Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 420 Han Cheng: Sir, times have changed! boom! !

The first opening of the sea in Ming Dynasty has officially begun!

It was still different from before when Wang Dayuan, Zheng He and others led the fleet to sea.

This time when the sea was opened, Zhu Yuanzhang had created enough momentum.

Officially issued an edict to inform the world.

It was clarified that the Ming Dynasty abolished the maritime ban and reestablished the Municipal Shipping Department.

These things had been spread by people before this, even though they were a long time ago.

Many people also know some news to a greater or lesser extent.

However, no official news has been conveyed.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang directly used the edict to confirm this matter and tell the world.

There is no more suspense.

Not only that, Zhu Yuanzhang also issued another imperial edict.

Immediately ask people to set up a municipal shipping department and announce that from now on, smuggling everywhere will be strictly prohibited!
Merchant ships going to sea everywhere must obey the management of the Municipal Shipping Department!
Those who violate the order will be severely punished!
Zhu Yuanzhang would do these things at this time.

Just to make things bigger.

This is not just the Ming Dynasty's warships that have been equipped with Hongwu cannons.

And the naval fleet preparing to go to sea has also completed its training.

Able to skillfully master those equipped with super powerful Hongwu cannons.

They can also skillfully use the new naval warfare techniques taught to them by Han Cheng.

They work well with each other.

At the same time, it is also preparation, using this method to build momentum.

He knew that the pirates, as well as the wealthy merchants and merchants from Jiangnan, were all working hard in this way.

I want to give Shibosi a ruthless blow.

In this case, Zhu Yuanzhang was going to fish for law enforcement.

Through this method, these people can better gather together and concentrate their efforts to fight against the fleet of the City Ship Division!
Those people were already greatly stimulated.

At this time, these people will definitely not be able to stand it after they do this again.

Even more vigorously, I want to slap myself in the face and fight against myself.

Destroy yourself as soon as you enter the sea.

It can be said that Zhu Yuanzhang took care of many things.

As for changing the name of the ship's artillery to Hongwu Cannon, it was also Zhu Yuanzhang who changed it.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang had no objection to the name Red Cannon.

But later, after listening to Han Cheng's story, I discovered that the red cannon evolved from the red Yi cannon.

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately felt that this name was unlucky.

In his Hongwu Dynasty, these cannons were made by Han Cheng, his son-in-law.

It has nothing to do with the red barbarians and white barbarians.

Naturally, we can no longer call it the Red Cannon. It would be better to change it to the Hongwu Cannon.

Moreover, this Hongwu cannon has made breakthrough progress and is almost as significant as a milestone in artillery.

It is of great significance to the Ming Dynasty.

It was during the Hongwu Dynasty that he was brought out by his good son-in-law!
That's called the Hongwu Cannon, and it couldn't be more appropriate.

After Zhu Yuanzhang did these things, the real situation was indeed what he thought.

In the form of an edict from the emperor, he announced the abolition of the maritime ban and the establishment of the Municipal Shipping Department. He also specifically stated that from now on, merchant ships would not be allowed to enter the sea privately, and all trade would have to go through the Municipal Shipping Department.

Anyone who participates in smuggling will be severely punished after such an order is issued.

As soon as the news came out, all the many wealthy gentry families in Jiangnan were blown away!

Originally, many people thought that Zhu Yuanzhang's thunder was louder than the raindrops.

Just talking about it, not really doing it.

Now, everyone who thinks this way is speechless.

Zhu Yuanzhang, he... is serious?

If he did this, wouldn't it cost someone his life? !

Over the years, they have long been accustomed to not being subject to the constraints of the court when doing trade at sea, let alone paying taxes to the court.

As a result, Zhu Yuanzhang now has such a big appetite.

Directly stipulate that no more smuggling is allowed!

How much money will they lose in the future?

Just thinking about it makes my heart full of discomfort.

After getting used to free trade, getting used to not paying taxes, smuggling, and making whatever they can, now they are asked to obey the constraints of the court and have to pay business taxes in the future.

Thinking about this kind of thing makes people uncomfortable!

At that moment, many people began to curse.

Of course, while they were scolding, many people had already passed the corresponding news to the pirates at sea through their own means.

It is necessary to let Chen Fang's two pirates concentrate their forces and destroy Zhu Yuanzhang's fleet at once.

Severely attack the arrogance of Zhu Yuanzhang, a dog thief.

Be sure to let them know that the sky is high and the earth is high, so that they will not dare to think like this again in the future!

