Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 421 The power of technology! Han Cheng spoils the story again!

What's happening here? !

Fang Baichuan was suddenly confused by the Ming army's operation.

There were so many cannons on the Ming army's warships? !

Not only him, but the other pirates were also shocked after seeing such a scene.

I was a little confused by this completely unexpected situation.

Who would have thought that the Ming Dynasty Navy, which they thought was extremely stupid before, would suddenly make such a move at this time.

Such a scene was completely beyond their understanding!

After all, in their understanding, artillery can be installed on the ship, but generally speaking, just two cannons on the bow and stern of the ship are enough to support the sky.

As a result, how many artillery pieces are installed on these Ming navy ships now?

What do they think?

They actually installed the cannon on the side string? !
While many people seemed confused, they were also a little frightened by the numerous artillery mounted on the ship and the black muzzles.

With so many artillery pieces, if they were to hit me with full firepower, how powerful would they be?

This is no joke!

While being surprised, Fang Baichuan and some of his people had already reacted.

Many things that were doubtful before suddenly became clear now.

I understand why the Ming Dynasty's navy looks so strange.

Not only before that, it was easy to fall into their encirclement.

Facing their siege, he was so stupid as to use his broadside to meet the enemy.

It turns out that Zhu Yuanzhang was also prepared and relied on!
And what he relied on was actually these artillery pieces!
To be honest, when I saw so many artillery guns appearing on the warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy.

They were indeed a little surprised in their hearts.

I never expected that the Ming army would produce so many artillery pieces at once!

However, these surprises were only short-lived.

Soon many people regained some composure.

They also know how powerful artillery is.

He is no stranger to artillery.

The ship on my side is particularly tall and thick.

At such a distance, even if it is hit by artillery, there will only be some damage at most.

The damage to the ship as a whole was not too great.

Besides, now, he and others are already so close to each other.

The other party just thought of starting to fire off artillery, but it was too late!
On my side, I can completely bear the bombardment and move towards them.

With such a short distance, the opponent only has two rounds of attack time at most.

It's enough to hit him here.

So Fang Baichuan immediately issued an order.

Let people move forward at full speed!
He wanted to use his warships to be tall enough to smash these Ming ships to pieces!

Originally, he didn't want to run away like this.

Because of such a collision, the ship on his side is not afraid.

But it will also cause some damage.

He also thought about using the return cannon first to give the navy of Ming Dynasty a good time.

When they are tortured until life is worse than death, then other methods are used.

Just like when a person encounters a dog, under normal circumstances, as long as the person doesn't get scared, it won't be a problem to beat the dog away.

But the key point is that for humans, even if they can easily kill a dog, as long as they are bitten by a dog, they will lose.

He had previously viewed the battle between his side and the Ming Navy with this mentality.

But at this time, I suddenly found that the dog that could have been dealt with unharmed suddenly became much stronger.

Under such circumstances, his thoughts naturally changed.

No longer thinking about remaining unscathed like before.

Be prepared to pay some price to get rid of the Daming Navy.

Not only Fang Baichuan, but Chen Sili on the other side also made the same choice as Fang Baichuan after being surprised and unexpected.

He also ordered people to move forward with full sail!
His thoughts were the same as Fang Baichuan's.

They all feel that under such circumstances, they have no other good choice.

We can only do our best to rely on the advantages of the ship's hull, pump up the sails, and crush it all the way!
Crush all these Ming Dynasty warships!

In this case, it would be possible to minimize the risk of being bombarded by the Ming Dynasty.

According to their estimation, it is only such a short distance from here to the Ming warship.

That is, at most two rounds of bombardment.

Even if their ship withstands three or five rounds of shelling, there won't be too many problems.

Not to mention just this round of shelling.

Although these navy masters of the Ming Dynasty used some despicable methods.

Through this method, I want to sneak attack on myself and others.

But overall, in the face of their absolute strength,
The Ming Navy is still vulnerable!
Looking at his own side, he saw the pirate ships advancing instead of retreating after displaying their cannons.

A ferocious smile appeared on Liao Anguo's face.

They now understand what these pirates are thinking.

To be precise, it is indeed normal for these pirates to have such a reaction.

Being able to respond like this immediately after seeing the artillery on his side.

It is enough to show that these pirates do have very strong abilities.

It can be considered as rich in experience.

But... they have no idea how powerful this brand new Hongwu cannon is!

Far beyond the reach of ordinary artillery.

Facing other ships equipped with so many ordinary artillery, it is normal for them to respond like this.

But now, facing myself and others, if this ship equipped with many Hongwu artillery dares to do this, then it is really seeking death!

