Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 6

"This is how we're going to do things." I made a serious face, making Lisa tremble under my gaze. "You will work for me until I decide to let you go." I almost laughed at what I had learned about Lisa's thinking through Invasion. "And no, I'm not going to silence you or kill you; I really mean, let you go. As in, you're free to go after I no longer need your services. Wow, you have a dirty mind." Lisa's face turned red. "Sorry, but I'm already in a relationship. Also, for someone that was fearing for her life, you would think such a thing."

Lisa gritted her teeth and tried to look fierce but failed; the tears running down her cheeks just made it less scary than anything else.

"Anyway, it's time for your first job." I said to Lisa. This made Lisa look scared again. "Don't worry, it's not dangerous."

At least not for me.

"Now, repeat after me. Cauldron. Doormaker. Contessa." I take another bite from the Newtonian Apple in my hand.

Lisa repeated what I said with a confused look on her face as a portal with Contessa coming out of it; then she looked at me in shock, and before she could do anything and the portal couldn't be closed in time.

I took action.

Gravity slams Contessa to the ground, and then I use Warping to pull Doormaker through his own portal and force it to close with Boundary Manipulation. Next, I use Life Zero to shut down her powers. I then use Odin's Lost Eye to manipulate reality through the Primordial Runes to extend the powers of Doormaker and Contessa. Finally, I use Alchemy to kill them so that their life experiences with their powers will be infused into their powers stored in a vial.

All of this happens in a single second, with the Contessa's and Doormaker's bodies even being used as part of the process for the effects of Alchemy. No evidence of their existence is left behind.

All in all, it's a success, as I have obtained the Path to Victory. Meanwhile, Doormaker's power to open and close portals between places he can sense, including between dimensions, is useless in my eyes. So I throw the vial containing Doormaker's power to Ghost, who sends it to someone in the Eldritch pantheon to be kept for sale. Something I know subconsciously, something I blame on the Heart of Eldritch.

I am pretty sure by now that almost 99% of my body has been transformed into an Eldritch entity. The 1% is something I have no idea about, except that I can say I wasn't 100% an Eldritch entity yet. As strange as that sounds.

"Good work, Lisa." I give her a gentle smile, but like before, she is shaking like a leaf and looking at me fearfully. "Anyway, that's it for tonight. You can choose which room you want to sleep in. I'll need your help in the morning."

I consider using Boundary Manipulation to calm Lisa down, but that might make things worse for Lisa. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's due to too many things happening at once that she's forgotten how I took away the pain of Ghost's body crashing into her face.

Not waiting for Lisa's answer, or the lack of will to respond at all, she is too petrified now.

I chose the cleanest of the three bedrooms. Foolish Mugger actually got a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

I enter the bedroom and stand where I am after closing the door behind me.

Huh, this feels strange and... empty. Wow, this bed looks incredibly lonely now that I realize I don't have the girls sleeping with me in the same bed.

Well, it's time to get used to sleeping alone again.

Throwing the vial containing the Path to Victory into my shadow for safekeeping.

I sigh, then lie down on the bed and slowly fall asleep.

I reopen my eyes as the sunlight hits my face, causing me to frown.

I sat up, feeling bewildered.

It didn't feel like I was fully asleep. Only that I could feel myself drifting off to the dreamland, but instead, I found it was already morning.

I scratch my head, then a burst of Zetsu and Boundary Manipulation to be at my peak condition, including my suit to be perfectly clean.

I left the bedroom, went into the living room, and made my way to the kitchen to see Lisa cooking breakfast.

I wasn't really being stealthy when Lisa let out a yelp and nearly burned herself cooking eggs if I hadn't protected her by using Boundary Manipulation to make it so any accident didn't happen.

"So what are you doing?" I look at Lisa with a raised eyebrow.

"I... I thought I'd make myself useful by cooking breakfast..." Lisa tries her best to look anywhere but in my direction.

"Alright." I look at the burnt eggs and sweat that Lisa might not know how to cook. "Actually, you just go sit down. I'll make breakfast." Yor was one thing, but no way was I going to eat barely cooked or not even edible eggs.

Lisa didn't even think twice before sitting down at the empty seat at the table. I threw the burnt eggs into a gap I had created that led to the heads of some unfortunate people.

"STOP IT, WHOEVER YOU ARE!" Someone shouted at the other end of the gap before it closed.

