Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 7

It has been a few hours now, but plenty of time for Lisa to explain to Sherrel and Amy what's going on. Including the fact that escaping wouldn't do them much, nor should they expect anyone to be able to save them from my hands.

"99% that all of us will have a better life between now and after May 15th." Dinah said to everyone as her power gave her the answer to the question she had just been asked.

As long as no one includes me in the question. Dinah's power works fine as usual, but once she does, she just goes blank for a minute before responding to anything else around her. I'm pretty sure it's because my presence frightens Dinah's shard so much that it stops working.

"You know if I wasn't so afraid for my life. I want to tease Jin for kidnapping Dinah in the name of helping her." Lisa whispered to Sherrel and Amy; all three of them were sitting on the couch with Dinah, happily eating all kinds of fancy snacks that were also healthy for the body but still tasted good.

"From what we've seen so far. I honestly don't think we'll be found anytime soon as long as we stay in this house of his." Amy said in a defeated tone. She slumped down on the couch and stared blankly at everything and everyone.

"I'd rather not be found at all." Sherrel said quietly, now that she was wearing much cleaner clothes that didn't make her look like a dirty slut.

"The way you were before Jin cleaned you up, inside and outside. I wouldn't want to be found either, especially by The Merchants." Lisa agreed with Sherrel.

"So, Caretaker, are you sure that Dinah is your chosen target for the major task?" Ghost asks me, double-checking if I want Dinah to be the one I want to influence and help survive the incoming Endbringer next month.

"Yes, I'm sure." I replied, ignoring the looks I got from the others. "Anything else I need to know?"

"Other than telling you a random true fact? Nope." Ghost replied, then spun around in the air. "That said. Did you know that if the Boss didn't prevent the others from visiting you while you were doing the major task, the first one to show up would be Yor, and she would slaughter many people in this world for her amusement?"

Lisa, Sherrel, and Amy look at Ghost with pale faces.

Dinah continues to eat her fancy snack with a carefree face, blissfully ignoring everything around her unless someone asks her a question.

"Is it possible to get permission to let her or anyone else come visit me now, even though I'm in the process of doing the major task?" I ask Ghost, but more like asking Boss through Ghost.

"The Boss will allow one of the girls to come here, but that would reduce the reward of the major task in doing so. Do you still wish to go through this?" Ghost reported the Boss' response to my question.

"Never mind." I immediately refused to lower the reward, also known as higher status in the Eldritch pantheon. Only a fool would do that.

I pause.

Actually, I am a fool in more ways than one. Okay, only someone who doesn't even have a basic understanding of the Eldritch pantheon would think of bringing a girl here. I can see Yor and the others after I have completed the major task.

Ghost disappears in front of everyone. I look at the girls, then at the table, now empty of all the fancy snacks. I had planned to eat some myself while letting Dinah and the others eat some while they waited for me to finish with Ghost. Instead, it looks like Dinah was very hungry. I wonder if her parents fed her enough or if the fancy snacks were too delicious not to eat, which I can understand since they are from the world of Food Wars.

"All right, so any questions?" I ask everyone as I hand Dinah a bottle of milk to drink while she looks around for either more food or just something to drink to wash down the leftovers stuck in her mouth.

"Yeah, what exactly is the purpose of us being here?" Lisa asked, seeing that the other two were too scared and in shock to talk to me, leaving it to Lisa, who was somehow in a better state of mind compared to Sherrel and Amy, to speak up on their behalf.

"Right, I haven't gone into much detail about what kind of help you three could provide for me." I mutter to myself, but everyone hears me loud and clear, even Dinah, who looks at me blankly as she drinks her milk. "Lisa, mess with Coil as much as you want. There's a laptop over there you can use." I point to my right, where there is now a laptop on the dining room table. "Sherrel, I need you to make something for me after I give you the blueprint and the materials to make it. Amy, I'm just giving you time to take a break, which you need more than anyone else in this forsaken city. So just lie there and do nothing, watch TV if you want. But do not go out of the house to be used for free labor to heal people."

"Can I help?" Dinah asks as she puts her empty bottle on the table and stares at me with a milk mustache.