And on my side, why did I put these pirates at such a close distance before preparing to fire on them?
Firstly, it is because the closer distance can better unleash the power of Hongwu artillery.

A good beating.

Secondly, they were afraid that if they fired from a long distance, they would turn around and flee after they saw the true power of the red artillery.

Now, if we put them at such a close distance and fight them again, after seeing how terrifying the Hongwu Cannon is, these people will not be able to turn back and leave!

Not to mention that these people are still rushing toward them with full sails.

Then it will be harder to turn around later.

It can be said that after arriving here, everything is developing according to their prior expectations.

It seems that they are somewhat passive, but in fact, all the war rhythms are following their side!

The fuse burned quickly, and puffs of smoke filled the air.

After a while, I just heard 'boom'! 'boom'! 'boom! '

A burst of earth-shaking roar suddenly sounded.

The thick muzzle spurted out tongues of fire.

A solid projectile the size of a watermelon exploded out with a powerful push!

Go straight towards the surrounding pirate ships in front and blast them away!

Four hundred artillery pieces fired at the same time, and they were all improved Hongwu cannons.

You can imagine how powerful it is!

It feels like thunder from the sky suddenly falls and the earth shakes!
It seems like there is a major repairman going through the thunder tribulation!
The reason why there will be four hundred artillery pieces instead of the previous three hundred.

It was because they were conducting training, getting familiar with battleships, and practicing tactics.

Over at the Arms Bureau, the firepower was fully activated. They worked overtime and produced another hundred artillery pieces.

In order to cast these artillery pieces, Zhu Yuanzhang almost emptied his entire family fortune.

This is also the reason for the current lethality. Not to mention how strong it is!

In the earth-shattering roar, the numerous projectiles roared out, carrying immense power.

The next moment, it slammed into the pirate warship ahead.

At such a close distance, even after being fired by ordinary artillery, the two thousand large ships of Chen Fang's two pirates were not that comfortable!
Not to mention, after this improvement, the Hongwu cannon is extremely powerful!




The cannonball carrying huge power hit the hull of the ship, and a big hole suddenly appeared!

Fang Baichuan, Chen Sili and other people were proud of it and thought it was an indestructible warship.

At this time, facing the super powerful Hongwu cannon, it was as brittle as paper!
As for the tall hull that they were proud of, it has now become a shortcoming to a certain extent.

That was the artillery fired against the thousands of ships of the Ming army that were far inferior to them.

Under the deliberate control of the Ming army, it hit the bottom of their warship directly.

This is the most terrible thing!
On the sea, holes were smashed into the warships, which was not the most terrifying thing.

The scariest thing is the hole that was made, which is near the bottom of the boat.
That’s really disturbing!

Because if the hole is too far down, it will easily cause a large amount of seawater to flow in through the hole!
This is simply disastrous for the warship and the people on the warship!

Fang Baichuan was originally full of confidence.

They have strong confidence in annihilating Zhu Yuanzhang's navy.

Don't think they will fail.

But now, after the first round of artillery salvo from Daming side.

His expression suddenly changed.

The battleship he sat on corresponded to Ming's warship with more than two thousand materials.

And under such circumstances, there were more than a dozen artillery pieces facing them.

Amid the earth-shattering noise, he could only see dozens of projectiles heading towards them in the smoke!

The next moment, the hull of the ship was shaking!
Along with the tremors, there was also the heartbreaking sound of the hull cracking!

There were also some huge projectiles that hit their deck.

There were several people who controlled the return artillery and were preparing to launch a counterattack against the Ming army soon.

He was directly hit by a cannonball, leaving him bloody and bloody!
A cloud of blood mist burst out!
Even the thick mast was hit by a cannonball and trembled violently, sending sawdust flying everywhere.

The mast has become a little skewed...

As the Ming army's artillery opened fire, what happened next was like a nightmare to Fang Baichuan!
He was completely stunned!
Projectiles, for them, are like hypnotic charms!
It’s really fatal!
Flesh and blood, if it sticks to it, it will die, if it rubs against it, it will die!

Fang Baichuan watched helplessly as the person next to him was hit by a whizzing projectile.

The man disappeared from his side in an instant.

He only had blood splattered on his face.

Turning around, he looked at the mess on the ship, and at the many panicked and trembling men.

I just feel like my mind is blank!
My whole body was shaking a little.

There was blood everywhere on the ship, many broken limbs were scattered, and many people were shouting in fear.

At this time, he could no longer recognize where the confidant and right-hand man standing beside him had been blasted.