Chen Fang's two pirates also sneered after hearing the news.

I just feel that Zhu Yuanzhang is extremely arrogant.

I really don’t know where Zhu Yuanzhang got the courage to issue such an order!

Originally, they had been waiting for so long, but they still didn't see any substantive action from Zhu Yuanzhang.

Quite disappointed, wondering if Zhu Yuanzhang has given up.

The previous ones were all about big thunder and small rain, just talk.

Not really doing that.

As a result, as soon as the news of the explosion came out, these people suddenly became excited.

While he was excited, he also felt that Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely arrogant.

I really don’t know what this bitch was thinking, that he dared to issue such an order so arrogantly!

I really don’t know how to write the word “death”!

Immediately, a series of orders were conveyed. They must concentrate their efforts and give Zhu Yuanzhang a hard blow!

Let him understand who has the final say on this sea!

Think about it, Zhu Yuanzhang was so reckless this time, he issued such a high-profile order, abolished the maritime ban, and set up a municipal shipping department to cause so many troubles.

As a result, as soon as the navy under his command got out of the sea, they were beaten to pieces. What was their reaction?

This feeling is quite good.

Thinking about this piece of shit like Zhu Yuanzhang, I will feel very comfortable!
Chen Sili, the leader of the Chen Bu pirates, and Fang Baichuan, the leader of the Fang Bu pirates, were so excited that they almost couldn't sleep!

As they made various arrangements, more news soon came through.

It is said that although Zhu Yuanzhang acquired a large number of naval warships, there were only four ships worth two thousand materials.

The rest are all ships with thousands of materials.

After getting the exact news and the answer, Chen Sili and Fang Baichuan all became more relieved.

I just felt that Zhu Yuanzhang was out of his mind, and he dared to go into the sea with only such a little strength.

And the tone was so high.

Isn't this just seeking death?
It seems that Zhu Yuanzhang, a thief, became more and more confident after becoming emperor, and became less and less ignorant of the world!

My thoughts are still on the previous battles in rivers and lakes.

I just feel that a warship like his is already invincible.

Little did he know that times have changed!
This can definitely be called a thrilling power configuration on an inland lake.

Once you reach the sea, nothing matters!
Here, not to mention ships with a thousand materials, there are only ships with two thousand materials, a total of twenty ships on one side.

Add up to forty ships!

In this naval battle, whoever has the bigger ship will be justified!
The gap between a ship with a thousand materials and a ship with two thousand materials is too huge to be bridged.

It only depends on human lives to fill it. I don’t know how many people will die to close this gap.

Besides, if they only have one, two, or two thousand ships more than the other party, they will have two thousand ships.

Zhu Yuanzhang's fleet may be able to take down his own side by relying on their best efforts.

But now, there are thirty-six more large ships on our side than them!

The total number is ten times as many as them!
Under such circumstances, any attempt by Zhu Yuanzhang and others to make a comeback would be nothing but nonsense!
Absolutely impossible!

Even though they had already received the news, they knew that the person driving the warship to sea this time and forming the Ming Navy fleet was the former Chaohu Navy.

A being who has always been known for daring to fight tough battles and fight tooth and nail.

Also unconcerned.

In the next battle, they will use practical actions to let the people on the Chaohu Navy side understand that they have the final say at sea!
The era of their Chaohu Navy should have ended long ago.

Not to mention, their large ships are also equipped with return guns.

The fighting ability is so strong!

Next is the time when the Ming Dynasty Navy was severely damaged by their side and completely annihilated!
The more I think about it, the more excited I become. The more I think about it, the more I feel that I have the advantage and I will definitely win!

They already have such a huge advantage, how could they lose?

It’s impossible!

Liao Anguo and Yu Tongjiang drove a warship down the river.

Entering the sea from the mouth of the Yangtze River, and then heading towards the depths of the sea.

Leaving the near sea and entering the far sea,

Turn around and head south.

This is the direction to Nanyang.

Nowadays, these sea traders and pirates are engaged in smuggling.

Generally there are two directions for main destinations.

One is the Japanese countries heading east, and the other is the Nanyang countries heading south.

Some further, even to the West...

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see, and the salty sea breeze blows in your face.

Take a breath and be filled with the smell of the sea.

Blue sky, white clouds, endless sea, seagulls flying with the sails...

There are many sights that make people feel relaxed and happy. Liao Anguo was also full of confidence and expectations for the next battle.