Lisa's eyes widened even more as I began to place several high-quality, fancy experience foods on the table. All through the gaps created to take said food from the universe of Food Wars. Best place to get food.

"Eat up. It's going to be a hard day." I said to Lisa, who didn't need to be told twice, as she started to eat everything.

Locking on to a specific person in Brockton Bay through En. I snap my fingers, creating another gap, but this one is larger than the previous one, and a woman's scream comes from the other side. Then I moved to grab the woman's waist before her momentum threw her out the window and set her down on the seat next to Lisa.

"Greetings, Sherrel Bailey, or if you prefer, by your cape's name: Squealer. Which I will decline." I give her a polite smile. Then I look at her carefully, especially at her outfit.

She is streaked with oil stains, wearing a white top and jean shorts. These clothes are so skimpy that she is more indecent than she would be if she had been naked.

I snap my fingers and, with the help of Boundary Manipulation, make Squealer's body the cleanest it has been in years—even her clothes, which might as well be thrown away. Then I hit her with Life Zero to temporarily deactivate her shard.

"Well, while I'm at it..." I snap my fingers again, creating another large gap as another woman screams from the other side as before. And just like with Squealer, I grab her by the waist and set her down on the seat on the other side of Lisa.

I pause for a moment, noticing something different from Squeal's arrival.

I did not expect to bring Amy while she was in the shower. Now, she is sitting at the dining table, completely wet and naked. I blame Lucky Pervert.

At least I didn't have my dick in her. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if the fact that it didn't happen was due to the fact that Amy isn't part of the Eldritch pantheon. However, having Amy naked here is still a problem that can easily be solved with a snap of the fingers. Literally.

Amy is now fully clothed and no longer wet with the help of Boundary Manipulation.

"Now, let's have breakfast while I explain everything, or at least everything I think any of you should know." I said to the three, and Lisa continued to eat. I wondered if she had ever had the chance to eat something fancy before or if she had bothered to use the money she had been paid to go to a fancy restaurant.

Then again, with the way Coil's method of 'hiring' Lisa. I wouldn't be surprised if Lisa hasn't left Brockton Bay since she set foot in this town. So, I guess I can see Lisa wanting to eat, with her power currently unavailable to her. She is just doing what she thinks is best for her right now.

I look at Squealer, or it should be Sherrel, now that her mind is no longer under the influence of various drugs over the years. She is subdued and seems to be out of it, not moving a muscle as she stares blankly into space. It's too bad for her; I can read her mind, and she is actually screaming inside with pure joy that she can do this so clearly now. On top of that, with several plans for Skidmark's death, with how he has ruined her life.

Oh, this is new, or at least new to me. I don't think it is shown in the story.

I look over at Amy, who is now panicking and thinking of many escape plans that could be used in the near future. She even thought about having Victoria look for her, which she hoped would come true as soon as it was known that she was missing.

"Caretaker, have you chosen who you are going to influence?" Ghost appear on top of my head, which I grab and throw it out the window.

"Alright, here is what we're going to today." I said to the three, giving each of them a gentle smile before blasting them, excluding Lisa, of Ren with heavy bloodlust to show that I meant business. "I don't care about all this Cape business going on. You three are going to help me do a couple of things. In the end, when everything is done. I will release everyone unharmed as long as the tasks are completed. Heck, I'll even throw in something beyond your wildest dreams."

I wait a few seconds before I stop using Ren, allowing Sherrel and Amy to breathe again.

"Well, I know I am technically breaking the unwritten rules. But I don't care, because I'm not going to go to the trouble of creating an alter ego to use as a Cape. You might think I'm arrogant, and any hero, even a villain, could kill me if I went too far." I give each girl a few seconds to process what I've said. "Would you like to see me kill someone where I am right now?"

I kept waiting and waiting, but they did not answer me.

"I think you scared them so much that they can't talk anymore." Lisa muttered as she took her time eating.

"That would explain why their minds are so quiet right now." I realize now that both Sherrel and Amy had been knocked unconscious by my bloodlust, even if only for a few seconds, and those seconds might as well have been years from their point of view.


"Well, when they wake up. You can easily tell them what's going on. I'll even unlock your power to help you do things." I said to Lisa, who looked at me, wondering if she really wanted her power back.


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