Some are just filled with fear and intense disbelief.

Others are stupid!

This is...a cannon?
How powerful is the artillery? !

These people were no strangers to artillery.

There is a very clear understanding of the power of artillery.

I feel that in terms of effectiveness in naval battles, it is even far inferior to the return cannon they installed on the ship.

Otherwise, they would have added multiple artillery pieces to the warship.

Instead of making so many back-and-forth blows

But now, they were directly blinded by Zhu Yuanzhang's naval artillery! Not only did it open my eyes, it also opened my eyes wide. It was like the Qinglong Sword pulling your butt!

Are the Ming army's artillery so powerful?
Absolutely impossible!
This is fake!

After a round of artillery bombardment ended, the morale of both sides instantly experienced a shocking reversal!

They were still arrogant at first, thinking that their side could easily crush these pirates of the Ming Dynasty Navy.

Suddenly he became panicked.

There were even many people who, after being frightened, even thought of running away.

On the Ming army's side, there were bursts of cheers.

Seeing that these ships were far taller and more arrogant than theirs, the pirates were bombarded like this.

That's really exciting!

They cheered and loaded the cannonballs at a faster speed.

Prepare for a new round of attacks.

They have been well trained in these things, and each of them is well trained.

In addition, Han Cheng had also come up with some ways to quickly reload ammunition before.

Therefore, they can reload much faster at this time.

It only takes less than half the time to load an ordinary artillery gun, and it can be completed!

"Forward! Forward!

If you hesitate at this time, you will die!

As long as we hit it, we can smash their ship to pieces! "

Fang Baichuan saw that after being bombarded by the Ming army, the originally neat fleet became extremely chaotic.

Some even wanted to change direction and run away quickly.

He couldn't help but roared.

In his opinion, it was impossible to leave at this time!
Because they had already hoisted the full sail and were too close.

For such a big boat, once it starts running on the water, it wants to stop or turn around.

That all takes time and enough space.

Now this is clearly not enough.

It’s best to continue to fill the sails and charge forward regardless of the odds!
It also allows the Ming Army to continue to see how powerful they are!

But if they try to escape, it will definitely be a disaster for them!
Because the speed will be reduced as a result, the ship will inevitably have insufficient impact force.

It won't produce a very good collision effect...

And in the future, they will be used as a living target by the Ming army...

But obviously, it's useless for him to scream at this time.

Because at this time, many people’s ears were buzzing.

Dizzy, frightened,
Where can I think about anything else?
The Ming army only carried out one round of artillery fire, which panicked all the people on their side.

Even the corresponding command system was in chaos...

"Forward! Full speed forward!"

"Crash it over! Crash it over!

Their current round of cannons has been empty, and there is no chance of a second round in a short time! ! "

After seeing that the command in the distance was motionless, Fang Baichuan immediately roared and commanded the people on his ship.

Let them get up quickly, perform their duties, and rush forward quickly.

But the speed of the boat he sat on had slowed down compared to before.

Because the ship's hull was seriously damaged in this round of shelling.

The most critical thing is that the mast was hit!

In his roar, the damaged mast was quickly overwhelmed by the wind and broke with a click!

In this case, the speed is even slower.

This made Fang Baichuan's eyes turn red and he jumped anxiously, but there was no other way.

And among his angry shouts, there was soon another earth-shattering sound.

Amid the roars of countless artillery pieces, a terrifying scene that made the pirates' livers tremble reappeared!
Countless projectiles headed straight for them!

This time is different from before. Many of the pirates in the two films have experience.

None of them cared about sailing or doing anything else.

He quickly lay down on the deck, no longer daring to hold himself up like before.

Fang Baichuan and Chen Sili became even more frightened and angry at this time.

Even they were so frightened by this super firepower that their legs trembled.

At the same time, countless questions arose in my mind - where did the Ming army find so many powerful artillery pieces?
Not to mention its amazing power, it even reloads so fast!

The interval between two launches is extremely short!
How did they do that? !

No one would explain to them their doubts.

The only thing that responded to them was the earth-shattering roar when the Ming army's many artillery guns were fired.

This is the largest naval battle that has occurred since the Ming Dynasty.

However, the imagined scenes of various entanglements and fierce fighting between the two sides did not appear.

What emerged was a one-sided massacre.

Under the bombardment of so many red cannons that were far ahead of this era, the two pirates of Chen Fang, who had dominated the sea for many years, and their proud warships were vulnerable to a single blow.

I can only be passively beaten unilaterally...

The two pirates were not far from the Ming Navy.

But now, the distance that could be reached by boat in an instant in the past has become like a natural chasm.