"Go help Lisa mainly, but if Sherrel needs your help, she can tell you herself." I said to Dinah, already seeing the signs that Dinah was willing to follow my orders, and she didn't even wait before wanting to do something to help me. "And before you ask, Lisa. I just need you to keep him busy long enough for me to do other things before I deal with him permanently." I thought about it some more, then decided to motivate Lisa a bit as well. "You can also contact your team and explain whatever you want to tell them. If money is needed, here it is." I handed Lisa a suitcase filled with hundred dollar bills. "Ask me if you need more."

Lisa looked at me speechlessly when she saw me easily taking out a suitcase filled with money through Boundary Manipulation.

"Come along now, Sherrel." I didn't even look in her direction as I headed to the basement.

Through En, I see Sherrel hurrying after me as I go down the stairs and turn on the light, revealing a massive basement that shouldn't be possible. All thanks to the use of Boundary Manipulation to expand the space of the basement, which was decently small before and is now big enough to build a ten-story building.

"Here you go, Sherrel." I reach into a gap and pull out a blueprint of what I want her to build for me, along with pouring massive but organized materials all over the place, including the right equipment to use for everything.

Sherrel accepts the blueprint, and then suddenly, her pants become extremely wet within seconds as she collapses to her knees. She trembles with overwhelming shock and pleasure.

The blueprint contains the designs to build the Strike Freedom Gundam.

Sure, there are more powerful Gundams out there, and even better in appearances. But I like the design, and I would rather not give it away to Sherrel or just sell it in the Eldritch pantheon. They don't need an overpowered Gundam; maybe they already have one, but the main thing is. I just want to pilot a damn Gundam that looks cool.

After that, who knows if I'll be willing to give it to Sherrel, because she could just make her own version, but that would be almost impossible since she doesn't have all the materials needed to make it, even with her shard guiding her to the best of her ability to make it.

As for the Eldritch pantheon, boy do I have many reasons not to give them the Gundam. First of all, they might end up destroying it instead of controlling it. Now that I think about it, I can't imagine that most of the Eldritch entities would be willing to use a Gundam.

"You can do whatever you want. Fuck me. Whip me. Anything, as long as you let me build this to the end!" Sherrel grabbed my ankle as she lay on the floor, looking up at me from below with wide, crazy eyes.

Well, it looks like Sherrel's shard had a huge overload, but at the same time, I'm not going to fuck Sherrel, no matter how clean she is now. Nor will I whip her, no doubt, once the girls in the Eldritch pantheon find out about this. I'll be in a world of pain, more than normal, and I don't have any desire to become a sadist or a masochist.

"Just make sure nothing goes wrong." I use Boundary Manipulation to get Sherrel to stop holding my ankle. "And don't add anything outside of what's on the blueprint." I say quickly before Sherrel's shard decides to experiment.

"Sure! No problem!" Sherrel replied, doing a small jump for joy as she rushed over the materials and equipment that came with it as she began to work on creating the world's first Gundam.

Something comes to mind, crazy voices. Without Lisa's message to Taylor today to join the Undersiders like in the canon timeline. Does that mean Taylor is technically going solo, or will she find a group to join at some point?

I should ask Dinah about this later. But first, I have to check on Amy before she snaps and creates something along the lines of an Eldritch theme. It would be a real irony if she did, and my action caused this. Even though I did, in fact, kidnap her and force her not to do her free labor of healing today. I honestly just want to help her out. Her mind goes into a deep shock and somehow goes through a second trigger.

Oh boy, I better go check now through En... Why is she trying to experiment on one of the flower pots in the living room?!

I didn't bother with the stairs and appeared through a gap right next to Amy, slapping her back and using Life Zero to temporarily shut down her power again.

Note to self: Do not give Amy back her power until she is mentally stable...ish.

"What was that for?" Amy rubbed her back in pain as she gave me a stern look before realizing who I was. She quickly backed away and looked at me with frightened eyes.

"Because I told you to relax, but you tried to use your power on my poor flower here." I said dully, causing Amy's face to redden with embarrassment at being caught. "Anyway, back to the couch and just watch TV."

"I... I wasn't..." Amy stutters as she walks over to the couch and weakly sits down with a sad face.

It's too bad I have seen Nyarla's sad face. Otherwise, I might have tried to cheer Amy up. Even Weiss has beat Amy in the sad face department.

I rub my chin; maybe I should just reverse the basic power of her shard from manipulating other people's bodies to manipulating her own body?

Honestly, what could go wrong?

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