the classroom, her presence demanding attention.

She wore a sweeping, strapless light pink ball gown resembling a Juunihitoe kimono, with layers in green, blue, and red stripes. A yellow sash draped around the skirt and the dress was secured by a formal magenta obi with red padding, accessorized with a red and white obijime. Matching light pink gloves and a light green fringed scarf draped over her left shoulder completed the ensemble. A brooch, matching her dress layers and resembling a military medal, was pinned to the scarf. Most notably, a metallic horseshoe-shaped object seemed to levitate around her head.

"Greetings, children of man. I am Featherine Augustus Aurora, and I am far beyond your comprehension." Featherine announced, her gaze sweeping over the classroom with an air of superiority. "I shall not trouble myself with the trivialities of your names, for they hold no significance to me. I am here to impart knowledge that you may never fully grasp in your fleeting existence. However, consider this an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the vast and unfathomable world that lies beyond your limited understanding. Let us begin, and may your minds strive to keep pace with the depths of my wisdom."

Featherine's voice carried a tone of condescension as she looked down on everyone in the classroom, her presence almost overwhelming in its intensity. The students and contractors felt a mix of awe and intimidation as she prepared to share her otherworldly knowledge.

Oh, fuck me...! Her?! Fucking Witch of Theatergoing, Drama, and Spectating?!

I glanced at Bayonetta, who now had a serious look on her face as she stared at Featherine. I didn't need to look at Taejin behind me to know she was also extra focused. Namine had already been focused on the front of the classroom even before Featherine showed up, her eyes now locked onto the imposing figure of the witch. The atmosphere in the room shifted, everyone recognizing the significance of Featherine's presence and bracing themselves for whatever profound knowledge she was about to impart.

Ruby and Weiss didn't dare to slack off, both of them paying close attention. At least, in Weiss' case, she was doing her best to focus, her determined expression betraying her effort. Ruby, on the other hand, was harder to read; I had no clue what was going on in her head at the moment. Her eyes were fixed on Featherine, but whether she was fully comprehending the gravity of the situation was anyone's guess.

Of course, I could just use Invasion on Ruby to read her mind, but I didn't think that was a good idea right now. The risk of being caught or causing a distraction was too high, especially with Featherine's formidable presence commanding the room. Instead, I decided to focus on the lesson and trust that Ruby would manage on her own.

Featherine gestured gracefully with one hand as if painting the scene with her words. Her movements were fluid and deliberate, adding a theatrical flair to her presence. The air seemed to sparkle with each motion, her gestures enhancing the seriousness of her speech and drawing everyone's attention even more.

"Children of man, today we shall delve into the heart of storytelling—the setting. A story's setting is not merely a backdrop for the actions and dialogues of characters; it is the very foundation upon which the narrative is built. Imagine, if you will, a story without a setting. It would be like a painting without a canvas—utterly formless and devoid of meaning." Featherine began her lesson, her voice rich with authority and passion. Her words resonated through the room, each phrase carefully crafted to emphasize the significance of the setting in storytelling. As she spoke, the atmosphere seemed to transform, her insights weaving a tapestry of understanding that captivated every listener.

I seriously hoped I wouldn't end up falling asleep like I usually do during lectures. Then again, my past teachers were mundane, not a deadly, powerful Witch like Featherine.

"Consider the effect of a setting on the mood, tone, and atmosphere of a story." Featherine intoned, her voice resonant and measured. "A dark, haunted forest imbues the tale with a sense of dread and mystery, whereas a bustling, sunlit marketplace brings forth vibrancy and life. The setting dictates the very emotions that the story evokes within its audience."

As she spoke, Featherine moved gracefully around the front of the classroom, her movements deliberate. Each step seemed to emphasize her points, and her presence seemed to draw the students' attention more deeply into her lesson. The contrast between her ethereal grace and the mundane setting of the classroom made her insights feel even more deep.

"Furthermore, the setting influences the characters themselves—their behaviors, their choices, and their fates." Featherine continued, her voice steady and commanding. "A character born in a war-torn land will have a vastly different worldview compared to one who grows up in a peaceful village. The setting molds the characters, shaping their journeys and the obstacles they face."

Featherine stopped in the middle of the front of the classroom, her expression turning serious as she gazed down at everyone. Her intense focus seemed to penetrate each student and contractor.

"Take heed, young ones, that the setting is not to be taken lightly. It breathes life into the story, giving it depth and dimension. When crafting your tales, immerse yourself in the world you create, for it is the world that will captivate your readers and make your story unforgettable." Featherine's eyes lit up with an almost ethereal glow as she spoke, and she gave everyone a knowing smile.

I don't like the way she smile, crazy voices.

"This is my first lesson to you all and the beginning of developing your own world later on." Her gaze swept over the students and contractors, her expression stern yet insightful. "Of course, I address this primarily to the students, as they will be the ones I shall be teaching and testing in the future. Contractors, you are merely fortunate spectators in my class. Do not expect any further benefit from me."

Featherine's tone was firm but not unkind, clearly outlining the boundaries of her expectations. The students felt a mix of anticipation and pressure, while the contractors, though slightly dismayed, understood their secondary role in this learning experience.

Crazy voices, I find myself feeling very out of place here, especially among the contractors. For one thing, I don't need to develop a world, nor do I want to—not at this moment, anyway. Besides, the Boss pays me in cheats, and I bet my Heart of Eldritch that among those glowing books, there should be something that grants me the ability to create worlds.

Under the sense of En, I noticed a student timidly raise their hand and pose a question. This small action caused Featherine's gaze to shift toward them, her expression a mix of curiosity and mild irritation. The room seemed to hold its breath as Featherine's eyes locked onto the student, her presence momentarily amplifying as she prepared to address the interruption.

"Ah, a query from one of the children of men. How quaint. Do enlighten me with your question, and I shall indulge you with an answer—though I must warn you, the simplicity of your inquiry might pale in comparison to the vastness of my knowledge." Featherine's expression remained composed, but a hint of a smirk played at the corners of her lips. Her tone carried a superiority as if she found the student's question both endearing and slightly beneath her.

Well, that student is going to wish they had never raised their hand to ask a question. Death might even seem like a mercy compared to what Featherine might unleash. On another note, I wonder if this class was where Makima learned to create that world of High School DxD. Could Featherine have been her teacher during her time as a student?

Because if that's the case, it would make Featherine extremely dangerous—perhaps only a league or two below the Boss. The idea that she might have played a role in shaping Makima's skills only heightened my awareness of her formidable power. If Featherine was indeed involved in creating worlds or training others in such arts, her capabilities would be even more impressive and intimidating.

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