Like a chasm of death!

Amidst the roar of artillery, more and more pirate warships were blasted.

A large amount of seawater quickly poured into the cabin along the breach.

The ship began to tilt and sink...

Even if closed warehouse technology is used, there are partitions below.

But it couldn't stand up to the Ming army's fierce firepower, which was bombing indiscriminately regardless of the cost...

After the hull tilted, their speed was seriously affected.

Their idea of ​​desperately trying to crush the Ming army's ships to a pulp was in vain.

At the same time, it also put them into an even more embarrassing situation.

Even if you want to leave, you can't!

This is a one-sided massacre!

The Hongwu cannon that appeared across time and space, after several months of continuous accumulation, finally began to show its true power.

Chen Fang's two pirates, who had been at sea for many years, were so frightened that they cried for their fathers and mothers.

The battleship where Fang Baichuan sat was continuously filling with water at this time.

The ship's hull tilted severely.

One end of the boat has sunk, and the other end is raised high.

By this time, his ship was completely unable to move forward.
Many people on board were also killed or injured.

Fang Baichuan's eyes turned red.

Looking at the Ming Dynasty warship so close at hand, he was full of unwillingness.

He tried his best but couldn't.

In the end, we could only quickly put down the boat and prepare to escape by boat.
Not long after, he was hit by a cannonball.

With one shot, the small boat Fang Baichuan sat on was blown to pieces.

Fang Baichuan also fell into the sea water, and soon there was no movement...

As for the leader of the Chen tribe, Chen Sili, who was holding the sword left behind by his father and vowed to avenge his country and his family.

After realizing that there was no escape, he jumped into the water with red eyes and a sword in his mouth.

He swam hard towards the Ming army's warship.

A futile charge was launched.

After approaching the Ming army warship, he was shot to death in the water by the Ming army with a blunderbuss!
When he was dying, his eyes were filled with deep reluctance.

He couldn't accept the result this time.

Victory should have been theirs!
They have obviously made a lot of preparations, can they easily destroy Ming Dynasty's navy?
But now...it happened that they were easily wiped out by the Ming Dynasty's navy...

Not only did he fail to avenge his father, he even died here...

After two or three hours passed, the sea returned to calm.

Bodies floating on the sea, broken planks all over the sea, and most of the ships that were sunk and partially exposed...

All show how fierce the battle that took place in this sea area was before this.

Liao Anguo, Yu Tongjiang and others stood on the deck and caressed the Hongwu cannon affectionately.

His expression was indescribably excited and full of pride!

Their Chaohu Navy is back!

The glory of the Chaohu Navy will not be lost!
Will be revitalized by them again!
I won’t lose to my father and brother!

"The Marquis of Xingguo is a man of God!"

Liao Anguo stood here, feeling agitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but say something.

After hearing what he said, the people following him nodded vigorously.

Expressing their agreement with this sentence.

Consort Han is indeed no ordinary person.

If it weren't for Han's consort, he would have created these things.

They really can't fight so beautifully, and they will definitely spend countless lives to do it!
Now they don’t have to use it anymore. Not only do they not have to use it anymore, it’s other people’s turn to use their lives to fill their place...

This style of using ferocious firepower to cover the enemy crazily is really exciting!
They knew that from now on, the way of naval warfare would be completely rewritten.

Ming Dynasty will become completely different!
"Let's go and get all the treasures hidden by these pirates!"

After standing here sighing for a while, Liao Anguo issued an order and said...


"Brother Wu, this... won't cause any accidents, right?

Chen Fang, two great commanders, don’t lose. "

Someone from Jiangnan came out to ask with some concern.

"Hahaha, you are too thoughtful.

How could they lose?

With only half of the troops, Zhu Yuanzhang's navy could be destroyed three times!
Not to mention that they are now attacking with all their strength! "

The person speaking seemed to have heard some funny joke...


"Han Cheng, tell us about Jiajing.

Damn it, we just realized it. After our mother arrived in Chongzhen time and space, we only focused on killing the Tatars and saving the nation.

He has been fighting the Tatars there and reshaping the Ming Dynasty.

But I forgot about it. I looked at some records at that time and looked at some of the future events of our Ming Dynasty..."

Yingtianfu City, inside Wuying Hall.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and said something like this.

When he said this, he was filled with depression.

After hearing his father-in-law say such words, he saw his face full of depression.

Han Cheng wanted to laugh a little.

After thinking for a moment, he started spoiling things again.

I have some expectations in my heart, wanting to see how my father-in-law will react after knowing what Jiajing has done... (End of Chapter)

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