I just hope that the two pirates from Chen Fang will appear quickly.

Next, let them give them a good shock and blast them away!

In the words of Xingguo Hou Han's consort, that is: Sir, times have changed!
What brothers Wu Zhen and Wu Liang failed to do back then, let them, Chaohu Navy, do it!
Previously, if the superiors had directly sent their Chaohu navy to fight, they would definitely not have stretched their hips like brothers Wu Zhen and Wu Liang.

Chen Youding would not be allowed to let the remnants of Fang Guozhen escape to the sea, causing trouble for many years.

They will definitely be wiped out in one fell swoop!

However, it doesn't matter if we take action now, we can still destroy them!

Originally, Liao Anguo and the others were still a little frightened about this battle.

But now think about it, there are many powerful Hongwu cannons camouflaged on their ships.

Think again about the very practical tactics that Professor Xing Guohou gave to himself and others, which can be used in conjunction with Hongwu artillery to crush the current pirates.

That’s a lot of confidence!
They really wanted to see those arrogant and domineering pirates.

After being bombarded by them next, will you be stunned by this big surprise?

It can be said that this is a battle that both sides are looking forward to and both feel that their side can definitely win!

It is not easy for both sides of the battle to have such thoughts!

Three days later, after Liao Anguo and the others were far enough away from the land, the situation began to change.

Pirate boats began to appear in sight.

There were sailors climbing on the mast with telescopes, constantly reporting news about the enemy to Liao Anguo.

Not long after, many thieves' warships began to appear from a distance.

After a while, you can still see it even without a telescope.

Take a look at the ships coming from around and where they are going.

A smile appeared on Liao Anguo's face.

It seems that I don’t have to worry at all this time!
Originally, he was a little afraid that after arriving at sea, Chen Fang's two pirates would be slippery and refused to let them have a decisive battle.

If something like this happens, it will not be easy for them to complete the victory in one battle!

It's fine now, now he doesn't have to worry at all.

After all, it can be seen from the current actions of these pirates.

These pirates were afraid that they would run away.

Be prepared to surround them as soon as possible and fight them!
If things like this happened in the past, Liao Anguo and Yu Tongjiang would definitely be particularly worried about this.

But now they are not afraid at all, this is the result they want most!
There are many powerful Hongwu cannons on their side. If these people dare to surround them, they are seeking death!

Yu Tongjiang and Liao Anguo even wanted to stop the boat and wait for them to come and surround them.

However, in order to avoid those people becoming suspicious, they did not really stop.

Instead, he pretended to get rid of the pirates and avoid being surrounded.

While acting, he secretly cooperated with the pirates to surround them, and the siege became smoother...



On a huge battleship, Fang Baichuan couldn't help but let out a burst of hearty laughter.

Originally, he was particularly worried. It was not easy for them to surround Zhu Yuanzhang's navy.

They will slip away.

But now, he is not worried at all.

These people are really stupid!
After seeing them coming, they looked quite panicked.

I want to make some countermeasures and escape from the encirclement of myself and others.

However, the command level of their naval generals was obviously not online.

Moreover, not only the general's command level is not good, but the warships are also not good.

Although there were struggles, everything was in vain in the face of absolute strength.

Soon they were completely surrounded by taller ships and people who had been making a living at sea for a long time!
Now, this huge encirclement has been formed, and it is constantly compressing their activity space.

Next, these people will only die!
Although the battle has not yet started, it can already be declared that they have won!

This so-called Chaohu Navy is nothing more than that!
That is to say, they were not born early. If they had been born early, they would have been beaten to death if they met the Chaohu Navy!

Liao Yongzhong and others of the Chaohu Navy also did not encounter them at sea.

If they had encountered one, they would have solved it long ago!

Today, let everyone in the world know that the so-called Chaohu Navy has long been outdated!
Liao Anguo and Yu Tongjiang looked at the numerous pirates who were surrounding them.

Also getting more and more excited.

And also began to arrange the fleet according to the formation they had practiced before.

Prepare to let many pirates come over and give them a face-to-face output!
In their previous experiments, they had fully realized that the closer the enemy was, the more powerful the Hongwu Cannon would be.

It doesn't matter if the other party's ship is bigger than ours.

No matter how strong the ship is, facing the Hongwu cannon fired at close range, it will only be blown out of a big hole!


Chen Sili stood at the bow of the boat, holding a sword in his hand, his eyes looking a little red.

This sword was left behind by his father back then.

Thinking about his father's tragic ending back then, he felt extremely uncomfortable and gnashed his teeth in hatred!
Today, this is the hatred of the country and the family, avenged together!
"Get ready to fire back!
After getting close, use the returning cannon to blast Zhu Yuanzhang's fleet to death!
First use the return cannon to kill them half to death, and then seize their ship! "

After receiving Chen Sili's instructions, the people on the ship responded with a bang.

With great excitement and anticipation.

I want to see the scene where the Ming army panicked and was blown to pieces by them, and was buried at the bottom of the sea feeding the fish.

These are the soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty!
How much prestige has been achieved over the years!

Now he has to be brutally tortured by himself and others. Thinking about this kind of thing makes people feel extremely excited!
Their warships are tall enough, and their cannons have powerful attack power.

Once you get close, it will be a condescending and unilateral massacre!

The fleets on both sides are getting closer and closer!

Both sides are determined to kill each other!
Especially many of Chen Fang's two pirates were already laughing and cursing at this time.

With incomparable arrogance.

These navy masters of the Ming Dynasty are destined to be defeated.

Hui Hui Pao has already been prepared, and will soon go to the Ming Army to see their big killer weapon!
Soon, the distance between the two sides reached less than 500 meters.

Even without binoculars, people with good eyesight can see some faces of people on each other's boats.

After getting closer, the huge gap between the two-thousand-material sea-ship and the thousand-material sea-ship became even more obvious.

It can make people clearly perceive how small a thousand-material ship is in front of a two-thousand-material ship.

This huge gap can often make people feel desperate in naval battles.

They often fight naval battles, and they know very well how much damage this huge gap can bring to the opponent!
Many people are already ready to fire back.

There were also more pirates who couldn't help laughing at this time, which was particularly hearty.

The reason was simply because they discovered that under their siege, the Ming Dynasty's naval forces actually pointed their broadsides at the bow of their ship!
This is simply a stupid operation.

Many of them even felt that they would not need to use any offensive means such as the Huihui cannon in the future.

Just pull up the sail and use the impact force to rush forward.

With their strong bows and huge, crushing ships, in this case, it would just be a direct collision!
Most of the Ming Dynasty's ships were smaller than theirs, and if they dared to use their fragile sides to meet the enemy at this time, they would definitely be defeated in the next step!
The fragile ones will be broken by them like paper.

Countless Ming navy masters will fall into the water and die!

This battle cannot be won easily!

The Chaohu Navy is really stupid!

I don’t even know how naval battles are fought!

Zhu Yuanzhang was so confident that he actually sent such a navy to fight them!
I really don’t know where he got the courage!

However, not everyone thinks the Ming Navy is stupid.

Some people noticed something was wrong.

"Master, this...isn't there any fraud, right?
After these people appeared, they exposed too many fatal flaws.

After all, he is also a Chaohu naval force, having fought countless water battles before.

Although the water battles fought before were all fought on rivers and lakes, they were completely different from battles on the sea, and there were many differences.

But we still know some common sense issues.

For example, their ship, as long as they are not stupid people, as long as they have a little common sense.

Then you can't use the broadside to face us at this time. "

Someone looked at Fang Baichuan and asked, with some worry and confusion.

Fang Baichuan was also aware of this at this time.

I also feel that something is really not right about this time, and everything is full of weirdness.

But now that the time has come, what else can we do?
You can only fight!
And no matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out how these Ming navy masters in front of them could make a comeback when their side already had an absolute advantage.

He immediately said: "No matter what they are doing here, in my opinion, these dogs are just stupid and powerful!
The current Chaohu Navy is no longer the original Chaohu Navy!

Regardless of their plots, there is no way to make up for the huge gap between them and us on the warship!

Next, let them experience what despair means! "

After listening to Fang Baichuan's words, the pirate leader who looked a little worried thought about it and felt that it was right.

He also couldn't imagine what tricks the Ming Dynasty Navy could do under such circumstances.

Apart from being crushed by them, there is really no other outcome.

Immediately, I put aside all the doubts and worries in my mind.

Be prepared to lead the battle well in the future.

Perhaps these Ming navy masters are just that stupid!
"Show off!"


It was also at this time that Liao Anguo, who had been restrained for a long time, issued an order.

After this order, the cloth and other things covering the cannons were quickly pulled away.

A Hongwu cannon with a dark entrance was revealed!

Someone immediately took the fire stick and lit the fuse...

What's happening here? !

Fang Baichuan's eyes widened instantly! (End of chapter)

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